Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Mar 6, 2014
Roman78 said:
kvowell11 said:
kvowell11 said:
There was this game I used to play when i was a kid, it was a PC game and it was set in this mansion type place and you had to solve word puzzles and collect clues and place them in a machine to figure out who the suspect was. I specifically remember a part where you play a word game on a piano?

Reposting due to importance!
Do you know how old this game is? And some more information could also come handy. And what do you mean by word puzzles?

Sounds interesting though.

Played it maybe early 2000s late 90s, word puzzles like you spell a word correctly or you conjugate a verb the right way and you win the puzzle


New member
Mar 11, 2014
I'm not sure but it was a game for Xbox I'm not sure, but it was about a girl who worn a black suit it had like a cape and had pink hair (I think) but she had powers like flying abilities and it was in an abandon town I'm really desperate to find this game can someone please help me.


New member
Feb 24, 2014
Please help.

It was 2D platform pc game and our character is small green bubble, similar to this[1]. He is jumping, sticky to walls, stretch like of the frog tongue and sound like spit.

[1] http://a2.mzstatic.com/us/r1000/116/Purple/fd/50/4e/mzl.ytawnpfj.320x480-75.jpg



New member
Mar 12, 2014
I remember I used to play a game on my nintendo 64 called Metalslug it was pretty awesome, the one thing I think is somewhat funny is that 2 years later they made one for the wii :/


New member
Mar 12, 2014
This is a real challenge for everyone.

It was an old adult pc game.I was maybe 10 at the time and Ive installed the game but never get to played it because it couldnt run at all but i remember the images and the files i found in the game. All i remember is there are alot of 3d robots red and black in color, with guns for hands and they are alot of them in army formation ready to invade somewhere while banners of red like as if a nazi like faction.

Other images i remember from installing the game were images of the gameplay which looked like 2d side platformer. Inside the game files were animated 3d video of 1-2 sec loop of a spinning egg man character, egg man in a bondage/gimp suit with a gag ball on his mouth while having intercourse with a woman, a nude woman using the radio while in a cell gets smack on the but and proceed to struggle on the cell bars.

my guess it was release around 1995-2000? Because i remember at the time i was playing journeyman the turbo edition and deadlock 2... I appreciate if someone were to send me any information of the game i mention :p


New member
Mar 10, 2014
Pink Gregory said:
InversePenguin said:
Okay, so I have a game that I'm trying to help someone find, maybe you guys could help out here, it'd be super appreciated.. What we have so far is:

- The game is an "8-Bit indie game" (how it was described to me) that's 2-5 years old
- There was something about being bad to be outside.. either it was frozen or post-apocalyptic
- The game had different storylines in it.
- One storyline was about a guy who woke up in an "apartment-like" jail
- Another storyline was about a woman and her son that were trapped in a room / house with another man
- The game was either top-down or isometric

I know it's not a ton to go off of, but the internet is capable of amazing things so I figured I'd give it a go.

<3 Thank you!
...Richard and Alice?

I think you're spot on. Passed it on to the guy I was asking for, thank you so much!


New member
Oct 1, 2012
So, this game was an old 3d game, 1997 or somethig close. Played it on PC. Looked like a game from PS1, in terms of graphics, cartoony style. You controlled something that looked like a fish (I think, I may be horribly wrong) in a colorful world. There were different levels to choose from (one was in a big room, I think, one was on a Mario Galaxy-like planet, in terms of size). The goal was to clear out the level, so it was more of a arcade game, but I don't remember what you needed to do in order to clear out the level. The camera was close to the character, like in Mario 64 or Tomb Raider, just your regular TPP. You controlled the game only with keyboard and you could move only in four directions (I think, may be horribly wrong again), because the ground was made out of squares on which you could move. It wasn't turn based, mind you. From what I remember, you could shoot and there were different weapons and powerups, although I'm not sure. There were some bad guys you could kill (or only stun, don't remember) and (I think) there were other "fishes" like you, competing with you.

Bogdan Virjoghe

New member
Mar 12, 2014
Hi everyone,
I used to play a game back in the day where you would start as a medieval lord in Britain on a 3d map and you would have a castle at the start. You could chose to start in the south of England, in wales, in Scotland, etc. All players (you and AI) started with a castle and fought over the land. You could build farms and other buildings, gather wood and grains and train soldiers and knights and i remember that there was a wagon that healed troops by bringing them food (consuming your grain resource in the process). So basically medieval strategy 3d game with a large map in the shape of Britain with castles and knights vying for control. Hope this sounds familiar to someone, thanks!


New member
Mar 5, 2014
This game i played a long time ago. It's a PS1 game. You play some man wearing a long sleeved brown shirt on a black T-Shirt in blue jeans. You start out in an abandoned town with a gun and plenty of i think brown fog. If you go all the way forward you see this gate. On the other side of the gate appears to be a woman in a blue dress. If you walk up to the gate she leaves for some reason. In the area you start out in you can head into a bar with a ceiling fan. If you do,you will get attacked by a bat.


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Jul 15, 2013
KyleUZ1 said:
This game i played a long time ago. It's a PS1 game. You play some man wearing a long sleeved brown shirt on a black T-Shirt in blue jeans. You start out in an abandoned town with a gun and plenty of i think brown fog. If you go all the way forward you see this gate. On the other side of the gate appears to be a woman in a blue dress. If you walk up to the gate she leaves for some reason. In the area you start out in you can head into a bar with a ceiling fan. If you do,you will get attacked by a bat.
First Silent Hill game ( http://www.giantbomb.com/silent-hill/3030-4312/images/ )


New member
Mar 12, 2014
All right, here's a tricky one. It was a game that came on a PC magazine disc with several others.

