Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Feb 5, 2012
negar said:
i remember i played a strategic game,and it was something like Age of empire.H think the game name contain the word farmer.but i didnt find any thing like farmer in google.so i hope that you could help me.
the game had some male and female farmer and when 2 of them got into a house,a baby picture was shown on the top of the house!the kid grew up and became an adult.the jobs were fishing,hunting,cutting down the trees(and some trees began to grow again)the female farmer could get fruit from some trees.the hunter hunted the bears and there was the way of producing food and fishing was the same way.build some houses to produce these things too.there was just a soldier with a knife and he just killed the enemies.(i was just in the first level and i dont know there was any other man to kill or not)
there was stone,wood,fruit,resources in the game.
plz help me .its been two years that i have been searching for.
The Nations 2?

Hershel said:
<2001 I played an action-rpg on pc with a blue haired girl. The only other thing I remember are humanoid animals at a river.
I hope anyone can help me

It's a 2D Game and like the old SNES action-rpgs


New member
Feb 12, 2012
Hey, I remember this old PC game from either the 90's or the late 80's. It had really bad graphics, you could count the pixels. You were in a jungle, and I remember a village and river. The screen had a panel with buttons and options along the right side and bottom of the screen. What was special about the main character was that he had the ability to change into a lizard. In the bottom right of the screen was a picture of the lizard, which you clicked to transform, or a picture of the characters face, to change back. Hell if I know what the story of the game was. I believe there was potions involved too? I might be imagining this however.

The name might have something to do with dragons... Dragor's Bane or something. Google hasn't been much help.

IF you figure this out, thank you! Its driving me insane.


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Oct 13, 2009
Rian Ezra Zafe said:
I just would like to ask everyone, can't seem to remember this game from the Windows 95-98 era. It was a side scroller which you played as a guy with a shotgun with infinite ammo (although when you use up all six you need to pause to reload) and you kill several classic monsters like mummies and Frankenstein's monster and such.
Could be one of the Dangerous Dave games.

Borsecan said:
I remember a pc game , before 2000 , in which you started in you'r mothers? house as a boy in a blue toga/dress and went of into the city . There you got to a museum in which you were not allowed to enter , so you go in by a window on the second floor and steal a golden ball or something . Soon after you ended up in the sewers? and had to throw the ball which would ricochet back to you .
After that you end up in the second area in the desert where guys in cactus costumes shot at you and you had to throw the ball at them. There was also a spa or something in the desert. You had to get on a plane in the end of this area but that's as for as i got back when i played it.
Definitely Little Big Adventure 2: Twinsen's Odyssey.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Addiosamigo said:
Hi guys I came across this thread by accident. I'm looking for a play station 1 game , it had little pill men, you used blocks to build weapons such as guns, tanks etc and it had a lot of swearing in it! The aim of the game was to destroy all the enemy pill men. Anybody know what I'm talking about?
Hahaa, time to bump the thread...

The game in question is Team Buddies, a really fun game to play with friends.


New member
Feb 11, 2012
Theredview, YES that's the one game I've been looking for. Thank You! "Ehrgeiz Forsaken Dungeon" is the quest mode I played in the year 2000.

I'm playing TES:Skyrim but thanks to you I'm going to play Ehrgeiz right now, cheers


New member
Feb 10, 2012
legrowerk said:
Theredview, YES that's the one game I've been looking for. Thank You! "Ehrgeiz Forsaken Dungeon" is the quest mode I played in the year 2000.

I'm playing TES:Skyrim but thanks to you I'm going to play Ehrgeiz right now, cheers
Np i played that for a long time back in the day :). One of my all time favorite games, i actually have it for PS1 somewhere :). GOD BLESS THE RING. Woo :)


New member
Mar 29, 2011
I remember playing a few different mac games in the late 90s when i was 3 or 4.
We had a few different discs that had a collection of games on them. A few games that were on the discs were Snood and Bloodbath: At Red Falls. I have searched the internet for the past few hours trying to find this disc of games but I have had no luck.

