Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Oct 18, 2011
gem28 said:
gem28 said:
So after googling my random memories for the past hour I came across this thread, created a login and am now hoping like hell that someone on here can help me.

I used to play a game on either PS1 or PS2 a fair few years ago that had a female character (and possibly a male one too) who you controlled. It was a one player game and although I can't remember exactly the purpose of the game she would randomly come across two items and say things like "Look John a Lei seed" or "It's a Buddha"

Sorry for the really vague description but my friends and I randomly think of it every few months and none of us can remember what it was called. I would love to be able to track it down so I am hoping that someone out there knows what it is or can help

Can anyone help with the above game at all? It's driving me crazy haha
What genre is the game from? Strategy, adventure, etc.


New member
Oct 18, 2011
I have something of a challenge. I'm pretty sure that the game is a floppy game from the 80s. I know it was definitely not late 90s onwards. All I remember about it was solving puzzles or mysteries. I think you gathered clues by visiting places, or calling people and asking them questions on the telephone or pay phone.


New member
Oct 21, 2011
I need help!

I played a game when I was about 6(?) years old, or younger.. On a Windows 95/98(?).. I never got it, but have some memories from it, and some information I remember from last time searching the internet for it..

The game was on another planet. You play a guy. The enviroment reminds me about a valley, dessert, something. It's a monster-wolf like creature (BLACK!!) always moving/looking at you in the background. I always died, and did not get the story.

Last time I found it, I found out it had two names. And it had something to do with the guys car(?!) that got him there, and something about a lab, and to get home.. But I DO NOT REMEMBER D:


Zack Alklazaris

New member
Oct 6, 2011
I remember this one game. It was a demo on a disc. It was a real-time strategy game. It was based on the Mayans. The game played as this. You had workers. To get more workers you built houses then put them in the houses which created more workers. You then could convert the workers into other things such as soldiers or some sorta flame throwing soldiers. You could send them to build towers, walls, you know all the usual stuff.

You play the Ajaw (the leader) who appears to be some sort of high priestess or something. This is because you can send down bolts of lightning, create earthquakes, spawn volcanoes, and all other sort of elemental stuff. You gain these powers by worshipping statues that are semi hard to get to within the game.

Oh I also remember you could literally zoom so far out that all you see is the planet.

Never have been able to figure out the name of the game. I only played the demo, but always wanted to play the actual game.


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Mar 11, 2011
I remember this old DOS/Windows 9x game, it was a 2D topdown shooter (I think it wasn't isometric) where you controlled a chopper, you could move wherever you wanted, it was set in a desert and you could choose between several types of weapons like rockets and machineguns before heading off to a mission that IIRC was destroying enemy buildings with foot soldiers, tanks and other things defending them.

I don't remember much more of it, I think it was a demo for it.

Any ideas of what game it is?


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Jan 31, 2010
Dracowrath said:
I remember a PS1 game I had many many years ago, and I'm not sure what happened to it. All I know is, I started it, got stuck, and never touched it again. I vaguely remember something about being a criminal, and being forced to wear this mask...thing...and being dropped into some sewers and wandering around killing things in the sewers. As I said this was many years ago so those are the only details I recall. It may even have been a ps2 game though I doubt it.

Side note, the capcha I got at first for this post ended with that weird wavey = sign. I don't have that button, guys...
Sounds like "Manhunt" on the PS2.

DustArma[]I remember this old DOS/Windows 9x game, it was a 2D topdown shooter (I think it wasn't isometric) where you controlled a chopper, you could move wherever you wanted, it was set in a desert and you could choose between several types of weapons like rockets and machineguns before heading off to a mission that IIRC was destroying enemy buildings with foot soldiers, tanks and other things defending them.

I don't remember much more of it, I think it was a demo for it.

Any ideas of what game it is?
How sure are you that it wasn't isometric? It sounds awfully like the classic "Desert Strike".


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Mar 11, 2011
srm79 said:
Dracowrath said:
I remember a PS1 game I had many many years ago, and I'm not sure what happened to it. All I know is, I started it, got stuck, and never touched it again. I vaguely remember something about being a criminal, and being forced to wear this mask...thing...and being dropped into some sewers and wandering around killing things in the sewers. As I said this was many years ago so those are the only details I recall. It may even have been a ps2 game though I doubt it.

Side note, the capcha I got at first for this post ended with that weird wavey = sign. I don't have that button, guys...
Sounds like "Manhunt" on the PS2.

DustArma[]I remember this old DOS/Windows 9x game, it was a 2D topdown shooter (I think it wasn't isometric) where you controlled a chopper, you could move wherever you wanted, it was set in a desert and you could choose between several types of weapons like rockets and machineguns before heading off to a mission that IIRC was destroying enemy buildings with foot soldiers, tanks and other things defending them.

I don't remember much more of it, I think it was a demo for it.

Any ideas of what game it is?
How sure are you that it wasn't isometric? It sounds awfully like the classic "Desert Strike".
Not much really, I was like 5 or 6 when I played that game.

I'll try to give Desert Strike a shot though, it might be the game I'm looking for :)


New member
Oct 24, 2011
okay this game is where youre a robotit cop (its not robocop) and you can transform into a car(not transformers either) and you build units to attack the other player/cpu's base. this game is for PS2 and i played it about 8-12 years ago. this is pretty much all i remember of the game.


New member
Oct 24, 2011
okay this game is where youre a robotit cop (its not robocop) and you can transform into a car(not transformers either) and you build units to attack the other player/cpu's base. this game is for PS2 and i played it about 8-12 years ago. this is pretty much all i remember of the game.


