The only reason I'm thinking it isn't that is that I can't find the case that I remember. My game had a weird brown colour all over its case, and I remember the name being kinda awkward to say also. Descent looks similar though, so I'm certainly gonna check it out, thanks for the suggestion!StriderShinryu said:Damn, I loved those demo discs.TallestGargoyle said:I have a few of games I remember playing on a PS1 demo disc a long time back, and they were incredibly fun.
One was a first person shooter of some kind where you control a flying robot, and you can turn and rotate in any direction which made things a little disorienting. I remember what little I played involved a lot of corridors separating open rooms. This game I actually owned the full game for a while, but have lost the disc in a clearup a looooong time ago.
The game you describe sounds a lot like part of the Descent series. I'm not sure how many made it onto the PSX (the series was PC based) but I know at least one did. You weren't actually a robot, you were piloting a ship of some sort but the totally 3D environment (including the disorientation) sounds bang on.
EDIT: I found out the name of the game I was looking for, Forsaken. I thought it began with a J or a K, but I searched for 'Games like Descent' on google and Forsaken was one of the first I found suggested. One gameplay video later and HO BOY I CAN'T WAIT TO PLAY!!!
Anybody have any idea for the other two games left in my post? Shooting babies and engineers turning into mechs?