Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Mar 30, 2012
1 game

it is an old children's game where you play as a green dragon who is trying to help your red dragon friend who shrunk himself. there are these 2 bards that you keep running into that for a few gold coins, would sing you a song. and there was a desert area where there was a rock that when you click on it a snake comes out and says "I'm a sidewinder... i wonder why they call me that" and slithers away. also the green dragon is a girl and the red dragon is a boy.

please help i have searched for a long time.

Constantin Grama

New member
Mar 31, 2012
Please oh please tell me you know this game, i have been trying for weeks to remember its name.
It is a car racing game (like NFS), i think it launched near the 2000's... something like 1997-2001, i don't remember.
The thing about this game is...... it was a combat car game, you had weapons like: oil that made other cars slip, mines that made other cars blow up or deviate their course, or some kind of nitro.
I know it is not Revolt, nor Carmageddon. I have played these 2 and i know 100% that this game is neither one of them.
Please tell me the name of this game, it was one of the best games of my childhood :)


New member
Apr 1, 2012
Hello everyone! I just remembered a game I used to play but obviously forgot the name. It?s on DS and was made in between 2005 -2010 ( can?t remember the exact year but sure that in this time period). The game consists of you picking your player and then and attribute ( I?m sure one was Omega ) and you use cubes/boxes to summon titans/monsters and fight your opponent with them.If someone knows the name of the game you would be a lifesaver as I really want to play it again!!!


New member
Apr 2, 2012
Ok I had a ps2 game and all i remember of it was that you start off on a dock with a black coat and there are robots that are friendly but if you attack them they have machine guns and kill you.Also you can swim and there are things under the dock.Also there was a guy who had like super powers if you attacked him and he would be like darth vader using the force.Then you go into a training facility where you shoot guns and see the robots.


New member
Apr 2, 2012
Could anyone help me name this game?
The game gave you the option to be a male or female character in the beginning and you would play that character throughout the game, there wasn't any switching around, i believe each had a different plot and abilities but the stories interacted with each other? The females abilities focused around 2 ring shaped weapons ,that looked a lot like the rings you collect in sonic, she carried those around and the male had the ability to transform I believe it was 3d not 2d and the character art was anime ish and they were young I think the girl had blonde hair and pigtails I believe it might've been for playstation I dont believe it was a side scrolling game


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Mar 1, 2009
davidj00tube said:
Hi guys I am looking for a game I used to play when I was a kid..?
I remember that you play as a kid, and it starts off on some rock cliff where your flying ship has landed. You go down from your ship and you have a gun that's shooting something like electricity and you kill some shadow-like creatures. I forgot to mention it was a 2D game.
Later on, you get some magic power (by touching a stone underwater) and you can throw green magic balls from your hand.
I also remember there are some snakes in the game, and you can distract them by fireflies. There are also spiders in a game when you climb a huge rock. And also there are some seeds in the game which you can hit by your magic and they will grow into a tree which you can climb.
Sorry for my poor explanation of how the game looked like, and my poor english, but I would be eternally grateful if anybody would know the title of the game. Thanks in advance!
Heart of Darkness.


New member
Mar 29, 2012
CD-R said:
davidj00tube said:
Hi guys I am looking for a game I used to play when I was a kid..?
I remember that you play as a kid, and it starts off on some rock cliff where your flying ship has landed. You go down from your ship and you have a gun that's shooting something like electricity and you kill some shadow-like creatures. I forgot to mention it was a 2D game.
Later on, you get some magic power (by touching a stone underwater) and you can throw green magic balls from your hand.
I also remember there are some snakes in the game, and you can distract them by fireflies. There are also spiders in a game when you climb a huge rock. And also there are some seeds in the game which you can hit by your magic and they will grow into a tree which you can climb.
Sorry for my poor explanation of how the game looked like, and my poor english, but I would be eternally grateful if anybody would know the title of the game. Thanks in advance!
Heart of Darkness.
I can't believe it. Thank you so very very very much.
Man, should I write you a check now or what.. :)

Constantin Grama

New member
Mar 31, 2012
Constantin Grama said:
Please oh please tell me you know this game, i have been trying for weeks to remember its name.
It is a car racing game (like NFS), i think it launched near the 2000's... something like 1997-2001, i don't remember.
The thing about this game is...... it was a combat car game, you had weapons like: oil that made other cars slip, mines that made other cars blow up or deviate their course, or some kind of nitro.
I know it is not Revolt, nor Carmageddon. I have played these 2 and i know 100% that this game is neither one of them.
Please tell me the name of this game, it was one of the best games of my childhood :)
anyone? please? :)


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Constantin Grama said:
Constantin Grama said:
Please oh please tell me you know this game, i have been trying for weeks to remember its name.
It is a car racing game (like NFS), i think it launched near the 2000's... something like 1997-2001, i don't remember.
The thing about this game is...... it was a combat car game, you had weapons like: oil that made other cars slip, mines that made other cars blow up or deviate their course, or some kind of nitro.
I know it is not Revolt, nor Carmageddon. I have played these 2 and i know 100% that this game is neither one of them.
Please tell me the name of this game, it was one of the best games of my childhood :)
anyone? please? :)
Streets of Sim City had all that but it's probably not what you're looking for.


