Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Mar 20, 2014
This thread is great! Ok I don't have very much information about this game.

It was on PC and I played it back in the late 90s. It had almost NES or crappy SNES style visuals. It was 2D it probably could have been a DOS game and just ported to PC. You were a boy i think. And it was just a point and click adventure. I remember a level where you had to find a way past a snake, rattlesnake I believe. Also a level that was a dark room, and you hear foot steps. If you don't hide behind a bookcase in time, then the door at the top-middle of the screen opens and a dude shoots you with an arrow. The death music the game played when you die was Beethoven's "5th Symphony", youtube it if you don't know. It would play the beginning of that song.


New member
Mar 23, 2014
Okay, so I really had to create an account just to find out this game that I really can't remember the name. Hopefully this would work out well. I could remember that I played this game when i was a kid, on our computer. At first, you would have to select on which tribe/character you would want to start with... (as far as I remembered,) a Hunter (creature with a hammer or something.) an Amazon (A girl with only underwear, I don't remember if she's carrying bow and arrow) and lastly, an Arachnid (I'm not sure if it is really an Arachnid, I just called it with that because it looks like a spider) then, after you choose, you would have to build your very own nation with the character you chose. You're able to build houses, store, schools, embassy, vacation house, research laboratories, factories and many more... you'll have to gather raw materials like wood and stone too. And then there would be like different classifications of your tribe there would be this hunter, woodcutter, stone gatherer, farmer, police whatever. You shouldn't let your tribe starve too. It's like you're controlling your very own empire where you would build a nation. I'm not sure but I think some tribes could attack your village and reign on your nation or maybe vice versa. at the game, I think you're introduced into a world with mass of trees which you could convert into buildings. And all you had to do is to make everything grow, develop and have progress. You'll watch you world as you see some of the villagers do their work automatically. (you could see the world from the top-view) and there would be this pane at the right side of the window which contains the overview of the map, it could also show the details of the villagers once you click them and you see your nation's status. you could also see your resources and how well your nation is developing. Please, I really need to remember the game! The very significant thing I told you is about the three characters, the Hunter, the amazon and the arachnids. Please, I'm dying here to know the game! Thank you very much. :D


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Mar 23, 2014
KefklouD said:
Sorry to post this agin but I really need help
Alright guys, I've been searching for this game since 2008 I believe...

-Category: Fighting Game (About robots)
-Platform: Arcade and PC (Maybe by the means of an emulator but it doesn't seem likely)

It's a game about robot 1-on-1 fights, I remember that it was in polygonal 3D graphics and one of the stages was a very reduced space in the middle of the ocean but I don't remeber if you could fall off the platform.

I played it a lot back in the 90s in my uncle's PC and I remeber that after about6 years of having seen nothing about it I went to an arcade and there it was! The exact same game! I remember the name written in the machine was Robo-something but I really need help to remember.

Some additional details: -The robots you could choose from were very varied, some were big, others were standard humanoid models and others could float (I think the one that didn't have legs and floated instead was a pink and white robot).

-After some fighting, the robots got damaged and consecuently lost their heads(I don't remember if they could lose any other part of their body).

-The character selection screen showed you blueprints of the robots in some kind of digitalized format in green with green letters lying around and a black (or maybe reddish) background.

-You could move freely, this was not a game like Street Fighter or Cyberbots, it was more like a Dreamcat game called "Heavy Metal Geomatrix" where you saw the character in a third person perspective.

-The robots were similar to Gundams but I'm at least an 80% sure it wasn't a Gundam game

-You didn't build the robots as in Custom Robo for the GC, you just chose them for the fight.

That's what I can remember guys. I REALLY need you to be able to find this so if anyone knows a game that fits my description please answer.
I don't know if someone already answered this, but this sounds to me like Virtual On (Sega). It started in the arcade and was ported to various consoles with various versions.


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Oct 13, 2009
supergayleeee said:
Okay, so I really had to create an account just to find out this game that I really can't remember the name. Hopefully this would work out well. I could remember that I played this game when i was a kid, on our computer. At first, you would have to select on which tribe/character you would want to start with... (as far as I remembered,) a Hunter (creature with a hammer or something.) an Amazon (A girl with only underwear, I don't remember if she's carrying bow and arrow) and lastly, an Arachnid (I'm not sure if it is really an Arachnid, I just called it with that because it looks like a spider) then, after you choose, you would have to build your very own nation with the character you chose.
Could be Alien Nations.


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Mar 2, 2014
Alliethewolfgirl said:
Alliethewolfgirl said:
Alliethewolfgirl said:
Okay I have a game: it was on a cartridge I believe and you play as a person who went around a neighborhood helping people. There was skateboarding involved and other activities the you had to walk to. And I think at the start you just move in but I'm not to sure about it. It was a game me and my sister played when we were younger and we would ask the boys who owned the game but unfortunately both our families went separate ways and we don't remember their last names.
Bumping after learning new information:
Me and my sister came to the conclusion it had to be on either the N64 or SNES. The graphics in the game weren't terrible and seemed almost 3D at that time. It wasn't flat like most games for those systems. Please somebody help us locate this game. It'd mean a lot to me and my sister!
I thought it had been a popular game -.-" Can nobody help me?


