Hello World,
I'm hoping you nice people will be able to help me find this game, but I doubt it since I really don't remember much about it.
One thing I'm certain of is that it was an old game, maybe even a dos game(or maybe not, I do think I played it under windows but maybe it's just that it was in the old days when you could still run dos games in windows by simply double clicking their exe).
The perspective was top-down similar to Dark Sun Shattered Lands, but don't quote me on that, but I think you could see the entire map in the game window, not just immediate surroundings like in Dark Sun. I remember playing this desert map, where you controlled this character and I was going around(I think every move you took was a turn, so not actually running around, but this might just be my memory playing tricks on me...) killing golems and gargoyles or trying to, the game was quite hard from what I remember(or maybe I just sucked at it). There where no base building elements I don't think, or maybe I just never got to them....
Anyway basically old game, top down view on a desert map going around killing gargoyles/golems, any ideas, please?
Thank you.