Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

ScreXmo Post Hcx

New member
Oct 16, 2012
Batou667 said:
ScreXmo Post Hcx said:
I had a sega genesis and I used to play a game that consisted in 4 characters, a robot and 3 humans, one of them was a girl. The game is similar to metal slug it has several weapons and I remember one of the stages was a dumping lot. I also remember one of the bosses was a huge witch head or something like that... If any one can help me with this one would be great... :)
Contra Hard Corps?
No, is another one... but thanks for the info


New member
Oct 21, 2012
Hey guys! OK, so let me try give a setting for this:

When I was a kid maybe back in the early 2000's, my cousin lent me one of his games to play. Unfortunately, it was rated "M" and so i had to try and sneak around to play it. I played it for maybe 20 minutes before getting caught and having it taken away from me, but what i do remember is a 2D side scroller about a man in a suit (a spy? maybe) he drove a black car and it was a little goofy the way he'd get out. The background, from what i remember, was predominantly red. Though at first i was certain that it was a game on the n64, i havent been able to find such a game. I also had an snes, so maybe it was an snes game instead of an n64 game. And, before you guys say it was my imagination, my cousin agreed that he did give me a game like that. My mom never gave it back to him (lol) so he never really got a chance to play it either, but remember pretty much the same thing. He is certain that it was for the n64 but i don't want to exclude the snes

I doubt if the game was any good (haha) but i remember it since it was the first Mature game i played, even if for a fleeting moment.

anyone think they could help me out? I'm sorry about the lack of much of a description, but it'd be awesome if anyone could pull a Sherlock and figure it out!


New member
Oct 21, 2012
ooo god hope anyone can help me with this.
sorry for my bad english at first.

i'm trying to search for this old pc game. now i know it was a game that involved travling true some kind of stargates and the first planet if i remember that you start on was with these alien people that teach you how to use your skills like sneaking and shooting and stuff. now once going true the portal you had to save that world save the villagers and stuff and shoot aliens it was a pritty hard game and the main char you play was a guy i know that for sure also that he was dependent on some type of money to buy bullets for his gun and stuff plzzz i don;t know if its much but i'm 24 now and i think i was like 12 or even younger when i played this

ps thx if you know and it was not stargate thats for sure

Erik Antonis

New member
Oct 18, 2012
Planeforger said:
Erik Antonis said:
im looking for a game i played like 6 or 7 years ago it whas a strategy game where u had different races like humans,dwarfs,2 kinds of elves , lizardmen , and inferno and maybe more
u could also control 1 commander and u had to build buildings so u can create creatures ure commander could gain xp u ahd 1 main buildig wich could be lvled a few times

im looking for this game like 5 years and it isnt warcraft
Warlords Battlecry 2 fits that description nicely.

John Finley said:
I remember watching someone play an old 3D game. I don't remember much about it, except at some point you are carrying a girl tied to a chair over your head, and there's one point where a laser grid activates, and you have to get past them in a maze by walking on top of the walls on the maze. Any ideas?
Pure guess: Broken Sword 3? I remember it had plenty of mazes, and that series had no shortage of people tied to chairs...hmm...

thank u very much ure right but it whas warlords battle cry 3 not 2 but still thank thank thank you very much :)


New member
Oct 21, 2012
Also, also, also! Pardon me for my nostalgia trip but there was this online game on the website called Bonus.com
The website is defunct now but they had these awesome games, and if anyone could help me find the name of some of em' I'd be grateful

One I know the name to, it's called P-Man. You'd choose from a few stick figure animations and woud fight against a friend, throwing random objects at each other and using the umbrella to deflect em. with each throuw, however, your super bar would go up and when it was full you'd be able to use your super move, which were fun and hilarious to watch.
I can't find a link for it, though. darn shame.

The other was some sort of magic game. You'd walk around on a grid, using spells from materials you had to set traps and take out enemies.

Another set of games from bonus.com that i really want to find out about were the point and click adventure games. they were AWESOME. The one i remember the most is this one where you wake up on a beach and have to look around to find notes, and at the end of the game i think there are like two brothers or something that use magic and you have to choose the right brother to get the best ending. It was a very mind boggling game and i just wanted to find it.

There were several other point and click games, one where you had to escape a castle you were in. i remember the first few rooms had knights in armor hanging on stands, but thats about it

If anyone else remembers the point and click games at least, id be eternally grateful :)

EDIT: while we're at it, foxbox.com used to be a website that had all these interesting games on it. it was for fox kids, before 4kidstv came up. The games on the site i forget about are

1. This sort of cartoon prank web series that included this red headed kid pranking everyone. the one i remember most was the prank he pulled on his sister by making a dog fart in her room, but it backfired when the dog moved to his hiding spot and farted right into it (LOL)

2. this tiny people racing game, you'd have to mash a button to move and hit another to jump, and you played it with a friend as a race.

Pardon again if my list is overbearing but i remember craploads of games that kept me busy as a kid and it'd be nice to remember them :)


New member
Oct 21, 2012

There's this old game I remember playing back when I was in grade school. Basically, the setting was a school and the main character, whose face you can't see and wears a purple sweater type thing and a red hat, and looks for clues within the school. I think you only see the side profile of the character as he walks. He can also drink water from the water fountain.

I think this game came out in 90's. There was a time when I knew the name of the game but i think it had something to do with clue in the game.

I'm not sure how popular this game was but if anyone knows that i'm talking about, please help me.


