Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Arto Manuelyan

New member
Jan 30, 2012
Hello guys,
There was I game I am looking for so long and If someone can tell me I will be very gratefull.I remember that youur character has the ability to summon some creatures like zombies skeletons which fight along side you(and in the game menu you can change the monster you can summon ingame after unlocking newer and more powerful ones) and your HP bar is actually your head and if you get low your skin is peeled and you can see the skull,and in order to summon the creatures you need some kind of mana or energy and there were generatiors in which you can stand or make the creatures stand so your energy is recharged again.Other things I remember is that when I eat an apple my HP is regenerated and the 3 stage was some in the swamp with very nasty aligators.The game wasn't easy and you need to come up with a strategy at some points.
Thank you in advance


New member
Jan 30, 2012
Hey everyone,

Looking for the name of a game from maybe 7 to 8 years ago.

It was a open world/sandbox style game, very GTA, except every one was a robot. You could travel by flying car or by walking. The car was upgradeable. When walking, your character could get to different switch points and change into a different sort of robot, in order to complete missions, solve puzzles, etc. Each robot had one or two different powers. Say, a police bot might let you get past guards, or a banker bot might help you find more money.

I only played the demo, and it took place in this huge robotic city. Seemed to have plenty of emphasis on story, too.

Basically GTA with robots. Can anyone help?


New member
Oct 13, 2009
TelcontarNuva said:
It was a open world/sandbox style game, very GTA, except every one was a robot.
That would be American McGee Presents: Scrapland.


New member
Jan 30, 2012
Does anyone know the name of that one old old old game from the 90's that was a math game, you played a little water droplet, you collected coins and you ran around yelling, "DANGER DANGER" I've looked everywhere and can't find anything about it!


New member
Jan 31, 2012
Im 19 years old, so im guessing the game i cant think of was made around 1998-2002 or something. I played it on the Ps1. I remember there was 4 guys. One red one green one blue one yellow.They all seemed to be dressed in kinda futuristic sporty clothing. But the object was to grab this ball and hold on to it as other players tried to grab it from you. I remember that the cam angle was id say platforming style, but there were obstacles on each of 4 sides of this box these guys were in. And the whole screen would turn at random times, making it harder to stay away from other players and also getting hit by various other obstacles.
I really want to play it again. Sorry for any lack of info, but please help if you can and thanks.


New member
Jan 28, 2012
I need help! There's a particular game I've been looking for the past 4 years or so. I remember playing it 10-15 years ago, I don't remember what platform. It involved rts, aliens, dinosaurs, eggs, bases, and it was a war game, defeat your opponent. I'm pretty sure you played as the Dinos, I'd you we're able to play as the aliens, I don't remember. It was also a eagle eye view, like command and conquer, Warcraft, etc.


New member
Jan 31, 2012
Maybe you guys can help me with this one. This game was for either the SNES, PS1, or N64 - but likely one of the latter two.

The game took place inside spaceships, and I believe it largely consisted of multiplayer minigames.

I know this isn't much to go on, but the prominent imagery in my head is of an isometric view of a grid.. with arcing bolts of different colored energy.

The antagonists, I believe, were cats; some of the gameplay might have involved destroying their litterboxes.

The game was funky and weird.


New member
Jan 31, 2012
a game on the ps1 i believe, it involved a boy and i remember a scene where you were on a rock ledge killing thousands of black goo like monsters with a gun that shot electricity, it was realy hard. want to play this game again help please.
Jan 31, 2012
Okay someone please help me out.
Okay when I was younger I remember playing a game on a Sega system or maybe a Nintendo.
All I really remember is that you used to like dig, and then if you ran into bad guys, you would shoot them, and they used to turn into little yellow orbs.. it had to be a game in the mid 90's....
When I try to explain it the little dude kind of reminds me of the mega man guy where he had like an arm with a gun on it..
It's not dig dug (hence the digging part), and its not mega man, but I cannot figure it out. When I ask people about it they say they can picture the man but don't remember the name.


New member
Jan 31, 2012
I'm looking for a game that was like a city building/god game. I played it in 2001-2. The version I played was only a demo.
Anyway, I remember there being 3 races at the least, maybe more, but since it was a demo you could only play 2. I can only remember one of the races. The one I remember almost looked like monkeys or the evil guy from powerpuff girls (my sister used to watch it non-stop.) There were the hunters who were dressed in green and had spears, and the criminals had cloaks with large hook type things for hands. The cops wore some dark blue. The resource drop-off was beige and had four towers, one at each corner, which were a sea-blue. That,s about all I remember of the races, except that it was really irritating that the cops had to go through school before they did anything and criminals appeared really early. Apparently the creators of the game thought cops were dumb or something because it took forever to finish the shcool.
The graphics were cartoony with lots of bright blues and green. The Berries you collected for food came from a bright blue bush. All I remember of the interface was the panel with all of the buildings on the right hand side.

TY in advance,
(I hope)

Like totally

New member
Jan 29, 2012
Japasi" post="9.166417.11378651 said:
Hello everyone! I wonder if you can help me with this...

