Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Feb 6, 2012
Edit: Sorry, suggestion wasnt Top down.

But so anyone can check if they played it, I was thinking of Runesword.

Alexander Tsekot

New member
Feb 7, 2012
Yeah it's not Runesword, but now that I think about it , if I remember correctly the game i'm thinking also had a one word name, that is if my memory serves me right :)

Alexander Tsekot

New member
Feb 7, 2012
Yes I found in by mistake browsing through Giantbomb, it was called Mageslayer ^^ Same company that released Take No Prisoners, go figure :D


New member
Feb 7, 2012
hello, plz help me finding this game:

you start as a really small space-ship, you are just a CORE part.
then you can start killing ennemy's, witch are also ships (they always have a Core and then parts around them that can fire, shield, cloak and do more). you have to start doing missions and you will have to battle commanders, as you become a commander yourself. when you kill an ennemy, there is a chance that they will drop a part. picking up those parts and bringing them to your base lets you use that parst. so you will become stronger.

the game is completly GREEN and looks really retro. but it has been released after the year 2001-2002. there also is a part 2.


its an online game that you play on a website. so not something you can buy :)

i really hope some1 knows what it is. because i really would like to play it sometime again :p since its a great game!

Kind regards, Martijn


New member
Feb 8, 2012
Cool thread! Thanks for mentioning battle toads, intelligent cube and more! Brings back a lot of memories.

I actually made this account because I am looking for a game. It's been driving me insane lately because I can't seem to find it. As far as I know it was a PC game in the early 90's. VGA style (16 bit?) where you had to control balls (I always thought they were bowling balls, but they had no holes. It isn't anything new so not the beachball/marble type of games). You could play alone or with 2 players at the same time. You had to navigate through and on top of labyrinths and not fall down. The levels were quite simple and the view was from the side/top. It had slopes and stuff and I'm pretty sure the ground the balls rolled on were made of bricks (again, VGA style). Background was solid black I'm quite sure. I can't remember the name ;( I'm quite sure it was on the PC.

Solarus17 said:
I've been looking for a racing game.

I played it around 7 years ago for the PC. *it is not an arcade game*
It's a 2nd person toy racing games with several tracks and toy cars.

The cars were literally toys by that I mean that the maps seemed big even though they would be normal dimensions for humans. Anyways here are the fact:

There was a car named "Phat". I believe it was big and lime green.
There was also a pink one and a formula race car as well as at least around 15 more cars.

There was one track called "Ghost Town"
There was also one in a toy store with a giant train, one in a museum, one in a supermarket, one in the suburbs, and several more that I can't remember.

There were power ups, such as a homing missile and oil.

I believe after the tournament ended there would pop out huge trophies with platinum, gold, and silver.

Thank you and please reply if you remember.
Must be Re-volt -- Re-volt Wiki that you're talking about. (Micro machines was kinda cool too ^_^)

Jodah said:
There was this demo I played. It was on one of those "100 great games" disks you could get at Wal-Mart and such. It was a game in space and you would fly around trading stuff. Buy low sell high kind of thing. You could upgrade your ship and had to deal with pirates and stuff. That's about all I can remember about it. Once in awhile I think about it but I lack the ambition to try to figure out what it was called. If anyone knows what I'm talking about it would be stuperpendous!
Gazillionaire Deluxe or Gazillionaire III -- Official website I actually thought about this game 2 weeks ago. Perhaps its the same? Would help to tell us what platform.

karluz said:

Another game i'm looking for is a beat'em up from 1995/96 that I played in the arcades.
We had 3 or 4 chars to choose from like ninjas. And I remember that one was a female that had one special trick that was like a piroet with her arms and legs in flames and another char was a black dude with a big body that had a special trick that was like a head strike like Honda in Street Fighter.
Fighting Force? It was mentioned in one of the earlier pages and it kinda sounds like it. (sorry if that was you asking for the title, it's 4am here)

If anyone can help me find my game, that'd be awesome. This topic has made me think hard about the oldschool games I used to play. Even thinking of buying a PS1 again and getting back to those days :)


New member
Feb 8, 2012
Above post - Marble Madness?


The name of this game has been bugging me for the last few years.

It came out in the late 80s or early 90s for the TurboGrafx-16 (I believe, could be wrong). It was a 2d puzzle platform game where you controlled one of a number of either witches (or maybe magicians, they casted spells in any case) of different colors, such as red or green, and each one had unique spells. I remember reading a multiple page guide for a few of its levels in an early issue of EGM I believe.

Probably one of the more obscure titles in this thread, but if anyone can remember the name I could finally stop worrying about it.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
aev1tas said:
Cool thread! Thanks for mentioning battle toads, intelligent cube and more! Brings back a lot of memories.

I actually made this account because I am looking for a game. It's been driving me insane lately because I can't seem to find it. As far as I know it was a PC game in the early 90's. VGA style (16 bit?) where you had to control balls (I always thought they were bowling balls, but they had no holes. It isn't anything new so not the beachball/marble type of games). You could play alone or with 2 players at the same time. You had to navigate through and on top of labyrinths and not fall down. The levels were quite simple and the view was from the side/top. It had slopes and stuff and I'm pretty sure the ground the balls rolled on were made of bricks (again, VGA style). Background was solid black I'm quite sure. I can't remember the name ;( I'm quite sure it was on the PC.