New member
Mar 23, 2014
A friend of mine remembers playing a game on the PS2 which was a medieval fantasy RPG that had horse riding and allowed you to become a vampire - but getting caught in the sun would cause you to die instead of just suffering a few penalties. Sounds a little too good to be true for the PS2, so she might have got the console wrong. I did think it sounded like an Elder Scrolls game, but I don't think they featured on consoles till Oblivion? And that's too recent to be the game she's thinking of.

I've tried googling for it, but nothing's really come up.


New member
Jul 29, 2012
I played it as a kid, the game was in Russian, but it probably wasn't developed in Russia, it was rpg based, you started on a small dock near a house, which you couldn't enter, there were a few boats in the dock, then you continued on the road, to find a man near a tree, you would kill him to get some sort of a scroll which im not sure of what it did. After taking a 90 degree turn to the left there was a bandit camp a bit off the road, i used to kill off the bandits. Now i am not sure if this was right after or later in the game, but i remember a valley with stone walls, it also had stone pillars, there were some guards that you had to defeat to go through the valley.

Now there were also these scenes which i do not remember the placement in the storyline, but i can picture them.. There was a mine, looked pretty square, there was a boss next to a minecart that you had to defeat..

And the other scene like that is, there was this bar that had an huge basement,,

The game is maybe from ~2000s maybe earlier or a bit later

Edit: The game was medieval, there were skeletons etc, but i do not remember alot of magic, but maybe i never got that far..


New member
Feb 6, 2014
hello i'm looking for a game i remember playing a while back for the pc
i remember at the beginning you are aproched by and old man who tells you monsters are attacking they look like trolls or orcs but im pretty sure they are called something else. you have to go across the country side fighting these monsters to get to a town but you also have to go through a crypt filled with skeletons. you also find people along the way and they join your party to help you fight.
i also remember there being a sequel to the game. in dont remember much else except there was also pack mules that you could get to carry your loot as well.
thank you in advance


New member
Mar 20, 2014
Millibee said:
A friend of mine remembers playing a game on the PS2 which was a medieval fantasy RPG that had horse riding and allowed you to become a vampire - but getting caught in the sun would cause you to die instead of just suffering a few penalties. Sounds a little too good to be true for the PS2, so she might have got the console wrong. I did think it sounded like an Elder Scrolls game, but I don't think they featured on consoles till Oblivion? And that's too recent to be the game she's thinking of.

I've tried googling for it, but nothing's really come up.
Well Morrowind was on Original XBOX. I don't think its on PS2 though.


New member
Mar 20, 2014
night_shadow_989 said:
hello i'm looking for a game i remember playing a while back for the pc
i remember at the beginning you are aproched by and old man who tells you monsters are attacking they look like trolls or orcs but im pretty sure they are called something else. you have to go across the country side fighting these monsters to get to a town but you also have to go through a crypt filled with skeletons. you also find people along the way and they join your party to help you fight.
i also remember there being a sequel to the game. in dont remember much else except there was also pack mules that you could get to carry your loot as well.
thank you in advance
Was this a Top-Down game or First-Person/Third-Person?


New member
Mar 2, 2014
xgalacticninjax said:
Heya all, fantastic thread! I've had a game stuck in my subconscious for a couple decades now, maybe you can help. I'm fairly certain it's a Sega Genesis game, and I seem to remember the main character is a young boy. I want to say it's a point and click adventure style kinda thing. I think I remember a treehouse in the back yard as one of the areas. The one detail that might help uncover it, is that during the loading screens there were these spinning orbs, and with the controller you could arrange them into circles and other shapes. This is the first example of something interactive during a load screen that I can think of. Any ideas? (I went through the entire wiki list of Genesis games with no luck)

Also something I thought I'd share: During my journey into the wiki Genesis list, I solved an equally long forgotten video game title. Watch this and tell me if it brings back some childhood memories. The music produced instant nostalgia.


Thanks for great thread, maybe I can help solve a couple...




New member
Mar 23, 2014
Hi. I'm trying to find a game about a mouse that works in a canned food factory, the mission was to put the food in the right can befor it falls from the line. thet's all i can remember so if anyone has a clue please help me because i kinda wanted to use it for some university homework. if not, well, thanks anyway


New member
Mar 24, 2014
Does anyone remember a pc game that was like a fossil version of pacman? It had a name, but I don't remember it.


New member
Oct 13, 2009
night_shadow_989 said:
hello i'm looking for a game i remember playing a while back for the pc
i remember at the beginning you are aproched by and old man who tells you monsters are attacking they look like trolls or orcs but im pretty sure they are called something else. you have to go across the country side fighting these monsters to get to a town but you also have to go through a crypt filled with skeletons. you also find people along the way and they join your party to help you fight.
i also remember there being a sequel to the game. in dont remember much else except there was also pack mules that you could get to carry your loot as well.
thank you in advance
Dungeon Siege?


