Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Mar 21, 2012
ok, so it was a pc game. I remember playing it maybe 10-12 years ago. It took place in space. the first level was on the moon, you drove around in all the different space vehicles (tanks, howitzers, walkers) and had to fight the enemy. the plot was that the U.S and the Russians moved armies into space during the cold war to fight each other (or at the very least thats what I can remember) you could eject and jump out of your vehicle if it got destroyed and you could run around the surface.

Yuliya Yordanova

New member
Mar 15, 2012
hrosie3 said:
Yuliya Yordanova said:
In the late 90's I used to play a game on my computer... and the only thing that i remember is a little blond boy and a dog in a fantasy world....and the bad guys were some kind of animals... may be turtles ..but ...i am not sure about that =] if someone knows what i'm talking about..please help me!
I think its the same thing I'm looking for! I remember a boy and a dog...
Does the dog or something go missing?
...i'm not so sure..the dog was actually jumping around...following the boy...and if something happens to this dog, the boy dies too...

Aviad Cohen

New member
Mar 22, 2012
there is the game im searching for along long time but doesnt matter what i do cant remember the freaking name.
i really hope somebody will be able to remember this game for me :D

its a spaceship game where you have like the whole galaxy.

you are the spaceship and you can go to planets and buy weapons.. upgrade the spaceship components.. umm what more...
yea its a turn based game.. for each turn you select what you want to do..
i played it long time ago.. but this is as far as i remember.. i hope somebody have a clue on this.

thanks in advance to all helpers.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Aviad Cohen said:
there is the game im searching for along long time but doesnt matter what i do cant remember the freaking name.
i really hope somebody will be able to remember this game for me :D

its a spaceship game where you have like the whole galaxy.

you are the spaceship and you can go to planets and buy weapons.. upgrade the spaceship components.. umm what more...
yea its a turn based game.. for each turn you select what you want to do..
i played it long time ago.. but this is as far as i remember.. i hope somebody have a clue on this.

thanks in advance to all helpers.
Could be the Space Rangers or Star Control Series.




New member
Mar 22, 2012
I remember a game, i think it was a win98 game on CD, If i remember right it was a puzzle/hog game, it was based in a messeum, in the lobby there was an egypt based locked door that was accessed late in the game, there was also a hallway with very bright colors that unless you stand at the proper angle you could not see the hidden passage, one of the rooms had a huge crate, and there was a lock on a door somewhere that had a combo lock in a bullseye type formation that you had to rotate each ring till it spelled out 2 words in a + or X pattern. movement in the game(i think) was by clicking the mouse, like the newer "Mystery Case File" games.

Joris Michiels

New member
Mar 23, 2012

I'm looking for a game i played like 10 years ago, give or take. I think you played as a helicopter and you could pick up parts of a tank and then build your own tanks to fight the enemy's tank or something..


New member
Mar 24, 2012
Can anyone help me find this game?

It's so old, I hardly remember anything about it.
The only thing I remember is there were 3 little chibi people who are lined up and you play as the leader and explore stuff I guess. You can switch leaders and yeah. That's pretty much all I remember. It's similar to Final Fantasy when it comes to battling monsters I think. They line up and each take turns attacking monsters. I'm not sure if it is a final fantasy game. It seems free world to me and the characters looked different. Like in japanese school uniforms.

I don't know. I'm probably half remembering and half imagining details.

Help? D:


New member
Mar 18, 2012
ZuckingFombie said:
Can anyone help me find this game?

It's so old, I hardly remember anything about it.
The only thing I remember is there were 3 little chibi people who are lined up and you play as the leader and explore stuff I guess. You can switch leaders and yeah. That's pretty much all I remember. It's similar to Final Fantasy when it comes to battling monsters I think. They line up and each take turns attacking monsters. I'm not sure if it is a final fantasy game. It seems free world to me and the characters looked different. Like in japanese school uniforms.

I don't know. I'm probably half remembering and half imagining details.

