Also, also, also! Pardon me for my nostalgia trip but there was this online game on the website called
The website is defunct now but they had these awesome games, and if anyone could help me find the name of some of em' I'd be grateful
One I know the name to, it's called P-Man. You'd choose from a few stick figure animations and woud fight against a friend, throwing random objects at each other and using the umbrella to deflect em. with each throuw, however, your super bar would go up and when it was full you'd be able to use your super move, which were fun and hilarious to watch.
I can't find a link for it, though. darn shame.
The other was some sort of magic game. You'd walk around on a grid, using spells from materials you had to set traps and take out enemies.
Another set of games from that i really want to find out about were the point and click adventure games. they were AWESOME. The one i remember the most is this one where you wake up on a beach and have to look around to find notes, and at the end of the game i think there are like two brothers or something that use magic and you have to choose the right brother to get the best ending. It was a very mind boggling game and i just wanted to find it.
There were several other point and click games, one where you had to escape a castle you were in. i remember the first few rooms had knights in armor hanging on stands, but thats about it
If anyone else remembers the point and click games at least, id be eternally grateful
EDIT: while we're at it, used to be a website that had all these interesting games on it. it was for fox kids, before 4kidstv came up. The games on the site i forget about are
1. This sort of cartoon prank web series that included this red headed kid pranking everyone. the one i remember most was the prank he pulled on his sister by making a dog fart in her room, but it backfired when the dog moved to his hiding spot and farted right into it (LOL)
2. this tiny people racing game, you'd have to mash a button to move and hit another to jump, and you played it with a friend as a race.
Pardon again if my list is overbearing but i remember craploads of games that kept me busy as a kid and it'd be nice to remember them