Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Mar 7, 2014
Ive been trying to find a game I played back in Middle School around 2001/2002. It was a 3D mining game you could download a trial version or pay to upgrade to the full version. You started out alone in a mine floating in a small hovering craft and could do upgrades to have better armor, weaponry to fight monsters, and hold more ore. As you went around, more of the map would show up. I'm pretty sure Shockwave.com was the one to sell it but I can't find anything on it anymore.

Tyler Seaton

New member
Mar 7, 2014
This is going to sound very vague...but when I was around 8 or 9 I think (2003 ish?) I used to play this game where you would control this character (I think it wad a tank?) And you had to go through this maze made of green hedges and shoot flowers that droppes upgrades or something (not completely sure). My mother told me that this was before the internet, so it must have been a cd game. Anybody could help, that would be lovely. Thanks!


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Mar 3, 2014
Zure said:
Zure said:
Hello guys I am looking for a game that I played on my cousins Laptop some time between 2000 and 2010. What I can remember from the was that you were a mage, you started in a Stonehenge kind of ruin and had to fight against a Minotaurus I believe? I also remember some scenes inside a mountain and people were living there. There was a desert map with Big Ass Scropions and Spiders and other monsters. Spells I can only remember a Fire Ring around me and a Meteor Shower but that is pretty standard. Oh and there was a Mission/Map where I just walked into a camp full of monsters and had to negotioate I think (?) but negotiations failed and I had to fight my way out of it. I never made it out alive so I didn't play the game anymore. But now I hope someone can help me finding this game. I know that i didn't give a lot of information but maybe someone is godlike enough :D
No one? :(


New member
Feb 18, 2014
anyoldiron said:
Ive been trying to find a game I played back in Middle School around 2001/2002. It was a 3D mining game you could download a trial version or pay to upgrade to the full version. You started out alone in a mine floating in a small hovering craft and could do upgrades to have better armor, weaponry to fight monsters, and hold more ore. As you went around, more of the map would show up. I'm pretty sure Shockwave.com was the one to sell it but I can't find anything on it anymore.
One of the Dungeon Keeper series?


Martin Southwood

New member
Mar 7, 2014
An old PC game where you are exploring an abandoned spaceship which was somehow damaged, you have to solve riddles around the ship and eventually find aliens on the ship

you moved around by clicking and that moved you at set intervals, wasn't free roam


New member
Mar 8, 2014
I've got two games:

1) It's an old 3D game set in a small village populated with weird creatures and was kind of an adventure-RPG and I don't remember what my character's purpose was. But here are some characteristic features:
- There were wolves in the game... several... and they seemed to be undefeatable for me (at least I was able to kill only one of them).
- There was a point if you went in a particular direction when the wolves did not kill you but capture you. Then you found yourself hanging from the ceiling and could escape. If you didn't wait for the wolves to leave the room first though, you were killed of course.
- There was a charging bull near the field or in a clearing of some sorts. I think I could kill it.
- You could pick up a heavy mail (maybe in a tower) which you could put on but then you were slow as hell. Aaaand, if you fell you couldn't get up and after some struggling there came your hooded butcherer with a big two-handed hammer and ended your miserable life.

2) It was a card game and I think had a lot of installments. You had the game world where you could move in a set path back and forth and you had to beat opponents to get ahead. When you attacked the opponent you had to play against them a battle of cards where all the cards were some kind of plants. If you defeated your opponent you received an additional card but you could also buy them in a few locations. I'm sorry i don't remember more but there shouldn't be many PC-based non-online card games where the cards (at least most of them) are some kind of plants (magical of course) or other vegetable-tree-earthbased-waterbased-airbased-firebased stuff.


New member
Oct 17, 2013
Hi, could you help me?

