I remember playing a game in the late 90s on the Playstation and it was such a great game.
It was a shooter. At the start of the game you picked one of four playable characters from what was either their police badge or passport, but I'm guessing it was more like a police badge because they were either officers or detectives or something. There were two guys (one was older and had grey hair) and two girls (if I remember right, one had brown hair, the other had blonde).
I can't remember whether it was side-scrolling or 3D, but I have a feeling it was side-scrolling, as if the camera was in the corner of the room.
You had to move through the rooms of a building, and kill the guys inside. Some had dogs you had to kill too, I definitely remember that because that's why my mum took the game off us haha
It was also a mulitplayer, and I think it could've been 4 player but i'm not certain. You could also combine powers to do a special move sometimes (kind of like it is in Gauntlet.
I'm pretty sure you played through levels, and also i think there were cut scenes at the end of the levels. I have a memory of a ship, and a daughter you had to rescue and return to a blonde woman, but I was really young so I might be confusing it with another game. I also think it was in Japanese but that will probably have been because my Dad used to get some dodgy games for us because our playstation was chipped...
The graphics weren't that great I don't think; they were better than sprites but it wasn't quite Time Crisis either. It's possible that it wasn't released on Playstation and was just an emulator or port or whatever it's called.
and that's pretty much all i can remember, although the I was probably around 4 or 5 at the time so some of the details might be wrong