Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Dec 21, 2008
sirius said:
hi guys i need some help,i played some years a go a rts game,with tanks soldiers units wars etc, and i cant remember the name i played it was like in 2006 i think,its not red alert,i remember there was trucks that was changing to buildings ,tent etc,it was not red alert or c & c please help

by the way it is not futuristic it was like ww2

i still remember there was a campaing with missions and one mission was D-Day
anyone help please?
I think the game that you are talking about is the Axis & Allies video game:


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Jun 7, 2010
Monkeyz said:
Ok 90s pc game, you played a bunch of kids who went all over the world, I remember going to Egypt and solving little games with mouse people and then going to the rainforest and solving bug walls. Somebody please help!!
You're thinking of Cluefinders, I do believe! In fact, these have been on my mind for a while too, and your post inspired me to do some Googlin'. It's a bunch of games in a series, and Wikipedia has an article on them. :)

DD Commander

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Jan 8, 2012
zmclearan said:
I remember playing an old playstation game (I am pretty sure it was the PS2) that you could race these spaceships or hovercrafts and you could build you own race tracks. I think the game started with a "t" but I am not sure. Any suggestions?
Are you thinking of Thrillville? Where you make a theme park? I remember that, it was fun, but thte graphics were "meh"


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Feb 2, 2012
No, thats not it, it seems like it took place on another planet and it was just a racing game with spaceships


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Dec 8, 2009
arconreef said:
When I was a small child, there was an old arcade game I played to death (my father had the entire mame rom collection on our hard drive). It was a 2d sidescroller set in some sort of apocalyptic sci-fi world. You played as a large bulky guy who could freely move around (could hover around as though he had a jetpack). All the guns were big and bulky laser/plasma guns. I remember that you there was water in the first area, and found your way to a cloud world in which you fought angel-like creatures, as well as an egyptian tomb/pyramid area where the boss was some sort of king in a flying coffin. It was a pretty crazy game. I also remember that the game looked pretty good for a 16-bit game.

I have been looking for this game for years, but have yet to find it. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
That sounds a lot like Forgotten Worlds to me. It was an arcade game but also a fairly early title for the Sega Genesis. Fun game and some beautiful graphics for it's time.


New member
Feb 4, 2012
I remember playing a game on the pc around 1996 - 2000, where you were an orange haired guy that would travel around the solar sistem's planets. I think he would yell the name of the planet you were going every time. It was a 8-bit/16-bit style game.

Also I recall playing another game with that same character where you would fight a kangaroo and do various things around a town or something.

Does anyone know this game I'm talking? I've been looking for it for ages, any help appreciated.

Sepehr Nrzd

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Mar 30, 2011
I remember playing a PC strategy game in the early 2000s, based on tanks.

You had a building that constantly spawned tanks, and you could control them. The enemy had the same. The tanks could destroy each other, but not the buildings. Instead, "destroyed" buildings were converted to your side.

You also had some special powers, such as spawning turrets and calling in a dropship to drop some tanks at a specific point.

The main building had a UFO thingy floating over it, and it spawned tanks CONSTANTLY. I mean you didn't even have to tell it to spawn them. The types of tanks I remember are a tank with a short barrel, and a tank with a long one. The graphics were nice and smooth, and the gameplay was real time, rather than turn based.

Don't have a clue about what it was called. But it was a nice game. Does anyone know its name?


New member
Feb 4, 2012
I remember playing on a rpg game (I think it was on ps1) where you start in a down with houses and the ground was made of grey stone. You play as a boy and at the start a girl (your friend) is shouting in a house. You then meet up on a bridge with someone and go on an adventure. It was cartoony/pixel style and top down view (kinda). Some locations were a haunted ship, a cave and ruins.
I specifically remember on the boat it was day and you had to mop the deck or something (cutscene). What's the name of this game???

There's also a really simple game where there's a board and lots of dice and you have to move the dice to other dice and Mach the numbers. Creatures were on top of the dice and they made a funny noise every time you rotated the dice. The dice were different collies and the ground and background were grey.


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Oct 4, 2010
crimson92 said:
cant rmb the game name.. =( ( strategy game)

as i recall, this game is strategy game.. but i cant rmb it name, basicly it about magic war game... this game got 3 race, devil,human n black knight... this game not like nowdays strategy game which u cant build any building but u can capture the building by using gold.. well, that building is prepare in game, u just need to capture it... the more building u gain, the more income u get... the starting of this game is, it only give u one hero (can upgrading the hero level to become more powerful) to use n used it to build to create army... to win this game, u must kill the hero that can build the army... i really want play this game but i don know the name.. well, this game last i played are 8 or 9 years ago.. someone had any idea about the game name?
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the game you are talking about is Gladiator: Galactic Circus Games.

