Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Leonardo Passolongo

New member
Dec 25, 2011
Do you know a game that had zombies that needed to be taken to an island? they could not be taken all at once... I remember only that there was a bridge. It is a children's game. Sorry about the lack of details but that's all I remember. Thanks


New member
Dec 26, 2011
Hey, I obviously don't remember this game, I only played the demo...But, it was about a little boy and girl who went to sleep and have a nightmare or something, in the demo you play as the boy, you're in a weird place like a cementery with monster, and you can only defeat them when you enter a toybox thingie and transform into a ninja or something like that. Plz tell me, Thnx for your time!^^


New member
Mar 14, 2011
GeneralSeasick said:
I used to have this game on my computer. It was an FPS with a castle-esque setting and there was green water or acid that would kill you if you were in it for to long. I don't think it was Doom, because you could go Under the green stuff, and I played Doom recently, and I could not do that. I think I was shooting Aliens in the game...
It might be Heretic or the sequel Hexen. Better games than Doom in my opinion.




New member
Apr 14, 2009
Shotgun Guy said:
I remember when I was like seven or eight, 1997-1998 my dad was playing a game on the computer were you are a detective of sorts and you had to figure out who killed this lady, it was a game that used real actors and you just picked what you wanted to say or where you wanted to go. I remember one of the suspects always seemed really suspicious and whenever you went to question him he'd be doing something that involved him having a possible weapon. One time he was cutting lettuce with a knife. Eventually we were pretty sure it was him so we did the option to arrest him and the video was of the character telling him he was under arrest, the guy was digging a hole in his backyard and just hit the detective in the face with it and it was game over, I think my dad stopped playing after that. Anyway if someone actually knows what that game is, I'd love to know!
Aren't you talking about Ripper ???

oceanwilde said:
This seems to be a rather old thread, but these dream-like flashbacks have really been bugging me the whole week. If anyone reads this and remembers any game vaguely similar to what I've just described, I'd be very grateful to hear about it.

GeneralSeasick said:
I used to have this game on my computer. It was an FPS with a castle-esque setting and there was green water or acid that would kill you if you were in it for to long. I don't think it was Doom, because you could go Under the green stuff, and I played Doom recently, and I could not do that. I think I was shooting Aliens in the game...


New member
Dec 26, 2011
hi guys!
i have a please.
I'm looking for a one old game from 90s.
I don't remember many things but I'll try to describe it as good as I can.
- 2D platform game,
- there were some episodes [each episode had boss (PROBABLY)] and this episodes were divided on stages ['one screen' was one stage],
- bosses were strange - I think one of them was a rat,
- I remember that in first stage there was some kind of sea with shark and dangerous lightning which was hurting us and everything took place in something like prison,
- of course on every stage were enemies who we had to kill,
- PROBABLY [my sister says it] main character was a boy who was quite fat.

it's very important for me to find this game, it's part of my childhood.
I think I wrote everything what I know and remember.
if you have questions, please ask, i'll try to answer it.

Right Hook

New member
May 29, 2011
JesterRaiin said:
Shotgun Guy said:
I remember when I was like seven or eight, 1997-1998 my dad was playing a game on the computer were you are a detective of sorts and you had to figure out who killed this lady, it was a game that used real actors and you just picked what you wanted to say or where you wanted to go. I remember one of the suspects always seemed really suspicious and whenever you went to question him he'd be doing something that involved him having a possible weapon. One time he was cutting lettuce with a knife. Eventually we were pretty sure it was him so we did the option to arrest him and the video was of the character telling him he was under arrest, the guy was digging a hole in his backyard and just hit the detective in the face with it and it was game over, I think my dad stopped playing after that. Anyway if someone actually knows what that game is, I'd love to know!
Aren't you talking about Ripper ???
Nope that's not it :/

This game didn't have horror element and I think I'd remember if Christopher Walken was in it but this looks somewhat similar to the game I was looking for, so you are in the right ballpark, thanks for trying.


New member
Dec 26, 2011
no, no, no.
it's not based on any movie.
it's just a product of someone's imagination without any connection with other games, movies, books etc.
it's similar to Mario games but more complicated, creative.
there is quite dark atmosphere but every thing is like cartoon and it's more funny than scary.

I forgot to sorry you for my english language - I'm Polish. :>


New member
Oct 23, 2011
Ok, the game im looking for looked like this (not excactly, but very similar, i drew this)

The screen you could see was very little, those are four enemies, they moved only in one path and you could only avoid them, anyway, if someone played it, you could recognize it from the screen.

Something i forgot, the red ball (the player) was always the center of the screen.


New member
Dec 26, 2011
yes, it's close.
but player wasn't in the center.

it's more similar.
the screen didn't go up or down and left or right.
you had to reach something to go to next stage.
and I think enemies could be killed.


New member
Oct 23, 2011
no, the game was more like what i drew, you controlled a red ball with a face and the rest of the lvl was drawn in black (no grayscale) and you moved in four directions (not a plataform game).


New member
Dec 26, 2011
oh sorry, I didn't notice that you're also looking for 'forgotten game'.
my last post was was about 'my game'.
sorry, for misunderstanding.

so, could someone help my with my riddle?