Help? D:
Legend of Legaia maybe?



New member
Mar 18, 2012
Yuliya Yordanova said:
hrosie3 said:
Yuliya Yordanova said:
In the late 90's I used to play a game on my computer... and the only thing that i remember is a little blond boy and a dog in a fantasy world....and the bad guys were some kind of animals... may be turtles ..but ...i am not sure about that =] if someone knows what i'm talking about..please help me!
I think its the same thing I'm looking for! I remember a boy and a dog...
Does the dog or something go missing?
...i'm not so sure..the dog was actually jumping around...following the boy...and if something happens to this dog, the boy dies too...
Hmmm well maybe.. I have a hard time remembering what happens with the dog in my game anyways.
Hope someone figures it out soon, its been driving me nuts for years.


New member
Mar 23, 2012
A PC minigame that had a flying spintop copter. The copter was on a platform and you could control its movements with the arrow keys. On the platform was different kinds of marbles depending on the level, some with spikes, some faster, some really slow. The idea was to get these marbles trapped on the platform with the copter. When you moved the copter, it flew on the platform and when it reached the side of the platform, the area rose up and the marbles couldn't go there anymore. So by moving the copter and rising areas you eventually got the marbles so that they were unable to move.

I think I played this game between the years 2003 and 2007 but I'm not sure. It might have been a part of a game collection 'cause I also remember playing arcanoid at that time and they could have been from the same source.


New member
Mar 24, 2012
hrosie3 said:
ZuckingFombie said:
Can anyone help me find this game?

It's so old, I hardly remember anything about it.
The only thing I remember is there were 3 little chibi people who are lined up and you play as the leader and explore stuff I guess. You can switch leaders and yeah. That's pretty much all I remember. It's similar to Final Fantasy when it comes to battling monsters I think. They line up and each take turns attacking monsters. I'm not sure if it is a final fantasy game. It seems free world to me and the characters looked different. Like in japanese school uniforms.

I don't know. I'm probably half remembering and half imagining details.

Help? D:
Legend of Legaia maybe?

I don't think so :( I think they wore grey school uniforms. The part I remember in the game is I'm walking and the two other characters are following me. The ground was a tan/brown brick and then I walked into a black hole in a wall or a doorway. Idk :T No one will find this game lol


New member
Mar 24, 2012
ZuckingFombie said:
hrosie3 said:
ZuckingFombie said:
Can anyone help me find this game?

It's so old, I hardly remember anything about it.
The only thing I remember is there were 3 little chibi people who are lined up and you play as the leader and explore stuff I guess. You can switch leaders and yeah. That's pretty much all I remember. It's similar to Final Fantasy when it comes to battling monsters I think. They line up and each take turns attacking monsters. I'm not sure if it is a final fantasy game. It seems free world to me and the characters looked different. Like in japanese school uniforms.

I don't know. I'm probably half remembering and half imagining details.

Help? D:
Legend of Legaia maybe?

I don't think so :( I think they wore grey school uniforms. The part I remember in the game is I'm walking and the two other characters are following me. The ground was a tan/brown brick and then I walked into a black hole in a wall or a doorway. Idk :T No one will find this game lol ALSO IT'S A PS1 GAME~


New member
Mar 24, 2012
Also, I'm looking for an old PC game. It came in a CD ROM and on that CD were multiple games you can play. Single and multiplayer. Games such as Rampage(the one where you destroy cities w/ a monkey), Commando (where you can choose different characters and fight things), and the game I'm looking for is a multiplayer. All I remember is there are 2 small characters. It was cartoony. One of them was blue. Both characters were boys and they were in like a forest or jungle setting. I remember waterfalls and I guess they were exploring? Idk.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
ZuckingFombie said:
hrosie3 said:
ZuckingFombie said:
Can anyone help me find this game?

