Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Dec 29, 2011
Hay think i know the 2nd game ,if u didnt find out already , it was for the sega mega drive ,loved the game ,the name is GENERAL CHAOS ,hope this is the game u are looking for ,its on youtube brings back some good times !!!! :)


New member
Dec 30, 2011
Shotgun Guy said:
JesterRaiin said:
Shotgun Guy said:
I remember when I was like seven or eight, 1997-1998 my dad was playing a game on the computer were you are a detective of sorts and you had to figure out who killed this lady, it was a game that used real actors and you just picked what you wanted to say or where you wanted to go. I remember one of the suspects always seemed really suspicious and whenever you went to question him he'd be doing something that involved him having a possible weapon. One time he was cutting lettuce with a knife. Eventually we were pretty sure it was him so we did the option to arrest him and the video was of the character telling him he was under arrest, the guy was digging a hole in his backyard and just hit the detective in the face with it and it was game over, I think my dad stopped playing after that. Anyway if someone actually knows what that game is, I'd love to know!
Aren't you talking about Ripper ???
Nope that's not it :/

This game didn't have horror element and I think I'd remember if Christopher Walken was in it but this looks somewhat similar to the game I was looking for, so you are in the right ballpark, thanks for trying.
Is it "Under a killing moon"?


New member
Dec 30, 2011
I'm trying to remember an old PC game. It was a life simulation. You chose a character, 2 male and 2 female were available. You would have to get a job, buy food, clothes etc. You could also buy lottery tickets. You could study at universities to get degrees and get better jobs.



New member
Dec 30, 2011
Alright this is going to be the worst description ever. There's this game I played years ago, it was either on PS2 or PS1.. I'm pretty sure there were two main characters, a guy and a girl. (No this isn't Threads of Fate :p) I honestly don't remember much about this game other than it was a sort of adventure game, i don't remember there being much of a story. There was just monster killing and exploring, unless i was too young to remember anything else. I just remember getting this really weird vibe from the game. It was just a really strange game. Any ideas? D:


New member
Dec 30, 2011
ok so after 3 years of being lost and asking friends i have wound up here.

The game starts off with a short trailer a small child wearing a pink outfit, some witch comes in and tries to steal her sword so she jumps out the window and hurls after it, a few feet before hitting the ground she grabs it and gets this "kick a**" powers.. i think its a platform game but i don't know what console it is on any help please and thanks?


New member
Dec 31, 2011
Hello people.

After searching for months for this game by google, I've decided it's time to ask for help!

So here is the games description as best as I can remember it!

It was, I think, a DOS game for windows
I was Strategy-sidescrollerish!
It had 3 or 4 races of different aliens, one race red, one blue, one green.. and something
They'd all have some sort of starting place.
You'd gather some type of resources with the workers.
Workers couldn't fight.
When you started, can't remember if you could choose or not the starting race.
You started with 1-5 worker aliens.
You could build fighter ones as well, all you did was make them, no commands, as far as I can remember.
You would have a pool of pure water on certain points [including spawn point]
You would fight of corruption clouds that would seek to corrupt your pool, you could also advance with your fighters to destroy a structure that would permit the pool it corrupted to be purified.
The clouds would be sent reguraly.
There were different planets you could go [expand I think] on after you did something.
You could visit the other races planets, but see only their home place, not them.
You would basically start from a side and start "fighting" and cleansing the corruption till it was gone [not sure if for good on planet]

Please, please, If you know the game, could provide any information regarding it or it's name, it would be greatly appreciated! All the games I played sine I was 4 I can can remember, but this one.... I just can't name.


New member
Jan 1, 2012
Seth Vox said:
This is killing me Please help me

Bear with me here:

Old PC game where you had like an indian tribe that you controlled and there were other tribes and maybe they came to attack you or vice versa I can't remember, but I do remember that you had like lightning bolt powers and tornado powers and you had to kill them or something? lol I know it is so vague but its just how my memory is. I believe you could build towers as well?

