Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


Your Commander-in-Chief
Jun 15, 2011
i remember a PS2 game in which you play an adolescent guy going to various weird places. (oceans, valleys) and investigating the dangers of them, and often snuffing it in the process. you had no weapons, and a hit from a monster would produce a disturbing cutscene of you either drowning, or falling screaming down a pit. you get a gun at one point in a valley level, but it gets eatem by a monster.

please help :(

Joris Michiels

New member
Mar 23, 2012
Joris Michiels said:

I'm looking for a game i played like 10 years ago, give or take. I think you played as a helicopter and you could pick up parts of a tank and then build your own tanks to fight the enemy's tank or something..

Robin de Nef

New member
Mar 28, 2012
old game with red green and blue robots where parts fall off when killed and pilots fly out
played on a map with air (wich has floating islands, underground, and normal land) it has airplanes tanks etc. u have to put together ur own robots like with swords etc. and u can use the parts wich has fallen of from another robot.


New member
Mar 28, 2012
There was a game in the 90s, where you were on some kind of spaceship, where you had to move boxes/cargo in order to get to the next level. Do you remember it and if yes, do you it's name?



New member
Mar 29, 2012
It was a Playstation game. You played as a girl who fought against females who I think were witches, possibly not.

It was side scrolling, and an RPG.

I remember distinctly that you went through a forest, deep into it, and found some kind of machine, possibly dormant animal that you wake up and it follows you.

After a bit, you go to a castle where the girl is paralyzed or put into stasis by who I think are the three witches.

Some warrior is also there.

That's all I remember. Very, very rough, but I was 8 when I first rented it, and was never able to save the game due to my lack of memory card.


New member
Mar 29, 2012
Hi guys I am looking for a game I used to play when I was a kid..?
I remember that you play as a kid, and it starts off on some rock cliff where your flying ship has landed. You go down from your ship and you have a gun that's shooting something like electricity and you kill some shadow-like creatures. I forgot to mention it was a 2D game.
Later on, you get some magic power (by touching a stone underwater) and you can throw green magic balls from your hand.
I also remember there are some snakes in the game, and you can distract them by fireflies. There are also spiders in a game when you climb a huge rock. And also there are some seeds in the game which you can hit by your magic and they will grow into a tree which you can climb.
Sorry for my poor explanation of how the game looked like, and my poor english, but I would be eternally grateful if anybody would know the title of the game. Thanks in advance!


New member
Mar 18, 2012
crumpton said:
It was a Playstation game. You played as a girl who fought against females who I think were witches, possibly not.

It was side scrolling, and an RPG.

I remember distinctly that you went through a forest, deep into it, and found some kind of machine, possibly dormant animal that you wake up and it follows you.

After a bit, you go to a castle where the girl is paralyzed or put into stasis by who I think are the three witches.

Some warrior is also there.

That's all I remember. Very, very rough, but I was 8 when I first rented it, and was never able to save the game due to my lack of memory card.

Cris Belfer

New member
Mar 29, 2012
I'm looking for a PS1 game. It was a twisted metal style play but not dark at all, rather, very silly and hokey. It had money, aliens, weird drivers and strange levels. I remember there was an airport level where (http://grooveshark.com/#!/s/The+Rascal+King/1ODQ3J?src=5) would play. You could even shoot down the planes if you timed it well enough. It was just very silly and stupid and you could play forever. Thanks in advance! :D

Cris Belfer

New member
Mar 29, 2012
Cris Belfer said:
I'm looking for a PS1 game. It was a twisted metal style play but not dark at all, rather, very silly and hokey. It had money, aliens, weird drivers and strange levels. I remember there was an airport level where (http://grooveshark.com/#!/s/The+Rascal+King/1ODQ3J?src=5) would play. You could even shoot down the planes if you timed it well enough. It was just very silly and stupid and you could play forever. Thanks in advance! :D
HAH i just found it myself. Its called "Rogue Trip Vacation 2012" YAY go play it!

Lord Siathene

New member
Nov 21, 2011
I'm looking for a PS2? maybe game. It was a first person shooter, and you played as a woman, and it was very 80's spy movie in pretty much every way. I vaguely remember the main character wore a bright orange and white mini dress. I can remember so much of the game, yet can't remember what it was called.

