Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Jul 31, 2012
wabbbit said:
Wolfgangs Spawn said:
ok I just remembered another one, I believe it was on ps2 or ps1, you played as a squad of soldiers, or special ops people and you took turns moving each one around in an isometric. I can only remember the first level, which was sort of like a neighborhood, and you needed to climb up a telegraph pole and crawl along a wire, and a dock level at night to sabotage submarines or something. It was stealthy and I think took place during WW2. Any help?
Sounds a bit like the Commandos series. Primarily on PC but they did do a PS2/XBox release of Commandos 2. That was isometric, and you controlled your special ops team one by one.
There is also a few sabotage missions. If this is it, and you liked it, consider playing Commandos 1 on the PC too!

An amendment, if this game is what you're looking for:


New member
Aug 26, 2012
cloroxbb said:
jkwik said:
I can't remember an old PS1 game, all I can remember is that it's a one or two player FPS, that plays like area 51 and is centered around two characters who operates some mechs like gundams. If I remember it starts off with a fight on the streets and you progress to a boss. Some levels I remember is you fighting in a airport then going outside the airport to fight a boss that is a bigger mech spider thing. Another level is you fighting through a building and chasing another gundam looking mech. I do remember the ending is after you beat the last boss who kind of looks like Malak form Knights of the old republic you have to escape from a building that is self destructing and after you do, the two characters are shown in the hospital together with a lady who sometimes gives you info on your missions and during the missions she would appear on the top corner of the screen. The game also had some cut-scenes like the ending. Any Help is appreciated.
Armored Core?
No its not armored core cause the characters you can play as have specific names and you cant upgrade your mechs. Also the game style plays like an arcade shooter.

Katie Robinson

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Hello all,

I have been looking for this game FOREVER and can't remember any complex details about the game play. It was a children's pc game, probably from 95 or around then. The game was a cartoon from what I remember. I think the title may have had the word "playhouse" in it (search results turn up Maisy's playhouse but that isn't it). There were two mice, a boy and a girl, I feel like when you entered the game they would sing a song along the lines of "Let's go play in the playhouse, we're gonna have some fun"..I feel like the girl mouse's name was Ginger. I remember there being a game where you would adjust the hands of a clock and it would show what you would do at that time of the day. Another was a white game board and you would like toss dice and move however many spaces the dice implied. There were a couple of different little games like this you could play but none I can solidly remember. I have a feeling the jewel case was yellow and maybe red with the two mice on it. Help would be SO GREATLY Appreciated!


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Mar 16, 2010
jonjst said:
A remember a game were there was three parts of the game were you had to play different characters. The first part you played as some sort of astronaut in a group with two others, the second part you played as a woman with magic powers and the third you played as a giant monster. It had comedy but mostly for the first part and it was usually banter between the group of astronauts. A remember a specific character called Timmy I think and he was killed by a strange creature which I think was called a ripper. I think the ripper was a creature that burrowed out of the ground. It had base bulding elements in it and you could also purchase things from a shop as one of the astronuats.
That's Giants:Citizen Kabuto

Think GOG have it.....


Teemu Meuronen

New member
Aug 28, 2012
I'm looking for an old game I played back in the late 90s. Its an Robot RTS game for the PC.

It features assembling your own robot, and salvage arm parts like rockets, swords and lasers dropped by enemies to upgrade your own robot(s)

Also the key feature of the game was you can play in the sky, on the ground, and underground.

And I do not think it's any of the Total Annihilation games.


New member
Aug 28, 2012
I remember playing a game in the late 90s on the Playstation and it was such a great game.

It was a shooter. At the start of the game you picked one of four playable characters from what was either their police badge or passport, but I'm guessing it was more like a police badge because they were either officers or detectives or something. There were two guys (one was older and had grey hair) and two girls (if I remember right, one had brown hair, the other had blonde).

I can't remember whether it was side-scrolling or 3D, but I have a feeling it was side-scrolling, as if the camera was in the corner of the room.

You had to move through the rooms of a building, and kill the guys inside. Some had dogs you had to kill too, I definitely remember that because that's why my mum took the game off us haha

It was also a mulitplayer, and I think it could've been 4 player but i'm not certain. You could also combine powers to do a special move sometimes (kind of like it is in Gauntlet.

I'm pretty sure you played through levels, and also i think there were cut scenes at the end of the levels. I have a memory of a ship, and a daughter you had to rescue and return to a blonde woman, but I was really young so I might be confusing it with another game. I also think it was in Japanese but that will probably have been because my Dad used to get some dodgy games for us because our playstation was chipped...

The graphics weren't that great I don't think; they were better than sprites but it wasn't quite Time Crisis either. It's possible that it wasn't released on Playstation and was just an emulator or port or whatever it's called.

and that's pretty much all i can remember, although the I was probably around 4 or 5 at the time so some of the details might be wrong


New member
Aug 29, 2012
There was this series of old games, I can't remember what console it was on. What I remember is that there was 3 different games with the same characters, a racing game, an rpg sort of game and a fighter. The characters were these tiny people with kimonos on. The kimonos were blue, white, red and green if I remember correctly, each representing a different group. That's all I can remember.