Sharon James

New member
Oct 20, 2012
Jamie Hardy said:
i remember a 3rd person racing game for ps2 (like twisted metal)where u choose a machine that had two forms and race /fought for first place.(i think it came out between 2000 2007)it also had futureistic style to it for got the name of it its been driing me crazy for the last fex weeks.if anyone could help me please i would so thankful
were u an alien i thjink imlookingfor the same game

Kim Lundwall

New member
Oct 21, 2012
Ohh hi!

I've been trying to figure out the name of an old amiga arcade game.
All I remember from it:
You are a green ball with a "human-looking" face and bounches around in space/on planets.
It doesn't sound that fun, but I remember I loved it as a child. Haha.

I think it came out same time as "Terry" and the "Star Wars - Return of the Jedi" arcade games. Or later..

Krivoh Da

New member
Oct 22, 2012
Hi! I'm looking for a game I play a few years ago (let's say 10 years ago aprox). It was a third-person about a kind of kinght arriving to an island. Has some adventure things, plataform, and action. I remember that under the ship you reach the island, was a Ron Bottle. I Also remember you count with a hand-crossbow and it turned to first-person view when you shot with it. Sorry for my english, I'm from Argentina.

Thanks in advance!


New member
Oct 22, 2012

Well, I'm looking for a game I played around 2000-2005.

The game is RTS, strategy game... Base building, graphics are a bit better than Red Alert 1 but not as good as Red Alert 2.

The game I got was a demo... I got it from a CD one of my cousins lent me, installed in my Pc and played. LOVED the game but it was demo.

What I remember from it is... Every time a mission started, the screen was black and white, showing my base and everything but black and white... Then it slowly recovered the colour. We could build tanks and such things. And whenever a building got damaged, we couldn't just "click and repair it", we needed a fire truck to repair it.

In the second mission of that game(demo, so in original game could be a different mission), I remember it started as usual, black and white, slowly gaining colour, and ALL of my buildings were on fire/damaged, and I had to send the fire trucks to repair the buildings before the next enemy attack. The mission starts with all of my buildinds already damaged.

I think I played 3 missions of that game before it asked me to buy. :p

Well, all I can remember. RTS, base building, tanks, fire trucks...

I hope somebody knows what game I'm talking about.

Thank you very much! ^^


New member
Oct 12, 2012
hello guys there is a game i used to play ps1 game long time ago its goes like this you can play with 4 characters one of them is a cyborg i think and a male characters with blue clothes an white hair and the other two is girl and a boy i dont remember them but at the first stage you fight a giant spider boss and maybe the second stage you play in yard full of giant worms and in the middle there is a huge tower and thats all what I remember so please anyone can help me? anyone plz?


New member
Oct 22, 2012
Im trying to find a game for the SNES, it was definitely a side scroller. Do not remember the name of it...at all but the protagonist was a mammal of some sort and the story was to rescue a human girl or a girl of his class...not sure...but i remember the first stage being in a city running on a bridge and as you got closer to the end of the stage the sun began to set...it was a great game never beat it and would LOVE to know the name.


New member
Oct 22, 2012
kirbycolours said:
I'm trying to find a game I used to play around 10 years ago on the old family PC running windows XP, and from what I remember it was on a CD-ROM which had one flat colour (I think either green or pink?) and text on it, but no images.
The game itself is a simulation game where you gather resources by giving the people in the game commands such as mining or woodcutting, and using them to build up a village.
I'm also pretty sure that every time you start a new game the terrain is randomly generated.
I'm not 100% certain it was on the kind of disc i described, I just remember having a lot of discs like that for the PC at the time.
Anyone got any ideas on what it could be?

it could be cultures 1 or 2


New member
Oct 22, 2012
Hi guys i wonder if you can help me remember the name of this game.
i played it on the pc about 8-9 years ago but the game could be older.
ok so all i remember is this.
you play as a boy or a man who is searching for his uncle who went missing if i remember right the first cutseen when he start his adventure he use a hot air balloon is a point n click game fantasy game kinda like diblo 2 style and it was alot about casting magic and summoning then sword fight some of the last levels where like in greek mythology with huge marble castles.
sorry for the bad english is my second language.
I hope some one can help me it will make me so happy.

Thanking you in Advance


New member
Oct 22, 2012
I would like help trying to remember the name of a game on the playstation 1. I Don't remember much as I was quite young at the time but it was kinda like an fps strategy game I believe. You had a team of some space soldiers and you had to kill aliens which I believe had a pink/purple head and looked quite scary and big. I think you took it in turns to move or it had some weird system in place I think...sorry it's so vague. I youtubed 100 ps1 games and it didn't show up on there!


New member
Sep 26, 2012
drabstar said:
ooo god hope anyone can help me with this.
sorry for my bad english at first.

i'm trying to search for this old pc game. now i know it was a game that involved travling true some kind of stargates and the first planet if i remember that you start on was with these alien people that teach you how to use your skills like sneaking and shooting and stuff. now once going true the portal you had to save that world save the villagers and stuff and shoot aliens it was a pritty hard game and the main char you play was a guy i know that for sure also that he was dependent on some type of money to buy bullets for his gun and stuff plzzz i don;t know if its much but i'm 24 now and i think i was like 12 or even younger when i played this

ps thx if you know and it was not stargate thats for sure
Two semi-educated guesses would be "Outcast" and "Omikron: The Nomad Soul"


New member
Oct 17, 2012
Hi. In thee 90's I used to play an arcade game about a boy (he kind of looked like Songoku when he was a kid. He had a similar red outfit). This boy shoots fireballs and he is in some kind of sewers I believe. He used to play against monsters. Its a 2D game, action/plataforms. Any clue? Been looking for it fo a couple of years and can't find anything about it. Thanks