Mar 19, 2014
hi everyone can you help me i can't remember the title of the game i've played on PS1.I only remember a small scene of the game.
The game starts that a naked guy is in jail and there are gorillas guards and somebody brings him a food and he eats and suddenly key falls down from food and he opens the jail door and escapes and there is gorillas guards who trying to chase him

Sorry for my english


New member
May 20, 2013
Old-ish game that I played on PC. It was an FPS, with RPG-ish elements, sort of like the first Deus Ex but to a smaller degree. The first level consisted of you starting in some sort of dark town at night, and it was raining. There were cops and prostitutes on the street as well as pedestrians. If you went under this bridge there would be a man standing with an umbrella, and he would give you a gun to go kill someone. And the end of the street there was a gas station, with a man filling his truck. If you killed the man and return to the car you arrived in, a cutscene would play where you would drive away with the cops on your tail, but you crash, and the police catch up to you and take you to prison. The next level you start in your prison cell and you have to escape. I may not be describing this 100% accurately, but I'm doing the best I can considering I played it many years ago. It's probably early 2000's maybe newer or older.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.


New member
Mar 23, 2014
emgamer said:
Okay so I used to play this one pc game when I was a kid, it was probably made in the early/late 90's.
So I remember it was sort of a 2D cartoony game, the main character is a white rabbit type animal, and I remember he had like a weird sounding voice and I don't think he was speaking English, but i'm not sure, it might have just sounded weird. And I remember that the main goal of the game had something to do with like finding pieces to build a rocket. And you had to go to different rooms in this house and find different objects. I think in one scene you find a pair of socks in a treasure chest, and in one scene you go into the basement or something. And whenever you went through a door or stairs to go to a different scene, I remember your curser turned into like a pair of shoes and you would hear footsteps.
Does anyone know what this game was called?
I will literally pay you $30 if you find this for me, no joke. I am going crazy trying to find the name of this game.


New member
Sep 25, 2013
emgamer said:
emgamer said:
Okay so I used to play this one pc game when I was a kid, it was probably made in the early/late 90's.
So I remember it was sort of a 2D cartoony game, the main character is a white rabbit type animal, and I remember he had like a weird sounding voice and I don't think he was speaking English, but i'm not sure, it might have just sounded weird. And I remember that the main goal of the game had something to do with like finding pieces to build a rocket. And you had to go to different rooms in this house and find different objects. I think in one scene you find a pair of socks in a treasure chest, and in one scene you go into the basement or something. And whenever you went through a door or stairs to go to a different scene, I remember your curser turned into like a pair of shoes and you would hear footsteps.
Does anyone know what this game was called?
I will literally pay you $30 if you find this for me, no joke. I am going crazy trying to find the name of this game.
Was it a point and click adventure game or more like an action?


New member
Mar 23, 2014
Roman78 said:
emgamer said:
emgamer said:
Okay so I used to play this one pc game when I was a kid, it was probably made in the early/late 90's.
So I remember it was sort of a 2D cartoony game, the main character is a white rabbit type animal, and I remember he had like a weird sounding voice and I don't think he was speaking English, but i'm not sure, it might have just sounded weird. And I remember that the main goal of the game had something to do with like finding pieces to build a rocket. And you had to go to different rooms in this house and find different objects. I think in one scene you find a pair of socks in a treasure chest, and in one scene you go into the basement or something. And whenever you went through a door or stairs to go to a different scene, I remember your curser turned into like a pair of shoes and you would hear footsteps.
Does anyone know what this game was called?
I will literally pay you $30 if you find this for me, no joke. I am going crazy trying to find the name of this game.
Was it a point and click adventure game or more like an action?
It was a 2D point and click


New member
Sep 25, 2013
emgamer said:
Roman78 said:
emgamer said:
emgamer said:
Okay so I used to play this one pc game when I was a kid, it was probably made in the early/late 90's.
So I remember it was sort of a 2D cartoony game, the main character is a white rabbit type animal, and I remember he had like a weird sounding voice and I don't think he was speaking English, but i'm not sure, it might have just sounded weird. And I remember that the main goal of the game had something to do with like finding pieces to build a rocket. And you had to go to different rooms in this house and find different objects. I think in one scene you find a pair of socks in a treasure chest, and in one scene you go into the basement or something. And whenever you went through a door or stairs to go to a different scene, I remember your curser turned into like a pair of shoes and you would hear footsteps.
Does anyone know what this game was called?
I will literally pay you $30 if you find this for me, no joke. I am going crazy trying to find the name of this game.
Was it a point and click adventure game or more like an action?
It was a 2D point and click
The only game whit a white rabbit is know from that time is Sam and Max Hit the Road. But that's not in a house.