Vojislav Bozickovic

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Feb 1, 2012
Hi guys, I'm looking for a game from the mid/late 90's... It was a pc game, you controlled a guy, it was isometric, or from above or something like that... it had a melancholic music, and there was a town in which it always rained... I'M not sure, if you had a sidekick or not... You could travel between towns... The graf was ok, the towns were I think maybe a little cartoonish, but I'M not sure... It was in an era like midle ages or reinessance or something... It was an adventure game... Dunno what else to say...


New member
Jan 19, 2012
sirius said:
hi guys i need some help,i played some years a go a rts game,with tanks soldiers units wars etc, and i cant remember the name i played it was like in 2006 i think,its not red alert,i remember there was trucks that was changing to buildings ,tent etc,it was not red alert or c & c please help

by the way it is not futuristic it was like ww2

i still remember there was a campaing with missions and one mission was D-Day
anyone help please?
Company of Heroes? I can't think of any other WWII RTS games off the top of my head.

And for my own questions, I have two.

1. It was for the PS1, and there were two army bases on two islands connected by bridges. You had a top down view and you would control tanks and helicopters and jeeps (which I think might have dropped dynamite or something) and you would go to the other guy's island and try to blow up all the buildings in their base.

2. It was a freeware game from like 8-10 years ago where you were a guy with a jetpack and it was a 2d futuristic city. You had a lot of weapons and there were people giving out missions to kill pedestrians or flying cars or to do races and stuff. They also had a meter that filled up if you just randomly killed people and when it got higher there would be police and eventually a giant robot after you. It was pretty bloody and there was a way that you could put your own music into the game.


New member
Feb 5, 2012
Carl00456 said:
I remember playing on a rpg game (I think it was on ps1) where you start in a down with houses and the ground was made of grey stone. You play as a boy and at the start a girl (your friend) is shouting in a house. You then meet up on a bridge with someone and go on an adventure. It was cartoony/pixel style and top down view (kinda). Some locations were a haunted ship, a cave and ruins.
I specifically remember on the boat it was day and you had to mop the deck or something (cutscene). What's the name of this game???

<2001 I played an action-rpg on pc with a blue haired girl. The only other thing I remember are humanoid animals at a river.
I hope anyone can help me


New member
Mar 25, 2010
werewolfsfury" post="9.166417.12302379 said:
if anyone can some how help me then thanks you.

anyways the game was an old arcade game I saw in a chuck.E cheeses it started with a boy in a feild looking at windmills when suddenly a girl chasing 2 thugs on pump carts (or minecarts) that had stolen a gem which allowed time travel if you went fast enough. I remember that if you cought up with them then you could get the gem back and if you kept it long enough before they got it back you could time travel to different places and times. I also remember the first stage had you getting chased by a train and in a prehistoric dinosaurs. there was also a future,underwater,savannah and wonderland stage. the game was a 2 player arcade game in which you had to physically pump the mine cart and jump to get past obstacles.[/qoute]

I know that game too. I've played it a chuck e cheese 2. It was called magical truck adventure"


New member
Feb 5, 2012
More of a Q than a Reply. Searching for two games.
1) a female team leader of a swat-team has limited time to carry out mission to stop masked intruders before they can capture other females and take them to the basement for (whatever reason) - appeared some time back, and something special about it's Rating.
The team leader was nice looking, mid-west US type, and had a handler outside ( in-case of trouble ie slowness) the bad guys used pole-hooks to take girls around the neck and drag them away.

(2) a second game: no people no dialog, just musical tunes, notes in a pattern sequence.
Starts in a stairway. All four directions leads up to a harp (one each )with 5-8 notes.
That's about all I know, it just disappeared one day shortly after finding it.

If you, or anyone can tell me the names ( and where I can a copy again)
then PLEASE let me know.


btw, if this is the wrong thread, pls move it or let me know, tnx.


New member
Feb 5, 2012
When I was like 8 my dad bought me this game for playstation 1. It had a huge tree and a girl. She had red pigtails blue jeans a white T-shirt and a club. I think the name had something with Alice or Malice. That's all I remember :[. I got it around 2005 I think.


New member
Feb 6, 2012
there is two games i want to know the title of
1)A ps2 game to where there is this girl you run around as and basically you throw cards and you can steer them as they spin to the ground, but monsters would pop out of them... goblins...ect, you could also use certain cards to transform into monsters, the one i remember is a demon dog thing and you could shhot fireballs and stuff, you could also throw cards where u can choose one of their attacks like one was a mammoth looking thing by hitting x or o for a stomp or a flail and it is NOT yu-gi-oh! can anyone help?

2)another ps2 game a racing battling game, you i remember you get thrown into an arena race around and try to pick up power ups while trying to shoot the other people up and survive i remember only two characters, one was a guy with a blue motorcycle dressed in white and blue also another motorcyclist except in red any help?