Solarus17 said:
I've been looking for a racing game.

I played it around 7 years ago for the PC. *it is not an arcade game*
It's a 2nd person toy racing games with several tracks and toy cars.

The cars were literally toys by that I mean that the maps seemed big even though they would be normal dimensions for humans. Anyways here are the fact:

There was a car named "Phat". I believe it was big and lime green.
There was also a pink one and a formula race car as well as at least around 15 more cars.

There was one track called "Ghost Town"
There was also one in a toy store with a giant train, one in a museum, one in a supermarket, one in the suburbs, and several more that I can't remember.

There were power ups, such as a homing missile and oil.

I believe after the tournament ended there would pop out huge trophies with platinum, gold, and silver.

Thank you and please reply if you remember.
Must be Re-volt -- Re-volt Wiki that you're talking about. (Micro machines was kinda cool too ^_^)

Jodah said:
There was this demo I played. It was on one of those "100 great games" disks you could get at Wal-Mart and such. It was a game in space and you would fly around trading stuff. Buy low sell high kind of thing. You could upgrade your ship and had to deal with pirates and stuff. That's about all I can remember about it. Once in awhile I think about it but I lack the ambition to try to figure out what it was called. If anyone knows what I'm talking about it would be stuperpendous!
Gazillionaire Deluxe or Gazillionaire III -- Official website I actually thought about this game 2 weeks ago. Perhaps its the same? Would help to tell us what platform.

karluz said:

Another game i'm looking for is a beat'em up from 1995/96 that I played in the arcades.
We had 3 or 4 chars to choose from like ninjas. And I remember that one was a female that had one special trick that was like a piroet with her arms and legs in flames and another char was a black dude with a big body that had a special trick that was like a head strike like Honda in Street Fighter.
Fighting Force? It was mentioned in one of the earlier pages and it kinda sounds like it. (sorry if that was you asking for the title, it's 4am here)

If anyone can help me find my game, that'd be awesome. This topic has made me think hard about the oldschool games I used to play. Even thinking of buying a PS1 again and getting back to those days :)
Was for PC. That might actually be it. Name sounds familiar, I'll have to give it a look and let ya know.


New member
Feb 8, 2012
Alright, not sure if I'm posting this in the correct spot, but Oh well.

I remember when I was younger my dad had this platformer game on the PC. I believe you could choose between a man or a woman. The more I think about it I think you could only play as a woman.
It took place in a jungle like area, and the character was an amazon/barbarian looking character. I'm not sure if you actually had a weapon to fight with or not, if so I think it was just a sword. Anyway, I mainly just remember having to jump from platform to platform to get to where ever. I wasn't very good so I always fell and when you fell the woman would let out a horrible scream (that's why I think you may have only been able to play as a woman). I also remember it being pretty bloody because I don't think my dad liked me playing it. I think sometimes when you fell there'd be spikes at the bottom.

I know the details are pretty vague, but I would love to know if anyone has any idea what I'm talking about!! Thanks! :)


New member
Feb 7, 2012
Martijn412 said:
hello, plz help me finding this game:

you start as a really small space-ship, you are just a CORE part.
then you can start killing ennemy's, witch are also ships (they always have a Core and then parts around them that can fire, shield, cloak and do more). you have to start doing missions and you will have to battle commanders, as you become a commander yourself. when you kill an ennemy, there is a chance that they will drop a part. picking up those parts and bringing them to your base lets you use that parst. so you will become stronger.

the game is completly GREEN and looks really retro. but it has been released after the year 2001-2002. there also is a part 2.


its an online game that you play on a website. so not something you can buy :)

i really hope some1 knows what it is. because i really would like to play it sometime again :p since its a great game!

Kind regards, Martijn

please help :)


New member
Feb 8, 2012
Can someone help me? I've played a game when I was young but I really don't remember the name of it. I checked on google, youtube all kind of compilation but still didn't found..... I hate that the thought it's beating my mind because I can't remember the name...

Anyway, it was a fighting game, I really don't remember the year, was too young back then :))), so it was a fighting game 3D (if I remember right). The single details that I remember and can offer you is that one of the strongest opponent in that game had a very tall arena near Tower of Pisa, if I remember right there were 2 Towers, and he had the Ultimate Power of doing Harakiri and killing me, and he survives with 1hp. Or other detail is that one of the character could have catch you and lift into the air by kicking or hitting with the sword.

Can someone please help me??


New member
Feb 8, 2012
thewldr said:
Above post - Marble Madness?
That's it! (NES version) :) Oh man the memories (I was born in 1987 myself). Thanks for thinking along!

I don't recall ever playing the game you described, but I'm sure there are other people who have and they will be happy to help you I'm sure! Thanks again!