New member
Oct 5, 2011
GeneralSeasick said:
I used to have this game on my computer. It was an FPS with a castle-esque setting and there was green water or acid that would kill you if you were in it for to long. I don't think it was Doom, because you could go Under the green stuff, and I played Doom recently, and I could not do that. I think I was shooting Aliens in the game...

Leonardo Passolongo said:
Do you know a game that had zombies that needed to be taken to an island? they could not be taken all at once... I remember only that there was a bridge. It is a children's game. Sorry about the lack of details but that's all I remember. Thanks
This is a long shot, but you don't mean Logical Journey of the Zoombinis?

Dodgerjoey said:
Hey, I obviously don't remember this game, I only played the demo...But, it was about a little boy and girl who went to sleep and have a nightmare or something, in the demo you play as the boy, you're in a weird place like a cementery with monster, and you can only defeat them when you enter a toybox thingie and transform into a ninja or something like that. Plz tell me, Thnx for your time!^^
NiGHTS into Dreams?

This isn't a dig at any individual person, but this would be a lot easier if people would mention which platform it was on, or at the very least try to nail down a rough time period and whether it's a console or PC! Cheers guys!
Dec 21, 2011
Fleetfiend said:
There is one that I played on the PS1 at someone's house... The only thing I can remember about it is that it was an RPG, and you started off in some kind of dungeon. Can't remember anything else, but I've been trying for ages to figure out what it was.

There's another game that I couldn't remember for the longest time, that I found out was <url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jade_Cocoon:_Story_of_the_Tamamayu>Jade Cocoon.
Yeah, I did the same thing with Jade Cocoon - found it in a second hand store a couple of months ago and played it again for the first time in like 10 years! Love that game.

Also recently remembered a game from my childhood that I loved because I found it difficult and may never have actually finished it - Magicland Dizzy for Amiga - childhood retro platformer joy!
Dec 21, 2011
Dodgerjoey said:
Hey, I obviously don't remember this game, I only played the demo...But, it was about a little boy and girl who went to sleep and have a nightmare or something, in the demo you play as the boy, you're in a weird place like a cementery with monster, and you can only defeat them when you enter a toybox thingie and transform into a ninja or something like that. Plz tell me, Thnx for your time!^^
Don't know if anyone's already answered this but I'm pretty sure that's <url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/40_Winks>40 Winks for Playstation 1.


New member
Dec 28, 2011
I have been racking my brain for quiet some time trying to remember the title of this game, the two things i remember about it may actually in-fact be from a different game, but i am sure they're from the same.

1. its sort of like a laser disc game where it plays cut scenes with real actors, one scene i remember (don't laugh) is the main actor (you) sitting on a chair and a half naked woman sits on top of you wearing white lacy underwear.

2. im pretty sure its the same game, its a point and click adventure game where one scene involved a blue color lit room with pillars and there was a panel on one of the pillars you had to open.

For some reason I keep remembering the word Nectropolis or Netropolis / Metropolis. Hope this helps, if anyone knows what im on about please tell me the title! cheers.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
Adrick said:
For some reason I keep remembering the word Nectropolis or Netropolis / Metropolis. Hope this helps, if anyone knows what im on about please tell me the title! cheers.
Phantasmagoria? Never played it, so that's a bit of a guess.


New member
Dec 28, 2011
I'm trying to remember the name of a mid 1990's, PC, tetris/puzzle type game, so that I may try to find it and buy it. If you know of it please email me at [email protected]. You had blocks that had items in them, and when the blocks were touched, the items in the block would "come to life". Some of the items helped you, like vertical or horizontal missiles that would clear everything in its path. Other items would become large obstacles like large cross bars. There were also slime and sticky stuff items that would glue itself to whatever it touched and bombs that would clear large spaces. It was a very addictive game, and I only played the free beta version and never actually bought the full game. Thanks for your help!!


New member
Dec 28, 2011
Batou667 said:
Adrick said:
For some reason I keep remembering the word Nectropolis or Netropolis / Metropolis. Hope this helps, if anyone knows what im on about please tell me the title! cheers.
Phantasmagoria? Never played it, so that's a bit of a guess.
Unfortunately not, more info: it was around late 90s maybe around 2000 or 2001. it was a male protagonist and was for PC/DOS.


New member
Dec 28, 2011
Adrick said:
Batou667 said:
Adrick said:
For some reason I keep remembering the word Nectropolis or Netropolis / Metropolis. Hope this helps, if anyone knows what im on about please tell me the title! cheers.
Phantasmagoria? Never played it, so that's a bit of a guess.
Unfortunately not, more info: it was around late 90s maybe around 2000 or 2001. it was a male protagonist and was for PC/DOS.
Actually I looked up Phantasmagoria and found a link to MobyGames which categorised those types of interactive movie games, i was able to find the game I forgot from there. Funny thing, it was actually called 'Noctropolis'


I had previously tried googling Netrpolois and Necropolis / Metropolis but not 'Noctrpolis'. Anyway, was an interesting game to say the least at that time for me. Thanks for your help.