Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Feb 26, 2014
So I after searching the first 50 manually pages I gave up and decided to ask.

It was a PC game from the mid to late 90s ish, taking place on a mountainside, where, as you progressed, you climbed the mountain and there was more snow. It was a fantasy/magical setting, and I think you were chasing a treasure thief.
I want to say it was a puzzle game.
At one point or another, you climb up a maze of ladders, having to find which ladder goes up to the treasure chest at the ceiling. It think this happened relatively often.
Bumping. Any ideas on this one? I also believe the scenery looped around on each level of the mountain so you could reach the climb-up screen from either direction. The earlier screens to climb up the mountain were just ladders but I think as you got later it became a catapult?


New member
Mar 3, 2014
Hello guys I am looking for a game that I played on my cousins Laptop some time between 2000 and 2010. What I can remember from the was that you were a mage, you started in a Stonehenge kind of ruin and had to fight against a Minotaurus I believe? I also remember some scenes inside a mountain and people were living there. There was a desert map with Big Ass Scropions and Spiders and other monsters. Spells I can only remember a Fire Ring around me and a Meteor Shower but that is pretty standard. Oh and there was a Mission/Map where I just walked into a camp full of monsters and had to negotioate I think (?) but negotiations failed and I had to fight my way out of it. I never made it out alive so I didn't play the game anymore. But now I hope someone can help me finding this game. I know that i didn't give a lot of information but maybe someone is godlike enough :D


New member
Mar 3, 2014
Hi guys!

I'd like to ask if someone might remember this game.

It was a pc game that you basically do a pest control job. You have to kill a bunch of something that i used to call cockroaches, but i'm not sure if they are cockroaches or other kind of insect. You use a sort of poison machine to suck them and turn they into toys (cars, trains...) and you earn points when you pick up those toys.



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Mar 2, 2014
schreifels06 said:
Hello everyone I need help bad this has litteraly been stuck in my head for years and I finally realized I needed to findout what this game was. Can't remember if it was ps2 or ps1 but the game goes as follows
It's a rpg game that I know for sure. There are these portals or gates whatever you want to call them and when u click on them to travel to different areas you must choose three names. And it will teleport you some place random. I know it's not much detail but it's all I can remember. Please help me lol
Bumping this guys please help

Kyam Willdig

New member
Mar 3, 2014
i can remember a game where you was a little character and it was like a maze and you was playing with people all around the world and it was made of small box type boxes and you had to collect all the coins before you could move on to the next level, i just have no idea what it was called? HEEELPPP!!


New member
Mar 2, 2014
Alliethewolfgirl said:
Okay I have a game: it was on a cartridge I believe and you play as a person who went around a neighborhood helping people. There was skateboarding involved and other activities the you had to walk to. And I think at the start you just move in but I'm not to sure about it. It was a game me and my sister played when we were younger and we would ask the boys who owned the game but unfortunately both our families went separate ways and we don't remember their last names.
Bumping this because it's an important game to me and my sister. Please somebody!

Nekomata Eifie

New member
Mar 3, 2014
HELP!!! Ok, I know them game existed because I played it but my boyfriend and his friends think I'm crazy. I played it on an old PC windows 95/98 something along those lines in like 2003-2005. I don't remember much about the game except that it was a sidescrolling platform type game. You spawned as a human or a ninja or an alien that looked very much like the alien from the Alien movies. It had heavy overtones of staying in school and don't do drugs because of posters and signs on the walls of the level. I know you could be turned into a frog and at that point you were pretty much screwed. There were also robots and you could kill things with what looked like a chainsaw. The only accomplishment you received, since you inevitably died, was to get a ranking which were weird and would say things like Satan's maid or something. The game had pretty bad graphics but because of the odd rankings that you got after you died it was very addicting. Please help it's driving me crazy....


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Mar 4, 2014
hello im looking for a 90s pc top down shooter. i remember it being in sort of in a maze and you control this guy in a suit or a bear in suit (you cant see it very well from the top) i know that you can pick up various weapons and the objective is to clear the area of enemies. i remember it having a little map on the corner. it was a simple map though it only have red dots top represent the enemies but no details. and its 2 player coop.


