I legit need help, as its been a couple of years since I started to try finding this game again.
A strategy, city builder type game. Came out in the early 2000s, and I remember the cover being green with the 3 available races that you could play with, 1 being humans, one was some kind of insects and the other I don't remember. A particular detail of this game was that you would increase your population and you would get children, which you would be able to see them walking around the town, and you could eventually recruit these children to be workers for your town. The game is not very modern, as the houses and buildings were wood and stone based. As you unlocked certain buildings like the butcher, you would recruit the population and assign them jobs. The human race would be powered by women, where they would be the ones that would hunt and own shops that butcher and candy shop, while men would have less important jobs. Your "city hall" would have the "mayor" in front, which for the human race I remember it being a woman with a white dress and like a crown. The graphics were not great, but it was already modern SimCity style.
If anyone has a clue of this game, please let me know :c I have been trying to google it multiple times and I cant remember the game, its been 3 years or so since I started searching for it, I guess it was not very popular.