Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

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New member
Jan 27, 2012
A game where you play a red alien guy or something like that he has a staff the game is a 3d platformer you can have different types of staffs for example with a fire staff you could burn down doors or something in that conext anyways thats about it I only played the demo so I dont know more

Esai TheWarlock

New member
Mar 16, 2012
please help me it was a pc game that came with the comp from like the mid or late 90s you controlled a boy with blonde hair & you had to traverse across grey squares & as the levels went on there were more stuff that could kill you initially it was just water though & i think you needed a key to complete the levels but i could be wrong

Yuliya Yordanova

New member
Mar 15, 2012
Esai TheWarlock said:
please help me it was a pc game that came with the comp from like the mid or late 90s you controlled a boy with blonde hair & you had to traverse across grey squares & as the levels went on there were more stuff that could kill you initially it was just water though & i think you needed a key to complete the levels but i could be wrong
and there was also a dog...and if something happens to it, the boy dies too....or..


New member
Jun 7, 2010
I'm looking for a somewhat old game which I played a demo of in the late 90s / early 00s but the game is probably older than that. It was a 2d top down shooter were you could control a helicopter or a tank (I'm not sure if you got to choose or if it depended on the mission). It's not "Return Fire" but it shares a lot of common elements with that game. Any ideas?

Esai TheWarlock

New member
Mar 16, 2012
Yuliya Yordanova said:
Esai TheWarlock said:
please help me it was a pc game that came with the comp from like the mid or late 90s you controlled a boy with blonde hair & you had to traverse across grey squares & as the levels went on there were more stuff that could kill you initially it was just water though & i think you needed a key to complete the levels but i could be wrong
and there was also a dog...and if something happens to it, the boy dies too....or..
no i dont think so it was like a 2D game


New member
May 11, 2011
Does anyone know the name of a sidescroller where you played as some Gollum-like creature going through a factory of some kind, running away from some bad guys. It was kinda stealthy, you could hide in shadows, roll, etc. I played it last time about...8-9 years ago on a PC, it could have console versions as well, dunno.

Punch You

New member
Dec 12, 2010
blockout said:
Does anyone know the name of a sidescroller where you played as some Gollum-like creature going through a factory of some kind, running away from some bad guys. It was kinda stealthy, you could hide in shadows, roll, etc. I played it last time about...8-9 years ago on a PC, it could have console versions as well, dunno.
Kinda sounds like "Oddworld, thoughI don't know whether that got a pc release.


New member
Jul 15, 2009
A PC Game, RTS. It had graphics (perhaps gameplay features in general) similar to those of the first Red Alert game, I think - not sure if it was on the same graphical level, but in the style of the buildings. It also had some sort of monsters/aliens in it.

I remember tid bits of cinematics. One of them being some sort of monster - I think a really big one - attacking a (blue?) vehicle (I think a tank/other military thingymaginy?) in a city. Story could have been something about an invasion of earth?

Incredibly vague, I know, but if it rings a bell..

Edit: Turns out it was "KKND XTREME"


New member
Mar 18, 2012
I've been looking for this game for like 4 years obsessively. I came across this post, so I figured, it's worth a shot.

It was on Floppy Disk, probably around the Windows 95-98 time. I believe it was a 3-4 disk set. Very pixilated and like 2-3D action. Low quality. Creepy narration.
There are multiple sections I have memory of:

1. You were a boy who woke up on the beach with almost no memory with subtitle type narrations on the bottom on the screen.
2. The boy had to pick from a selection of like 6 weird dolls from a shelf in (what I remember to be) a carnival.
3. Then I remember something involving potions.
4. And wizards shooting lasers in some form of black & white grid. (like a chess grid where the lasers are coming out of the walls and you have to dodge the lasers to do something involving a wizard.)
5. I also remember him having to drink something.
6. And in the beginning of the game he finds a bottle with a letter in it. (Or maybe a map or something)

I can't think of anything else right now. But seriously, anyone who thinks of the answer to this is going to make my life complete.
I also remember that I played it when I played where in the world is Carmen Sandeago.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
I remember a game that i played. It was an old galaxy colonisation game.

- There were 7 races i think that you could chose
- You started off with a base and you had to harvest materials like ores and stuff
- The cover of the game was blue/purple and had a big spaceship on the cover with underneath the spaceship the name of the game.

