Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Mar 24, 2014
drcoopersassistant said:
drcoopersassistant said:
Trying forever to find a game I used to play on my old windows 98 (i think) computer at least 10 years ago. It was a haunted house/mansion shooting-type game. You walked through the mansion and shot Frankenstein, bats, witches and traveled outside into the garden labyrinth to shoot skeletons that shot back at you. Then you went into the stone court yard and shot at gargoyles. It had other levels where you shot at harder to kill witches. You collected healing potions. And you could change out your guns for a magic wand. I used to waste SOOO many hours on this game and I was thinking about it that other day and I can't remember what is was actually called. I think it might have come with my windows computer back in the day.

Does anyone remember this or know the name? I wonder if you can still play it anywhere?

Anybody know this? My post seems to have been lost amongst the many pages of other desperate game searches
I made an account specifically to answer this!! If it's the one I'm thinking of it's a game called Nitemare-3D. I'll provide a link for you to make sure it's the right one. It's the one I've been searching for in which Thank YOU! Google imaged "90's PC Game Frankenstein" and a ways down saw a screencap. Hope it's what you were looking for!

Putty Askagain

New member
Mar 24, 2014
Recently I have been thinking a lot about a game I played as a kid. I believe it was a ps1 or 2 jampack demo game but I tried looking up lists of everything on a jampack disc and didn't see anything similar. I I also had Nintendo though and at the time I played used games from gamestop and turned them in before the 7 day return policy was up for a new game each week so its hard to remember.
This one I liked and forgot the name in order to get the full version after I traded the demo.... That was over a decade ago...

You start off on an island, a little chibi anime boy... I think he had a companion animal or glowy dot maybe but not sure. There is a dock you fetch water from and a palm tree you have to get a coconut out of and a fire in a building to put out and the demo ends with you leaving the island village to explore the world.... Maybe the boy had blue hair....

This has been driving me crazy for years if anyone knows


New member
Mar 24, 2014
Hi folks!

I'm trying to remember the name of a 90s PC beat em up game that I played in my childhood.


As far as I remember, the game mechanics resemble 'Time Commando' or early Silent Hill series: the camera was fixed for each scene and scenes changed when you walked near the edge of the screen. Same for controls, as far as I remember, you could rotate your character and fight (punch\kick).


Like 'Time Commando', action takes place in different locations. But here you fight some strange creatures, like cat-like creatures (or they were people with cat faces), flying overseers, etc.; locations are also different: oriental levels, villages on trees, etc. So I can't tell that there was a specific setting style, it's like there were several levels with some fantasy elements.

Level structure:

As far as I remember, the main goal of the level was to find an 'overseer' (boss), defeat him and then find a way to the next level. I'm not sure whether there were portals between levels and you should find them, but I think there was something like that.

Distinctive features:

Bosses are called 'Overseers' (this name appears in the health bar when you approach them)
I remember an oriental level (probably second level), where the overseer was floating in the air until you approach him.
I remember a level in the forest with huge trees and houses on these trees. Enemies are like cats. Overseer is like a cat too, just more powerful. You fight him on a highest tree platform.



New member
Mar 24, 2014
I'm looking for a game i played for about 12-14 years ago. You select a character in a car. The map of the game is Europe, and you drive around buying properties and collet money, and trying to get first to the destination(wich is a place in europe, randomize from round to round). I remember there was a thief in the game, who rides an old penny-fart bicycle and can also travel with a zeppelin (that big ballon aircraft the nazi used in 2world war), and if you and the thief came on the same spot he would take all your money. The map its a lot like a monopoly board. I also remember a character having a monocole and a mustache. This game is really rare i think, since i can't find it anywhere.... Please help me!! and no, it is no The game of life! Thanks


New member
Oct 18, 2013
TommyLloyd said:
I'm looking for a game i played for about 12-14 years ago. You select a character in a car. The map of the game is Europe, and you drive around buying properties and collet money, and trying to get first to the destination(wich is a place in europe, randomize from round to round). I remember there was a thief in the game, who rides an old penny-fart bicycle and can also travel with a zeppelin (that big ballon aircraft the nazi used in 2world war), and if you and the thief came on the same spot he would take all your money. The map its a lot like a monopoly board. I also remember a character having a monocole and a mustache. This game is really rare i think, since i can't find it anywhere.... Please help me!! and no, it is no The game of life! Thanks
That's "Dr. Drago's Madcap Chase". Awesome game.


New member
Mar 24, 2014
Hello guys,
I've been thinking of this game for a while which I played in like the early 2000's, but I just can't seem to remember it's name. Unfortunately I have a vague memory of it, but it was definitely an FPS, but you could also drive cars,there were also at the beginning a screen where you chose your level, it was quite bloody at the time I guess, but that's really all I remember...
Any kind of help or suggestion would be great!


New member
Mar 24, 2014
hey, im looking for an old pc game
the gameplay is quite simple:
you get natural disasters(mostly tornadoes), and have to destroy towns, cities etc.


