Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Mar 2, 2018
Endermite said:
I am searching a game I played in 2013 on my android phone.
It is a very simple, blocky and colorful game, about an light blue truck.
The truck drives by itself. There is no other cars except for this truck.
The only thing you can do, is to chose, should the truck drive on the left side of the road, in the middle, or on the right side.
There is trash, rocks and snow on the road, and if you hit them, the game will be over.
But there is also power ups on the road. They will turn your truck into a trash cleaner car or snow cleaner and more.
When you have these power up, you can clean the road. But if you hit something you can't clean, your truck will become blue again.
By cleaning the road you will get points.
I hope, someone knows this game. And sorry for my bad English.
Please? Maybe some ideas?

Stahniss Perratheon

New member
Mar 6, 2018
Does anyone here know about an old Windows 98(?) game that some schools had where you controlled a little red robot and you solved puzzles by doing math equations? I remember it being a really pixely sidescroller game with possibly 8-bit graphics, and the robot made sounds when you moved it. The only other thing I distinctly remember is that the final boss was this spinning robot that your sprayed with water in order to beat it. I also believe it had multiplayer where each person took turns. If anyone has any idea, I'd really appreciate it. I really want to track down this game again for nostalgia's sake.


New member
Mar 7, 2018
Hello peeps,

I'm looking for a game that I played on a very old and fat looking windows PC around 2007 - 2010ish. I think I remember your character may be a mouse/rat that may or may not be walking on two legs. The mouse/rat character may be green and may be wearing a purple jacket. Could be a normal mouse/rat though. I remember a moment in the game where you would be in a dark room?

My memories about the game are kinda vague but I hope you guys may know what game i'm talking about.


New member
Feb 20, 2018
one thing i just remembered it was on console can't remember which one and an approximate time frame for release date it was around destroy all humans one or two plus or minus 3 years


New member
Mar 7, 2018

Did anyone play a demo of a game where you were in a futuristic arena of some sort and in the arena there was an island, where you had to fight some kind of aliens. It was a top down game, don't know if it was turn based... Maybe i am just imagining thing, idk...



New member
Mar 7, 2018
Trying to find on old Mech Game I played on a nokia mobile about 10-12 years ago.

Was likely run on Java, you took in a unqiue set of mechs and pilots, explored various maps and completed objects on them. It even had supply pods which could land during missions which would give supplies/upgrades/components.
There were a ton of ways to mix and match, how the story went was up to you and the maps ranged from small to absolutly huge. I still remeber it fondly today :3

I recall It had a crazy scientist dude, your father figures mech gets obliterated, theres a rocket mech with long legs, the art style was very memorable.

Name might have been something like Mechwarrior or the such.
Likely a longshot, but worth trying XD! Props to all those who have contributed to this thread.

EDIT:Blimey me, I actualy found it XD
It's called Armored forces. With a free emulator you can run it on just about any device as well :3
Can be found here: https://java.mob.org/game/armored_forces.html
Playing it atm :3 Boy these games are nostelgic.

Patrick Postma

New member
Mar 7, 2018
Please help me! I played a point and click PC-game like Freddi Fish and Pyjama Sam but it was in a house with monsters. You play with a small character and you can search for items just like in Freddi Fish. I guess the character you play as is a monster of a boy.
That's all I remember.
Please help!

Anyone?? I've posted this on 7 march 2018 and now its 29 june 2019
Mar 7, 2018
It was a old game (adventure) in NES , every time I fight a monster I get a new weapon
I remember to kill a jungle monster and get a stick
There's a monster kill stage and you get a cloud that I can climb on and fly


New member
Mar 7, 2018
Yo help me out please I don't remember much but there was this game I used to play at my one friends house I'm pretty sure it was an RPG but all I remember was if you took to long of goofed around to much you would lose and it would display this picture of a evil wizard laughing with a message that said something like you have fail the evil wizard have taken over the world or something again thank you for any help you may be able to give me


New member
Mar 7, 2018
I legit need help, as its been a couple of years since I started to try finding this game again.

