Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Mar 5, 2018
I remember this one old game I used to play all the time, and it was in a tribal like setting, and you played as a black monster and protected something (i cant remember what it was) from these tribal men who had spears and you had to get points to level up to the next monster, no it isn't monster evolution with the graphics, but it didn't have guns.


New member
Feb 8, 2017
okay i have been trying to ask about this for very long it just jumped back into my mind
now here
2 games 1 on PC and 1 on console

PC game where you play as a yellow submarine you shoot stuff and fishes your enemies are the sharks and the octopus, if you die the young submarine pilot comes out in some terrified arts showing the fishes killing him somehow.
it's a very old game thanks god i just recalled it, and i have no idea what it's called

the other game on console is about you playing as the imaginary friend of some young girl with family problems, you play as a lady in black you help the girl solve puzzles collect stuff, and you discover that her parents are having some problems with some people.
you never see anyone because they are only shown as shadows.

does anyone know the names of these both games?


New member
Jul 10, 2013

This is a long shot after sifting through the list of PS1 games available.
There was this Japanese Playstation game that was multiplayer and had a bunch of mini games to play. I've already look at the Bishi Bashi Series and the Incredible Crisis game as well, but none was the one I was looking for, albeit they are still fun to play.
What I remember from the game is for one of the mini games, you play as a panda or some animal, and using the analog stick or going in a circle on the D-pad, you control their arms to do a "high-five" like gesture; the goal of the mini game was to do as many of those within the time limit.
Another game was stopping the clock as close to the time that was displayed.
From my recollection, the artwork isn't as cartoony as BishiBashi; but it was similar in a way that it didn't have a storyline per se.

Thank you~

Edit: Found the game! It's called Shinri 2 - it is a psychological quiz game that had mini games as well


New member
Mar 5, 2018
shadowbobber said:
Hannelore Massart said:
I played this game but I can't remember the name.
It was trippy/psychedelic-like. The only things I rememerber that it was in a kids playroom and you were the kid/baby. The environment was oversized and you were the kid (first person), solving puzzles. One puzzle was with a carousel and some creepy teddybear who was following you. I coudn't play the game for long cause it maked me nauseous. But I want to play it again now. I think it was slightly horror.
Among the sleep perhaps?
No that's not the one. You were trapped as a kid in the playroom and colors were more trippy, not realistic. But thanks anyway!


New member
Mar 5, 2018
Hello World,

I'm hoping you nice people will be able to help me find this game, but I doubt it since I really don't remember much about it.
One thing I'm certain of is that it was an old game, maybe even a dos game(or maybe not, I do think I played it under windows but maybe it's just that it was in the old days when you could still run dos games in windows by simply double clicking their exe).
The perspective was top-down similar to Dark Sun Shattered Lands, but don't quote me on that, but I think you could see the entire map in the game window, not just immediate surroundings like in Dark Sun. I remember playing this desert map, where you controlled this character and I was going around(I think every move you took was a turn, so not actually running around, but this might just be my memory playing tricks on me...) killing golems and gargoyles or trying to, the game was quite hard from what I remember(or maybe I just sucked at it). There where no base building elements I don't think, or maybe I just never got to them....

Anyway basically old game, top down view on a desert map going around killing gargoyles/golems, any ideas, please?

Thank you.


New member
Mar 5, 2018
Hey, so, there is this game I used to play as a child but I can't find it. It came on a CD with a yellow and black nuclear sign from some kind of computer-related magazine I think. Some things I can still remember:

-Name was something like war strike, or world war.
-It definitely wasn't a DOS game, it ran under a Windows 98.
-You were looking at a battlefield from an isometric view.
-Player was blue, computer (enemy) was green.
-It was a strategic game where you had to destroy enemy base, or palace. Both players had UAV, which had multiple purposes. You could conquer new factories or destroy enemy vehicles with it.
-Level of tanks that were produced by factories depended on the level of the factories, I think the highest level was 3 or 4. There were also those mechanical two-legged robots with guns, similar to AT-ST from Star Wars.

Thanks in advance for any clues or tips.


New member
Mar 4, 2018
3vangel said:
Hello! I hope someone can help, I?ve looked thru old posts but no one seems to be trying to find the same game. It was an old point and click pc game that came on a CD-rom, between the years of 1995-2000 is my best guess. The game itself is hard to explain into key words, more so parts of the game are what me and my brother can recall.

You play as a young boy moving thru a big house/mansion, collecting items, helping your weird family by doing weird activities all for the purpose of serving everyone a supper in the end. Everything was also pretty colourful and cartoonish.

A few activities we remember.
One involved seperating a pizza accordingly amongst certain members of the family. Self explanatory, but to win you had to make sure every one had a decent ?cut? of pizza based on clues. I also remember it including the angles themselves, possibly for harder difficulties?

