Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Matthew Winegard

New member
Feb 26, 2012
There's one I've been trying to remember for years. It was a turn-based RPG for the SNES, or maybe NES. Here are some random details I can recall:
-You begin the game with a party of 3 or 4 with high stats.
-You fight the main antagonist, but obviously don't kill him.
-Something happens (time travel maybe?) and you end up alone and at level 1.
-Someone gives you a bag or pouch and tells you to take it to a village.
-At the village, you open the bag/pouch and it releases some kind of evil, and everything appears red.
-Despite the chaos, a girl can be found sunbathing. She will tell you to go away.
-In an inn in this village, a girl (princess?) is sick in bed. You heal her/wake her up and she follows you.
-You travel to a cave next, where an old man will follow you IF you have the girl with you.
-This old man uses magic. Uncreatively, "Black magic" and "White magic" are the names of the spells. I believe the girl can also use "white magic."
-The only other detail I can remember is, your characters look different at high levels. Specifically, your main character will gain a cape.

It's not among the Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest series. My dad and I used to play this one a lot, but hours and hours on the internet has yielded nothing!

Clive Howlitzer

New member
Jan 27, 2011
There was a game demo I had once that was a top down mech combat game that involved selecting pilots and such for them. I also remember losing horribly. It wasn't a Battletech game, either. No clue what it was.
This was for PC.


New member
Feb 26, 2012
I remember playing this one game for the PS1, although I vaguely remember anything about it. I think you play as a guy that kind of looks like an astronaut in a blue suit. You had an enemy in each stage that were like aliens and you had to defeat them, but you didn't actually fight them, you had to like run around the map and make either the whole map or certain spots of the map yours. I think it had an overhead view too. If he ran over it then he had it and you'd have to run over it again. I think it was two player and the second player I think looked exactly the same as player one 'cept he was in a red suit instead of blue. I don't know if I was able to provide enough information about it, but I hope someone knows.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
So this one is really vague. I never even played it, but when I was younger I watched this older friend of mine play this game. I'm certain it was on the psx, had top down graphics (similar to the original legacy of kain). It was very grim, with moody music. The level I remember was a rocky barren wasteland (it was raining I think). It was a hack and slash game, with a heavy emphasis on loot. I vaguely remember the main character being a ninja...

That's a horrible description, but its been years since I watched this (at least 10 years). If you can find this for me I'll be amazed, and if I find it I'll report back.


New member
Feb 26, 2012
Hello! I hope someone can answer for this, but I have a childhood game that I dont remember ;(
The game was a some kind of scifi strategy game for PC:

1. Both teams had main building: if it got destroyed, the game was over.
2. You can't build in this game, but there were NPC (or something) buildings: you can capture them with UFO. (Both teams had 1 UFO)
3. You can summon turrets (but there were a limit)
4. This game didn't have super graffics, but some kind of red alert style, but BETTER.
5. Also, there were tanks(you was able to upgrade them and if I remember, they came automaticly from the building) and mechas (not in all games thought).
6. The game menu was GREEN.
7. Maps had snow, grass, mars-planet-ground(lol) and some sort of black ground.
8. The mechas are some sort of alien
9. When u went to campaign menu, the world map (or some sort of world map) was there, then u wanted to select the mission
10. I dont know did it have multiplayer

Best english EU.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
SeriousSquirrel said:
So this one is really vague. I never even played it, but when I was younger I watched this older friend of mine play this game. I'm certain it was on the psx, had top down graphics (similar to the original legacy of kain). It was very grim, with moody music. The level I remember was a rocky barren wasteland (it was raining I think). It was a hack and slash game, with a heavy emphasis on loot. I vaguely remember the main character being a ninja...

That's a horrible description, but its been years since I watched this (at least 10 years). If you can find this for me I'll be amazed, and if I find it I'll report back.
Seems to be Tenchu.

Jacob Carter

New member
Feb 26, 2012
There's a game my dad bought when I was about 4 and it was for PSX. You chose between a guy and a girl and started out on a street at night and you went to one corner and a werewolf or some shit came out and attacked you. Thats really all I remember. Except for the part that when you get farther you have to kill this huge spider. I have no clue what it's called.


New member
Feb 27, 2012
I remember playing two pc games back in around 1995-2000.

One was a (abandoned?) circus themed, where you had to go around different tents to solve puzzles of some sort and get clues by collecting tickets. I remember there was this fortune-telling lady in the tent lol.

Another one was a birthday surprise on clouds... you had to prepare a super big party hat and a birthday gift by going around stations to play games. can't remember much details >_<


New member
Feb 27, 2012
So I played this game on a demo disc in 1996...so in it you were able to pick between a guy or a girl as your character I believe and you fight through the lvl killing monsters, but you have the ablility to turn into those monsters and at the end of the lvl you fight this electric zebra thing I believe.


New member
Feb 27, 2012

I am looking for an old game, probably around 2000 year, arcade/jumping/side-scrolling type.
All I know is that it was this platform type of game where you were someone like a clown? maybe, because you had this yo-yo thingy on a string (ball of a red/orange/yellow color) in your hand you could use as a defensive weapon to get rid of some tiny creatures walking on the platforms but also use it as a tool for getting to another platform (you rolled it out and glued it on the ceiling of another platform and then swing yourself to the platform you wanted to get to). I just remember this yo-yo, some clowns being involved, collecting the candies and sweets and probably looking for a key in each room to get to open another room which looked a bit different - different background behind every door. I know its very little and also sorry for the incoherency.

Also I would like to say that I remember it having very good graphics - fairy-like; a lot of bright colors and some of the "rooms" were like outside, platforms floating in the sky with a clouds around.
I remember it as very pretty just to look at it.

Thanks for any help!


New member
Feb 27, 2012
Usually i solve my own old game riddles with google but this time i turn to you guys.

