Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Oct 6, 2011
Hey all,

I am looking for help to hopeful maybe get the name of the game i played when i was younger about 10ish so about 1990-1997, i have tried in past to find it but with no luck.

Ok here are th details i remeber

1. It was on atari st
2. it was a text based game with i think limit graphics on some screen not all
3. it was Americanised ie the things you have to type where american version of words like i would say tap but it would want faucet

now the game details i remember

4. i think you started in your bedroom could be kitchen or livingroom
5. you would go west i think to i think livingroom or bedroom
6. you would then go north and be in hallway with a door to the north and the bathroom to the west
7 the door could be only opened with the command open sesame
8. in the bathroom you had to find i think a umbrella then tune on the faucet (taps) to get a object
9 after you go back to the hallway and go out the door your outside
to the north is a curtain and you had to use a certain command to get past the ghost i think the ghost was one of the few screens you got a image on
10 details are now sketch i think to the east there was some sort of sewer and it was dark and you could easily gt lost in it


New member
Oct 7, 2011
Like everyone here, i'm looking for a game. This is what I remember about it:
1. I played it in 1997-2000 on PC
2. The action took place on a planet (not earth)
3. You were a rover/buggy that can shoot, jump, had all sort of upgrades and weapons...
4. The ideea of the game was to destroy alien bases, the aliens were mostly some kind of giant spiders...
5. The colors were bright, a lot of light blue and light green..



New member
Oct 7, 2011
Hi!. I cant remember an old pc game, i think of the 90`s, where you where a buddy or a robot, i dont remeber well, except that when you dies(because of a creature/thing, one of the many creatures was a kangaroo thing like.), a cutscene appears where an island explodes and is destroyed.


New member
Oct 11, 2011
Hey guys I'm looking for a single player PC game. It was about a man who killed monsters, collected money, bought stuff, then eventually went on to defeat the boss. I remember some of the best items you could get: speed boots and a fire bow that shot fire arrows. At some point there was a secret island of money you could walk to to get rich. Please tell me if you find it!


New member
Dec 30, 2010
Mr Restrained said:
There are these two old games which i cannot remember:
in one you were a red spider-like robot which could climb on walls, and i could never figure out the reason for the game.
the second one you were a stickfigure and the floor had cube tiles, and the tiles would move like a wave of water, and you had to evade it somehow, but i fogot everything else.
would be really helpful! thankyou
The second game sounds a lot like "Intelligent Qube", also known as "Kurushi" in Europe and Australia. It was a really cool puzzle/action game, and is still available. Have a look:



New member
Oct 13, 2011
So after googling my random memories for the past hour I came across this thread, created a login and am now hoping like hell that someone on here can help me.

I used to play a game on either PS1 or PS2 a fair few years ago that had a female character (and possibly a male one too) who you controlled. It was a one player game and although I can't remember exactly the purpose of the game she would randomly come across two items and say things like "Look John a Lei seed" or "It's a Buddha"

Sorry for the really vague description but my friends and I randomly think of it every few months and none of us can remember what it was called. I would love to be able to track it down so I am hoping that someone out there knows what it is or can help



New member
Oct 13, 2011
So after googling my random memories for the past hour I came across this thread, created a login and am now hoping like hell that someone on here can help me.

I used to play a game on either PS1 or PS2 a fair few years ago that had a female character (and possibly a male one too) who you controlled. It was a one player game and although I can't remember exactly the purpose of the game she would randomly come across two items and say things like "Look John a Lei seed" or "It's a Buddha"

Sorry for the really vague description but my friends and I randomly think of it every few months and none of us can remember what it was called. I would love to be able to track it down so I am hoping that someone out there knows what it is or can help



New member
Oct 13, 2011
Hi pople, I'm new here.

The reason for my joining is about an old game that I can't remember the name of.

I don't remember a lot, because the last time I've played was 9 years ago...
Well, all I remember is a fighter (space fighter, future) that destroys all enemies and move to a new level, however, there are PLANETS to choose, like you choose the levels you wan't to proceed.
I remember a mission you were with some "wingmen" helping you.
I think the game was Arcade, but in 3D (Colony Wars for example).