Its an old mech game, where you choose between a female or male protagonist. I remember you fight bug-like monsters in a 3d environment, and that the music was almost melancholy. I dont think it was Z.O.E., but I cant remember it for the life of me. The only specific detail I really remember is that there is a level with a giant flower in the middle, and if you successfully climb into it (which isn't ever stated that you need to do), you can find a secret boss battle with what I think is another mech. I also believe it was on PS2, or Xbox. Thanks for your time.

Edit: it was definantly a japanese game, but it may have been subbed.

Edit again: it plays and looks like z.o.e, but you cant fly. You have a jetpack with limited fuel, and you use a gun.


New member
Oct 13, 2009
hhdestiny said:
I've got two games:

1) It's an old 3D game set in a small village populated with weird creatures and was kind of an adventure-RPG and I don't remember what my character's purpose was. But here are some characteristic features:
- There were wolves in the game... several... and they seemed to be undefeatable for me (at least I was able to kill only one of them).
- There was a point if you went in a particular direction when the wolves did not kill you but capture you. Then you found yourself hanging from the ceiling and could escape. If you didn't wait for the wolves to leave the room first though, you were killed of course.
- There was a charging bull near the field or in a clearing of some sorts. I think I could kill it.
- You could pick up a heavy mail (maybe in a tower) which you could put on but then you were slow as hell. Aaaand, if you fell you couldn't get up and after some struggling there came your hooded butcherer with a big two-handed hammer and ended your miserable life.
That could be Ecstatica: A State of Mind.


New member
Mar 8, 2014
Coldie said:
hhdestiny said:
I've got two games:

1) It's an old 3D game set in a small village populated with weird creatures and was kind of an adventure-RPG and I don't remember what my character's purpose was. But here are some characteristic features:
- There were wolves in the game... several... and they seemed to be undefeatable for me (at least I was able to kill only one of them).
- There was a point if you went in a particular direction when the wolves did not kill you but capture you. Then you found yourself hanging from the ceiling and could escape. If you didn't wait for the wolves to leave the room first though, you were killed of course.
- There was a charging bull near the field or in a clearing of some sorts. I think I could kill it.
- You could pick up a heavy mail (maybe in a tower) which you could put on but then you were slow as hell. Aaaand, if you fell you couldn't get up and after some struggling there came your hooded butcherer with a big two-handed hammer and ended your miserable life.
That could be Ecstatica: A State of Mind.
It is indeed, thank you so much :)


New member
Mar 8, 2014
I've got one that's driving me crazy. I've googled my brains off and can't find it!
-2 player
-gameplay was from left to right and you were flying with the joystick and could shoot omni-directionally with a hockey-puck type roller
-joystick and hockey puck type roller thing that you could double-tap and obliterate enemies with but this would also use energy i think
- space marines with plasma cannons type theme vs aliens
- one space marine was caucasian and blonde with blue armor, the other was black with a mohawk and red armor
- if you got shot or hurt too much you would lose your armor and die mid-air
- tons of blue coins for power
- one level's boss was an alien cradling you between it's tail and head ... it would try to get you with tail strikes and a mini head from its mouth (like in the movie aliens) you had to shoot off the tail, kill the little head, break through the ribs and shoot out the aliens beating heart ...it was awesome!!!

thanks in advance!!!


New member
Mar 8, 2014
Vinicius Correia said:
Hi guys, could you please help me?

I think the game is from the 90s.

It was a pretty simple MS-DOS (I guess) game where you played as a guy/boy who used a blowgun to destroy some bouncing balls. There were bigger balls that were divided into smaller new ones when the shot hit them.
You also needed to avoid touching that bouncing balls in order to stay alive.
The game had 2D platform graphics, I guess the commands were left and right arrow (movimentation) and spacebar (shoot button). It was only possible to shoot up.

I remember that I loved to play this game when I was younger. It was a simple game but pretty challenging.

Do you know which game is this?

Thanks in advance!