It's so old, I hardly remember anything about it.
The only thing I remember is there were 3 little chibi people who are lined up and you play as the leader and explore stuff I guess. You can switch leaders and yeah. That's pretty much all I remember. It's similar to Final Fantasy when it comes to battling monsters I think. They line up and each take turns attacking monsters. I'm not sure if it is a final fantasy game. It seems free world to me and the characters looked different. Like in japanese school uniforms.

I don't know. I'm probably half remembering and half imagining details.

Help? D:
Legend of Legaia maybe?

I don't think so :( I think they wore grey school uniforms. The part I remember in the game is I'm walking and the two other characters are following me. The ground was a tan/brown brick and then I walked into a black hole in a wall or a doorway. Idk :T No one will find this game lol

Every PS1 rpg that was released in the US.

Cameron Wang

New member
Mar 25, 2012
Created an Escapist account for this exact reason. I remember playing this for countless hours as a child, on a Windows 95, I believe.

The game was a side scrolling game where you are a gunman going around and rescuing people (not the actual idea of the game). First level takes place in a city-scape environment and there are people trapped which you rescue. As the game progresses, you may have gotten upgrades for your gun that will last as long as you have bullets for that weapon. After that, I don't remember much except for the final boss, which is some kind of evil doctor inside a laboratory. Sorry if there isn't too much detail.

As for the graphics of the game, its a fairly pixelated game with some good detail. It's like Chrono Trigger styled. Please keep in mind that the game ISN'T about saving people rather defeating this evil doctor. Another thing I just remembered while writing this post is that there is a enemy in the game that is black (kind of like the monster in AVP) that shoots short blue lasers. If you manage to kill him, you acquire the ammo until you run out, which you then revert back to your original weapon.

I'm pretty sure that I didn't need a CD to install this game. Definitely a PC game and not a console game, unless it was remade for the console, but I doubt that. If you can find this game, I will send 10 USD via PayPal to you, just as a thank you for finding a large piece of my childhood.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Ok I got one. I never actually played this game I only saw a review for it. It was a mid to late 90's PC game. It looks like it was a zombie apocalypse survivor game. It had a I think 3/4 overhead view similar to Diablo and Fallout. And it looks like you could find survivors and equip them with various weapons.I'll be amazed if anyone can figure this game out.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Cameron Wang said:
Created an Escapist account for this exact reason. I remember playing this for countless hours as a child, on a Windows 95, I believe.

The game was a side scrolling game where you are a gunman going around and rescuing people (not the actual idea of the game). First level takes place in a city-scape environment and there are people trapped which you rescue. As the game progresses, you may have gotten upgrades for your gun that will last as long as you have bullets for that weapon. After that, I don't remember much except for the final boss, which is some kind of evil doctor inside a laboratory. Sorry if there isn't too much detail.

As for the graphics of the game, its a fairly pixelated game with some good detail. It's like Chrono Trigger styled. Please keep in mind that the game ISN'T about saving people rather defeating this evil doctor. Another thing I just remembered while writing this post is that there is a enemy in the game that is black (kind of like the monster in AVP) that shoots short blue lasers. If you manage to kill him, you acquire the ammo until you run out, which you then revert back to your original weapon.

I'm pretty sure that I didn't need a CD to install this game. Definitely a PC game and not a console game, unless it was remade for the console, but I doubt that. If you can find this game, I will send 10 USD via PayPal to you, just as a thank you for finding a large piece of my childhood.
Well the original Duke Nukem was a side scroller that had an evil doctor as a final boss.



New member
Dec 26, 2011
I remembre playing a game, a bad 3d game, you controlled a boy in an armor, he had red hair. So he found a baby dragon, a pink dragon I think...It's a RPG for playstation 1 I think...Thanks...


New member
Mar 18, 2012
Dodgerjoey said:
I remembre playing a game, a bad 3d game, you controlled a boy in an armor, he had red hair. So he found a baby dragon, a pink dragon I think...It's a RPG for playstation 1 I think...Thanks...
