Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Aug 29, 2011
This one is killing me. My uncle gave me this game for my bday circa late 80's early 90s. He thinks it was developed by Sierra but I'm not 100% sure on that. Here's what I know

1.) It's about whales (Not Whale's Voyage)

2.) Educational feel for most of it - you can go out and spot different types of whales - decent graphics at the time.

3.) The other part of the game was exploring this old whaling museum. Part mystery, etc.. You could click on Harpoons, look at paintings etc... But it was definitely a "mystery".

4.) Played on Apple 2GS

Any ideas????

Luis Deleon

New member
Sep 1, 2011
I remember this game i believe for play station 1, might of been 2 not sure, but you were an animal, i remember a dog( dog sttod on 2 feet and even wore clothes) and had a gun and you would run around different levels shooting the bad guys. This one level i think from the game was you were in this area, looked like a forest preserve and the robots were cutting down the trees and you had to stop them.


New member
Sep 6, 2011
i remember playing an old pc game when i was younger cant remember the name but at the start of the game you use stones weapons then when you complete all the quests for that area you go to the next area you can use ivory weapons then obsidan weapons and ect. thats all i can remember bout it please repy if you know what game im talking about also to get to the next area you go through a portal


New member
Sep 10, 2011
theres this game i used to play i cant remember most of it though i think it started in like a cell pit and when the guard comes down you beat him up and escape after your gone you make your way home but as soon as you get ther your girlfriend is kidnapped i dont remember much more but i think you used like a little bouncey ball as a weapon anybody have any idea what it is thanks


New member
Sep 17, 2011
It's an old horror 3rd person game for PC. On the beginning there was some video with a man who was creating something like Frankenstein. You could select to play with a man or a woman and for a weapon there was some kind of sword(I think). I remember that there were some zombies coming out from the graveyard.....


New member
Aug 16, 2011
Kirk Sabre said:
cole1011 said:
It's Such A Blur (Yes, I Realize There Has Been No Replys In A While).

Possibly NES Cartridge
DEFINITELY Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
First Level: Desert
First Boss: GIANT Pig (Possibly Rocksteady?)
Once Beaten You Drop Into A Pit Filled With Spikes And Skulls.
Near Impossible Level...Descending On Small Platform While Dodging Enemies

Any Ideas Would Help Greatly

Definitely Battletoads. One of the hardest games ever.


My Past Memories Are Pretty Much Remembered
Thank You So Much, I've Seen and heard Battletoads around for years but never actually played it...Some of my recollections of the game were way off but by god you found it.
Thanks A Million,


New member
Sep 21, 2011
There was an old top down game where you controlled a plane and bought a bunch of upgrades for it including drunk missiles and eventually an autogun that would automatically target enemies.


New member
Sep 21, 2011
Hi guys!
I'm looking for an old PS1 game. Can't remember what year but you were playing a girl which was half human and half alien or robot. You had to walk around and kill aliens who had invaded earth. You also had to rescue humans that were still alive and hiding in buildings or something. I remember whenever she killed something you would collect the remaining body parts to gain energy...

Any ideas??


New member
Sep 22, 2011
I'm going to sound like complete retard, but I need to know the name of this game...
It's a PC game that I played in the mid 90's. You went to an alien planet and I think you had to deliver a package or pick something up.You also had to go around and talk to aliens to complete missions/quests. It was kind of cartoony with bright colors and there were bars and stores you could go into. I think you may have also been looking for parts to your space ship. The character that you played I think could either be male or female.There was a screen shot on a site that reminded me of it. It shows an astronaut standing in an alien bar. acidcow.com/pics/17659-games-102-pics.html


New member
Sep 22, 2011
Hi everyone..!

So there's this pc game that's been stuck in my head for the past 5 years or so, and i've tried EVERYTHING to remember the name of it. It's killing me!!! (you all know that feeling right?!)