New member
Aug 10, 2013
mrmegaminer[games said:
mrmegaminer[games said:
mrmegaminer[games said:
]ok the game is on ps2
all i remember is in the first mission you are some agent guy and you have to kill people and some where during the mission you climb on the side of a high ledge
then in a later mission you have to climb on metal plating above a car in a mall
also there are money pick ups
mrmegaminer[games said:
mrmegaminer[games said:
]ok the game is on ps2
all i remember is in the first mission you are some agent guy and you have to kill people and some where during the mission you climb on the side of a high ledge
then in a later mission you have to climb on metal plating above a car in a mall
also there are money pick ups
some new info
it had a catchy song that was played for the credits (i think) which was in a lab round lab with some people standing there (the other agents i think)also was the area for the bouns features (extras)
and i think it had a movie based on the game
BUMP please help

and more info
on one of the other missions you had to go down this futuristic railway through tunnels and stuff and there is another mission where you have to go up a building a get to the boss fight (helicopter)(this line is unconfirmed
any one know if you do pm me and also another game
the case was yellow and red i think and in the first mission you wake up on a beach, running away from a helicopet (i think) to a life guard post and then you goto a bank
found the second one it was XIII
first one again i remember in the first level there been lots of chefs you could kill
any one know i really want to play it again


New member
Mar 9, 2014
I looking for the title of a game:

? PC game played on Windows.
? Was released after 2002 but before 2011.
? Single-player game.
? Player had an arial perspective / you saw the world as if you were in the sky looking down.

The character you controlled was an eyeball; that's right, an eyeball, which rolled around like a marble. Eyeball did not have legs. Game had lots of bright highly saturated colors, not grey or sad. The game was NOT grotesque or horrorific despite the fact that the main character was an eyeball without the rest of a body. Game Created by a small indie company. was not free to play I remember purchasing registration for it. It had a free demo though, which let you play the game up a certain point before you had to pay to play any furthur. Painting was involved (i.e. with a paintbrush). How you got anything done in the game was painted stuff. How an eyeball is supposed to hold paintbrush without any hands, don't ask me, I don't know, but that's how the game worked. Game was combat, not sandbox. You fought stuff with each paint stroke. All the level bosses were eyeballs too. the main thing the game was about was paint and eyeballs. It was a lot of fun. I want to find out the name so I can go try and find a copy and play it again.


New member
Mar 4, 2014

maticek said:
maticek said:
Hello iam looking for a old/retro pc samurai/ninja game from years hmm idk maybe 98-02 something like this i remember only that the game took place in a town like on this picture http://www.google.pl/imgres?safe=off&espvd=210&es_sm=93&biw=1280&bih=923&tbm=isch&tbnid=6O-TsqQG024NNM%3A&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Ftheangrylurker.blogspot.com%2F2012_04_01_archive.html&docid=BoheUT8xdTQT3M&imgurl=http%3A%2F%2F4.bp.blogspot.com%2F-vZ0O7F7Sv1w%2FT5Z5c99JNpI%2FAAAAAAAAEmI%2FKiGOgPdVc44%2Fs400%2FPicture%252B1390.jpg&w=400&h=287&ei=uTsVU_TaJ8Py4QT664EI&zoom=1&ved=0CP4CEIQcMGE&iact=rc&dur=538&page=5&start=93&ndsp=26

i remember running around this old chinesse or samurai town whatever u call it it was top down like from the picture game i remember it was dark and raining i dont remember the main character u was controlling but i rmember there were traps around the town or something like this please anyone have any idea what it could be?? iam from poland and i had that game here so it must have been known by some people i do not remember more if i do i will try to post please anyone can help me?

ok so i found some information on the net and i may think iam looking for the game that this person describes i will post what the person wrote so it may be easier to find :

