Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Feb 10, 2012
Yet another help me find this game. I played this game all the time when i was younger back on a DOS PC. Though early versions of windows was out, like Win 3.1.

It was a 2D Dog fighting (airplanes) game. Graphics were kind of cartoony. I remember you were in some type of competition and it had balloons you could shoot at to pop and also other ai controlled enemies would come in to try and shoot you down. Simple controls either left/right or up/down made your plane turn and space to shoot.

I could of swore the name of the game was Dogfight or DogFlight or some type of variation of that.

Endless google search after search and i just cant find its existance. Wish my dad still had all his old Floppies.

Any help would be appreciated.


New member
Feb 10, 2012
Alright my memory of the game is very vague but I'm certain it was a 2-d. In the game you played as some kid with green or purple hair wearing what I think was a toga. The game started off on a pirate ship(?) but you could change the starting point. Different starting points included one where you were on what I think was a huge bean stalk plant and another one where you were at some house. The drawing was anime like if I remember. There was also combat involved where you'd use elemental and magical powers. I'd be grateful if someone could shed some light on what the game was.


New member
Feb 10, 2012
I have a double request. I used to play these games around the end 1990's, but I do not know how early in the 90's they were made (possibly even 80's).
First game was a wizard/witch walking around. I remember very little of it, but one scene stuck to my head, the wizard collected crocodile tears into potion jar. Would be so fun to play it again.
Second game is a space themed (I think) racing game. It's not a racing course, but a 2 leveled area. The spaceship thing you controlled could jump up 1 level and the idea of the game was to collect points and "buffs". I think some gave extra speed and other effects.

Hope someone get's a nostalgia streak from this sadly minor amount of information.

Erich Weaver

New member
Feb 10, 2012
So I've been remembering a game that I played a lot early 2000s I believe. And it was a 3D 4 player PC action adventure rpg game. It had the typical character choices from what I remember, warrior, mage, archer/thief?, and something else. And it was kind of a like side scroller at times (I think) but it also had moments like Crash Badicoot running towards/away from the screen. I think it had a leveling system in it. But the only scene I really remember is me being a warrior running across a wooden bridge like structure with a bunch of water under it and forest in the background? Its been buggin the crap out of me haha.



New member
Feb 10, 2012
I've been trying to remember the name of this game I played many years ago, hopefully you guys can help out... it was an N64 game.

You piloted various jet fighter/crafts and destroyed enemies. The only thing I remember was a level taking place in a flooded New York City, and an arctic level with a "ghost" submarine; once you killed the sub once, a "ghost" version would surface for you destroy.

These details are fuzzy, but they're the best I have. Any bells ringing?


New member
Feb 11, 2012
Ok, this is a SEGA Genesis game. It's a top-down shooter.
You play as a Blond with red shirt Guy (I think, that comes to mind)
You had a few levels to choose. There were a Cementery witha giant Kickass Death as the Final enemy.
A Haunted House in wich you had to go from room to room and as the screen was coming down you could get flattened with the walls =P But First you had to get to the house. There were zombies coming from the floor. And thing from the windows (I think)
A mountain in wich flames would erupt and the final enemy was i the crater.

Errr... I don't remember the other levels. But there were more. It was really hard. At least for a little boy and now I want to try it again. I remember it was really cool. Especially the final enemies. They were really really big. I think you shooted knives or sword. I think...

Can Anyone tell me what game it was. Thanks a lot.


New member
Oct 13, 2009
bravesurf said:
First game was a wizard/witch walking around. I remember very little of it, but one scene stuck to my head, the wizard collected crocodile tears into potion jar. Would be so fun to play it again.
Legend of Kyrandia 2: Hand of Fate had both a witch and a crocodile tears potion ingredient.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
I remember watching a friend play what looked like a Doom knock-off on the PC. It had the same sort of graphics, only he was playing as a young boy and was shooting some kind of man/creature wearing a white robe and hood. Oh, and I believe the hooded enemy was inside a house. I could have sworn he told me the game was called Nightmare, but I haven't found anything.

This would have been somewhere in the mid-90's. I'm really not sure if this game even exists. Maybe it was a Doom mod? Did they even have mods back then?


I've got another request, this one should be a bit easier. It was an educational game on the Apple back in 97/98. You were a kid named Archiebald and you had to answer geography questions, and if you got them wrong Archie would usually die. Sometimes kind of horribly for a cartoony kids game.

EDIT: Wait, I found it! Archibald's Guide to the Wonders of World Geography [http://www.amazon.com/Archibalds-Guide-Wonders-World-Geography/dp/B000BWI798]. I would still appreciate it if anyone could find footage. I'm not finding anything on Youtube.


New member
Feb 11, 2012
Hello i've been looking for this one game for years i hope someone could give a clue.

PSX dungeon game, I played it on a demo disc I think in the demo you started as a white guy in a small town there was a water well with a giant octopus inside (you need to enter the well first there is a short black-loading screen everytime you enter any place)

IF your character died the game WAS NOT over, after the dudes dies you play as a woman maybe his girlfriend and you could go where your other character died and pick a gem or ball and save him doing that, so if the woman dies you can now play as the dude and go pick the womans gem or ball.... by the way you could also use those magic balls to have thunder power or something.