Please let me know
The game is called Populous: The Beginning.


New member
Jan 1, 2012
I cannot remember for the life of me the name of this game. I played it in the late 90s. The only things I remember are these things:There was a hallway with doors from which you could choose. You could shave the character's face after lathering it. The characters may have been cats (I'm not sure). At one point in the game, you have to find 2 keys for something (I don't remember why), and one of the characters would pop up with "To be or not to be," then "2D or not 2D," "2 peas or not 2 peas," and lastly, "2 keys or not 2 keys," at which point you would click the keys. A pie would be thrown at the screen and you had to wipe it off with a little hand holding a cloth.Ok I wasn't sure if it was the same Toon Town that's out now or what. Maybe just the older version? Either way, I'd like to be able to play it again!

Can anyone tell me the name of this game?!?! I feel like it had "Toon" in the title somewhere.


Senior Member
May 30, 2011
lets see my game was on ps2 you village was deystroyed by some sort of demon and kidnaps ya gf or something you have to venture into a cave but you also have to eat and drink the first cave was impossible to beat you pass out before you get to the end of the cave by thirst you r rescued by an old man and he gives you a water bottle then you can go through the cave since i only has a demo you could only do it for 3 days every time you left the cav you could rebuild part of the village also their was no voice only text so at the start you eneter your name then the character use your name

Flavius Nerve

New member
Jan 2, 2012
there was this game with this blue/Green guy and you had to run away from some aliens and escape from all sorts of stuff i was playing it on pc on windows 98 im sure about that the aliens sort of looked like the aliens from district 9


New member
Jun 3, 2010
troyrich said:
I was thinking eariler about all the games i used to play and one came to mind that i used to love, but i cannot for the life of me remember what it was so I wondered if anyone else gets this same memory issue and who knows Might end up finding some classics we forgot long ago.

My one is a PC game It was a car game of sorts driving around and arena leaving a coloured trail behind you and you killed other players by getting them to drive into the trail you leave behind. I think the cars and arena were mostly black (or at least the version i had was) and the trail and 'walls' coming from the cars were really bright colours depending on team etc. Like red, orange, green, blue.

Well there you go, What games have you forgotten, Hopefully we can rediscover old games we thought long lost!
Probably Armegatron, or Light Cycles you're thinking of.


New member
Jan 2, 2012
I need help with an old game it is around 10-15 years old and was a windows Platform I'm sure I'm pretty sure you start off on your boat and it either no longer works or you are ship wrecked anyway you end up on this island. On the island there is a fishing shop where you can buy fishing supplies and use them to catch fish and sell them. That's all I can remember the game was 2d and resembled a dis type gameplay please help cheers


New member
Jan 2, 2012
Ok dudes I used to play on this game about 4 years ago with my cousens and don't know the name of it
Description :
You start in a hotel lobby sign up and get given a room key with a floor and a room on it . Once you did that you clickted on the elevator and type in your floor number. I remember mine was 482 and room 20? . You got to decorate your room with stuff from the catolog. The graphics were realistic but the same quality as the sims 1. You could visit friends by typeing in their floor number on the elevator and clicking on their door. You could give gifts to your friends but there was one inpaticular i hated ! It was this green box with a question Mark on it and all my cousins sent it to me . Once you opened it green slush busted all over your apartment. I had to get 6 different rooms because my other ones got recked my green slush . If you know the name of the game please tell my the name because you'll be a life saver . Btw: it was summat to do with a hotel I think. Thx


New member
Apr 14, 2009
zrf17 said:
no, no, no.
it's not based on any movie.
it's just a product of someone's imagination without any connection with other games, movies, books etc.
it's similar to Mario games but more complicated, creative.
there is quite dark atmosphere but every thing is like cartoon and it's more funny than scary.

I forgot to sorry you for my english language - I'm Polish. :>
To kur*a chłopie wypełnij podstawowe elementy profilu jak pochodzenie, a nie jak jakiejś buraki w obcej mowie szwargotamy. ;)



Something like this ?