I'm looking for an pretty old computer game I used to play with a friend. it was a 2d, sideview game, you could play co-op and you played as wizards(one blue and the other player red I think). You had to cooperate to finish the maps, like one player standing on a button so that a door opened for the other player, sometimes it was very hard to advance and you had to think alot to be able to clear some maps. If I remember correctly you had to find keys which opens cells to save the prisoners. I think that there were also NPC's walking sideways that would kill you but i'm not entirely sure, I am sure though that other things could kill you, like falling of edges, walking on traps, getting crushed by gates closing etc. There was blood and gore when you died if I remember correctly, like if you fell down an edge your wizard make a weird sound while falling (Like "Looooooooooh") and then be smashed (blood) when he hit the ground. And as I wrote the game was in 2D and you watched the maps from the side, like the early Donkey kong vs Mario game where DK throws barrels. You could climb ladders like in that game, I think it also had elevators.
So in short: 2D, adventure, puzzle solving, wizards,co-op, blood, keys, doors that you open with the keys.
I allways thought the game was called Wizards, Merlins or something like that but I have not been able to find it after searching.
Thanks in advance!