Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Mar 4, 2014
maticek said:
Hello iam looking for a old/retro pc samurai/ninja game from years hmm idk maybe 98-02 something like this i remember only that the game took place in a town like on this picture http://www.google.pl/imgres?safe=off&espvd=210&es_sm=93&biw=1280&bih=923&tbm=isch&tbnid=6O-TsqQG024NNM%3A&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Ftheangrylurker.blogspot.com%2F2012_04_01_archive.html&docid=BoheUT8xdTQT3M&imgurl=http%3A%2F%2F4.bp.blogspot.com%2F-vZ0O7F7Sv1w%2FT5Z5c99JNpI%2FAAAAAAAAEmI%2FKiGOgPdVc44%2Fs400%2FPicture%252B1390.jpg&w=400&h=287&ei=uTsVU_TaJ8Py4QT664EI&zoom=1&ved=0CP4CEIQcMGE&iact=rc&dur=538&page=5&start=93&ndsp=26

i remember running around this old chinesse or samurai town whatever u call it it was top down like from the picture game i remember it was dark and raining i dont remember the main character u was controlling but i rmember there were traps around the town or something like this please anyone have any idea what it could be?? iam from poland and i had that game here so it must have been known by some people i do not remember more if i do i will try to post please anyone can help me?

ok so i found some information on the net and i may think iam looking for the game that this person describes i will post what the person wrote so it may be easier to find :

"i used to play a pc game about 8 years ago (yr 1999 or 2000) i remember heaps about the game but i cant find the name anywhere. i only had the demo. the games set in ancient times and its an average old adventure game with magic and such. it looks like it could be a Japanese game. its a 2d birds eye view, you start as a little guy getting outa bed in the morning, and if u go over and search a chest of drawers you find "apple cider" and if u drink it, ur little guy tells u its sour. in the game u have to talk 2 ppl and help em out with various tasks. in one part thers a ghost in wat i seem 2 remember being in a bell tower and he wants some things. thers also a guy who wants u 2 help him move rocks from his garden. the aim of the game at this point is to get out of your town coz thers been an earthquake or sumthing thats made rocks cover the gate to ur town and eventually u hav 2 go find sum golden flowers for sumthing and u go to this little cave and fight a monster with a huge eye and then the demo finishes. i really loved the demo and i want to get the full game. if sum1 cud tell me the name of the game or anything itd b real awsum!"

combining these two together i might just find my game anyone please contribute and help find this game !?!? :D



New member
Oct 30, 2007
So I after searching the first 50 manually pages I gave up and decided to ask.

It was a PC game from the mid to late 90s ish, taking place on a mountainside, where, as you progressed, you climbed the mountain and there was more snow. It was a fantasy/magical setting, and I think you were chasing a treasure thief.
I want to say it was a puzzle game.
At one point or another, you climb up a maze of ladders, having to find which ladder goes up to the treasure chest at the ceiling. It think this happened relatively often.
Bumping. Any ideas on this one? I also believe the scenery looped around on each level of the mountain so you could reach the climb-up screen from either direction. The earlier screens to climb up the mountain were just ladders but I think as you got later it became a catapult?
I'd guess...Treasure Mountain?


New member
Feb 24, 2014
Gosujin said:
hi does any1 know how this games is called ?
Gravity Defied - Trial Racing
A Java Game.


New member
Mar 5, 2014
I know I played this PC game over 10 years ago. If I knew exactly what year, it would help me narrow it down enough to find it myself but I can only guess early 2000s, or late 1990s.

It was a colorful, 3D game, cartoonish. I guess it was made for younger people. You controlled these robot or robot-alien types and pitted them against each other. There were at least three different types of them that had one main purpose, like one that repaired or one that built. I can't even remember what the object of the game was but I do remember being hooked on it for a while.
If you wanna know exactly how cartoony, imagine the vacuum cleaner from Teletubbies.


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Mar 5, 2014
I am trying to remember the name of a game I believe was for MS-Dos, maybe Win 95. You were a semi truck driver and saw the in cab view, you had to stop for gas, food, lodging. You could control your lights, speed (1 click on pedal was speed limit, 2 clicks was speeding), etc. You had to guess the location of the load you were going to pick up at by knowing the load, i.e. oranges you had to go to Florida. I was thinking it had something with USA in the title, but not sure any ideas what the name would be?