A strategy, city builder type game. Came out in the early 2000s, and I remember the cover being green with the 3 available races that you could play with, 1 being humans, one was some kind of insects and the other I don't remember. A particular detail of this game was that you would increase your population and you would get children, which you would be able to see them walking around the town, and you could eventually recruit these children to be workers for your town. The game is not very modern, as the houses and buildings were wood and stone based. As you unlocked certain buildings like the butcher, you would recruit the population and assign them jobs. The human race would be powered by women, where they would be the ones that would hunt and own shops that butcher and candy shop, while men would have less important jobs. Your "city hall" would have the "mayor" in front, which for the human race I remember it being a woman with a white dress and like a crown. The graphics were not great, but it was already modern SimCity style.

If anyone has a clue of this game, please let me know :c I have been trying to google it multiple times and I cant remember the game, its been 3 years or so since I started searching for it, I guess it was not very popular.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
Hussain Ali AL-faraj said:
It was a old game (adventure) in NES , every time I fight a monster I get a new weapon
I remember to kill a jungle monster and get a stick
There's a monster kill stage and you get a cloud that I can climb on and fly
I believe that would be an NES adaptation of Journey to the West, Saiyuuki World 2 - Tenjoukai no Majin [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohTfbrDV0jE] (localized in Western countries as Whomp'Em [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbBEAJfaJfo]).


New member
May 12, 2017
bealolita said:
I legit need help, as its been a couple of years since I started to try finding this game again.

A strategy, city builder type game. Came out in the early 2000s, and I remember the cover being green with the 3 available races that you could play with, 1 being humans, one was some kind of insects and the other I don't remember. A particular detail of this game was that you would increase your population and you would get children, which you would be able to see them walking around the town, and you could eventually recruit these children to be workers for your town. The game is not very modern, as the houses and buildings were wood and stone based. As you unlocked certain buildings like the butcher, you would recruit the population and assign them jobs. The human race would be powered by women, where they would be the ones that would hunt and own shops that butcher and candy shop, while men would have less important jobs. Your "city hall" would have the "mayor" in front, which for the human race I remember it being a woman with a white dress and like a crown. The graphics were not great, but it was already modern SimCity style.

If anyone has a clue of this game, please let me know :c I have been trying to google it multiple times and I cant remember the game, its been 3 years or so since I started searching for it, I guess it was not very popular.
Alien Nations or its sequel, The Nations.

Sepharil Nari

New member
Feb 27, 2018
Sepharil Nari said:
im looking for a ps2 game that ends with a nuclear explosion in the background and the group of heroes is looking at it in the ending with one of them climbing out of a sewer or pipe.
sorry its sadly all i remember.
I also remember it being an isometric rpg game.


New member
Mar 7, 2018
Zharenn said:
bealolita said:
I legit need help, as its been a couple of years since I started to try finding this game again.

A strategy, city builder type game. Came out in the early 2000s, and I remember the cover being green with the 3 available races that you could play with, 1 being humans, one was some kind of insects and the other I don't remember. A particular detail of this game was that you would increase your population and you would get children, which you would be able to see them walking around the town, and you could eventually recruit these children to be workers for your town. The game is not very modern, as the houses and buildings were wood and stone based. As you unlocked certain buildings like the butcher, you would recruit the population and assign them jobs. The human race would be powered by women, where they would be the ones that would hunt and own shops that butcher and candy shop, while men would have less important jobs. Your "city hall" would have the "mayor" in front, which for the human race I remember it being a woman with a white dress and like a crown. The graphics were not great, but it was already modern SimCity style.

If anyone has a clue of this game, please let me know :c I have been trying to google it multiple times and I cant remember the game, its been 3 years or so since I started searching for it, I guess it was not very popular.
Alien Nations or its sequel, The Nations.

