Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Shane Ray

New member
Aug 27, 2012
Hey guys first post here!

The game I'm looking for is either snes or nes. It's a side scroller / platform if I recall correctly. Your the hero of the game and you have a pet dog with you that runs around killing baddies. You get power ups I think. Def 2d the first boss is a guy with his gargoyle. Sorry for lack of info hope anyone can help!


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Dec 24, 2007
Batou667 said:
draike13 said:
Ok, so here goes. This game is pretty old(late 90's i think). It was for the PC. You start the game and you build a bot(kinda like a BeyBlade or something like that). You earn money to purchase new weapons and shells and armor for it, stuff like that. You build it to compete in arenas to earn more money and build more...
and thats all i can really remember about it.

If ANYONE can think of anything helpful about it, that would be awesome. been trying to come up with this one for a while.
Was it a Robot Wars game?
Medabots maybe?


New member
Aug 25, 2012
cloroxbb said:
iariel said:
There are two games I remember playing in the late 90's or early 00's.. The memories are quite vague, hope someone can extract something from my description!

2: A 3D game I played on a 95 or 98 operating system, with relatively good graphics. I think you played as a frog (there was definitely frogs involved). All I can remember is a river in a forest or something, and you had to jump across on lilypads, floating logs ect.. Also, spinning gears come to mind..

Any idea??
Frogger. The updated version that came out in 1998 I believe.
Sorry, I don't think that's the one. I have already looked up several of the Frogger games, but none of them seems to be the one I'm looking for. The perspective was different, more like a third-person view, everything looked "bigger". It's either a very similar game, or just that my perception of it has changed...


New member
Oct 6, 2009
You're never going to get these because they were shareware titles for mac from years and years ago. I've tried googling them already, so unless you don't know, you won't be able to find them. The first was a point and click adventure game. It was really creepy and everyone had ugly corpse faces (it was not Grim Fandango, it was just badly rendered static early 3D). You'd walk around a mostly abandoned train station. Eventually you find old timey binoculars, which go into a foam case with outlines for all the stuff you were going to collect in the game. Then if you managed to get on the train and talk to the creepy conductor, the demo ended. I barely remember it.

The other was a simulation where you designed and mass produced PCs... made up to look like old macintoshs. After you set up your feature set, parts, and costs, the systems would be spit out in a row with one of them breaking every few machines. I could never get good at it, but I think I just didn't know how to play it properly.

Kalista Phoenix

New member
Aug 27, 2012
Okay, so I was directed here for a game I've been trying to find since like... 1996, or so.

It's a game I saw in a game magazine back in the days where "Super Walmart" was the thing.

What I remember of the game, it had a Japanese title, so I can't even pronounce it.
What I remember of the screenshots I recall a top down look, I remember a mushroom area, looked like zelda style, but my memory could be fooling me by this point.

I also remember the concept art showed the characters. All had animal ears and tails, but otherwise looked human.
2 foxes (male and female) a bear child, bunny girl, and... maybe a few others. Again, my memory could be fooling me.

It's been a game I've tried looking for countless times, and still cannot find to this day... if it even exists.


New member
Aug 27, 2012
K so I've been trying to find this for years and I found this thread and I doubt it'll help but here goes.

It's an old game for windows 95 or 98 or something. It worked without a disk and it came on a used computer so it might have been downloaded from the internet, but we didn't have internet. It was a Christmas themed platformer and you played as a snowman and shot snowballs at enemies. The first level was random snowiness with snowman bad guys. Another level was inside a pyramid or something and there was a yellow snowman I don't think you could kill. Another level was in a city at night and you'd ride elevators to the tops of buildings. Another level was on a jungle island. halp


New member
Aug 27, 2012
I've been trying too to find 2 games for years... :(

It was an old game from the 90s i think to moving mirrors to adjust a laser beam.. I do remember that it involved adjusting the position of mirrors to alter a laser beams path, and if you stood in the way of the laser, it killed you.

Also it was kind of like a maze style game I think, where the level was closed and you had to get the laser from point A to point B.


New member
Aug 23, 2012
Owyn_Merrilin said:
Phantom said:
Sorry, unfortuately it is neither of those games. Can anyone else think of other games that it could be?
I would really like to find this game.
There's one other car combat game I know of, which is Interstate '76. If it's not that one, it's going to be something incredibly obscure.
Sorry its not that one ether. I guess i'll have to give up on finding this game.
Thanks for your help though.


New member
May 22, 2010
Phantom said:
Owyn_Merrilin said:
Phantom said:
Sorry, unfortuately it is neither of those games. Can anyone else think of other games that it could be?
I would really like to find this game.
There's one other car combat game I know of, which is Interstate '76. If it's not that one, it's going to be something incredibly obscure.
Sorry its not that one ether. I guess i'll have to give up on finding this game.
Thanks for your help though.
Welcome for the help, and sorry I didn't have the right answer. Before you give up, though, there's a <link=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicular_combat_game>list on Wikipedia. The genre is a /lot/ bigger than I thought, and who knows; maybe one of the names will jog your memory.


New member
Aug 27, 2012
i am looking for a game i played a long time ago. I am pretty sure it is a pc game. I swear the character looked similiar to tarzan lol and there was a large mailbox and a catapult. You were in a small village i think and you waited for mail from someone. That is all i remember it was so long ago that I played it.