New member
Mar 4, 2014
Hello iam looking for a old/retro pc samurai/ninja game from years hmm idk maybe 98-02 something like this i remember only that the game took place in a town like on this picture http://www.google.pl/imgres?safe=off&espvd=210&es_sm=93&biw=1280&bih=923&tbm=isch&tbnid=6O-TsqQG024NNM%3A&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Ftheangrylurker.blogspot.com%2F2012_04_01_archive.html&docid=BoheUT8xdTQT3M&imgurl=http%3A%2F%2F4.bp.blogspot.com%2F-vZ0O7F7Sv1w%2FT5Z5c99JNpI%2FAAAAAAAAEmI%2FKiGOgPdVc44%2Fs400%2FPicture%252B1390.jpg&w=400&h=287&ei=uTsVU_TaJ8Py4QT664EI&zoom=1&ved=0CP4CEIQcMGE&iact=rc&dur=538&page=5&start=93&ndsp=26

i remember running around this old chinesse or samurai town whatever u call it it was top down like from the picture game i remember it was dark and raining i dont remember the main character u was controlling but i rmember there were traps around the town or something like this please anyone have any idea what it could be?? iam from poland and i had that game here so it must have been known by some people i do not remember more if i do i will try to post please anyone can help me?

ok so i found some information on the net and i may think iam looking for the game that this person describes i will post what the person wrote so it may be easier to find :

"i used to play a pc game about 8 years ago (yr 1999 or 2000) i remember heaps about the game but i cant find the name anywhere. i only had the demo. the games set in ancient times and its an average old adventure game with magic and such. it looks like it could be a Japanese game. its a 2d birds eye view, you start as a little guy getting outa bed in the morning, and if u go over and search a chest of drawers you find "apple cider" and if u drink it, ur little guy tells u its sour. in the game u have to talk 2 ppl and help em out with various tasks. in one part thers a ghost in wat i seem 2 remember being in a bell tower and he wants some things. thers also a guy who wants u 2 help him move rocks from his garden. the aim of the game at this point is to get out of your town coz thers been an earthquake or sumthing thats made rocks cover the gate to ur town and eventually u hav 2 go find sum golden flowers for sumthing and u go to this little cave and fight a monster with a huge eye and then the demo finishes. i really loved the demo and i want to get the full game. if sum1 cud tell me the name of the game or anything itd b real awsum!"

combining these two together i might just find my game anyone please contribute and help find this game !?!? :D


New member
Mar 4, 2014
Hi, I'm looking for a game i played as a little kid. It was a PC game (I think for windows 95,98 or XP) It was a super blocky first person shooter. It came on a CD, not a floppy.

all i can really remember was it was futuristic. I think the main character was wearing some black power suit reminiscent of samus aran's power suit from metroid. He even had a hand cannon type thing, but the graphics were so primitive it looked more like jet black pyramid instead of a weapon. I think one of the early levels was in some sort of brown monotone looking area with gorillas that i think did back flips. The game may have even come with an ancient joy stick, I'm not entirely sure but i know i tried playing it with one. I've tried looking up lists of shooter games for the PC, but i haven't found it. It's really bugging me.

If you could help me out it would be much appreciated. thanks for your time.


New member
Mar 4, 2014
So there was this game that my siblings and I used to play. You played the part of a safari guy and you would be in these caves. There were either zombies or vampies, but if you got too close to them in the caves, you would float on your side and they would eat your torso. It was like an 8bit super pixilated game for PC and I'm almost positive that it came on a cd not a download but I could be wrong.


New member
Feb 23, 2014
Can't remember the name of adventure PC game from late 90's or early 00's. It was about sisters, boy and girl, and their hand made robot. I think they were crashed to near castle by rocket ship which was made of wood and stone... Anyway, it was 3D and top down perspective. You clicked a place and that character you had choosed walked there. (You can play those three characters.)
Boy and girl needed to sleep after using them for a while unless you collected some milk, chicken or bananas from the ground. There were some small store houses were you had to solve a puzzle or throw bottles to objects get clues.
Scenario was in the beginning very dark (because was night) and it was near forest. There were castle and small river.
There aren't much things I remember about it. But I remember the shortcut logo on the desktop of Windows...
http://comps.canstockphoto.com/can-stock-photo_csp6722811.jpg something like this...
THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP! and sorry for my English


New member
Jul 15, 2013
Abigail90 said:
So there was this game that my siblings and I used to play. You played the part of a safari guy and you would be in these caves. There were either zombies or vampies, but if you got too close to them in the caves, you would float on your side and they would eat your torso. It was like an 8bit super pixilated game for PC and I'm almost positive that it came on a cd not a download but I could be wrong.
One of the Lode Runner games? ( http://uploadgamefr.me/upload/c/cd5ec.jpeg )


New member
Mar 4, 2014
Hey Everyone!