It was a Playstation 1 game, and i only had it on a demo disc.
The opening scene was of a big ship at sea (and i think the game title appeared on screen over the background) and you could choose the language; English or Japanese (it was a japanese game).

And then it skips to two people talking on the ship (a boy and a girl), with large heads for some reason. They're just talking to each other for a few minutes and the girl shakes her head and says she's scared to go on the island. And then the boat reaches the island, and you play the male character on the island.

I can't remember much about the gameplay, except that you collected little hearts to boost your health, and that near the beginning you have to push some boxes up near a high ledge, so that you could jump on the box and then onto the ledge.

Also, I think the character's name was in the title (for some reason i think it was a complicated/japanese name) followed by a word like "Adventure" or "Island" or "Quest" or "Journey", or something like that.... but may be wrong about the title...

Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks! :)

I think it may be terra incognita. If you type "terra incognito yaroze" into youtube you get what it sounds like you are talking about. It was part of the yaroze network where there were special playstations which amateur writers could use to write there own games. If they were good enough their creations were put onto the demo.
Hopefully this is what you were talking about, if you haven't already found out by now. :)


New member
Feb 1, 2012
I'm having trouble remembering this one game from a while back... It was a turn based game on the PC. You'd have a team of aliens, you'd have a choice of three different ones, a huge strong but slow one, a weak but fast one, and one in the middle. Your team would start at one side, and the other team at another; and you'd have to compete for this little grey ball. When you'd get close to the opposing team you could attack them. I recall the little guys (the fast but weak ones) being very frog-like, possibly even making a frog-like "boing" when they move(/jump) to another space. Any help would be graciously appreciated!


New member
Feb 1, 2012
cant rmb the game name.. =( ( strategy game)

as i recall, this game is strategy game.. but i cant rmb it name, basicly it about magic war game... this game got 3 race, devil,human n black knight... this game not like nowdays strategy game which u cant build any building but u can capture the building by using gold.. well, that building is prepare in game, u just need to capture it... the more building u gain, the more income u get... the starting of this game is, it only give u one hero (can upgrading the hero level to become more powerful) to use n used it to build to create army... to win this game, u must kill the hero that can build the army... i really want play this game but i don know the name.. well, this game last i played are 8 or 9 years ago.. someone had any idea about the game name?


New member
Jan 27, 2012
was a game with a fighter who fights in the beginning with a whip and then with a sword against some skeletons and some zombies. initially walking from left to right and in the end from right to left. game ends in a castle.
i played it in arcade, maybe in 1994.
thank you.

Vojislav Bozickovic

New member
Feb 1, 2012
Hi guys, I'm looking for a game from the mid/late 90's... It was a pc game, you controlled a guy, it was isometric, or from above or something like that... it had a melancholic music, and there was a town in which it always rained... I'M not sure, if you had a sidekick or not... You could travel between towns... The graf was ok, the towns were I think maybe a little cartoonish, but I'M not sure... It was in an era like midle ages or reinessance or something... It was an adventure game... Dunno what else to say...


New member
Feb 1, 2012
I remember a game I used to play, I don't remember the purpose of the game or what kind of game it was but it was a 3D game, decent graphics from what I remember. So, you played as a female character and she was dressed in something black (it almost looked like black leather) and she had a weird head formation. Her head basically looked like this <O where the "O" represents the head itself and the "<"-sign was either a part of the "suit" she had or a deformation...

The game was set on an alien planet or something; I don't really remember.

Long story short, she was dressed in black leather, her head looked like this <O, and she could run/jump really long and occasionally glide through air.

//Edit, I remember the CD/DVD cover that I had, it was a grey/blue-ish background and the games name was written in black letters and she was lying on top of the letters.


New member
Sep 3, 2011
Ecaz said:
I remember a game I used to play, I don't remember the purpose of the game or what kind of game it was but it was a 3D game, decent graphics from what I remember. So, you played as a female character and she was dressed in something black (it almost looked like black leather) and she had a weird head formation. Her head basically looked like this <O where the "O" represents the head itself and the "<"-sign was either a part of the "suit" she had or a deformation...

The game was set on an alien planet or something; I don't really remember.

Long story short, she was dressed in black leather, her head looked like this <O, and she could run/jump really long and occasionally glide through air.

//Edit, I remember the CD/DVD cover that I had, it was a grey/blue-ish background and the games name was written in black letters and she was lying on top of the letters.
Just by your description i would say it's MDK
If i'm right about that i have to tell you, you play as a dude named Kurt.


New member
Feb 1, 2012
MDK! That's exactly it!

I feel kinda weird now; I always thought I saw the shape of breasts. Maybe it's just my imagination...
And holy smokes, the graphics looked so much better back then :p


New member
Feb 2, 2012
I remember playing an old playstation game (I am pretty sure it was the PS2) that you could race these spaceships or hovercrafts and you could build you own race tracks. I think the game started with a "t" but I am not sure. Any suggestions?