Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Apr 14, 2010
I've got one game that I need help with, I've been trying to remember this game ever since I was 15 or 16, and now I'm 19.

Sad to say, but to you guy's its probably not worth figuring out because it may sound childish but I really enjoyed it when I was young.

Anyway, I'll try to put as much input of the game that I can remember:

-The games name was something similar to addios or something similar around those letters
-The game was on the PC, old generation something like Windows 95/98/Mel/2000
-The game was educational fit for children's needs, age category around 5-12 (sad I know)

Things that I can remember in the actual game:

-It was point and click I believe
-You were situated in a house with a back garden with a swing which made a sound each time you clicked it
-There was a kitchen you could make cakes etc
-There were other mini games I believe
-During the time at the house, there were a lot of characters including the main one which had the name for the title of the game



New member
Mar 30, 2011
I remember a game I used to play on the Sega Megadrive/Genesis in which you controlled a helicopter moving through a jungle airlifting injured soldiers. The second level saw you controlling a hovercraft and doing something similar. I don't remember too much.

Also I remember an RTS game on the same console that looked like it was situated on the surface of Mars or something. I remember that the structures you build looked all square and blocky.


Mushroom Camper
Sep 30, 2009
WalrusPowers said:
I remember a game I used to play on the Sega Megadrive/Genesis in which you controlled a helicopter moving through a jungle airlifting injured soldiers. The second level saw you controlling a hovercraft and doing something similar. I don't remember too much.
Jungle Strike.

WalrusPowers said:
Also I remember an RTS game on the same console that looked like it was situated on the surface of Mars or something. I remember that the structures you build looked all square and blocky.
Dune 2


New member
Mar 10, 2012
GAMIE64 said:
The second is an RTS-rpg pc-game.
You pick a race, and try to conquer the galaxy and other races.
You can build on planets, but only a few types of structures.
You van converse with other races, and you cane make them angry at you, or make friends.
It's NOT spore! It's really old, too. It is reminiscent of spore though, but without the customizable races.
There where lave-cored monsters, some white squid-jellyfish type thing...
maybe 'Conquest' reminded me of starcraft more then anything tbh, thats the best i got hah

Edit: haha nevermind


New member
Dec 13, 2009
I finally found the space rpg/rts thingy!



Man, i remember all those weird aliens would freak me out as a kid!


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Zachary Spigarelli said:
There is this one game that has been bugging me and for the likes of it cant find anything on it. I remember clearly the intro its dudes in red armor walking either through a tunnel or sewer and they get ambushed and your guy is the only survivor. I remember my grandfather playing this but I dont remember the name. It seemed like an up down game like the original fallouts. Any info on it would be greatly appreciated.
Crusader No Remorse/Regret?



New member
Mar 1, 2009
Ch0cc0p0pps said:
Hi there.. I Need some help with a game i played a few years back.i think it was for PS2 but not sure.

The game is about a guy with a brownish coat and he runs around in asia i think it was, China or something like that. and you could learn to fight if you went to a dojo and if you was bored you could just run around the city and play minigames and earn money remeber i played pachinko alot in this game.. want to play this game again. cant realy remeber the story in the game but you could fight gangs and play minigames and earn some cash. oh yeah you saw the charakter from behind like you do in GTA4 and the game was like that but you couldent steel cars^^ PLS help me with this.
That would be the Shenmue series.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
David Bjur said:
I used to play a PC game where you were fighting lizard-people while walking through different levels. One of your weapons were a glove with claws wich was basically the melee weapon of the game.
The intro (if I remember it correctly) was a lizard that climbed on top of a branch and were suddenly attacked by humans who shot arrows (the humans were off-screen). The lizard pulled out two shotguns and proceeded to shoot the attackers and the humans started to scream in pain. The lizard may or may not laughed after the shooting.
That would be Turok 2 Seeds of Evil on the N64.

I miss the old days when Turok was a mystical native American warrior who fought dinosaurs with guns strapped to them. Instead of generic space marine number 346.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
TallestGargoyle said:
Thirdly, an RTS game which I believe was only named by a number, it looked like a year like 2140 or something. What I remember involved leading a small collection of units across rocky terrain, and I had three engineer-type units that couldn't attack until you got to a weird pad on the ground which supplied them with mechs.
Earth 2140?