Lord Siathene

New member
Nov 21, 2011
crumpton said:
Lord Siathene said:
I'm looking for a PS2? maybe game. It was a first person shooter, and you played as a woman, and it was very 80's spy movie in pretty much every way. I vaguely remember the main character wore a bright orange and white mini dress. I can remember so much of the game, yet can't remember what it was called.
No One Lives Forever?

Yes! Lol, it's been bugging me for a few days now after it came up in a convo, thank you for that. Though looks like I was a bit wrong on the main character.


New member
Mar 29, 2012
hrosie3 said:
crumpton said:
It was a Playstation game. You played as a girl who fought against females who I think were witches, possibly not.

It was side scrolling, and an RPG.

I remember distinctly that you went through a forest, deep into it, and found some kind of machine, possibly dormant animal that you wake up and it follows you.

After a bit, you go to a castle where the girl is paralyzed or put into stasis by who I think are the three witches.

Some warrior is also there.

That's all I remember. Very, very rough, but I was 8 when I first rented it, and was never able to save the game due to my lack of memory card.
That looks very, very familiar...but I don't think that's it...it could be, and it looks familiar, but it doesn't look like what I'm looking for...


New member
Mar 29, 2012
I have a game I need some help with. It was an old computer game, ms dos-5 more than likely. You were a blue stick figure who climbed up ladders to collect different colored keys to open the doors of the same color, it had a white background. That is all I can remember any help would be appreciated. Before someone says it, it was not Montezuma's Revenge or Load Runner.


New member
Mar 29, 2012
I have a game I need some help with. It was an old computer game, ms dos-5 more than likely. You were a blue stick figure who climbed up ladders to collect different colored keys to open the doors of the same color, it had a white background. That is all I can remember any help would be appreciated. Before someone says it, it was not Montezuma's Revenge or Load Runner.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
crumpton said:
hrosie3 said:
crumpton said:
It was a Playstation game. You played as a girl who fought against females who I think were witches, possibly not.

It was side scrolling, and an RPG.

I remember distinctly that you went through a forest, deep into it, and found some kind of machine, possibly dormant animal that you wake up and it follows you.

After a bit, you go to a castle where the girl is paralyzed or put into stasis by who I think are the three witches.

Some warrior is also there.

That's all I remember. Very, very rough, but I was 8 when I first rented it, and was never able to save the game due to my lack of memory card.
That looks very, very familiar...but I don't think that's it...it could be, and it looks familiar, but it doesn't look like what I'm looking for...
I'm sure it is! Look up some gameplay on youtube, it fits it too a T. I remmeberd this game when I was little by the same details. But you never know, was is from Japan or something, there could be simlilar games


New member
Nov 8, 2009
A game for PC from the era of 95/98.
A puzzle game where you control 2 robots, one fat and big, and one thin and small.
I think they were red and orange.
Basically, you red could go through red barriers, and push red buttons, and the same for orange.
I think they were badguys (vaguely thinking monster dogs, but I'm probably wrong), and at one point one of the robots gets a gun.
I seem to remember it came as part of a compilation, but my family had it with a few other CDs as well, all compilations.
I think the game was called Twin or something, but I really can't find it.

Another game on those disks was a very high graphics (for the time I guess) free roaming space style shooter, but set in a germ infested junkyard looking place.

Main priority is the twin game, but the shooter would be nice too, and it might help you find the other one.


New member
Mar 29, 2012
hrosie3 said:
crumpton said:
hrosie3 said:
crumpton said:
It was a Playstation game. You played as a girl who fought against females who I think were witches, possibly not.

It was side scrolling, and an RPG.

I remember distinctly that you went through a forest, deep into it, and found some kind of machine, possibly dormant animal that you wake up and it follows you.

After a bit, you go to a castle where the girl is paralyzed or put into stasis by who I think are the three witches.

Some warrior is also there.

That's all I remember. Very, very rough, but I was 8 when I first rented it, and was never able to save the game due to my lack of memory card.
That looks very, very familiar...but I don't think that's it...it could be, and it looks familiar, but it doesn't look like what I'm looking for...
I'm sure it is! Look up some gameplay on youtube, it fits it too a T. I remmeberd this game when I was little by the same details. But you never know, was is from Japan or something, there could be simlilar games
The forest scene definitely looks like it, but they don't travel back into a restaurant and find some puppet in the area.

I'ma check more of it out...