Another involved you playing an odd navigation game in your bathtub, with you being on a rubber floatation device? It was on a grid like setting, involving one move at a time or something similar. Again at higher difficulties, was based on directions on a compass.

One that we partially remember but can?t remember to the reason why you would, is a game based in a fridge with a cow asking you to convert measurements of milk between cups/liters/quarts/gallons. I can somewhat remember it being used in a recipe, to make a cake? For the supper?

We can also somewhat remember the last of the game being as followed: All your family that you?ve helped are sitting around a dinner table, you have to pick placements/food, according to what they want based on clues provided?

I really hope we could provide enough information, and we?ve ran out of ideas on how to search for all the criteria. I?m really hoping someone could help us uncover this years long search.
Thanks again for your time and help.
Bump, hoping someone can please help. I?ve even noticed other people from long ago asking for the same game and no answer. The boy has orange hair, which is a feature I didn?t remember before.


New member
Mar 6, 2018
I am looking for a RTS game.
I used to play it around 2000
there were 2 different sides
One of the sides had the ability to regen over time and their starting units were archer, a man with a huge stick, and a man with knifes. Later u could get a man with a flying carpet, a bug like creature that can possess an enemy and deal damage over time and at last something like 2-3 headed ladybug. Also they had a defensive defensive building which is a huge crossbow sentry.
Other side had no regen ability, their starter units were pikeman and rifleman. Later u could have men with hammer (kinda big) and at last a dragon (stays on the ground and uses fire breath) Also their baracks look like a hand holding a broken sword (on a bucket?)
After few levels of missions u had to play on maps where meteors land on your buildings and units.
Also when u launch the launcher a dragon appears and flies closer.


New member
Mar 5, 2018

There's actually two games I can't remember, and it's honestly driving me crazy (I literally made this account so someone might be able to tell me).

The first one was maybe made in the 90's or the early 2000's. I played it when I was younger and it was on my mom's old computer. My mom said that her dad gave it to her on a disk, but neither of us can remember the name because we just always called it "The Monkey Game" because I was younger and that was easier for me to understand. It was a game where you played different mini games around an island with a volcano in the center of it. The games I can remember are very simple. One of them was one of those cup games where you would find a ball or object under it (except the cups were shells and the object was a pearl). I vaguely remember another one with a crab in it but I don't really remember. I think there were a few other but I cant remember very well. The last and main game in the entire thing was one where you would control this monkey and you would make it swing across vines in the jungle and it would collect bananas and avoid obstacles. I'm pretty sure the main goal of the game was to get to the volcano because I remember getting really excited when I got to that level. I think the game was an older style but it wasn't necessarily completely 8-bit or completely 3D.

The next one I don't really remember,and I only have very vague memories of it, but it still bothers me. It's not necessarily old, but I think I played it around 2010 or so. I'm pretty sure that this one was on a actual website that you logged into and everything. I remember it having sort of a Spore or Wizard 101 vibe. I think it took place on a space ship and you basically lived there(?). I also remember there being little alien pets that you had and took care of. I remember that you traveled through portals or whatever to get to places, and one of them led to another game made by the same company (I think; even if it did, I have literally no memory of that one).

If you know what either or both of these games are called (or even have some kind of idea of what it might be or how to find it) please tell me! Thanks!


New member
Mar 6, 2018
I've had this game stuck in my head for a long time and i think it was on the PS2 and i can only remember one mission. this mission you are in a small fighter like spaceship in a third person view and you have to go around and fight other ships and save scientist or spacemen from the surface of the planet, there are also like purple generator that you can destroy i believe, this also all takes place in a red-ish valley and you had omni-directional controls on the camera and plane/spaceship thing. __NEVERMIND__ it was Defender from 2002


New member
Mar 6, 2018
Hey, I remember a game in small bits, help. 1) You are a guy wearing a motorcycle helmet. 2) You can switch from being on the floor to being on the ceiling. 3) 2D sidescroller 4) PC Game


New member
Mar 6, 2018
1. It was a 2D online game that was detailed
2. You had an apartment where you could place your pets, like goldfish
3. I remember a forest area and a town square with shops
4. One of the shops had a pool inside that was reflective and I think you could buy jewelry or clothes in it


New member
Mar 1, 2018
Trying to find an old game on the 360, it's a 2d game (maybe a platformer of sorts?) where you play as viruses/programs, and fight your friends. Other than that I can't really remember much.


New member
Mar 6, 2018
I am looking around a old PC RTS game, I only remember few things of the game
1. It may publish on or before 1998(I play it on my first computer at 1998)
2. RTS Viking Game
3. Dark Colour theme
4. Three Countries/Tribal
5. Need to control the citizens to collect wood and gold
6. Need to explore the map
7. If you found another AI country or tribal, you need to decided war on them or peace
8. AI will ask for gold or war at you
9. Can build a wood gate for defense, however when the gate is closing and there is a ppl under the gate, the gate can kill the ppl.