New member
Mar 1, 2009
GavHan1992 said:
GAMIE64 said:
The second is an RTS-rpg pc-game.
You pick a race, and try to conquer the galaxy and other races.
You can build on planets, but only a few types of structures.
You van converse with other races, and you cane make them angry at you, or make friends.
It's NOT spore! It's really old, too. It is reminiscent of spore though, but without the customizable races.
There where lave-cored monsters, some white squid-jellyfish type thing...
maybe 'Conquest' reminded me of starcraft more then anything tbh, thats the best i got hah

Edit: Never mind


New member
Mar 1, 2009
negar said:
i remember i played a strategic game,and it was something like Age of empire.H think the game name contain the word farmer.but i didnt find any thing like farmer in google.so i hope that you could help me.
the game had some male and female farmer and when 2 of them got into a house,a baby picture was shown on the top of the house!the kid grew up and became an adult.the jobs were fishing,hunting,cutting down the trees(and some trees began to grow again)the female farmer could get fruit from some trees.the hunter hunted the bears and there was the way of producing food and fishing was the same way.build some houses to produce these things too.there was just a soldier with a knife and he just killed the enemies.(i was just in the first level and i dont know there was any other man to kill or not)
there was stone,wood,fruit,resources in the game.
plz help me .its been two years that i have been searching for.
Settlers 3 or 4.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
mgmd said:
So, this has been driving me crazy for YEARS ......

It was a PC game from maybe early 90's. Just like Johnny Mnemonic story line. The hero smuggles data in his head, but can't get this particular data out. You have to help him get it out before it explodes. I believe it has some FPS in it. I specifically remember this one scene/puzzle where you had to solve something related to a Bodhi tree and there was this Buddha there talking to you.

I am NOT thinking of Neuromancer. this game came out after. PLEASE HELP!!!!
Are you sure it wasn't just Johnny Mnemonic? Because that was made into a PC game.


Only other game I can think of where you had exploding head data syndrome was Shadowrun.


New member
Mar 14, 2012
Found this thread while looking for an old game. I believe it was either an NES game or a Sega Genesis game. I'm pretty sure it was the Sega Genesis though. It was a 2D side scrolling game and all I can really remember from it was killing monsters and climbing trees by jumping up their branches. Once in a while you'd find an entrance into the tree and could go inside the tree and jump down.

Been trying to search for it via Google for a couple of hours now and haven't been successful. If anyone could help that'd be great. Thanks!

edit: Nevermind, found it after 3 hours of searching. NES game called Wizards and Warriors.


New member
Mar 14, 2012
This thread is amazing. I made an account on here because i would love to retrieve some old memories i have about a couple of games. Therefor i would be so glad if someone could help me out remembering a few games from back in the days.

I am looking for 3 diffrent things:

#1 Game:
Old 2D game where you had to solve a puzzle on the screen. It would be like a (domino) track where one item would cause another item to move and so on and you had to insert diffrent items to make the track complete.
The items where things like: scissors, bowling balls, TNT explosives, springs, tilts and leash.

#2 Game:
I don't remember much from this game since i only played the demo. But basicly it was a 2D fighting game where you fought with Robot animals. Mainly Dogs.
I remember only being able to choose a blue Robot dog and allways fighting a green insane robot dog.

#3 Game:
I am also looking for the name of a demo, cuz it had alot of the old games i used to play back then.
It was a PC Demo where you walked around on a spaceship. On the spaceship there would be windows on the right and left with Demo games. So basicly you could play a game by entering a game on the wall (kinda like Super mario 64) And the games were such as: Doom, Beavis and butthead spit game.

I would be glad to pay for the find of theese games, since they would bring back so great memories. So if you've got paypal and find any of theese games, ill be glad to give you a finders donation :D

Regard Matthew.