I do remember a game in which you were in a sort of space ship thing (it was first person), but you were on some planet flying around and shooting enemies. There were 3 different levels (that I remember). In the first one you were on a pretty normal planet, and you just flew around and shot at other ships and at the end of the level you had to fight a sort of boss in a arena type of place.
In the second level you were on a planet (I think that it was brown) and you were stationary and enemies would come at you and you shot them.
In the third level it was like the first (you could fly around) but it was extremely chaotic. There were ships everywhere shooting and it was nearly impossible.

Another game I remember was called Hyperball or something like that. It was (from what I remember) like that brick breaker game.

Another game I remember was a platformer where you were a little guy (you might have been some kind of monkey or gorilla) and you controlled him with the arrow keys only (i think) and you would jump around and avoid obstacles and stuff.

It would be greatly appreciated if anyone could help in my search for these games or even better the whole game compilation disc.

Thank you


New member
Feb 13, 2012
This one is really vague as I only remember watching it being played as a wee li'l tyke.
It was 3D, maaaaybe PS1? Or earlier. All I remember is you controlled a little girl and you were sneaking around a dock or something like that. Aesthetics were really dark. I don't remember much more than that.

Minh Lai

New member
Feb 13, 2012
Umm so i had this game really long time I ago, I remembered that this game some kinda like war game? They have like those flying disk, which is the most important thing in the game...the circle of fire where they can kill people with, the bomber airplane where they drop all the bomb, those laser robot, bomber cannon tank? where they can shoot you as far as they can, and those fire a tank where they shoot fire for a long time without stopping.I remembered those laser(shoot out ball) and the machine spinning gun you can put them as the defense but they can not move, and those shooter airplane they shoot out rocket? And when we attack the emeny houses they don't disappear or gone, but they turn into our team side(which can my our allied them stronger) and also those house can make out tank,robot,ect... we can upgrade them using the flying disk, yeah idk that all I can describe as much as I can remember.


New member
Feb 13, 2012
I remember this game too. You could feed the frog food i think lol. I cant really remember. Have you found out the name yet? :D
Feb 13, 2012
Yeah, i can't remember this game where at the beginning, you start in a bus. The bus drives you to a mexican latino style city, and there you have to talk to the boss of an Reporter Company because your reporter wife's gone missing. It is set in the city above, you can get drunk, drive vechicles and it is in 1st person, you can buy weapons from a shop in the city, but i cannot remember the name.


Senior Member
May 30, 2011
Goodluf said:
Wow, didn't think I would see this thread again. Oh well, it's cool...

njrk97 said:
lets see my game was on ps2 you village was deystroyed by some sort of demon and kidnaps ya gf or something you have to venture into a cave but you also have to eat and drink the first cave was impossible to beat you pass out before you get to the end of the cave by thirst you r rescued by an old man and he gives you a water bottle then you can go through the cave since i only has a demo you could only do it for 3 days every time you left the cav you could rebuild part of the village also their was no voice only text so at the start you eneter your name then the character use your name
This kinda sounds like the beginning of Dark Cloud http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Cloud. It does have your character get thirsty slowly and you need to drink to keep healthy. Food restores health obviously. Awesome game, shame they made only one more game after this.
that is it omg thats awsome i found it that is epic finally


New member
Feb 13, 2012
Hi, I remember playing this platform-game in early 2000's, which had like this "one screen at a time"-based screen movement, kinda like in Legend of Zelda, but sidescrolling. You played as some wizard. It was freeware-version, so there was only one level, and had another character (Merlin I guess) locked. It had pretty descent graphics and soothing music. You collected different coloured gems, which looked like diamonds. Enemies were quite generic, wolves and bees and such. You fought them with staff that had some missile-type spells on it. If I remember correctly, when you got enough gems, a door appeared on some screen as an exit.

I really would appreciate, if somebody would know the name of this game that has been lost from me so many years...


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Oct 4, 2010
NoirReverie said:
Recently I've been looking for a PC game I played a few (maybe 2 or 3?) years ago. It was some sort of 2D platformer game with robots. You controlled robots with guns and could switch between multiple ones. The few things I remember most about the game was:

1) You could open up a menu and buy robots and guns, and a rocket ship. Then you would pick a location for the ship to land. The ship would come down with your robots and guns and then lift off again. You could destroy the enemy ships to blow up everything inside. ^-^

2) The terrain had pockets of gold inside, and you could buy a gold mining gun that could dig into the ground and gather the gold. It was also rather effective at close-range combat.