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Mar 5, 2014
panthersfan25 said:
I am trying to remember the name of a game I believe was for MS-Dos, maybe Win 95. You were a semi truck driver and saw the in cab view, you had to stop for gas, food, lodging. You could control your lights, speed (1 click on pedal was speed limit, 2 clicks was speeding), etc. You had to guess the location of the load you were going to pick up at by knowing the load, i.e. oranges you had to go to Florida. I was thinking it had something with USA in the title, but not sure any ideas what the name would be?

was it from the Hard Truck series? 18 Wheels of Steel? It apparently came out in 2002.


New member
Mar 6, 2014
Alright, I'm having serious trouble remembering the name of this one PC game I played back in the late 90s.

It was a top-down shooter where you played as some heroic-looking soldier-type guy. Your goal was (if I remember correctly) to find and rescue bunnies that were placed in various locations around the level. When you found them all, your character would... and I swear this is how I remember it... Rocket-boot out of the level onto the next one. I think maybe he was a cyborg or something...

The levels were all based on some sort of different theme. The first one was a prehistoric/caveman level (and the cavemen would actually say "unga bunga," including speech bubbles above their heads), and on the bottom part of the level there were tar pits you had to be careful not to fall into. I only remember two other levels. One being a candy-land type level with giant gingerbread men, and another level that I only vaguely remember having basic shapes and lasers (I think it might have been future/technology based). Every level would introduce you to unique weapons you could pick up that were themed after the level (or sometimes just better and more useful ones if I recall), and you could even find weapons from previous levels. Various other enemies would say things with comic-like speech bubbles above their heads.

The game actually reminds me a lot of "Zombies Ate My Neighbors," what with the various weapons scattered around everywhere, and how the levels are designed as well as how the game is played, but isn't as fast-paced, and is for the PC... also, you rescue bunnies, not people, and the enemies couldn't kill the bunnies.

I can barely remember much about this game other than what I've posted here. I remember it was fun and actually a bit challenging for how kid-friendly it seemed at the time, and even my dad would play it. We would both get stuck on that damned candy-land level because it was too hard.

The most picturesque memory I have of the game was of the first level, finding that one last bunny in the tar pits, and rocket-booting away.

Please help, im looking everywhere!


New member
Mar 6, 2014
Okay so i played this played this game around the early 2000s, game was probably made in the 1990s, but i played it on a mac and it was a 10 level car chase game with police and everything. Each level had a different terrain and got progressively harder up to level 10 with was a sand level. I also remember level 5 you are in a boat instead of a car. There was a snow level, dessert level, mountain highway level and more. The game looked just like the old Spy Hunter game for the arcade, even more like Super Spy Hunter. I have looked EVERYWHERE and i can not find a trace of it. If anyone knows the name of this game or has played it too PLEASE let me know. It was an awesome game and i really hope i can play it again.


New member
Mar 2, 2014
Guys, I have a question. I'm so desperate to find one game(I already posted lol). So how are the games, like for e.g. Home sheep home, where YOU(no multiplayer) play one character at a time, for e.g. a,s,d or 1,2,3 called? I know nothing about games, except that I love playing them so don't be surprised about how much I don't know :D :)


New member
Jul 15, 2013
CCarolinee said:
Guys, I have a question. I'm so desperate to find one game(I already posted lol). So how are the games, like for e.g. Home sheep home, where YOU(no multiplayer) play one character at a time, for e.g. a,s,d or 1,2,3 called? I know nothing about games, except that I love playing them so don't be surprised about how much I don't know :D :)
CCarolinee said:
I need help. I remember this game: 3 robots(green, yeallow and red...? I guess). And the green has a shield(it's on when you don't play him) and you need to use all three in order to pass the level...
To the first one, "Puzzle Games"? If I understand your question correctly..

To the second, there's really no info here to go on.
What system did you play it on? Was it Downloadable / Played on some webpage?
2D / 3D?
Side Scrolling?
Describe gameplay.
What year are we talking here?

Aiden James

New member
Mar 6, 2014
Okay, I've been looking for this for so damn long i can't even... Okay it was either on ps2 or xbox and I remember the think i found really cool wa the fact that you could transform into your enemies. Like I remember the first set of enemies i fought was like a group of giant toads and i beat a couple and that's the first think i could transform into. I also remember having a fireball move and that somewhere at the start there was an option to get a move or ability called iron belly or something. And you start of where a lot of monks are. And I remember that there are fox gods in it. And at one point you meet a guy with some kind of flying machine that takes you to another area. And the cover of the game I'm pretty sure has a number of people on it... Omg that's all i can remember


New member
Mar 6, 2014
There was this game I used to play when i was a kid, it was a PC game and it was set in this mansion type place and you had to solve word puzzles and collect clues and place them in a machine to figure out who the suspect was. I specifically remember a part where you play a word game on a piano?