- You played as a bike, not the rider, in a big, massive arena. The other enemies were bikes as well as helicopters in the sky. Your bike had guns and rockets and could shoot other bikes.
- The graphics and colours were very flat, similar to Grim Fandango, but the game itself I think was much older.
- The different areas of the map consisted of pillars (big and small) and raised platforms that were accessed by ramped, of which there were many.
- The menu system consisted of different areas that you could choose to play in, different maps etc. but I think only one was available.
- Had a sort of futury, sci-fi type vibe about it.
- The game would eventually get more difficult, with a lot of rockets shooting at you from the sky.

I loved this game to bits as it had a sandbox type feel about it, but it was early on in my PC gaming days.


New member
Mar 12, 2014
I remember playing a demo of an isometric RPG on PC where you could name the main character and his dog. It was also possible to set their status attributes before starting the game.

You began the adventure in your home in a village. Pretty early on a woman joined your party and then you were given a quest to search for something in the ruins southwest of the village.

- Main character had a green shirt, brown pants and blonde hair.

- Dog was lightbrown.

- Woman who joined your party had a blue shirt, brown pants and red hair. I think her name was Keegan or something.

- Enemies were mostly snakes (small and huge) but you fought against skeletons in the ruins.

- You could collect snakeskin from the snakes and sell/trade them for armor or dog armor.

- Game is probably from around -98.

Amy Lovell

New member
Mar 12, 2014
I have one. I played as a kid maybe a 2000s pc game. It was a car racing game where u could go through upside down ramps and get powerups and shppt other players. and u played it on a car racing wheel


New member
Nov 29, 2011
Tiny116 said:
2 games
2 IS a battle driving game. Think Death race meets Wipeout and unreal tournament, winner gets out of death row. Lots of cool arena and weapons, no idea what happened to it though.
Could this be Vigilante 8?

EDIT: Whoops! Thought I was answering a more recent post!


New member
Jul 15, 2013
Amy Lovell said:
I have one. I played as a kid maybe a 2000s pc game. It was a car racing game where u could go through upside down ramps and get powerups and shppt other players. and u played it on a car racing wheel
Rollcage 1 or 2? ( http://www.giantbomb.com/rollcage-stage-ii/3030-21285/images/ )


New member
Mar 12, 2014
So the game that's been bugging me for years it's something like this:

You start the prologue in a ship in space. Your mission is to dock in a space station nearby, but you can explore a bit. I seem to recall a large ship and smaller ones from different races, not so sure about that. I believe you can also dock in the large, alien ship.

In the space station, you enter a 3rd person mode. The last thing I remember is the end of the mission where a bunch of aliens invade the space station and when you head to the escape pods, you have to choose between saving your wife/gf or brother. After that, you crash-land in the planet with whoever you chose.


New member
Mar 12, 2014
Alright so:
-PC game that I played in the early 2000's
-RPG of some sort
-You played not as a person but as a creature
-You would have a pack of creatures with you, which you could switch between (I remember one being a spider-like thing with a body and head, + 8 or 6 legs)
-You would have to fight other groups of creatures as you moved around places.
-I believe that there would be a light above the creature you were currently playing which would change color with your health, but I'm not sure.
That's it.


New member
Mar 13, 2014
It was a really surreal 90's puzzle game. You were a worm or some kind of creature. From what I remember, you woke up on the floor, walked to a room with a bunch of weights attached to ropes, and you had to align them so you could get down to the floor below. You could then slide down a pole into a room with a box with a note inside telling you to feed someone's dog, who only eats gold (meanwhile, the background music kept on going "gold gold gold gold"). You could then walk outside.

That's all I remember of this game, sadly. I've been trying to find out what this game is for 14 years


New member
Feb 20, 2013
Dave Connor said:
I've been looking for a game i used to play when i was little, i don't remember a lot of it but i'll try my best.
I remember the start menu was black and neon green.
The game itself was in 3d and i think it's from the late 90's-early 00's, it wasn't the greatest quality but it was still realistic in its features.
You begin as a stationed machine gun(you can't change position, only direction) at some kind of space base
and i guess you train by shooting some kind of flying saucers.
You do this in rounds and when a round is over you progress further and the difficulty goes up.
After you've done the training you get to leave the space base and you're now in a kind of vehicle
that can walk so you can change position and i remember you have to shoot at these big domes
that look kind of like plasma forcefields, so you shoot one and keep walking among hills until you find
an other one then you shoot that, when you've destroyed all of them you get to an other round
and i think your vehicle upgrades each round. The vehicle kind of looks like the at-pt walkers from star wars.
I suck at descriptions but i hope someone can make sense of it.
I need to piggyback this because this is the game I remember playing and can't find.

Ryan Hair

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Mar 13, 2014
It was an arcade game, pc, online, but not multiplayer, early 2000's, and it was 16-bit I'm pretty sure. I remember that it had an overhead view, or birds eye, and you were a little box (or another simple character). You could exit the area by reaching any of the four edges of the screen and go to a new area. It was an arcade type of game and there were always bad guys chasing you that you had to kill. If you died, there was no save so you had to restart. I also remember that occasionally a pink box (or whatever the character was) would come and fight with you as an ally. Does anyone remember this game???