Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Balazs Balogh

New member
Aug 6, 2011
I've read about a game a long time ago, forgot what platform, but it was a puzzle or adventure game as far as I remember, and the protagonist had three or four elemental spirits who helped him during his quests. The water elemental was a small fairy-like thing, probably.
I read its review a hundred times, and I loved the concept of the game, but it was ages ago, and I can't remember any details. Please help me! Thanks!


New member
Aug 8, 2011
ive got a game thats been stuck on my mind since the day i stopped playing it, back in the 90's. i cant remember if it was playstation 1 or not, but it was about a boy in this sidescroller adventure, where sum hostile creature would come out of nowhere and if you didnt jump out of the way in time or sumthin, it would devour the boy gruesomly. i.e., in the beginning you're in a cave and this creature comes from the wall and would chomp down on the top half of the boys body. very gory stuff and i want to play it again, but i cant find it anywhere.


Nov 24, 2009
United States
if anyone can some how help me then thanks you.

anyways the game was an old arcade game I saw in a chuck.E cheeses it started with a boy in a feild looking at windmills when suddenly a girl chasing 2 thugs on pump carts (or minecarts) that had stolen a gem which allowed time travel if you went fast enough. I remember that if you cought up with them then you could get the gem back and if you kept it long enough before they got it back you could time travel to different places and times. I also remember the first stage had you getting chased by a train and in a prehistoric dinosaurs. there was also a future,underwater,savannah and wonderland stage. the game was a 2 player arcade game in which you had to physically pump the mine cart and jump to get past obstacles.

After all of these years i've found it. Magical Tuck Adventure.


New member
Jul 7, 2011
I remember a PS1 game I had many many years ago, and I'm not sure what happened to it. All I know is, I started it, got stuck, and never touched it again. I vaguely remember something about being a criminal, and being forced to wear this mask...thing...and being dropped into some sewers and wandering around killing things in the sewers. As I said this was many years ago so those are the only details I recall. It may even have been a ps2 game though I doubt it.

Side note, the capcha I got at first for this post ended with that weird wavey = sign. I don't have that button, guys...


New member
Apr 16, 2009
twiztiDPath said:
ive got a game thats been stuck on my mind since the day i stopped playing it, back in the 90's. i cant remember if it was playstation 1 or not, but it was about a boy in this sidescroller adventure, where sum hostile creature would come out of nowhere and if you didnt jump out of the way in time or sumthin, it would devour the boy gruesomly. i.e., in the beginning you're in a cave and this creature comes from the wall and would chomp down on the top half of the boys body. very gory stuff and i want to play it again, but i cant find it anywhere.
Sounds like Heart of Darkness

daviebones said:
I remember this one game back on the old ps1, I believe it was a fighting style of game not sure if it was entirely arcade like. But I remember one character being a knight with completely red armor, nothing too fancy it was rather cliche if I recall correctly. I'm pretty sure there was also a character the same but with armor that was silver or something as well. I don't remember much about the levels but I do remember one being a pirate ship sort of thing and another inside a castle.
Could be Battle Arena Toshinden


New member
Aug 10, 2011
i dont remember the name of an old pc game.

I remember in one stage there was a river in the middle and a mill in the far right side of the river.there were good knights(in blue) you controlled south of the river and bad knights(in red) north of the river.the bad knights had a red flag and the aim ws to destroy it.also there was another stage that had an enemy castle and u were going to take it adn destroy the flag in the middle of the castle.also in this particular stage u had catapults.ANY1 who know plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me??!!also when u clicked on one knight u could move him on little green spaces


New member
Aug 16, 2011
It's Such A Blur (Yes, I Realize There Has Been No Replys In A While).

Possibly NES Cartridge
DEFINITELY Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
First Level: Desert
First Boss: GIANT Pig (Possibly Rocksteady?)
Once Beaten You Drop Into A Pit Filled With Spikes And Skulls.
Near Impossible Level...Descending On Small Platform While Dodging Enemies

Any Ideas Would Help Greatly



New member
Aug 17, 2011
I cannot remember the name of an old DOS game..I believe you could either be a boy or a girl..And you were trying to collect pieces of armor to complete a knight to kill dragon..I believe a majority of the enemies were bunnies that would eat you and you had to escape the stomach of the bunny to continue your quest..This is driving me crazy


New member
Aug 17, 2011
I used to play an old DOS game with a little man jumping from island to island. All I can still remember is that the game was quite colourful and the islands were coming out of the water and they kept sinking and coming back up. Does that sound familiar to anyone? Pleaaase help me :)


New member
Aug 17, 2011
I cannot remember the system or any of the names of anyone. Or the story for that matter. All I recall is that it had a combat system similar to Fire Emblem, hidden items that forced you to walk one block at a time around every room spamming a to find them all and your party consisted of humans and dragons alike. You got the chance to name at least one of your dragons and you could feed them items to make them more powerful in one way or another. Once you fed them enough, they could become other types of dragons.