New member
Apr 2, 2012
When I was younger - maybe about 10, 11, or 12 - I use to play this game on my cousin's computer and I've had an urge for the longest time to play it again. I feel like it had the same art style as a "Freddi Fish", "Putt-Putt", or "Pajama Sam" game, but you could never fully see the charater you played. It had more of a creepy feeling to it but it was still a game for kids. The whole objective of the game was to collect battery power to bring the light back to this land or world. It had little creatures or monsters in it too! I specifically remember this one weird creature that was green, had a spring for legs that it bounced around on, a long tail, almost like a diving helmet looking head, and I think straight airplane wings for arms. I have no idea what the name of the game was but for some reason I feel like it had 'luna' or 'land' in the title or maybe that was the name of the land in the game, I'm still not sure. Thank you to anyone who helps!


New member
Dec 5, 2010
agent_lukas said:
Ok I had a ps2 game and all i remember of it was that you start off on a dock with a black coat and there are robots that are friendly but if you attack them they have machine guns and kill you.Also you can swim and there are things under the dock.Also there was a guy who had like super powers if you attacked him and he would be like darth vader using the force.Then you go into a training facility where you shoot guns and see the robots.
I'm probably wrong, but this kind of sounds like the original Deus Ex.

Constantin Grama said:
Please oh please tell me you know this game, i have been trying for weeks to remember its name.
It is a car racing game (like NFS), i think it launched near the 2000's... something like 1997-2001, i don't remember.
The thing about this game is...... it was a combat car game, you had weapons like: oil that made other cars slip, mines that made other cars blow up or deviate their course, or some kind of nitro.
I know it is not Revolt, nor Carmageddon. I have played these 2 and i know 100% that this game is neither one of them.
Please tell me the name of this game, it was one of the best games of my childhood :)
Potentially either Demolition Racer or one of the Destruction Derby games?

Tom Milner said:
i remember a PS2 game in which you play an adolescent guy going to various weird places. (oceans, valleys) and investigating the dangers of them, and often snuffing it in the process. you had no weapons, and a hit from a monster would produce a disturbing cutscene of you either drowning, or falling screaming down a pit. you get a gun at one point in a valley level, but it gets eatem by a monster.

please help :(
Disaster Report [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disaster_Report] (or SOS: The Final Escape, if you prefer).


New member
Aug 11, 2011
Ok so I played this game a long time ago

Here is what I remember


the story was about an evil blob thing that was going to destroy this big tower (babel maybe?), you play as a knight (warrior w/e) who finds this small purple dragon(?) that can defeat the blob, so you have to escort it to the tower before the blob breaks it.

It was a turn based RPG, as you progressed through the game you could make the dragon like or dislike you which would result in it randomly helping you in combat, another feature in the game were wind up toys that you could find and employ in combat

I also for some bizarre reason remember that the main healing items were hamburgers and cheeseburgers, which leads me to think that it was a port from Japan

Good luck


New member
Jan 26, 2012
Does anyone remember a game where you had a series of vehicles that you used to destroy other vehicles, pick up passengers etc..
I think one of the vehicles was called the Weenie Whacker, a giant hotdog. Other vehicles included an armoured school bus that fired halos.

This was on the PS1


New member
Nov 26, 2011
There was this game on the NES. It was a side scroller where you play as a guy who could turn into a werewolf if you collected enough powerups. That's literally all I can remember of it.


New member
May 23, 2011
wintercoat said:
There was this game on the NES. It was a side scroller where you play as a guy who could turn into a werewolf if you collected enough powerups. That's literally all I can remember of it.
Altered Beast fits the description, though the Sega Mega Drive version is more widely known than the Famicom port.


New member
Nov 26, 2011
Hal10k said:
wintercoat said:
There was this game on the NES. It was a side scroller where you play as a guy who could turn into a werewolf if you collected enough powerups. That's literally all I can remember of it.
Altered Beast fits the description, though the Sega Mega Drive version is more widely known than the Famicom port.
Nope. The guy you control is specifically a werewolf in the game I'm thinking of. It might have been on the Sega. It's been a long time. Maybe 15 years since I played it. There are a few games from a long time ago that I have the faintest memories of, I would love to see my old collection. I didn't have many games, but what I had, I loved.


New member
May 23, 2011
wintercoat said:
Nope. The guy you control is specifically a werewolf in the game I'm thinking of. It might have been on the Sega. It's been a long time. Maybe 15 years since I played it. There are a few games from a long time ago that I have the faintest memories of, I would love to see my old collection. I didn't have many games, but what I had, I loved.
Werewolf: The Last Warrior?

This was an oddly common theme in side-scrolling beat-em-ups.


New member
Nov 26, 2011
Hal10k said:
wintercoat said:
Nope. The guy you control is specifically a werewolf in the game I'm thinking of. It might have been on the Sega. It's been a long time. Maybe 15 years since I played it. There are a few games from a long time ago that I have the faintest memories of, I would love to see my old collection. I didn't have many games, but what I had, I loved.
Werewolf: The Last Warrior?

This was an oddly common theme in side-scrolling beat-em-ups.
Just watched a playthrough on Youtube. I am 90% sure that that's it.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
Razoack said:
Does anyone remember a game where you had a series of vehicles that you used to destroy other vehicles, pick up passengers etc..
I think one of the vehicles was called the Weenie Whacker, a giant hotdog. Other vehicles included an armoured school bus that fired halos.

This was on the PS1
Twisted Metal?