David Bjur

Hazy sucks, Daystar Moreso
Nov 21, 2011
CD-R said:
David Bjur said:
I used to play a PC game where you were fighting lizard-people while walking through different levels. One of your weapons were a glove with claws wich was basically the melee weapon of the game.
The intro (if I remember it correctly) was a lizard that climbed on top of a branch and were suddenly attacked by humans who shot arrows (the humans were off-screen). The lizard pulled out two shotguns and proceeded to shoot the attackers and the humans started to scream in pain. The lizard may or may not laughed after the shooting.
That would be Turok 2 Seeds of Evil on the N64.

I miss the old days when Turok was a mystical native American warrior who fought dinosaurs with guns strapped to them. Instead of generic space marine number 346.
Wow, thanks man, that was spot on!

Yuliya Yordanova

New member
Mar 15, 2012
In the late 90's I used to play a game on my computer... and the only thing that i remember is a little blond boy and a dog in a fantasy world....and the bad guys were some kind of animals... may be turtles ..but ...i am not sure about that =] if someone knows what i'm talking about..please help me!


New member
Mar 16, 2012
Hopefully someone here can help me, I'm looking for a PC game from the late nineties, early 2000s at the very latest. I played it on Windows, not sure if it was ever available on Mac. I only had the demo version, so I don't have a lot of info. What I do remember, was it was a 3-D world (not a side-scroller), and the first place you are in the game is this place with a few different gods/deities/something. One of them looked like a giant ugly frog with an annoying voice, and a regal looking blue one. When you talked to them, they let you through the doorway into whatever world/realm/level that they were in charge of (I remember one was a desert, another one was a forest) and there were groups of little enemies you had to kill.

Unfortunately I don't remember anymore than that, though I do remember that with the demon you could only play two realms before it kicked you out. Any help at all would be really appreciated, because my brother is starting to think I'm crazy.


New member
Mar 16, 2012
i'm looking for this game n it's driving me nuts!!!!

there's 4 or 5 characters u can choose from...i always picked the girls...i think they're in a mafia or something n they're related...you have to go around the city n go into the shops n change clothing to blend in n the bars u go into are ure save points...and u had to fight thru the city to get to the boss tht either took their money or did summin stupid...i kno this is vague...but plez sum1 help me

James Auden

New member
Mar 16, 2012
This is an awesome thread!!!!

So here is what I am looking for, it's a game i played around '97 or '98. I thought it was a maybe a micro-machines game, or maybe a army-men game, but I don't think it is. Basically you are a little tiny plane, or helicopter, or fighter jet (i think you are different things in different levels) and you are flying around what looks to be bedrooms & living rooms, and random rooms in a house. I think it was a very colorful game that was difficult but would appeal to kids because it was all toy planes/helicopters. I think there was a little blimp in the upper corner showing where you and all the planes/helicopters on your team are and where all the enemy planes/helicopters are. I think you can shoot missles, drop bombs, and other stuff like that. I don't really remember what the point of the game is though, it might be "steal the flag" or "blow up the enemy's base" or something like that. And I'm pretty sure this was on Playstation, it might be PS2, don't really remember.

Please help, I will owe you BIG-TIME if you can figure what game this is. I really thought it was a Micro-Machines game, but I can't find one like this.

Additional Note: It was a 3D game I think, not an overhead view, it looked as if you were actually flying the planes (I think it did, or maybe I have hyped it up too much in my head:)

Jayce Baugh

New member
Mar 16, 2012
Dunno if anyone will be able to help me out but I'll give the description a shot.

This was a game I played when it was around the I want to say maybe early 1990 through 2000. It was right around the time Battle Chess was also out so I think it might have been a hard floppy game.

This was not a 3DO console, it was on the computer, maybe the Amiga system? I forget what windows was out...mayyybe 95 or earlier.

I remember it was Manual Protected where after you loaded the game and you wanted to start it, it would ask you to turn to page xxxx and answer a question it prompted you on the screen from that page.

I recall there were many monster in it like Dragons, Trolls, Giants, and we would face off against the AI enemies which consisted of the same. Maybe it was a strategy game?

I think it was around the Day of the Tenticle too..I am not sure its been years.

Any help would be appriciated. I have exhausted my google fu to the max.