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Aug 16, 2011
blackie2010 said:
okay this game is where youre a robotit cop (its not robocop) and you can transform into a car(not transformers either) and you build units to attack the other player/cpu's base. this game is for PS2 and i played it about 8-12 years ago. this is pretty much all i remember of the game.
Future Cop

"Dreadnought has destroyed your turret"


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Aug 16, 2011
mikeophobia said:
also, a ps1 game from the late 90s, it was set in the future, action adventure type game, guy had sorta green skin and used a hoverboard. not much to go on but its bugging me
Jak or Monster Rancher is what it reminds me of.


New member
Oct 24, 2011
There is a pc game i used to play when i was about 6 years old, not later than 2001. It had this brown dog, he was wearing a santa hat and to play you needed to use the arrows and you could jump on the space key.. the background was like snow and you needed to collect gifts and bells and christmes stuff like that..there was a realy annoying christmas song in the background and i remember playing that game every day for like 3 years 'till that computer died and i forgot the name of it...

does someone recognize this game??? it's driving me me crazy for like about a year now :/

Brii Sunshine

New member
Oct 25, 2011
hey im hoping someone can help me
I've been looking for this game for a long time and everytime i google it i get harvest moon and what not. Anyways this game is for Ps1 and i only had the demo disc for it(if anyone knows the name of the demo disc that'd be awesome, it came with the Ps1 when we test drove a mini van and got the ps1 for free) anyways you can either be a boy or girl and they each have their own powers, i don't remember what the girls powers were but the boy could morph into the monsters you beat, well you pick up "beast tokens" i think they were called, in the first level you're traveling through the jungle/woods and the level ends with you in a large building where you fight a boss who is half man half horse (I THINK)

another game, not sure if anyone could help this is older, a PC game, very pix elated like Leisure suit Larry, but you're a cop. I can't remember much more than that, also there was an old i think could have been a star wars game, also around the same era very pix elated as well, sorry i can't be of more help, i remember they were both on floppy discs and this was early 90's

Thanks for your help!

EDIT- i found the first game! it's threads of fate! im so happy


New member
Oct 26, 2011
k. a sega genesis game.
space ship game
there were 2 ways to play. 1 you could pit your ship vs the enemy ship in a 1vs1 battle, your one ship would battle all the other ships one at a time in a top down view of space where if you went to fast you would smash into a small planet, about 10 ships i think? the humans ship looked like a big penis that shot missles and there was one that shot green stuff as its special, one had furry critters flying it you could kamakaze with. i remember all of them mostly just not the name. 2 you could play with planets that you could take over, mine and make money then battle your opponent for the galaxy as you bought ships. any ideas?


New member
Oct 27, 2011
onixjasper said:
in the mid 90's i used to play a game for hours..too bad i cant remember the name of it...

it was a 3D third person game where you flew an spaceship. i almost recall each mission would almost work like check points and you would rarely have to enter a new map. missions varied where you shot at other craft, ground vehicles, even destroyed buildings. the craft was black and the graphics where very decent for its time.. i used to play with a joystick and for somereason my brain keeps telling me it may have been developed by microsoft.... please help

tried to get help from my mom but all she can remember was that she paid 40 bucks for it and i was the best at it in my household...lol.. please someone help.
Maybe Descent? That game came with my Win95 when I got in in '97 and it sounds similar.

There's a lot that I don't remember, but only this one that is killing me...

It was a PC game, adventure- possibly point and click, but I think you had to do puzzles too. I believe 2D graphics and the plot started in the future, but the main guy (dark hair, wore glasses?) had to travel back in time for some reason. I think a (talking?) dog went with him and he was possibly a cyborg (totally could be making that up...).

The few scenes I can remember is the duo being in the sewers briefly and then trying to get into a fancy (corporate? laboratory?) building.

Whenever I've thought about the game, I remember confusing the title with Journeyman and Pschyotron so maybe something like that is similar in the title.

Hope someone can remember!

PS- I remember that educational space frog game slightly but not the name, lol.


New member
Oct 27, 2011
Vault101 said:
animekenobi said:
Vault101 said:
Ok heres a challenge

this one I played on windows 95/98

It was an educational game, I think encyclopedia might have been in the title

it was one where you would go to different parts of the world and click on things

anyway your guide or main charachter was essentially a space frog, he wore a bubble like space helmet and had a lily pad shaped flying platform which was like a space segway (that could fly)

you could also go to his space ship, theres one thign I remeber where there was a song about the planets that went "Mercury now is the one...closest to the shining sun!" thats all I can remember from the song

now figure that one out

DUDE, I'M LOOKING FOR THAT GAME RIGHT NOW! Let me see if I can help you. The frog's name was Tad. At the beginning, he always said, "You can call me Tad."
You went to different habitats to see different animals. Like the farm had a pig and a cat. There was also the arctic as one of the habitats. I hope I figure it out soon! Oh, the song went like this:
Mercury now is the one closest to the shining sun. Venus, Earth, and then comes Mars, orbiting that burning star.... something about Jupiter and Saturn that I don't remember... Uranus is blue and green, it's COLD and minus 553 degrees! Neptune is the blue-ish one, it's atmosphere is hydrogen!.. and then something about Pluto.
Good luck!
yes! that sounds right, cant belive somone remembers it (and the song as well)

it was similar to anotherone I would play called "dangerous creatures" not the same game obviously but they were very similar

Should have searched before I posted the first time. But I'm 100% positive it's



New member
Oct 29, 2011
Hey, so i played this game my sister had when i was young. its from somewhere in the 90's and you played as a female detective (i think she had red hair) and you explored a house/mansion and the grounds around it for clues. i dont remember much but there was a playground that if you sat in the swing there would be a hole in it which basically killed you and you had to start over. i cant really remember anymore sadly and neither does my sister. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks

edit: its a game for windows


New member
Apr 16, 2009
It's a game where you play as a green slime with glasses. Also at the beginning there are..cute somethings around a campfire.