Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Nov 20, 2012
Ricardo Mendes said:
danyuhhl said:
There's this one game I played on my PC like ten years ago or something. It was a first person game (I think, but most likely) in medieval age. I had a sword and i remember walking through some castle, you know, just chillin', and I could talk to some people. If I attacked them, I'd end up in jail (this little basement that had an entrance from the outside of the castle, but inside the walls). I also remember going into some woods. First I had to cross a stream or a river to get in the woods. I could kill a boar in the woods, but I think it always killed me first, cause I sucked. OH YEAH, I could also end up (can't remember how) in some magical place. I remember I could climb some floating stairs to end up in wizards chambers (I think it was a female wizard whom I could talk to) and it looked a bit like some library and the background was all space-ish. That's all I can remember, please help me!
Have you looked at the early Elder Scrolls? arena, daggerfall, etc?
I have and it's not any of the games in the Elder Scrolls series :/


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Oct 20, 2011
Neuronic said:
i am for years trying to know what this game is i re-looked all my cds and nothing oh well please help me youre my only chance to get this awesome game that was in a demo i played long ago. Here are the details:

-the title was like extermination or anihilation i dont remenber but it ended in "ation"
-Pc space strategy game maybe around 2002-2005 the graphics were good but very 2d
-i think i remenber the main menu and the levels were planets maybe around 10 or some more not like 18 and i saw a human soldier and an alien as a poster of the game or something

»the first level was a circular spaceship hovering over desert like terrain:
i had to build a green colony or something whose measure of capacity was of 1000's
the aliens that would invade at that first level fired some lasers not in one only direction against the same target

»the second planet was dark and i could built flying units and the demo ended when i went to the 3rd planet

Was it one of the Total Annihilation series?


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Oct 20, 2011
teqrevisited said:
Carrots_macduff said:
I have another! Also a ps1 game, in this one you are a member of a futuristic police force iirc, and you have a transforming car/walking mech armed with rockets and flame throwers and machine guns and all that good stuff, and I believe it was a top down perspective.
Future Cop: LAPD.

One of my favourites.
One of mine too. It was a brilliant game.


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Nov 24, 2012
wolfsbane117 said:
Novver said:
wolfsbane117 said:

This was an old PC game, been bugging me for awhile now.

Standard RTS game, except everything was in space/spaceships etc. All the building happened in rings around different planets which had various different ratings for the resources on each. There was kinda like a multiple map thing, where you could leave your galaxy? and go to other ones which all resided on a big map. Pretty much all I remember about it really. Just been bugging me, thanks for the help!
Its quite simple, my all time favourite. Its in my best 10 RTS i played.

Conquest - Frontier Wars


Thanks so much, been bugging me for forever lol
crap, it doesn't run unter Win8...

Georgia Barnett

New member
Nov 27, 2012
Hey guys, I'm not sure if this has already been posted about but there was this game I used to play quite a while ago, it was either on ps1 or ps2 most likely ps1 and I've been searching on end for the name of it. The music to the game is Just what I needed by The Cars, if you ignore the singing and you just listen to the music of the song. The game play was you were a little yellow round dude and you were walking on a yellow block path and you had to push blocks out of your way to get through to the other places on the map and you would eat berries and stuff. It's kind of sounding like a different version of pacman, I'm pretty sure it's not? Sorry but my memory of the game is very vague and the thing that got me thinking about the game again is that song by The Cars.
You have no idea how much I would appreciate some help on finding this game, it has been bothering me for the past few months now.


New member
Oct 4, 2011
I got one.
On PS1/Late 90's/you're in a spaceship thing. The game plays unusually in that the levels were a cylinder and your spaceship thing had to fly on it but you could go around the whole cylinder. The objective of this game was to get to the end without running into obstacles and possibly enemy ships. At the end of each level you had to vs a boss ship or something. It's pretty obscure as in i've been trying to find this game for at least 10 years.


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Oct 4, 2011
Joshmustlive said:
I am about to lose my mind!!!
I have been searching for this game for years, I'v tried everything I can think of and I am still at a lose I have lost days of sleeping looking through all the different forums and all the roms and everything and I just cant find the game.

