Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Jan 3, 2012
First, I love this thread. It's a great idea and I registered just because of it. The game I'm searching for has proved too hard for me to find. So I'm hoping, after seeing some of the other games people remember, someone will remember this one. I am looking for an online text based game I played years ago. It was a racing game and it would give descriptions about cars sitting in driveways and on streets and you could make money by racing or having girls sell calendars or you could break into other peoples garages. I'm hoping someone will remember the name or where I can find it. Any info is appreciated. Thanks


New member
Jan 3, 2012
Hey guys!
I've been looking for a specific game for about 12 years, on Sega Genesis.
I only have a vague recollection of it, but if I remember correctly you were some kind of tiny guy in an orange outfit with blonde hair in a 2D platformer, walking through a forest, where slopes and slippery roots would make you slide, you were somewhat defenseless, collecting what seemed like.. orange bags? And at some point, the game goes into automatic scrolling to the right, and huge creatures (that looked like blue Chinese Dragons) would emerge and fly out the lake in the background, and fly straight down, killing you on the way..
The cartridge's picture had red text on green, if I'm not mistaken. I know this is very vague, but whoever can find which game I'm talking about is just amazing.


New member
Jan 3, 2012
Oh, and another game, on Super Nintendo, where you had to create cities as an angel with an above perspective, then the game would go into 2D sidescroller action, as a guy in blue and gold armor with a huge sword.

Edit: Found it! It's called Actraiser. Sorry for the useless post.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
I hope people still respond here.

An old game, played on a PC. It is similar to the Commandoes games, isomteric view (from the southeastern point of view). There were five people, all played one after the other after the deat of one.

The bottom of the screen showed the characters visages on a board as if they were being pushed from beneath. This entire board was of a brownish red colour.

When the characters moved they left a trail of black footprints behind them.

And near the end (maybe it was a demo), they went underground and fought some insectoid monsters (I think). After killing them, they went back and talked to a character they talked to before.

One more:

Also and old PC game.

A point 'n' click detective game with no voices, just text. It was also a demo, and at the start of it the player character played a grey-haired detective in a beige longcoat. He was in the foyer of a hotel, and just a few seconds after the game begins a bearded man with large dark glasses exits one of the elevators. The arrow changed icons (punching, taking, twisting) whenever it was hovered over and object or person.
Also, near the end of the demo the detective enters a person's room and has the choice of either standing on a ledge outside the building (by exiting through a window) or opening a briefcase underneath the bed, finding something illegal in it and being found out by it's owner and is in the end shot by the man who entered the room.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
Flavius Nerve said:
there was this game with this blue/Green guy and you had to run away from some aliens and escape from all sorts of stuff i was playing it on pc on windows 98 im sure about that the aliens sort of looked like the aliens from district 9
Oddworld: Abe's Odyssey?

Mr_spoon said:
Hey guys!
I've been looking for a specific game for about 12 years, on Sega Genesis.
I only have a vague recollection of it, but if I remember correctly you were some kind of tiny guy in an orange outfit with blonde hair in a 2D platformer, walking through a forest, where slopes and slippery roots would make you slide, you were somewhat defenseless, collecting what seemed like.. orange bags? And at some point, the game goes into automatic scrolling to the right, and huge creatures (that looked like blue Chinese Dragons) would emerge and fly out the lake in the background, and fly straight down, killing you on the way..
The cartridge's picture had red text on green, if I'm not mistaken. I know this is very vague, but whoever can find which game I'm talking about is just amazing.


New member
Jan 3, 2012
Batou667 said:
Mr_spoon said:
Hey guys!
I've been looking for a specific game for about 12 years, on Sega Genesis.
I only have a vague recollection of it, but if I remember correctly you were some kind of tiny guy in an orange outfit with blonde hair in a 2D platformer, walking through a forest, where slopes and slippery roots would make you slide, you were somewhat defenseless, collecting what seemed like.. orange bags? And at some point, the game goes into automatic scrolling to the right, and huge creatures (that looked like blue Chinese Dragons) would emerge and fly out the lake in the background, and fly straight down, killing you on the way..
The cartridge's picture had red text on green, if I'm not mistaken. I know this is very vague, but whoever can find which game I'm talking about is just amazing.

OH MY GOD Yes it is! thank you! Thank you so much! It has been so long, I never thought I'd ever play that game again! I am so relieved, thank you again, I am forever in your debt!


New member
Feb 18, 2009
Batou667 said:
Flavius Nerve said:
there was this game with this blue/Green guy and you had to run away from some aliens and escape from all sorts of stuff i was playing it on pc on windows 98 im sure about that the aliens sort of looked like the aliens from district 9
Oddworld: Abe's Odyssey?

I was also thinking Oddworld (the Oddbox is very cheap on Steam btw)


New member
Oct 5, 2011
Mr_spoon said:
OH MY GOD Yes it is! thank you! Thank you so much! It has been so long, I never thought I'd ever play that game again! I am so relieved, thank you again, I am forever in your debt!
Haha, no problem. I had Flink on the Sega CD, it was actually a really great little platformer. Glad I could help :)


New member
Jan 5, 2012
Hey all who are here, I have a game that no one seems to know. There are other websites I have posted on about it but no one seems to know what it is. It is particularly hard to find because it came on a disk with other games as well. I believe the platform was an Apple II, and I played it in 1996 or so. I believe the game was called bomber, but I am not even certain of that. Here is as best a description that I can come up with. If you can come up with the game name (more specifically the disk name also so I can find it), you are my hero!