I played it in the mid 90's, 95-98ish, and you control a character who wears shades. You go around this basement like room collecting stuff/killing people/opening doors (not too sure) to try to pass the level.

And the weapons are upgradable.

I'm pretty sure its a co-op game as well, and it might have something to do with robbers/police.

Its 2D, kinda pixelated

If anyone has any ideas, it is appreciated :D Its KILLING my head.

Thanks in advance :D


New member
Sep 25, 2011
in the mid 90's i used to play a game for hours..too bad i cant remember the name of it...

it was a 3D third person game where you flew an spaceship. i almost recall each mission would almost work like check points and you would rarely have to enter a new map. missions varied where you shot at other craft, ground vehicles, even destroyed buildings. the craft was black and the graphics where very decent for its time.. i used to play with a joystick and for somereason my brain keeps telling me it may have been developed by microsoft.... please help

tried to get help from my mom but all she can remember was that she paid 40 bucks for it and i was the best at it in my household...lol.. please someone help.


New member
Sep 26, 2011
I played a game that was a Overhead Shooter, it was had something to do with a DNA lab and it was an 90's game for PC. The one thing I remeber is the opening credits for the game sounded like a variation of " Hey Man Nice Shot" And you kept moving through levels destroying security systems or something. Anyone remeber this games name.


New member
Aug 27, 2011
I used to play a game for XBOX, where you were some kind of alien and you would run around this town to upbeat techno. That's all I remember.

Lewis Whittaker

New member
Sep 27, 2011
Hey all i am really hoping someone could help its a really annoying thing playing a sweett ass game you cant remember. It is ps1 i played it on a demo your on a ship and its first person you walk around talkingto people, solving issues and your the go between guy and right at the end the ship is goingto crash and one guy dependent on how u play locks himself in the only room in the ship where you can survive or you can get in with him. Sorry for the terrible memory but i must of play this going on 12 13 years ago. Deffo ps1 but with all the demos i would never find it thanks


New member
Oct 5, 2011
So I found this thread while typing in pathetically inadequate keywords into Google hoping to find a game I remember playing when I was ten.
I remember it being a fairly simple PC 2D platformer where the character had to get gold randomly strewn about the level (the entire stage was visible on the screen). The distinct things I remember about the game are that 1) the enemies were red-robed things that knocked you down and devoured you (in that creepy way that only low-resolution games can), and that 2) there was a suicide option to restart the level by typing 'k' (the character would fall down and use the same 'OMG MY INTESTINES' animation as when he was caught by a baddie).
I think I might remember teleportation as well, and maybe placing bombs but I'm not sure?
Anyways, I remember this game catapulting my interest in technology, so I really want to remember what it was. Any questions/tips/guesses/knowledge that anyone can provide? I know it's not much to go on. Thanks!

Cyrus Hanley

New member
Oct 13, 2010
Some Beavis and Butthead game on my little sister's shitty PC that she inherited from my father. The aim of the game was to lean out of the window of a multi-storey apartment and spit on passing pedestrians and motorists.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Jbo said:
theres this game i used to play i cant remember most of it though i think it started in like a cell pit and when the guard comes down you beat him up and escape after your gone you make your way home but as soon as you get ther your girlfriend is kidnapped i dont remember much more but i think you used like a little bouncey ball as a weapon anybody have any idea what it is thanks
That is for certain Little Big Adventure (LBA)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Big_Adventure


New member
Oct 5, 2011
Ha, I found it! Turns out it was called 'Lode Runner: The Legend Returns'. Excellent game, I'm glad I rediscovered it.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
There's been a game lurking in my memory for years that I would absolutely love to remember. I played it once at my cousin's house in Toronto when I was pretty young. I've searched everywhere, but for the life of me can't find any clues as to what it was called.

I remember it was a king's quest style game, and the most prominent memory I have is collecting fire berries or fire gems from inside or around a stream in a dark forest.

I've tried google numerous times, but have come up empty handed. If anyone is able to point me in the right direction, I would love you forever.