This is all I can remember, The main character has blue hair and its a top down rpg on the PS but when you go into battle mode it goes into a 3D perspective it looks very similar to Final Fantasy 7 but i have found that none of the final fantasy games are the game i am mentioning, the only three characters i can remember are the blue haired guy, red haired girl, and a green haired guy. The only two gameplay and story aspects i can remember are, You finish doing something in your home town after talking with your friends your mother I think calls you inside to go to sleep, you wake up during the night to hear the town is being attacked, the towns people and guards are being attacked and you go ask your mother or whatever whats going on and i could swear to you that she says that Sins army is attacking and there is no hope for the town. Then the wall surrounding the town breaks and it shows this demons face smiling and some really epic creepy music starts playing, you go to help fight the army against your mothers or whatever wishes and you eventualy fight "sin" and lose, and i remember bits and pieces of the final boss and attacking during battle its like a big open area with wavy darkness all around with blue lights under your characters and the boss is massive like the biggest boss iv ever seen lol, and once you attack a few times there will be a counter that shows up on the screen to show how many hits you got.

I really hope this helps everyone find out what game this is, so i can stop worrying about it and staying up days at a time looking for this amazing rpg, btw it was around 96 or so if i remember right. Please help this is my only hope of finding this game
Was it Wild Arms by any chance?


New member
Nov 27, 2012
Please help to identify this PC game:

Game type: Top down perpective (isometric)

Year: Probably mid 90's

Gameplay: Adventure game with possible RPG (not necessarily fantasy) elements.

What I remember:

I remember playing as a male character (possibly a boy). At some point you have to help a colony of giant ants. If I recall correctly you were later able to transform into an ant. You had to complete quests and I recall going into some kind of laboratory at one stage to help a scientist. Very close to the beginning of the game you had to attack a giant moster (might have been a see monster). I also imagine a girl being involved in the plot (not sure about this one). I think you may have looked for a way to save/rescue her.

Please help. I have super fond childhood memories of this one (except for actually remembering any details :p )

Radu Savutiu

New member
Nov 26, 2012
Gangxxter said:
Radu Savutiu said:
Hi everyone, I have a big lapsus right now.

I remember playing a 3D adventure/RTS game with a wizard. Basically you had mana wells from which to regenerate mana, and you could place your monsters on them as well.
Then you would fight with other wizard over them.
Also, on the adventure side, you played some weird chess at one point, made valerian potions, and so on.

The name was MM something...
Please help!
Probably some "Heroes of Might & Magic" game?
No way...it was older with not so good 3D graphics. It was 3rd person, but camera was pretty close. I think it was also fixed...


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2011
transgressionz said:
I got one.
On PS1/Late 90's/you're in a spaceship thing. The game plays unusually in that the levels were a cylinder and your spaceship thing had to fly on it but you could go around the whole cylinder. The objective of this game was to get to the end without running into obstacles and possibly enemy ships. At the end of each level you had to vs a boss ship or something. It's pretty obscure as in i've been trying to find this game for at least 10 years.
Tempest X3 [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qx2xqUDITL0#t=3m10s]


New member
Nov 27, 2012
This is a PC game I played in the 90s.

Its a asteroid like game, so top down point of view.

It came in those 100 games in 1 CDs

You have a space ship that is upgradable and the map is like a big galaxy/universe that has a grid over it so you can choose which square/part you want to go to. There are some aliens in certain squares and alien bases. You kill asteroids to mine metals which you turn in for credits and then use the credits to upgrade your ship. Once you cleared a square you and go on to choose any of the many on the grid. Its literally a giant rectangle shaped map.

I've been trying to google this game, but to no avail.


New member
Nov 27, 2012
Thank you transgressionz and IanDresari for replying it was legend of legaia once i heard the overworld music in the opening i started to cry because everything came back to me every image and everything i ever had foggy thoghts about became clear i was so happy thank you again for replying and helping end this 10 year quest for this game :'D


