Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Nov 29, 2012
I need help with a game

I don't really have much to go on but i'll try

Okay so i think there's some sort of meteor crashing into an island and you play like some sort of dinosaur that is orange.
The game is like clicking to continue and there's a level when you have to enter a castle by clicking on a torch i think.

Hopefully someone will know what game it is and i played it in like 2002:)


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Nov 29, 2012
Zx_Spectrum said:
What was the name of a very famous game where a monkey collects coins and it has to fight with enemies on its way?
When you say "very famous", I'm thinking one of the Donkey Kong games. However, the coin part threw me off a little bit, as Donkey Kong mostly collects bananas. In the newer ones there ARE such things as banana coins.

---Side Scrollers---

Donkey Kong Country (SNES) - No Banana Coins
Donkey Kong Country 2 (SNES) - Has Banana Coins
Donkey Kong Country 3 (SNES) - Has Banana Coins
Donkey Kong Country Returns (Wii) - Has Banana Coins


Donkey Kong 64 (N64) - Pretty sure it has Banana Coins, too


New member
Nov 29, 2012
Sudden488 said:
I need help with a game

I don't really have much to go on but i'll try

Okay so i think there's some sort of meteor crashing into an island and you play like some sort of dinosaur that is orange.
The game is like clicking to continue and there's a level when you have to enter a castle by clicking on a torch i think.

Hopefully someone will know what game it is and i played it in like 2002:)
What kind of game is it? I mean, is it a PC flash game, or a Nintendo game, etc.

I have two games that come to mind. See if you recognize them:

Dino Run (flash game) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSTcYlr88fE

Gon (SNES game) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoM_ZXdjWJA


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Nov 29, 2012
Charge said:
I have been searching for this game forever.
It is a space game, you start out as a smiley face ship I believe, but you can mine planets, and then colonize others planets and build defenses from the computer opponent. It's 2d and has a pretty big space map. You can move around freely to any point of the map you want. It's for the PC. I want to say it was on a disk called 300 great games for windows 95/98.
If you need anymore information please ask and I will try my best to answer.

I believe this is what you're looking for :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZ7Txf8hZEY

Here's the smiley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZ7Txf8hZEY&t=2m5s


New member
Nov 29, 2012
Hey Guys!

I dont remember a game that I used to play when I was child. It was around '98 or maybe 2000.
I only play with the demo version of the game. You could choose from different caracters (an ALIEN, MONKEY, KENGUROO, and I remeber to a woman or something).
In the first level you had to climb on a big building to reach the helicopter on the top. You had to race.
You could throw things to each other while you was climbing.
Thats all I remember. Thank you if you can help me!


New member
Nov 28, 2012
Jzcaesar said:
Sura said:
hy guys,

I remember playing a good old ps1 where you play a a young boy...wizard or mage. Anyway you had a Staff as weapon.
Magic in this game was based on Elements and in fights you had an areal where you can move and attack.
If you wanted to upgrade magic you had to find hidden shiny objects in the area ( not really objects just a blinking something so quite hidden).
If i recall correctly the first boss was earth type, the second wind, the third water and the fourth fire.
Unfortunately I don't remember the plot, it had something to do with the elements I think, and maybe crystals.
Ah, and it was 3rd person. I am pretty sure it was ps1. Hopefully you can help me out there.
There was this game called Quest 64 where you were this kid who was a wizard and the game's magic system was based on elements. The bosses even had the types you listed, in that order.
Thank you so very much, it IS this one. Damn I was so sure it was for ps1... but it's on the N64... lol.
Again, thank you! :D You made a person very happy :)


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Feb 23, 2011
zozijustincase said:
Hey Guys!

I dont remember a game that I used to play when I was child. It was around '98 or maybe 2000.
I only play with the demo version of the game. You could choose from different caracters (an ALIEN, MONKEY, KENGUROO, and I remeber to a woman or something).
In the first level you had to climb on a big building to reach the helicopter on the top. You had to race.
You could throw things to each other while you was climbing.
Thats all I remember. Thank you if you can help me!
It sounds like a combination of Crazy Climber and Rampage. Crazy cliber is a very old game where you climb a skyscraper to a helicopter waiting on the roof. Rampage, you take the role of a mutated giant wolf, ape or lizard, climbing skyscrapers (usually to destroy them by punching out the walls). Both games had sequels and re-releases - which might account for the fact that I don't recognise everything you described.

Is that it?

Jose Castanheira

New member
Nov 29, 2012
Hey guys, can you help me out??

I remember playing a DOS side-scroller game where you control an orange guy that can stretch his body up and down and grab stuff, I'm not really sure, but he could grab the ceiling. I remember the first part being in an ice castle with penguins as enemies, maybe?? Sorry for being so vague, hope you can guess what game it is!


New member
Nov 29, 2012
There's a couple games I've been wondering about for years now, the first of the two is a game on the PS1 (PSX) and what I remember of it is the following: You was this guy in an at least somewhat futuristic setting, and there was this cutscene that showed this woman (I think blonde, if that matters) who was in this pod/life support sort of thing with some kind of virus. And it was explained that the only thing that could save her is this one flower, and to get it you have to go through this maze-y labyrinth-y complex thing, in a Mech. And the gameplay consists of walking around in this Mech, solving puzzles, shooting things with rockets (of which there are a limited amount, and you have multiple colors of them that do different things) I didn't get too far but I remember this one puzzle that involved zodiac signs somehow. The last thing I know is that it's a game available in the UK, because that's where I live and I somehow got to play it via disc. The second is a game I remember playing on an old apple mac G4 and as a demo on a windows 98 computer. It was a shoot em up, space themed, and the power-ups were like, a box with a letter in them, there was homing and non homing missiles, bombs, the one i remember clearest is a large explosion, there was multiple types of weapons, the default being amber colored lasers. I know, not much information but I really can't think of anything else, but if you could help me out on this it would really mean a lot to me, thanks.