New member
Feb 9, 2012
Ok, mine is kind of random but I played this game a lot when I was younger and I have no idea what it is called.

It was a game in which you could choose a certain background, and you could pick different geometric shapes and you could click on them and fling them in any sort of direction you wanted to, and they would move freely around the area. You could also pick different music to play while they were moving around, and some of them even said phrases (I don't really remember any specific ones). It had to be made in the 90's. This sounds kind of crazy but I swear I played this all the time.


New member
Feb 8, 2012
thewldr said:
Above post - Marble Madness?


The name of this game has been bugging me for the last few years.

It came out in the late 80s or early 90s for the TurboGrafx-16 (I believe, could be wrong). It was a 2d puzzle platform game where you controlled one of a number of either witches (or maybe magicians, they casted spells in any case) of different colors, such as red or green, and each one had unique spells. I remember reading a multiple page guide for a few of its levels in an early issue of EGM I believe.

Probably one of the more obscure titles in this thread, but if anyone can remember the name I could finally stop worrying about it.
I was going through some of my old pc engine titles to see if i could get the name of this as it sounded vaguely familiar, only game i could think of with witches was "Magical Chase" but it was more of a side scroller.


New member
Feb 9, 2012
it was a pc game somewhere between 2000-2004. it had tiny orange/brownish characters. it had big maps and you could play it in two modes campaign and another one i dont remember. in it we had differnt weapons like clubs, straw, spade, bazookas,etc. in the game if u kill anyoinhe they disintegrate and form liquids which u can suck from a straw. it had differnt coloured tiles which when hit upon did something specific like teleporting to a differnt location on the map...we could also play aginst computer where we controlled difeernt brown characters and computer controlled blue purple red chjaracters....pls help!!


New member
Oct 5, 2011
Pee-SeeData said:
More of a Q than a Reply. Searching for two games.
1) a female team leader of a swat-team has limited time to carry out mission to stop masked intruders before they can capture other females and take them to the basement for (whatever reason) - appeared some time back, and something special about it's Rating.
The team leader was nice looking, mid-west US type, and had a handler outside ( in-case of trouble ie slowness) the bad guys used pole-hooks to take girls around the neck and drag them away.
Night Trap!

briannapearl said:
I remember when I was younger my dad had this platformer game on the PC. I believe you could choose between a man or a woman. The more I think about it I think you could only play as a woman.
It took place in a jungle like area, and the character was an amazon/barbarian looking character. I'm not sure if you actually had a weapon to fight with or not, if so I think it was just a sword. Anyway, I mainly just remember having to jump from platform to platform to get to where ever. I wasn't very good so I always fell and when you fell the woman would let out a horrible scream (that's why I think you may have only been able to play as a woman). I also remember it being pretty bloody because I don't think my dad liked me playing it. I think sometimes when you fell there'd be spikes at the bottom.
Jill of the Jungle?

Stephen Warren

New member
May 4, 2011
ok this is a tricky one, but ill try my best to describe it, it was on the pc, it would be pre 2000 , and from what i remeber you played a "cop" it was a third person shooter/rpg, might of been first person but pretty sure it was third, you could move from one location to another by getting in a taxi, and you could either let it auto drive, or drive your self, you upgraded your self, now it sounds like dues ex, but im pretty sure it wasent dues ex, for some reason when i think back to the game it looks very orange to me, maybe just the game case, or the game its self,
thats as much as i can remember ,if any one could help it be very very aprechated, thank you


New member
Feb 10, 2012
i am looking for a game where you have to go around and collect a lot of little hearts and when you have all the hearts in that level you have to get back to the starting area and it will take you to the next level. There are a lot of obstacles like fans and stuff and if you touch it you have to start at the begging of the level again.

Kordel Flanary

New member
Feb 10, 2012
Im looking for a certain game. I remember playing it on the PS1 and I think it was called "Toy Bop" yet google denies the existence of a game by such a name. It was single player and multi-player in a birds eye view with main characters being a boy and a girl who traveled through the levels trying to collect little gifts. In each level you were required to find keys to open doors and you could collect power ups but like a flame 7 and if you collected three 7's then you got a cool power up and you had to fight toys and wizards and such things like that. Any hep would be appreciated!

Russell Siler

New member
Feb 10, 2012
OK, i have been hunting for this game for about 2 years now off and on.

It starts off with you as the main character on a spaceship, you wander around and i think you have to fight smugglers or some kind of guys on the ship. you stumble across some girl in the shower and there is a quick manga style cutscene of her with steam or bath bubbles covering her unmentionables.

as the game progresses you land on various planets and you have to solve some problem and or kill some boss on each planet, you collect various different weapons along the way. ultimately you utilize matching sets of weapons and armor to get certain bonuses if i remember right.

oh and there is a theme to a couple of the planets, i remember one had lots of lava and caves and one had lots of ice or water or something. This game was for PS1 and i played it around the 1999 time period but i dont know when it actually came out.

oh yea and there is like an apothecary shop and a weapon shop in each new place you visit. i remember that is how i learned what the word apothecary meant, lol.