New member
Nov 28, 2012
I've been trying to find a game that I used to play. I'll briefly describe portions of the game - maybe someone knows?
Played on a PC, similar to Ultima (looking down on a character, moving up, down, left and right etc).
You start out on an island with nothing. Moving around you discover a hole, with a letter and lamp inside. Tells you about what to do or who to seek.
Visit many areas, I think that as you walk you fall into battle on another screen, then when the battle is over you continue on.
There is an area with three towns that look alike yet they do not get along with each other. Each town has the same clothing color (one blue town, one red and one green? I could be wrong on the colors). There is some machine in the middle of town that dispenses clothing - and you better get the same color as everyone else or you are a target. But if you mess with the knobs the clothing comes out tie-dyed or just messed up colors.
At one point you meet someone who says their son has been kidnapped. You will find him in another location (castle-type place?) and you have to make him agree to go with you. Can't escape the place he's in because of security, but you can find a hole in the shrubs.
Towards the end of the game you are in a town where all of the townspeople have some crazy disease or something. They have all been transformed into plants or tree people, and they can't talk. You find one that can communicate, and I think they tell you how to cure the rest.
Another location is like a mine, where you see workers move in to work and then exit to leave. They carry and leave around picks and other mining stuff. You can't talk to the miners, they just don't acknowledge you. But I think the mine itself is a connection between two towns.
Sorry I don't have much, I played this many years ago. And I've been searching for it for many years as well, so hopefully someone can help. Thanks for reading!


New member
Nov 27, 2012
Okay I'm not going to be able to describe this very well since I only remember bits and pieces but...

It was a PC windows game that I played back when I was under 12 so about 2004 and under. The actual game was kind of like a problem solving thing where you control an orange humanoid thing. Can't remember the plot I think at one point I had to rescue some other humunoid orange things from a cage and then I could control them. (I might be making this up)

There is also a kind of freeplay where I think you take over other different coloured humanoids places (like green, red and purple/blue) there was a casino level/arena, a candy/cloud one, a space one and a kitchen. I think when you killed you enemy you could drink them which, if I remember correctly would then allow you to make more of your people. The enemies would also say things like "I'm gonna getcha" and stuff like that.

If anyone can think of anything vaguely like what i'm talking about that would be awesome.



New member
Nov 28, 2012
I have been trying to figure out what the name of this old computer game is that i used to play when i was little. It was for the computer and you were a spaceship and you had to move threw the levels i remember they were really brightly colored. there was no one to fight or anything like that you just moved threw each level. i hope you find it its been driving me crazy.


New member
Nov 22, 2012
It was some sort of racing game, you could literally swap out engine parts and everything. I think it was some sort of drag racing. You could take a car and put new engine, chassis, etc. in it... Hope someone remembers... i can't for the life of me... It was probably out between 2000 and 2006. Also, i think you could buy cars from a junkyard... It's a pc game that my uncle had on windows xp... Please someone help me, i would love to play this game again. Maybe i could even help you find a game...



New member
Nov 28, 2012
The first game I want to find is a game of Zx Spectrum from 89, 90 or 91 (I am not sure from which one of these years).
In this game some kind of metallic players play inside a field where they have to insert a ball in the net. They play some kind of strange "football" or "hockey", though it's not exactly "football", nor "hockey". The thing there is in common with "football" or "hockey" is that they have to score in nets during a certain period of time (usually 5 minutes if I am not mistaken). So you are representing a team when you participate in a league of 10 or 12 teams. Your goal is to finish in the first place of that league. All teams have names of star constellations, such as: Auriga, lacerta, pavo, tucana, vela, virgo, castor, centauro, etc. So those are the names of the teams. I can't find the name of this game for more than 20 years, so I would be very thankful if someone told me the its name.


New member
Nov 28, 2012
The second game I want to find is from 93 or 94. It's a PC game. In that game you are given the possibility of choosing several objects (likes ropes, scissors, wood boards, balls, etc.) and what you have to do it to place them in a manner that the task you are required to solve would be possible to be solved. Like for example: The scissors placed in a certain manner would cut the rope, then the rope would free something that would fall on the wood board, then a ball that was already lying on the wood board would jump to hit something, etc. So all those movements combined in the end would allow us to solve the required task. Any ideas?


New member
Oct 5, 2011
davoid23 said:
2 is a game, I'm sure the idea was to fly and shoot different planes e.t.c and each level was essentially a corridor in the desert (outside, but with invisible walls) and ended with a giant snake/viper/cobra that you had to defeat. (No idea on the name, sorry) Same sort of time period again.

Space Harrier?