New member
Mar 6, 2014
Played on a game many years ago but can't remember the game need help it's killing me not knowing il try and describe it to you. There is a blue team and a red team and you where a little tank that look like a spaceship with 2 gun on either end on the front of it and you had to go round killing the others teams and too could gain helicopters and planes as back up that's all I can remember sorry but thanks if you can help !!!! This was on ps1 by the way


New member
Feb 18, 2014
Hello, I would appreciate any help on finding this game:

* Played on Windows around early 2000s.

* Runned on a small windowed mode, possibly with just an .exe file without instalation.

* I dont remember any sound, maybe just simple sounds like *hit* or *open a door*

* Caracteristics: Top Down, 2D, Medieval, RPG, Pixelated, Tile Based, strategy.

* You start the game in a place like a dungeon of a castle, and you make progress through the floors of the castle, one by one. Main objective was probably kill the final boss on the highest floor (I only made till 3th or 4th floor).

* You never go outside this castle, dungeon or whatever.

* I think the character move around the squares using the cursors

* The game is very simple, you and your enemies have only few atributes like ATK, DEF and LIFE POINTS. I cant remember if you increase them by leveling-up or just using itens and potions (boosts).

* The enemies were static and didnt move around, so you had to go in front (maybe on top) of them to start fighting.

* I dont remember interacting with other characters, like dialogs or buy/sell stuff, basicly is just fighting around.

* The thing about this game was the strategic choices you have to make, mostly which and when you attack your enemies. I used a lot of math looking ATK DEF and HP to decide which enemy was worthy attacking first.

* There were mandatory fights like the enemies blocking your path, and others that you could avoid, like a skeleton in a corner with a potion behind him (u had to decide if killing him was worthy).

Sorry if i made this too big, but im having a HARD time finding it.



New member
Mar 7, 2014
I played the game that I'm looking for about 5-8 years ago on PC. It may have been on a game disk or perhaps came with the computer. I remember playing as a perhaps slightly ugly man who might have worn blue pants and a green shirt. I remember using a sort of red mallet or hammer as the main weapon - though there might have been others. I remember various different levels or areas such as one that featured a house and maybe gingerbread people, another that was basically a wide open field, and another that had a sort of spooky vibe to it with dead trees and maybe frogs and/or mummies? I absolutely loved the stupid game and I keep wanting to play it but I can't remember the name of it for the life of me. Please help!

Alf Shah

New member
Mar 7, 2014
There was this one 3D game in 90's i used to watch when my uncle played. The graphics were ofcourse like them boxes. It was an adventure/Rpg game where you control this one guy who strolls around in the dark killing skeletons and bats. All i remember was that at some point you have to lower a bridge for which you have to cut down a tree with a saw. And the final boss is like a human with goat head sitting, but when you insert a certain gem it comes alive and then you have to kill it with sort. The gem slot was behind the squared seat where the boss was sitting. If anyone remember it , that would be a priceless moment of my childhood regained ^_^.... stuck in my head for so long :D


New member
Jan 19, 2012
Yo tossing a game out on you, I played it on the original Xbox. It was a strategy game where you controlled armies, like a group of archers, or knights, their were also monster creatures like orcs and other things like that. i remember thier was a story mode, but also a mode where you create all the armies and have them find eachother on a map and kill eachother, also thier were giant scorpion units. it was about 9 years ago.

Found it, Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes Would suggest.


New member
Mar 7, 2014
Okay, It had a lot of squares in a 3d format, every level was harder than the last, arcade style,
the year was sometime between 1998-2004 on a sony or hp pc desktop, the game was already on the desktop,
my friend thought it was called russian squares but I have not been able to find it on anything anywhere on the net...
Can anyone help???.


New member
Jul 15, 2013
AlexRust said:
Okay, It had a lot of squares in a 3d format, every level was harder than the last, arcade style,
the year was sometime between 1998-2004 on a sony or hp pc desktop, the game was already on the desktop,
my friend thought it was called russian squares but I have not been able to find it on anything anywhere on the net...
Can anyone help???.
Microsoft Russian Square Plus? ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yn08f_-1QD0 )

(I believe there are different levels with squares)


New member
Mar 7, 2014
there is an game where you are a pig i belive and you shoot at wolves witch are holding on to baloons please anyone help i realy want to play it again