Found it. It was Bahumat Lagoon.


New member
Aug 18, 2011
One game , its an strategy pc game , you are a shamman or healer , warchef something like that , and you raise your tribe and conquer the otheres and you have some powers, like a god game .... any ideas ? the game is around 2003-2006 i can't remember and I really liked it ... ;/

FounD it! it was populous 3 ! cool game


New member
Aug 21, 2011
Hi I need to find out about a PS1 game I cant remember from around 1994-1996ish...

It was a multi character game, you could be 1 of about 5-7 characters, it was 1 or 2 player. It was a 3rd person type game. I can remember having to kick vending machines for health/power ups. One of the villans on level 3ish was a woman that had whips.

The first level you would be attacked by a group of men in the street (remind me of agents from Matrix)then you would walk into a building, beating more people up as you went, then you would face HER. It wasnt just fighting, there were guns aswell.

I would always pick a girl character and one of her main moves was she would spin on her head kicking with her legs doing the splits.



New member
Jul 18, 2011
I posted this in a similar thread but have had no luck, so I'll re-post it in here:

I have two games for you guys to discover. Unfortunately, what I remember from them is very vague.

1) This game was on an old DOS computer. It was set in Ancient Greece, though the story I haven't got any clue of. You play as an (old?) upper-class man, and begin the game waking up in bed, then making your way to a nearby bar. The game is highly reminiscent of Hugo's House of Horrors (same type-command gameplay), which was also on that computer.

2) This game I have no idea what it was originally on, other than some form of computer. The game featured some sort of male adventurer, who had to make his way from the left side of the screen to the right (or vice versa), all the while avoiding large monsters that patrol up and down the length of the screen. The idea was to dash across when they had their back turned on him. There may have been gemstone collecting and boulder pushing, but that might be me merging two games together. :D

Good luck, because I've been trying to find them for ages.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Okay lets see I can think of about 3 or 4 games off the top of my head that I have always wanted to replay but haven't been able to do to not knowing there names.

For starters there's this PC game where you played as a ninja. The idea was you had to kill all the other ninja's by digging holes in the ground and trick them into walking into them. My friend had this game on his PC and we could never get very far in it beacause one of us would always fall into the pit and die a patheticly drawn out death.

Then there was this fighting game on the PC. I remeber it quiet well. The idea was that you could play as tiny animals that had been some how cyberneticaly altered to turn into mechnaized warriors at the flick of a wrist. The main bad guy was a creepy old guy whole could turn into what looked like a mechnaized version of a battle toad. I could never beat do to my general lack of fighting game knowledge back then and the fact that the last boss was ridculously hard.

There was another computer game where you travled threw time aimlessly beating up people for no good reason. I remember vaguly being able to pick what time period you were from and just going from era to era just cropping the local population by a few hundred people here and there. I could never remember why you were killing all those people. I think over population was a problem in the future are something.

And finally there's this online game. Well not so much a game as a interactive cartoon. It's about cavemen. It's this pvp game and the idea is that you get a completely random character when you sign up and when he levels up he gets a completely random bonus. It was pretty cool I just lost the link beacuse the forum it was posted on got shutdown. So If anyone could tell me what this game is I'd really apperciate it.

Okay so theres the few games I can think of right off the bat i'm shure theres more but I can't think of them right now. If you guys can name any of these that'd be great.


New member
Aug 27, 2011
i remember this game that was based in asia and you were this kid and one of the first levels was to climb over either mount figi or the himilayans (dunno how to spell it). one of the bosses was a giant robot. it was a 3d game. there were unlockable characters. it was action based, not turn based. you killed little robot things. i dont remember the system but i think it was the ps1 maybe the n64, not sure tho. but i really wanna know.


mystical ninjas starring goemon for n64


New member
Aug 27, 2011
oh my gosh it is driving me crazy
i used to play it around the windows 95-98 times.
this is what i can remember,
it was a jigsaw puzzle game
it was VERY bright colored
the puzzles were of dogs swimming and playing cards and weird things like just off the wall what is going on kinda stuff.
there was like crazy music in it like old school carnival meets techno music.
and it is all cartoon there is no "real" photos in it.
and thats all i can remember and i have searched so hard my brain just hurts

Kirk Sabre

New member
Jun 14, 2011
cole1011 said:
It's Such A Blur (Yes, I Realize There Has Been No Replys In A While).

Possibly NES Cartridge
DEFINITELY Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
First Level: Desert
First Boss: GIANT Pig (Possibly Rocksteady?)
Once Beaten You Drop Into A Pit Filled With Spikes And Skulls.
Near Impossible Level...Descending On Small Platform While Dodging Enemies

Any Ideas Would Help Greatly

Definitely Battletoads. One of the hardest games ever.