The things I perfectly remember are the planet choices and the level with wingmen.

I'm sorry for the lack of informations, but thats all I remember. Plus I'm searching for that game for 2 years and I still can't remember it's name.


New member
Dec 5, 2010
wolfgang2303 said:
Hi pople, I'm new here.

The reason for my joining is about an old game that I can't remember the name of.

I don't remember a lot, because the last time I've played was 9 years ago...
Well, all I remember is a fighter (space fighter, future) that destroys all enemies and move to a new level, however, there are PLANETS to choose, like you choose the levels you wan't to proceed.
I remember a mission you were with some "wingmen" helping you.
I think the game was Arcade, but in 3D (Colony Wars for example).

The things I perfectly remember are the planet choices and the level with wingmen.

I'm sorry for the lack of informations, but thats all I remember. Plus I'm searching for that game for 2 years and I still can't remember it's name.


New member
Jul 23, 2011
A flying mecha game for the Sega Genesis, that 2D flaying kind with a top down view like space invaders, but were you fly forward. I just remember it being really finicky as to when it would and wouldn't work on my grandma's Genesis...


New member
Oct 14, 2011
DRes82 said:
There's been a game lurking in my memory for years that I would absolutely love to remember. I played it once at my cousin's house in Toronto when I was pretty young. I've searched everywhere, but for the life of me can't find any clues as to what it was called.

I remember it was a king's quest style game, and the most prominent memory I have is collecting fire berries or fire gems from inside or around a stream in a dark forest.

I've tried google numerous times, but have come up empty handed. If anyone is able to point me in the right direction, I would love you forever.
I do believe you're talking about The Legend of Kyrandia! [http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_FnWWvqIDAMw/SoDWfOT0CWI/AAAAAAAAABQ/ML64AxUQMnw/s320/kyra1-amiga-7.png] The puzzle involving the fireberries always drives me nuts, but it remains one of my favourite adventure games.

I have a forgotten game myself. It's for the PS1 and in 2D, and I'm pretty sure it's a random encounter type of jrpg. The only thing I can recall somewhat clearly is that at one point in the game there is a sea funeral where everyone watch from the shore as the casket(s) drift away into the open ocean. I think the person being mourned is the town leader, and the father of the girl in the party.
I also have these flashbacks about the game starting on a ship, and some sort of mine dungeon with carts and stuff. This might be another game altogether though (Alundra fits the bill perfectly, yet when I look at it it doesn't feel "right") so I guess the funeral is the only lead I have.
It's so vague, I'm almost starting to think it was all a dream or something.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Enodios said:
DRes82 said:
There's been a game lurking in my memory for years that I would absolutely love to remember. I played it once at my cousin's house in Toronto when I was pretty young. I've searched everywhere, but for the life of me can't find any clues as to what it was called.

I remember it was a king's quest style game, and the most prominent memory I have is collecting fire berries or fire gems from inside or around a stream in a dark forest.

I've tried google numerous times, but have come up empty handed. If anyone is able to point me in the right direction, I would love you forever.
I do believe you're talking about The Legend of Kyrandia! [http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_FnWWvqIDAMw/SoDWfOT0CWI/AAAAAAAAABQ/ML64AxUQMnw/s320/kyra1-amiga-7.png] The puzzle involving the fireberries always drives me nuts, but it remains one of my favourite adventure games.

I have a forgotten game myself. It's for the PS1 and in 2D, and I'm pretty sure it's a random encounter type of jrpg. The only thing I can recall somewhat clearly is that at one point in the game there is a sea funeral where everyone watch from the shore as the casket(s) drift away into the open ocean. I think the person being mourned is the town leader, and the father of the girl in the party.
I also have these flashbacks about the game starting on a ship, and some sort of mine dungeon with carts and stuff. This might be another game altogether though (Alundra fits the bill perfectly, yet when I look at it it doesn't feel "right") so I guess the funeral is the only lead I have.
It's so vague, I'm almost starting to think it was all a dream or something.

You sir, are my new favorite person in the entire world. I recognized the name as SOON as I read it. I can't tell you how long I've been trying to remember what this game was called. The challenge now is to find a working copy, which shouldn't be too difficult.