New member
Jul 8, 2012
DanteLives said:
kjdfskjasjk said:
Hey guys, I've been looking for a game for a few years now to no avail.

It was on an older console, probably Sega Genesis.

You had to save your sister, I believe was the story line.
The first level consists of you navigating on a pirate ship, ending with a battle against the boss, a pirate captain.

The second level was an underwater level. My memory is a bit hazy at this point, I don't think I got too far after this point as I was young.

I believe the main character was an animal-human thing.

It was a 2D Platformer of sorts.
The animal-human protagonist seems to possibly be from Altered Beast.
Nah, it isn't that. My bad on describing the character, I'm thinking closer to a Sonic-esque character. Animal that behaves like a human, I suppose. I really hope someone can find this game, I loved it so much as a kid.


New member
Aug 28, 2012
Hi I'm looking for a game I think was in the (late?) 90's.. but not sure. I'll try to describe as much as I can. It's sort of an educational game. Starts with a 'monkey' kid, in a classroom. They get a pop quiz on ancient greece, and he gets sucked into the chalkboard and ends up in ancient greece. He has to solve all kinds of puzzles about the ancient gods and other stuff. At the end he goes back to class and does his pop quiz. Any ideas?
May 6, 2012
ok I just remembered another one, I believe it was on ps2 or ps1, you played as a squad of soldiers, or special ops people and you took turns moving each one around in an isometric. I can only remember the first level, which was sort of like a neighborhood, and you needed to climb up a telegraph pole and crawl along a wire, and a dock level at night to sabotage submarines or something. It was stealthy and I think took place during WW2. Any help?
May 6, 2012
fractured_sanity said:
Wolfgangs Spawn said:
I remember a game on ps1 where you played a construction/real estate manager, or something along those lines, and you had to control the city. Stuff happened like hippies moving into your building lowering the value, and I'd always end up dying because the mob killed me
Sounds a bit like Constructor.
yeah thats definately it. Thanks


New member
Aug 28, 2012
If there's anyone that can remember this one I'll love them forever.

It was back in the early 90's but could've been a late 80's game, for either the SNES or Genesis. It was a side scrolling beat em up game, that could've been played on either one or two player. You were one of two detailed but block shaped dudes with blonde hair. One was wearing red and the other blue, I think. You could go into stores and buy books and things.

I was too young to remember the title. I know it wasn't a double dragon game though, but I've been trying to figure out this game for years lmao.


New member
Jun 15, 2011
Wolfgangs Spawn said:
ok I just remembered another one, I believe it was on ps2 or ps1, you played as a squad of soldiers, or special ops people and you took turns moving each one around in an isometric. I can only remember the first level, which was sort of like a neighborhood, and you needed to climb up a telegraph pole and crawl along a wire, and a dock level at night to sabotage submarines or something. It was stealthy and I think took place during WW2. Any help?
Sounds a bit like the Commandos series. Primarily on PC but they did do a PS2/XBox release of Commandos 2. That was isometric, and you controlled your special ops team one by one.
There is also a few sabotage missions. If this is it, and you liked it, consider playing Commandos 1 on the PC too!


Walter Lucas

New member
Aug 12, 2012
dpr1012 said:
Walter Lucas said:
Yay, another hero in my eyes, lol, now I just need to find out if anyones selling those, lol

ok so another one for you guys, just count me as a regular on this topic, lol, anyway, it was another fighting game, but the people could turn into animals, like this one woman turned into a bat and I think there was a wolf guy, so any help would be appreciated, ^_^
No sorry, that's not it, but that is a game I have played and loved, thanks for the flashback, ^_^

cloroxbb said:
Walter Lucas said:
Yay, another hero in my eyes, lol, now I just need to find out if anyones selling those, lol

ok so another one for you guys, just count me as a regular on this topic, lol, anyway, it was another fighting game, but the people could turn into animals, like this one woman turned into a bat and I think there was a wolf guy, so any help would be appreciated, ^_^
Bloody Roar?
Yes, that's it, almost didn't recognize it when I looked it up, but that would be the game I was looking for, thanks man, ^_^

Mitsuri Craciunescu

New member
Aug 24, 2012
cloroxbb said:
Mitsuri Craciunescu said:
Hi there!

So... there are 2 games that I remember playing as a kid. Both of them are PCs games, I was playing them on Windows '98.

1. There was this guy, kind of Rambo looking, that had to kill aliens and save people. I know that in the beginnig of the game he was standing near a crashed airplane and on the first level you had to guide him on different buildings. There are two other levels that I remember: one with a lot of trees, and you had to jump from one to another, and the other with lots of elevators. The game was 2d / 2d looking.

2. The second one... You had to unlock pictures. Like... the picture was covered and you had to "crop" them to see the image underneath. There were also "things" that got in your way, I think they looked like worms and spiders or something. As long as you were on the margins of the image, you were safe, but when you tried to cut the image they would come after you. Also, I remember the pictures were with sexy cartoon girls or something.

You are probably thinking of some sort of Qix style game, where whatever square you completed, would show that part of the picture. The only one I can think of is Miss Nude '98 or something like that. You would uncover some to get a nude pic, but if you took too long the pic would change to some demon looking stuff... haha

Yeah, it was that kind of game but i'm not sure if it's this one... Thank you anyway, at least now I know what i'm searching for :)