HOLY MOLY! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! The nations! I saw the game Alien Nations, but it didnt look like it, and didnt know about the sequel. THANK YOU THANK YOU


New member
May 3, 2017
Here's a very weird one,

As a kid, I got a CD from someone filled with tiny little "games" with funny twists.

To give an idea of the contents of this CD, one of the games was a coffee machine thing, you insert the coin, select your coffee, and then it turns out there was a monkey in the coffee machine and you just drank piss instead of coffee. A silly prank game. Then it says "share with your friends". I already found this one: https://www.salongeek.com/threads/have-a-coffee-break-on-me.16316/

But there is one game that is driving me crazy and I can't find it:

There is a woman showering. You can only see a silhouette of her through the shower curtains. She seems to have nice curves. You can click on the shampoo to put shampoo on her hair, on the brush and the sponge to make her use those. So when you click on the towel to make her step out of the shower, it turns out that it's an ugly ginger man. Maybe a woman, can't remember. It was supposed to be a prank in either way.

Good luck!


New member
Mar 7, 2018
Hi, i am looking for a game i played like 5 years ago.
Its was an MMORPG where you would play something like a soldier that fights against aliens which would attack random checkpoints (tower/bases) on the map. Basicly a simple shooter in third vision i think...
The most significant thing i can remember is that you would have the ability to fly with a jetpack or something like that on your feet. Also you could call in drills which would drill for resources while you defend them against monsters of all kind. Before starting to drill you could see how good the area was and what stuff you would most likely get from the drill. When it finished it flew back into the sky. The starting area was in a "city" at a beach, where you would fight against crabs and all kinds of other stuff.
I also think there was something like a class system but i dont really remember.
My only guess for the name was something like "Firefly", but that doesnt seem to be right.
Thanks a lot


New member
Mar 8, 2018
Long shot here, i beleve this was a gamecube game the only thing i can remember was one of the characters was blond she had this red wepon on her side (type of gun or cannon) and like her outfit was odd it was pants but like one side was cut like shorts and the othre side long, and i think you went around ether in caves or dundgens to fight monsters


Senior Member
Dec 21, 2014
Liz.oneill said:
Long shot here, i beleve this was a gamecube game the only thing i can remember was one of the characters was blond she had this red wepon on her side (type of gun or cannon) and like her outfit was odd it was pants but like one side was cut like shorts and the othre side long, and i think you went around ether in caves or dundgens to fight monsters
The blonde is "Pepper Box", she's cool. You're looking for a game out of the "Evolution" series, which debuted on Dreamcast.


New member
Mar 8, 2018
Hey! I was wondering if anyone knows the name of this old pc game i played when i was a kid.
It was about doing as much crap as possible at your office where you worked without getting caugh to complete the level.
I remeber you could interact with office objects like a printer and make it unusable, i also remember at the end of each level a splash screen showing a big explosion with papers and computers flying everywhere.
Does anyone here ever heard of that game?


New member
Sep 13, 2016
Tryable said:
Hi, i am looking for a game i played like 5 years ago.
Its was an MMORPG where you would play something like a soldier that fights against aliens which would attack random checkpoints (tower/bases) on the map. Basicly a simple shooter in third vision i think...
The most significant thing i can remember is that you would have the ability to fly with a jetpack or something like that on your feet. Also you could call in drills which would drill for resources while you defend them against monsters of all kind. Before starting to drill you could see how good the area was and what stuff you would most likely get from the drill. When it finished it flew back into the sky. The starting area was in a "city" at a beach, where you would fight against crabs and all kinds of other stuff.
I also think there was something like a class system but i dont really remember.
My only guess for the name was something like "Firefly", but that doesnt seem to be right.
Thanks a lot
That was Firefall [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jhKufXLZtQ], and the drills were called "thumpers," apparently. Sadly, it looks like the game was shut down last year. =(