I really wish I could help you with your game. I thought for a while before posting...the only JRPG i can remember clearly with ocean/water/ships and containing mine dungeons are Chrono Trigger and several of the Dragon Warrior/Dragon Quests. Sorry I can't be of more help.

Thanks so much! Super excited now.


New member
Oct 15, 2011
I need help remembering the name of an older RTS game with 90s style graphics. The game-play was very basic. There were several pre-made campaigns where the player would try and conquer the computer AI. The player would do this by expanding from his original base and establishing hamlets/farms on empty terrain tiles. These would generate income based on the amount of farming space available to it on its surround 8 tiles. This income could then be used to hire more soldiers and build constructions like bridges and barricades.

Throughout the campaigns, the theme would change from map to map. On one map, the player would be a fast-food mogul in charge of moving fries and hamburgers establishing restaurants instead of farms. In another, the player would play as a mechanized queen ordering her robot drones. Some were Candyland-esque, some were Eastern in Style, and all maps had different terrain options and construction possibilities. However, they all stayed true to the central goal: expand your territory by establishing farms and fighting the AI spawn. The fighting was simple. Each unit was given strength by merging weaker units together. The stronger unit in a battle would simply walk through the weaker one, disbanding it. Once all the AI's units were defeated, or if the AI's base was overrun (the Commander of the group acts just as any other unit, save it had a much higher base strength), the AI was defeated. The game ended when all opponents were defeated.

Any thoughts?


New member
Sep 13, 2011
jjjonesy27 said:
mine was for the ps1, it was an overhead shooter and you play as this marine, and you have to fight through hordes of zombies and mutants and such. i cant remember what its called
sounds like loaded to me


New member
Sep 13, 2011
also, a ps1 game from the late 90s, it was set in the future, action adventure type game, guy had sorta green skin and used a hoverboard. not much to go on but its bugging me


New member
Oct 14, 2011
DRes82 said:
You sir, are my new favorite person in the entire world. I recognized the name as SOON as I read it. I can't tell you how long I've been trying to remember what this game was called. The challenge now is to find a working copy, which shouldn't be too difficult.

I really wish I could help you with your game. I thought for a while before posting...the only JRPG i can remember clearly with ocean/water/ships and containing mine dungeons are Chrono Trigger and several of the Dragon Warrior/Dragon Quests. Sorry I can't be of more help.

Thanks so much! Super excited now.
Just happy to help! I hope you find it just as great as you remember it to be.

As for me, I'm going to keep searching and pick up Alundra to see if stirs any memories. I don't have much experience with jrpgs in general, so it is quite possible that it's a fairly well-known game. I think I'll try to look up a list of jrpgs for PS1 and go from there. Thank you for your kind suggestions!


New member
Oct 18, 2011
If anyone could help me that would be amazing, as i've been trying to remember the name of these two games for like 8 years.
The first: it was like a side-scroller type game where you picked up objects to use at that time or later in the game, i also remember the main character has a motorcyle and the two main things i remember were hiding in a barrel and climbing an extremely long ladder to a tower type thing. I also remember vaguely that this game came out around the same time as a secret of monkey island type game came out.

The Second: A fighting/RPG game that was either on NES, SNES or PC where there were like 4-8 characters you could choose from, and their portrait things where in a box like this / / / / / with each character being in one of those "slots".

Both of these games where out/came out in either the late 80's or 90's.


New member
Oct 13, 2011
gem28 said:
So after googling my random memories for the past hour I came across this thread, created a login and am now hoping like hell that someone on here can help me.

I used to play a game on either PS1 or PS2 a fair few years ago that had a female character (and possibly a male one too) who you controlled. It was a one player game and although I can't remember exactly the purpose of the game she would randomly come across two items and say things like "Look John a Lei seed" or "It's a Buddha"

Sorry for the really vague description but my friends and I randomly think of it every few months and none of us can remember what it was called. I would love to be able to track it down so I am hoping that someone out there knows what it is or can help

Can anyone help with the above game at all? It's driving me crazy haha