"i used to play a pc game about 8 years ago (yr 1999 or 2000) i remember heaps about the game but i cant find the name anywhere. i only had the demo. the games set in ancient times and its an average old adventure game with magic and such. it looks like it could be a Japanese game. its a 2d birds eye view, you start as a little guy getting outa bed in the morning, and if u go over and search a chest of drawers you find "apple cider" and if u drink it, ur little guy tells u its sour. in the game u have to talk 2 ppl and help em out with various tasks. in one part thers a ghost in wat i seem 2 remember being in a bell tower and he wants some things. thers also a guy who wants u 2 help him move rocks from his garden. the aim of the game at this point is to get out of your town coz thers been an earthquake or sumthing thats made rocks cover the gate to ur town and eventually u hav 2 go find sum golden flowers for sumthing and u go to this little cave and fight a monster with a huge eye and then the demo finishes. i really loved the demo and i want to get the full game. if sum1 cud tell me the name of the game or anything itd b real awsum!"

combining these two together i might just find my game anyone please contribute and help find this game !?!? :D



New member
Mar 7, 2014
It's kinda like that but the dot's are squares during the whole game, and thank you for jogging my memory on an important detail, the squares had dot's in the middle of them, and I remember them lighting up.


New member
Jul 15, 2013
AlexRust said:
It's kinda like that but the dot's are squares during the whole game, and thank you for jogging my memory on an important detail, the squares had dot's in the middle of them, and I remember them lighting up.
That's what I mean, if you look at different pictures, there are different setups. Like these squares with dots in the middle. ( http://www.iasig.org/aan/web_march-1-2005/RussianSquares_files/fig1.jpg )


New member
Mar 9, 2014
Alright guys this is a big one. Ive literally had this game in the back of my mind since i moved and lost both ps 1 and 2.
Im fairly sure it was a game on the first play-station but i could be wrong, this mustve been about 9-10 years ago since ive played it, maybe more.

it was a racing based game, but it had like an unlock-able mod kinda theme to it, or maybe a monetary system on it, as i said its been years. anyway a prominent part of the game that i remember is that you could add wings to your little cartoon car and also bigger wheels, i get the feeling you could do more but that's all i can legitimately remember without giving you nonsense. i suppose im not giving you much but its all i have. since i haven't given you much ill give you part of a map that i remember too... i remember that if you didn't have wings or good enough wings on your car when you went up this jump on the given map, you would fall short of the landing jump into water which you had to drive out of, or simply drive through it completely. sorry for the lack of info but you can see how long ago this was.
any help would be greatly appreciated.

chappy :)

EDIT: after spending my night going through different games the game couldve very easily been on the ps2, but it would be very early

RE-EDIT: IVE FOUND IT!! its penny racers if anyone stumbled upon my post and was still curious (y)


New member
Mar 9, 2014
Anyone remember this one?
It's an old pc game, and you could choose from different marbles/balls who had different personalities and abilities. The point was to knock the other marbles/balls out of the map. It was a very humoristic game that gave me many laughs as a child :p If i remember correctly one of the marbles/balls was a cow like thing who's ability was to squirt milk or something:p one of them could fart or burp i believe =)


New member
Mar 2, 2014
Alliethewolfgirl said:
Alliethewolfgirl said:
Okay I have a game: it was on a cartridge I believe and you play as a person who went around a neighborhood helping people. There was skateboarding involved and other activities the you had to walk to. And I think at the start you just move in but I'm not to sure about it. It was a game me and my sister played when we were younger and we would ask the boys who owned the game but unfortunately both our families went separate ways and we don't remember their last names.
Bumping after learning new information:
Me and my sister came to the conclusion it had to be on either the N64 or SNES. The graphics in the game weren't terrible and seemed almost 3D at that time. It wasn't flat like most games for those systems. Please somebody help us locate this game. It'd mean a lot to me and my sister!


New member
Mar 9, 2014
Hey I've been trying to find a game I used to play somewhere around 2000-2002.I think it is an RPG but I'm not quite sure.You play a female character.The graphics of the game were pretty good for its year.Basically you start off in something like a forest and you kill a couple of monsters then you go to this temple where after you dodge a number of traps you find a dragon.At a certain point in the game you go to a strange mine which is green on the inside and after that you ride a dragon.That is all I can remember.If this rings any bells to someone any help would be appreciated. :)