Alright, Ive been wracking my head for a while on a couple of old pc games and I'm pretty sure I played it on the 486 and possibly the Pentium 1 systems. One was a mech game but wasn't a mech commander but it had small types of mechs, it was an overhead view and I believe it had a mech on it called titan or something, it was a fun game but wished I could remember it. Another is a game I played on the 486 and it was an overhead/2d type of game but I was certain it was called Merceneries but it was a space game and had alien mercs and human mercs you could use. I think the box had a huge
alien looking merc on it, I can't remember. The last game, I was told I played but have no recollection of it but it was a rpg and your character had a fairy that would follow you and help you on your quests and such but was told I was playing it around '99 or so if any of this helps any. Thanks for helping me out with this guys and gals, I really appreciate it.


New member
Mar 3, 2014
Zure said:
Hello guys I am looking for a game that I played on my cousins Laptop some time between 2000 and 2010. What I can remember from the was that you were a mage, you started in a Stonehenge kind of ruin and had to fight against a Minotaurus I believe? I also remember some scenes inside a mountain and people were living there. There was a desert map with Big Ass Scropions and Spiders and other monsters. Spells I can only remember a Fire Ring around me and a Meteor Shower but that is pretty standard. Oh and there was a Mission/Map where I just walked into a camp full of monsters and had to negotioate I think (?) but negotiations failed and I had to fight my way out of it. I never made it out alive so I didn't play the game anymore. But now I hope someone can help me finding this game. I know that i didn't give a lot of information but maybe someone is godlike enough :D


New member
Feb 24, 2014
empax said:
empax said:
empax said:
Hi everyone.
I'm looking for a game similar to "sling game".
Screen Shot from "sling":
Gameplay from "sling": http://youtu.be/0hgdBGxNKgE

But it was older and looks simply. Do you remember name of the game?
Please help me.
I give you a game play video and screen shoot:)
My game is similar to above game.
I played it 10 years ago, it was an exe file.

More info;
It was 2D platform game and our character is small green bubble, similar to this[1]. He is jumping, sticky to walls, stretch like of the frog tongue and sound like spit.

[1] http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/116/Purple/fd/50/4e/mzl.ytawnpfj.320x480-75.jpg


New member
Mar 4, 2014
Hello there! I'm so excited to post that, knowing that you guys are very effective with founding all those games from 90s!

Okay then:

It's a racing game from around 90/2000s, the view from back-above, very dark and strange to be honest. The highways and all the environment around was very metal and looked like the race takes place inside The Nostromo Space ship. Everything was very grunge and scratchy-browny-metal styled. Have I mentioned it was dark?

The cars were pretty small and you needed to use shortcuts to beat your opponents. I've never been firt... I bought it in some pack of games in Poland (it was very popular back then, something like "30 games on one CD-ROM!"). As far as I remember it was somehow connected to "Kurt games" edition - but it's not even a clue after all...

The second one is for sure younger. You've controlled some papercraft planes from II World War around the house indoor and outdoor. You had plenty of models and I think there was possibility to choose Axis also. Cool game!

Thanks! Cheers!

EDIT: OK! Found the second game: it's Airfix Dogfighter! Hope someone will look for it one day :)


New member
Mar 2, 2014
Alliethewolfgirl said:
Okay I have a game: it was on a cartridge I believe and you play as a person who went around a neighborhood helping people. There was skateboarding involved and other activities the you had to walk to. And I think at the start you just move in but I'm not to sure about it. It was a game me and my sister played when we were younger and we would ask the boys who owned the game but unfortunately both our families went separate ways and we don't remember their last names.
Bumping after learning new information:
Me and my sister came to the conclusion it had to be on either the N64 or SNES. The graphics in the game weren't terrible and seemed almost 3D at that time. It wasn't flat like most games for those systems. Please somebody help us locate this game. It'd mean a lot to me and my sister!


New member
Mar 5, 2014
Hey Guys :)

Trying to find a couple of games. They are both on PC around the mid 90s. I can only remember a few things, i think they were DOS games. One was a a game where you controlled from what i can describe is a blue elephant, and you would control him and walk around. The view was kind of like diablo style, that kind of angle angle, you would walk around and solve puzzles.

The Second game, was again on DOS in the 90s. The only thing i could remember was i think you were in a prison,and you controlled a man and the view of the game was static, and there all these doors, in a row and you had to go between each one. I know these are very vague but that's all i can remember

Any help would be great :)

Thanks :)


New member
Mar 5, 2014
hi does any1 know how this games is called ?