The game was only black and white. In it you had to answer multiplication problems that would allow you to build up bombs depending on how many you completed correctly in the time frame allowed. The higher the multiplication problem you got, up to 9*9, the more bombs you got for answering it correctly. Then you would fly a mission, dropping bombs on various targets, warehouses, fuel tanks, etc. and avoiding enemies shooting anti-aircraft fire at you and flying around obstacles. View was from the side of the plane. It was fairly simple. Also, if you got all of the multiplication problems right you could potentially earn stealth mode so your plane could not be seen.

In addition to this game, there were at least 2 other games that came with it. One of the games was A miss muffet game where you had to answer problems before a spider fell into her curds and whey and kill her, and the other was a frogger like game where you had to answer math questions for the frog to jump.

Thanks in advance!


New member
Jan 5, 2012
Basically, there was 2 games I remember playing on the playstation years ago that are really bugging me.

1. This was a PS2 game where you played as this little creepy blond girl. I can remember enemies called 'Bimbos' I think, and they were basically these girls in bikinis with HUGE boobs, like massive & to kill them you had to grab their boobs with a big kind of claw you had. Their was a few bosses and one I can remember was this devil like guy who hid behind sliding doors, but a lot of the time you would run towards a sliding door and behind it would be the silhouette of a hanging body. I'm pretty sure there was some kind of ball and chain type of boss as well, but I'm not sure. I just know it was a very creepy, cartoonish game.

2. I played this game on the ps1, and all I can remember is that you are a woman and on one of the levels you had to climbed up a mountain where a cyclops was who threw rocks are you from the other side of the mountain. My memory it very fuzzy of this game though.

Help? :eek:


New member
Jan 5, 2012
Ok so I remember havin this game late 90's early 2000. About a boy searching for his sister who I believe is locked in a bird cage somewhere. The boy collected z's for strength and ran from spiders. Certain rooms had warps on the floors. This was for ps1. Cover of the gamewas purple with the little boy on it. Cant remember the name and its killing me. Please help pleaaaaase.

Paolo Apollyon

New member
Jan 7, 2012
please help!~ I can't remember this 2 player game where you can acquire horong? the players are wearing this ranger like outfits? and also.. I remember that there's also this white horong but instead of breathing fire, it shoots laser..


New member
Jan 7, 2012
I can't remember what it was called or for sure what console it was on but I think it was around the same time the SNES was around.

Anyways the game had gravity effects very similar to Super Mario Galaxy cept not as graphically pleasing or 3d as it was an older game and though I only vaguely remember the game I do not remember mario being a part of it.

In the game which seemed like a platformer of sorts, it had some crazy gravity effects and mini- planets n other objects n such that you could jump around. For example if you were on 1 planet then jumped into the air close enough to a nearby planet you would get sucked towards that planet and could run upside down or on the top of the planet or whatever.

Any1 have any clue what I am talking about here?


New member
Jan 7, 2012
i'm looking for a old game i use to play on my computer. it's about a family living in a spaceship. I really can't find it! i remember how they look like, but not the name of the game :/

in the game you could play in all the floors, and you have to take the elevator to get everywhere. I think they had a big yellow elephant whit red spots. That was also the photo one the cd, Yellow whit red spots.

someone know what i'm talking about ?


New member
Feb 25, 2009
The other day a friend told she was looking for a game she played but didn't remember its name.

It was a 2d sidescroller in wich you hurt the enemies by throwing your hat at them.

Any help will be appreciated.

One of my own, it's a fighting game that i played on Arcades in early 90's, it looked like street fighter 2. One of the fighters fought in like a monkey style, there was another fighter with a big nose.

Sorry for the little info.


New member
Jan 8, 2012
ok so this game was for ps2 and it is where a person wakes up (in a hospital i think) and doesnt remember much and she has a wierd tattoo and like goes through different dimensions or worlds and each place that tattoo allows her to change her form to the race of that world. each race has different capabilities and advantages.

it has been years since i played but i really would like to know!

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
Durgiun said:
Also, near the end of the demo the detective enters a person's room and has the choice of either standing on a ledge outside the building (by exiting through a window) or opening a briefcase underneath the bed, finding something illegal in it and being found out by it's owner and is in the end shot by the man who entered the room.
The second part sounds a lot like Broken Sword but that had voices and was a young guy :/


New member
Jan 8, 2012
Hey guys, i've been searching for this game i played for years..
i couldnt remember the name.. gahhh very frustrating..
well the game is like this. it is a PC games
1.you are controlling a yellow thingy unit and make a village
2.it will need energy to build, so you need to grow apples
3.it play the sound "nyum! nyum!" repeatedly while eating the apples.
4. the yellow thingy will die if you order it to make a wall because
it will use all of his energy when building a wall.
5.the enemy is a blue alien.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
randin said:
ok so this game was for ps2 and it is where a person wakes up (in a hospital i think) and doesnt remember much and she has a wierd tattoo and like goes through different dimensions or worlds and each place that tattoo allows her to change her form to the race of that world. each race has different capabilities and advantages.

it has been years since i played but i really would like to know!
Maybe it's Primal? Sounds a lot like it with the tatoo.