Any idea what game is it?
A billion thanks for your help


Senior Member
Dec 21, 2014
reader5 said:

the other game on console is about you playing as the imaginary friend of some young girl with family problems, you play as a lady in black you help the girl solve puzzles collect stuff, and you discover that her parents are having some problems with some people.
you never see anyone because they are only shown as shadows.

does anyone know the names of these both games?
The second game is "Contrast" (2013).


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2014
United States
Tyo Jimbo said:
I'm looking for you all !! I've been looking for this original song for 18 years but do not know where to look, this song from the game ps1, game of the 90's, the game is only 5 stages, robot fights in space, this song is played on stage 2 against robots that are green in color. that's all I can remember, I beg you all to help me the original song of this game, it's just my own model, but my cover is very similar to the original. I beg you please help with this pain. I do not want to die before I know the original song of this game. please provide your comments, what is the title of the game of this song.
Please help. which of course this PS1 game

this is my version song
https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=hFQP8rTAK3c
Normally I don't use Bing, but since it was the only search engine that ACTUALLY ACKNOWLEDGED BINARY LOGIC SOMEWHAT PROPERLY here's a search link that limits down to around 100 games. That search tries to limit down to PS1, mecha, action games; and seems to work until the last two pages let some non-PS1 games slip in somehow. Still a needle in a haystack, but hopefully the right haystack at least.
Back in my day you type in

-"playstation 2" -"playstation 3" -"playstation 4"

and you could bet your bottom dollar, there wouldn't be any damn search results with playstation 3 in their caches! But NOOOooo here comes Google, Yahoo and Bing, here to teach the world that good ol' fashioned binary comparators aren't good enough anymore. What, you think your server has a better idea of what I'm looking for than I do? You think an over-glorified calculator with wires sticking out of its ass, is going to out-think me?

Hell no! Google's craptastic learning algorithm doesn't even have a stick to go with it's clicks-as-carrots design paradigm, and it's so slow, by the time I could use it to find info on Echochrome back in the day, the PSP was already irrelevant! And a decade later there is no sign of improvement?

[small]I really do miss altaVista...[/small]

Karl Maide

New member
Mar 6, 2018
I remember only that you went into a car game and you had to beat all other cars to get next level and new car.You had option to win with laps against them or demolish them.At the end more you had 3 hard opponents which was 1 big truck, super fast car and demolition car.And when you had all cars you could start again or just play vs random cars(it was against computer not other ppl)

You didnt have to pay for it you could easily just go and play it online.

Can someone know anything about this game? i know its not much information.(racing game)
It was on pc and i played it around 2009=?


Censored by Mods. PM for Taboos
Mar 1, 2009
RelativityMan said:
Normally I don't use Bing, but since it was the only search engine that ACTUALLY ACKNOWLEDGED BINARY LOGIC SOMEWHAT PROPERLY here's a search link that limits down to around 100 games. That search tries to limit down to PS1, mecha, action games; and seems to work until the last two pages let some non-PS1 games slip in somehow. Still a needle in a haystack, but hopefully the right haystack at least.
Back in my day you type in

-"playstation 2" -"playstation 3" -"playstation 4"

and you could bet your bottom dollar, there wouldn't be any damn search results with playstation 3 in their caches! But NOOOooo here comes Google, Yahoo and Bing, here to teach the world that good ol' fashioned binary comparators aren't good enough anymore. What, you think your server has a better idea of what I'm looking for than I do? You think an over-glorified calculator with wires sticking out of its ass, is going to out-think me?

Hell no! Google's craptastic learning algorithm doesn't even have a stick to go with it's clicks-as-carrots design paradigm, and it's so slow, by the time I could use it to find info on Echochrome back in the day, the PSP was already irrelevant! And a decade later there is no sign of improvement?

[small]I really do miss altaVista...[/small]
DuckDuckGo seems to allow for leaving out playstation2-3-4 as well:


New member
Feb 8, 2017
Pixelhunter said:
reader5 said:

the other game on console is about you playing as the imaginary friend of some young girl with family problems, you play as a lady in black you help the girl solve puzzles collect stuff, and you discover that her parents are having some problems with some people.
you never see anyone because they are only shown as shadows.

does anyone know the names of these both games?
The second game is "Contrast" (2013).
yup! that's it! thanks!


New member
May 12, 2017
samue11 said:
I am looking around a old PC RTS game, I only remember few things of the game
1. It may publish on or before 1998(I play it on my first computer at 1998)
2. RTS Viking Game
3. Dark Colour theme
4. Three Countries/Tribal
5. Need to control the citizens to collect wood and gold
6. Need to explore the map
7. If you found another AI country or tribal, you need to decided war on them or peace
8. AI will ask for gold or war at you
9. Can build a wood gate for defense, however when the gate is closing and there is a ppl under the gate, the gate can kill the ppl.

Any idea what game is it?
A billion thanks for your help
Saga: Rage of the Vikings?