New member
Nov 29, 2012
Okay, so, I have two games that I would like to have identified.
The first is fairly easy!

It's a PC game, this one.
If you've ever played Faerie Caves II: Fyora's Quest on Neopets, you will know what it is almost right away. It's a game where you view it from the side, and in the room there are various puzzles. You get torches to blow up dynamite, collect gems, and avoid snakes and other hazards. Any ideas? (I searched indiana jones because the main character has a similar outfit on, but it didn't seem like the game I mean, none of the images match what it looked like).
(It's like this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spelunky) But the graphics are older looking, and it isn't Spelunky, I guarantee it. I'm also fairly certain it's a DOS-type.)

The second is not so easy to describe. It is... well, it's either for NES or SNES possibly for the PC, but I doubt the PC, but I'm pretty sure it's the SNES. I don't think it's a console above that (at the time we only had the NES, SNES, and PC), but I could be mistaken. I'm twenty now, and it has to be at least seven-ten years ago that I played it. I'd say probably more around the ten mark, since I was too young to REALLY understand what the game was about.

Whatever the game was REALLY about, I remember that you go into a room and on the table is some kind of map or something. Or maybe a model of a town. You interact with it and suddenly-- you're in it! I don't remember what you were supposed to do but I remember that there were bulldozers or something, and I think you might have had to avoid them? I don't know if maybe I was just interpreting it wrong, I never actually went up to the vehicles or whatever they were.

So the second game is really weird and hard to describe-- harder to identify, I'm sure! Here's to hoping somebody recognizes the babbling I'm going on with and can be like "Oh, that's this game!" :)


New member
Nov 29, 2012
Jose Castanheira said:
Hey guys, can you help me out??

I remember playing a DOS side-scroller game where you control an orange guy that can stretch his body up and down and grab stuff, I'm not really sure, but he could grab the ceiling. I remember the first part being in an ice castle with penguins as enemies, maybe?? Sorry for being so vague, hope you can guess what game it is!
Side-scroller... orange guy... ice castle? James Pond maybe?


New member
Nov 29, 2012
Liams123 said:
There's a couple games I've been wondering about for years now, the first of the two is a game on the PS1 (PSX) and what I remember of it is the following: You was this guy in an at least somewhat futuristic setting, and there was this cutscene that showed this woman (I think blonde, if that matters) who was in this pod/life support sort of thing with some kind of virus. And it was explained that the only thing that could save her is this one flower, and to get it you have to go through this maze-y labyrinth-y complex thing, in a Mech. And the gameplay consists of walking around in this Mech, solving puzzles, shooting things with rockets (of which there are a limited amount, and you have multiple colors of them that do different things) I didn't get too far but I remember this one puzzle that involved zodiac signs somehow. The last thing I know is that it's a game available in the UK, because that's where I live and I somehow got to play it via disc. The second is a game I remember playing on an old apple mac G4 and as a demo on a windows 98 computer. It was a shoot em up, space themed, and the power-ups were like, a box with a letter in them, there was homing and non homing missiles, bombs, the one i remember clearest is a large explosion, there was multiple types of weapons, the default being amber colored lasers. I know, not much information but I really can't think of anything else, but if you could help me out on this it would really mean a lot to me, thanks.
I've searched far and wide for the first one, but I'm stumped. The only PSX games I can find that has zodiac sign puzzles in them are Silent Hill and Dracula: The Resurrection. Neither have Mech's in them :(

Sorry that I can't help you with that one. The other one I have another question for. By shoot em up, do you mean a spaceship shooting all these weapons, or you, a character, walking around, shooting them from a first person perspective?

@Jose Castanheira, you're welcome :D


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Oct 5, 2011
Bryson Woolsey said:
Hey, I'm looking for an old game, I believe it was on the Sega Genesis. It's a top down perspective and you fly a helicopter and go around rescuing people drowning in the ocean or shooting shit down, I cannot remember much of it other than that it was years ago and I was really young. Thanks.
Gotta be one of the Strike games - Desert Strike, Jungle Strike or Urban Strike. All good games!

Mario Lameiras

New member
Nov 2, 2012
Since i got no reply ill repost my request.

"Ok there was a ps1 game i am looking for for a couple of months. Its a 3ps, kind of resident evil but its in space, inside a starship. I remember the rest of the crew has zombie-mutant like and they are trying to kill you. And you can swap between characters. I always though it was dead space but i couldnt find any dead space game for the psx.. So.. Any hints?"


New member
Nov 29, 2012
Oh my god! I found it! http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/0/1433/350659-epidemic.jpg Epidemic, that's what it was. Now to see how far off I was about what it was about.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
Jose Castanheira said:
Hey guys, can you help me out??

I remember playing a DOS side-scroller game where you control an orange guy that can stretch his body up and down and grab stuff, I'm not really sure, but he could grab the ceiling. I remember the first part being in an ice castle with penguins as enemies, maybe?? Sorry for being so vague, hope you can guess what game it is!
James Pond.