I think it either was a demo of a game or a too powerfull game for our computer back then that i only know the first few parts of it and its setup.

Its a racing game in which you can knock out the competition with mines (positive), oil and guns (less positive).
I remember the game has a bridge in the beginning you have to jump over using a giant spring attached to the base of your car. (Failing to do so is game over)
It has a cartoonish setting.
Each car is different, with a distinct character per type of car. (Character i always chose was in a futuristic looking race tenue with blue helmet i believe)
I played it around '95 on the old 486 or pentium 1, (DOS/Win95)

Anyone have a clue?


Apr 28, 2008
Rwvdh said:
Usually i solve my own old game riddles with google but this time i turn to you guys.

I think it either was a demo of a game or a too powerfull game for our computer back then that i only know the first few parts of it and its setup.

Its a racing game in which you can knock out the competition with mines (positive), oil and guns (less positive).
I remember the game has a bridge in the beginning you have to jump over using a giant spring attached to the base of your car. (Failing to do so is game over)
It has a cartoonish setting.
Each car is different, with a distinct character per type of car. (Character i always chose was in a futuristic looking race tenue with blue helmet i believe)
I played it around '95 on the old 486 or pentium 1, (DOS/Win95)

Anyone have a clue?
Could it have been Hi-Octane?


New member
May 11, 2011
Ok, so, here it goes. It's an old sidescroller for PS2. About a guy escaping from prison, or at least that's how it begins, he's maybe a slave of some kind, and the person I'm looking this up for first told me he, or it, was a robot, so...it could be a cyborg, an android, or just look like one. A bit darker atmosphere, I was given this as a comparison: http://bulk.destructoid.com/ul/213777-review-rocketbirds-hardboiled-chicken/06-620x.jpg Any help'd be appriciated.


New member
Feb 28, 2012
So I've played a strategy game in the 2000-2005.
The game basically resolves around I guess you can call tribes and they fight each other gather resources build buildings and you can recruit soldiers. Now here is the key of the game. The Soldiers can go into a type of building and get a type of class to it. I remember there was this range class where the soldier would throw small object like dagger. Another Tribe that is somewhat colors black and purple that have a big white hair guy as the last rank of the mage upgrade for soldier that's really strong.
Last thing I remember about this game was that in the loading screen or waiting screen for multiplayer there was like a dragon emblem or something. I know this is kinda hard but please help me find this game.... after I moved city I lost the game and want to know the name.. :/


New member
Feb 28, 2012
So I've played a strategy game in the 2000-2005.
The game basically resolves around I guess you can call tribes and they fight each other gather resources build buildings and you can recruit soldiers. Now here is the key of the game. The Soldiers can go into a type of building and get a type of class to it. I remember there was this range class where the soldier would throw small object like dagger. Another Tribe that is somewhat colors black and purple that have a big white hair guy as the last rank of the mage upgrade for soldier that's really strong.
Last thing I remember about this game was that in the loading screen or waiting screen for multiplayer there was like a dragon emblem or something. I know this is kinda hard but please help me find this game.... after I moved city I lost the game and want to know the name.. :/
If it help, I was playing this game on the PC


New member
Feb 27, 2012
AC10 said:
Rwvdh said:
Usually i solve my own old game riddles with google but this time i turn to you guys.

I think it either was a demo of a game or a too powerfull game for our computer back then that i only know the first few parts of it and its setup.

Its a racing game in which you can knock out the competition with mines (positive), oil and guns (less positive).
I remember the game has a bridge in the beginning you have to jump over using a giant spring attached to the base of your car. (Failing to do so is game over)
It has a cartoonish setting.
Each car is different, with a distinct character per type of car. (Character i always chose was in a futuristic looking race tenue with blue helmet i believe)
I played it around '95 on the old 486 or pentium 1, (DOS/Win95)

Anyone have a clue?
Could it have been Hi-Octane?
It wasnt that one, sadly.


New member
Jan 25, 2012
hobitu said:
Sram said:
hobitu said:
famer said:
Gibboniser said:
An old racing game,, played it about 10 years ago I think, it was for pc and ps1. all I can remember was being able to choose a police car, and this one map, err, it had a high cliff, jungle bit, and I think there was a volcano in there somewhere.
I think you are after the same game I am. I tried to look it from here and through google couple of weeks ago but in vain. The game had a bird eye view and I have a memory about yellow car ? I absolutely remember the volcano and the cliff which had serpentine roads.
I'm looking for the same game;i can remember that it had a bird eye view, that yellow car was actually a school bus;there was an green 4x4 with a red plus, like ambulance has in it's sides.Hmmm, there was also a car like a buggy, purple; i remember a map with jungle and had to pass a wooden bridge. It was 3d i think;I played this game @ 2000 or 1999.It had a nice Graphic compared to the rest of games.And also i remember a lightning was hitting my car sometimes but i don't remember why, was a part of the map, or a ability, i really wanna play that game again. Anyone any clue?
I don't know it by the original name, as the German name for the Screamer series is "Bleifuss", but I think it's Bleifuss Fun, or Ignition
So look it up at google if it's the game you're looking for.

MAN YOU JUST MADE MY LIFE HAPPIER...Thank you so much, i'm very happy i found the game of my childhood, i'll stick arownd this forum maybe i can help people like you did with me :D ..Thank you again, imma go play it now :D
Oh my sweet mother of god. Ignition! Yes. Thank you, sir.

Kaid Piper

New member
Feb 29, 2012
hey.there used be this demo i played on pc it was like sims but you were like a secrete bunch of people that you could build under ground make rooms for your henchmen or something like that na dyour bos was some fat dud and i think you had to stop i spy from getting into your base. anyone have any clues?

oh and you had to colect gold somehow??

please help! :)