Any help would be appreciated.
May 6, 2012
wabbbit said:
Wolfgangs Spawn said:
ok I just remembered another one, I believe it was on ps2 or ps1, you played as a squad of soldiers, or special ops people and you took turns moving each one around in an isometric. I can only remember the first level, which was sort of like a neighborhood, and you needed to climb up a telegraph pole and crawl along a wire, and a dock level at night to sabotage submarines or something. It was stealthy and I think took place during WW2. Any help?
Sounds a bit like the Commandos series. Primarily on PC but they did do a PS2/XBox release of Commandos 2. That was isometric, and you controlled your special ops team one by one.
There is also a few sabotage missions. If this is it, and you liked it, consider playing Commandos 1 on the PC too!

Yeah thats it, thanks plenty


New member
Mar 8, 2010
Teemu Meuronen said:
I'm looking for an old game I played back in the late 90s. Its an Robot RTS game for the PC.

It features assembling your own robot, and salvage arm parts like rockets, swords and lasers dropped by enemies to upgrade your own robot(s)

Also the key feature of the game was you can play in the sky, on the ground, and underground.

And I do not think it's any of the Total Annihilation games.
metal fatige its the name of the game (great game, nothing has come close to that awesome game)


New member
Aug 29, 2012

Wound up here after some searches... maybe someone remembers this game?

It was a sidescroller, very colourful and somewhat cartoony (I'd say it had an optimistic, sunny feel about it). You were a squirrel (I think) and at the beginning you're asleep in a tree. You had levels in the jungle, then in the city - I think you were captured and had to escape, along with a fox? I mostly remember a level where you (and the fox, which was possibly controlled by another player but I'm not sure) were on a skateboard in the city, and had to dodge manholes and jump over trash.

I was pretty convinced that the game's name was Hugo, but it's definitely not that horned ugly thing that shows up in searches.


Random Encounter

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Feb 17, 2011
This isn't actually and old game but here I go.

The game was a fan-made Mario game where the different stages were based off other video game franchises. I remember one specifically based around the Doom series which had been converted to a side scrolling platform levels with also featured enemies from the game.

I only remember seeing a trailer for the game so i'm not entirely sure if the final product was ever released.


New member
Aug 30, 2012
All I remember....you are a kid that I think is really small. Maybe he was shrunk by a wizard or evil person. And you venture through levels and utilize different types of animals by either riding or wearing for example...a bee suit. I can't remember this for the life of me. I believe it was on SNES


New member
Aug 30, 2012
Hi everyone!
I played once upon a time (10y ago?) a great 2D/3D PC/windows RACING game ... bird perspective, very similar to "Drift Mania" (Nintendo)
I suppose it had a split screen mode for two players (but not sure any more after days of researches...). It had some sort of small drag cars, but I think there were also jeeps and other type of vehicles, any way, what I remember there was a funny blue devil jumping from the right/bottom corner every time a player used the nitro he pick-up from the track - screaming something like "Yahoooohaaaaaa!!!"
- Picking a random nitro icon from the track the game was also screaming something like :
"10 cycles", or also "15 cycles!"... (sorry for my bad english)!!

Any help would be greatly appreciated! THX!


New member
Aug 30, 2012
please help me remember this game I played 10 years ago. It was a RTS similar to C&C but the difference is the armies are robots. The game was in 2d and I believe it was released before 2001. I remember that there were red and purple armies (there are probably more colors not sure what they were). I looked the whole Internet and couldn't seem to find it. (not dark reign)


New member
Aug 31, 2012
There is a game I played for pc in the 90's (Can't remember when, I was young). It had America in the title, I thought. The main character was a short fat white guy with a beanie/propeller hat. His health were twinkies, he traveled around the U.S collecting up his friends or something to play a show (like a performance)

When one of the states he traveled to was beat (the level) It would turn in to a driving game. In the driving portion you had to avoid oil spills, cows, trucks, chickens, and other stuff I can't remember. His weapon was a slingshot.

It was a platform game. Some of the levels I remember: Mt Rushmore, Alcatraz, Oklahoma, The Alamo

Just some little things I remember about the game if it helps. When you stopped moving the character for a minute, he would pick his nose, grunt. When he died, his soul would rise out and yell at you or insult you.


New member
Aug 31, 2012
Okay, I used to play a demo version of this game, I think it was either DOS or Windows 95. Anyway, you are a guy in Hell (Death maybe?), and in order to save yourself, you have to move skulls around to free or collect souls. I believe it was a French game. I remember that the cd I bought had many demo games on it, one of which was JackPot Fruit Machine, or something similar, if that helps jog anyone's memory. I can't remember what else was on the cd. I've Yahooed my Bing until all my Googly bits were sore, and I just can't find it. Any help is mucho appreciado (I'm sure that must be legit Spanish, but if it ain't, que sera sera, or whatever French el phraso applies).

P.S. It's now a couple weeks later, and still nothing? Dang, I must pick the most obscure bargain bin stuff to forget the names of.


New member
Aug 31, 2012
Please help me guys, this is driving me crazy. There was this game for macintosh, a board game with dice, and a mouse/rat, and a robot. That's all I got. Any clues?

Also! A game, a computer game where you can travel to all kinds of different countries using a passport and click on little informative icons on the geographical landscape.

Fuck! This shit is killing me!