Like i said it was an old pc colony game. Game structure was basically like Total Annhilation though this game was invented before that time. You had to harvest your materials and build up buildings and units. It was such an amazing game and i keep hitting myself on the head for not knowing the name.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
Ok there's a computer game I played about 10 years ago and I have no idea what it is called. It was pretty simple. It was in first person and your character was in a bunker. You can use a variety of guns to shoot at enemy ships and planes and the goals were shoot this many of this type of ship, this many of this type of plane, etc. If anyone knows the game I'm thinking of, please!! let me know. Thanks!


New member
Mar 26, 2008
negar said:
i remember i played a strategic game,and it was something like Age of empire.H think the game name contain the word farmer.but i didnt find any thing like farmer in google.so i hope that you could help me.
the game had some male and female farmer and when 2 of them got into a house,a baby picture was shown on the top of the house!the kid grew up and became an adult.the jobs were fishing,hunting,cutting down the trees(and some trees began to grow again)the female farmer could get fruit from some trees.the hunter hunted the bears and there was the way of producing food and fishing was the same way.build some houses to produce these things too.there was just a soldier with a knife and he just killed the enemies.(i was just in the first level and i dont know there was any other man to kill or not)
there was stone,wood,fruit,resources in the game.
plz help me .its been two years that i have been searching for.
Could have also been Beasts and Bumpkins.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
ok, so i remember that i used to play a game were there was a character with dread locks and they used to bounce around the place like mad, his hair colour was ginger and he had a very bouncy walk. if i can remember correctly what the aim of the game was to go around all the planets completing puzzles, every planet had its own type of puzzle and it use to be a very happy, fun game were there would be aliens popping out on you but not in the scary manor more like happy and helping type of mood. also if i can remember this game was around the time when people played ' oddworld '. I asked my brothers, my mum and my father and i didn't get any information off them whatsoever except one thing that my dad told me that it was a game that you downloaded and that you could save your progress and carry on whenever you wanted to.


New member
Feb 18, 2009
Esai TheWarlock said:
please help me it was a pc game that came with the comp from like the mid or late 90s you controlled a boy with blonde hair & you had to traverse across grey squares & as the levels went on there were more stuff that could kill you initially it was just water though & i think you needed a key to complete the levels but i could be wrong

It wasn't this one was it? Chip's Challenge?


New member
Mar 18, 2012
I am looking for a game so long now. Finally i found a clue, which game it could be, but it´s not just yet.
It´s like Raiden, with a 2-Player mode and a red and blue jet/starship. But as i remember you see the jets from behind like in Lylat Wars. The clue in this game was that you were able to pugrade anything on your ships like your weapons, armor or size of your wings and so on. If i am right, the gamename might have had just a few letters, but i am not sure.
I would be glad if someone can give me any hint.

Edit: i#m not sure, but i think i played it about 9-11 years ago on my pc.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
There's a game i used to play on the Pc (windows 95 i think). You were a wizard in a green robe and you would go into different rooms and avoid monsters to get items. It was not quite a top down view but more of a angle. And it think the room's floors were divided into squares.

Really hope someone can help me :)

Edit: and no this wasn't Chips challenge.

FOUND IT! It is called Mystic Towers

Here is a link to where i found it and many others



New member
Mar 18, 2012
I'm trying to remember a game my cousin played on dreamcast. She was this Asian guy and he witnessed a murder or kidnapping of some sort. He could not remember much of the murder so he had to try to get clues from people in the area. I remember the car was all black, black windows, black body paint, black rims I think. And one of the scenes was in this bar she had to do combos in sequence in order to beat them. He was fighting Kung-fu like style. I also think he wore a black leather jacket and black shades.

Plzz help me find it I've been wanting to find out what happens in the end for soooooo long since I remembered it.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
I really want to remember a game I played with my dad when I was young. About 5-6 years old maybe. 18 now, so 13 years ago.

It was on the PC I remember, and you played as a boy who lost his pet dog (i think, pretty sure it was a dog) maybe the dog got stolen by aliens? .. we have been trying forever to remember it.. but dont remember much information. At first I thought it was MYST but its deffs not.
anyways you had to search for your pet, thats all i can remember. it was very sad if i can recall..

* i mostly watched my dad play it, or sat on his lap and helped him *