3) The robots could get their limbs blasted off and keep fighting until they die. (Although if they lose their arms they can't really use guns anymore)

I remember the gameplay pretty clearly but the name just isn't coming to me. If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it.

Cortex Command

Janjis said:
All I can say about this game is that it was on PS one. A strategy game where everything was built with cars( I think so), there was also infantry, many kinds of tanks. Resources were pumped out of the ground, I guess it was an oil. Oh, and there was also an option to send army units from somewhere to the base. That is all I remember :(
Sounds like Warzone 2100


New member
Feb 13, 2012

I can't remember the name of a war strategy game of the 90's. Sci-fi, darkish, with human and alien characters. One unit was called Malcom or some such. Mainly war and no civilization building (might have been a demo...) Birds-eye view like in most RTS games

Thanks if you can help me!

Piercen Reid

New member
Feb 14, 2012
So this was a PC game, first person, around early 2000. you start out in a dark log cabin with a table under a simple stained glass window and there's a dagger that you can pick up, and when you do, you hear a voice clip saying "my dagger". once you get out of the cabin, there is a practice dummy out in the front lawn, and your in a small little village, at night, and no one is around. there is a water wheel in a small river, near a tree. there is an outhouse behind one of the buildings that has a red demon, or animal. once killed you can look to the roof of the outhouse and there is a wood cutting axe that you can take. you can use this to chop down the tree, which falls in the river and blocks the water, so the water wheel stops turning. in one of the buildings(possibly the church) there is a barrel containing a grappling hook, which you use to get to the second level in the mill which was previously unacessable because of the turning grain mill. once up, there is a table with a ring (possibly, everything gets fuzzy here, and there may be more steps.) and you can use the ring to open the door to the crypt in the church graveyard which led to the next level. in the grave yard, skeletons spawned from the graves and the grave stones were readable. i remember having a bow at one point but i dont remember how i got it. the second level, from what i remember was a yellowish, brightly lit system of caverns containing copious amounts of skeletons. i have been looking for this game for a very long time, and have ruled out the Thief series, as well as Severance:Blade of Darkness due to it being third person. i dont remember any names. or even meeting any other characters, but i would greatly appreciate anybody to give me any clues as to what it might be. even hunches help

Piercen Reid

New member
Feb 14, 2012
Lenny loosejocks in space?
Idontknow said:
I remember playing a game on the pc around 1996 - 2000, where you were an orange haired guy that would travel around the solar sistem's planets. I think he would yell the name of the planet you were going every time. It was a 8-bit/16-bit style game.

Also I recall playing another game with that same character where you would fight a kangaroo and do various things around a town or something.

Does anyone know this game I'm talking? I've been looking for it for ages, any help appreciated.
Lenny loosejocks in space?

Piercen Reid

New member
Feb 14, 2012
Got another one. it was a very colorful top down, gridlike motion flashgame, in which you were a blond boy trying to collect what looked like colorfull sea shells ( http://tinyurl.com/7cw9lud )on a mostly blue spaceship, which had different levels with large numbers on the walls. there was stationary tentacly monsters in several places, and you had to find colored key cards to open colored doors. i never ended up finding any of the colored shells, as the game was very difficult, due to the fsct that i was like 5. i know its not much to go on but i figure id try. also it was 2000-2003 ish. maybe.


New member
Feb 14, 2012
i have one for you guys that i have been trying to search for the last three hours..its bugging the hell out of me. it had to be a 90s game but it started out that you were a scientist and you create a time machine. something goes wrong and you end up in a place with a big hourglass in the middle of the city that will dong and a big wave of time would come over the city and it would change your age and everything around you. you also have to go into these chambers and these spirits teach you spells. and there was some three legged camels that you rode around to travel between places. i remember everything except the friggin name. i just remember being a kid and LOVING this game. i would really like to play it again to bring back some memories. help me out if you can.