1. You can buy armor and weapons
2. If your guy dies you play as a woman and can go where the guy died and pick a ball to save him
3. giant octopus inside the water well like 10 meters from the entrance
4. rare monsters and power balls that gives you powers like thunder etc

This is a fantasy RPG of some sort you play as 2 characters but NOT at the same time, one needs to die well i already said that a lot but its the most distinctive feature of that game.

Thanks a lot i appreciate any clues!


New member
Feb 10, 2012
Coldie said:
bravesurf said:
First game was a wizard/witch walking around. I remember very little of it, but one scene stuck to my head, the wizard collected crocodile tears into potion jar. Would be so fun to play it again.
Legend of Kyrandia 2: Hand of Fate had both a witch and a crocodile tears potion ingredient.
Spot on, my good sir!
Thank you loads! :)


New member
Feb 11, 2012
I am looking for an old PC game that I played on windows, It was kind of like pokemon, you had to capture weird creature in different area's, I remember a forest and a cave and you could sell them at the mart. If you had strong enough creatures you could challenge amaster in some kind of wizard's tower, the monsters I can remember are some sort of kite and a cactus. Hope anyone knows what it is. I can remember that the one I played was a demo BTW


New member
Feb 11, 2012
All I can say about this game is that it was on PS one. A strategy game where everything was built with cars( I think so), there was also infantry, many kinds of tanks. Resources were pumped out of the ground, I guess it was an oil. Oh, and there was also an option to send army units from somewhere to the base. That is all I remember :(


New member
Feb 10, 2012

The game you are describing sounds a lot like, Ehrgeiz. Square Soft fighting game but it has a RPG element to it exactly like you are saying. Right at the start you can hop down in a well and fight a huge octopus.


New member
Feb 4, 2012
PSX game (I think)
Main character - Boy
Side character - Girl
Age - Very young (about 12)
Starting town - Included bridge, houses, stone ground
Locations - haunted ship, ruins, cave, others
Graphics - pixel/cartoon with top down view (anime style characters)
Cutscenes - one was about mopping the deck of a ship
Genre - Rpg turn based attack

Please help!!!

Pumpkin noodle

New member
Feb 12, 2012
I remember playing A game in about 2002-2004 on an old PC. It was a game like you are in a concentration camp, you need to escape. You cannot be seen by any guards or be heard. A few plays in, you need to get a truck to blow up something...I don't remember a lot of details. It is not prison break or red orchestra. I believe it was a windows 2000 if that helps.


New member
Dec 18, 2009
Recently I've been looking for a PC game I played a few (maybe 2 or 3?) years ago. It was some sort of 2D platformer game with robots. You controlled robots with guns and could switch between multiple ones. The few things I remember most about the game was:

1) You could open up a menu and buy robots and guns, and a rocket ship. Then you would pick a location for the ship to land. The ship would come down with your robots and guns and then lift off again. You could destroy the enemy ships to blow up everything inside. ^-^

2) The terrain had pockets of gold inside, and you could buy a gold mining gun that could dig into the ground and gather the gold. It was also rather effective at close-range combat.

3) The robots could get their limbs blasted off and keep fighting until they die. (Although if they lose their arms they can't really use guns anymore)

I remember the gameplay pretty clearly but the name just isn't coming to me. If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it.


Rian Ezra Zafe

New member
Feb 12, 2012
Hello all,

I just would like to ask everyone, can't seem to remember this game from the Windows 95-98 era. It was a side scroller which you played as a guy with a shotgun with infinite ammo (although when you use up all six you need to pause to reload) and you kill several classic monsters like mummies and Frankenstein's monster and such.

Thanks all!


New member
Feb 12, 2012
i remember i played a strategic game,and it was something like Age of empire.H think the game name contain the word farmer.but i didnt find any thing like farmer in google.so i hope that you could help me.
the game had some male and female farmer and when 2 of them got into a house,a baby picture was shown on the top of the house!the kid grew up and became an adult.the jobs were fishing,hunting,cutting down the trees(and some trees began to grow again)the female farmer could get fruit from some trees.the hunter hunted the bears and there was the way of producing food and fishing was the same way.build some houses to produce these things too.there was just a soldier with a knife and he just killed the enemies.(i was just in the first level and i dont know there was any other man to kill or not)
there was stone,wood,fruit,resources in the game.
plz help me .its been two years that i have been searching for.


New member
Feb 12, 2012
Hey everybody,
I remember a pc game , before 2000 , in which you started in you'r mothers? house as a boy in a blue toga/dress and went of into the city . There you got to a museum in which you were not allowed to enter , so you go in by a window on the second floor and steal a golden ball or something . Soon after you ended up in the sewers? and had to throw the ball which would ricochet back to you .
After that you end up in the second area in the desert where guys in cactus costumes shot at you and you had to throw the ball at them. There was also a spa or something in the desert. You had to get on a plane in the end of this area but that's as for as i got back when i played it.
Appreciate any lead , thank you in advance :)