New member
Mar 23, 2014
emgamer said:
Okay so I used to play this one pc game when I was a kid, it was probably made in the early/late 90's.
So I remember it was sort of a 2D cartoony game, the main character is a white rabbit type animal, and I remember he had like a weird sounding voice and I don't think he was speaking English, but i'm not sure, it might have just sounded weird. And I remember that the main goal of the game had something to do with like finding pieces to build a rocket. And you had to go to different rooms in this house and find different objects. I think in one scene you find a pair of socks in a treasure chest, and in one scene you go into the basement or something. And whenever you went through a door or stairs to go to a different scene, I remember your curser turned into like a pair of shoes and you would hear footsteps.
Does anyone know what this game was called?
I will literally pay you $30 if you find this for me, no joke. I am going crazy trying to find the name of this game.
Bumping again, sorry. I don't know if anyone knows this game, but I just realized the main character sort of looked like Max from Max and Ruby.


The Dahaka

New member
May 21, 2013
The Dahaka said:
Okay so this is a motorboat racing game from the 90s (can't be hard to find it, I believe there isn't a lot of motorboat racing games). Seagulls could shit on your windscreen you could knock up ice plates floating on water with penguins on top. It was a 3D game with an inside view of the boat much like Grand Prix 2. Any ideas?
Found it it was Speedboat Attack

The Dahaka

New member
May 21, 2013
Millibee said:
A friend of mine remembers playing a game on the PS2 which was a medieval fantasy RPG that had horse riding and allowed you to become a vampire - but getting caught in the sun would cause you to die instead of just suffering a few penalties. Sounds a little too good to be true for the PS2, so she might have got the console wrong. I did think it sounded like an Elder Scrolls game, but I don't think they featured on consoles till Oblivion? And that's too recent to be the game she's thinking of.

I've tried googling for it, but nothing's really come up.
Well, Oblivion did have the "turn vampire - die in the sun" feature

The Dahaka

New member
May 21, 2013
emgamer said:
emgamer said:
Okay so I used to play this one pc game when I was a kid, it was probably made in the early/late 90's.
So I remember it was sort of a 2D cartoony game, the main character is a white rabbit type animal, and I remember he had like a weird sounding voice and I don't think he was speaking English, but i'm not sure, it might have just sounded weird. And I remember that the main goal of the game had something to do with like finding pieces to build a rocket. And you had to go to different rooms in this house and find different objects. I think in one scene you find a pair of socks in a treasure chest, and in one scene you go into the basement or something. And whenever you went through a door or stairs to go to a different scene, I remember your curser turned into like a pair of shoes and you would hear footsteps.
Does anyone know what this game was called?
I will literally pay you $30 if you find this for me, no joke. I am going crazy trying to find the name of this game.
Bumping again, sorry. I don't know if anyone knows this game, but I just realized the main character sort of looked like Max from Max and Ruby.

Wild guess: The Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle?


New member
Mar 25, 2014
Okay. I am looking for an older game, but can't remember which system it was on. Perhaps the NES or the sega genesis.. maybe even the SNES, but I am extremely certain it was not a system that came after those ones. It had a fantasy medieval like setting. I don't remember too too much about the gameplay, but I remember you sailed around a world map, which kinda looked like a world map you would find in a NES final fantasy game. It had lots of islands and landmasses with jagged, blocky coastlines.

It also had enemies you fought that looked like the ogres (or trolls) from the NES FF1 (not ff1 with updated graphics for the ports). But I think I remember fighting packs of enemies larger then you would find in your normal FF game. It is kinda fuzzy, but I think you would see your whole army/crew trading blows with their whole army/crew and they were lined up or something; enemy on the top, and your party on the bottom..? I think you might have been able to recruit enemies, or caputure them to fight for you, or you could just have the same units as the enemy. I could be mistaken about this too, but maybe if you had 10 ogres, it would just show one ogre with a small 10 over top of it...?

One thing I remember the clearest was that you had to watch where you landed your ship because there were some insanely strong and large groups of enemies out there. I am not sure if it had random battles like an FF game, or if you could see the enemies on the map. I do believe damage was expressed as a number. I only played the game once for one day when I was around 14 years old and my buddy brought it over to my house. I think about it every now and then and I CRAVE it. I only had an hour or two to play it before he had to go home.

I remember it having a strange one word name that didn't mean anything to me. Every time i see the title "faxanadu", i think for a second "is that it?!?!", but then realized I researched that game before and that is not it. I think the title is only one words, but I have been wrong many times before about many different things. I think it started with an F or V or X or something like that. I've looked for it many times by scanning the names of every NES or genesis game on wikipedia, but i have still yet to ever find it...... I am pretty sure I didn't dream this game up...

I know I have given very little to go on, but the things are remember are so vague, thus so hard to put into words. If anyone has any guess or suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.

Well, thanks for reading.



New member
Mar 25, 2014
xgalacticninjax said:
xgalacticninjax said:
Heya all, fantastic thread! I've had a game stuck in my subconscious for a couple decades now, maybe you can help. I'm fairly certain it's a Sega Genesis game, and I seem to remember the main character is a young boy. I want to say it's a point and click adventure style kinda thing. I think I remember a treehouse in the back yard as one of the areas. The one detail that might help uncover it, is that during the loading screens there were these spinning orbs, and with the controller you could arrange them into circles and other shapes. This is the first example of something interactive during a load screen that I can think of. Any ideas? (I went through the entire wiki list of Genesis games with no luck)

Also something I thought I'd share: During my journey into the wiki Genesis list, I solved an equally long forgotten video game title. Watch this and tell me if it brings back some childhood memories. The music produced instant nostalgia.


Thanks for great thread, maybe I can help solve a couple...


My god... I think you had already found the game I've been searching years for... King's Bounty: The Conqueror's Quest... no wonder I could never find it, because I was WAY WAY off when it came to the title... I'm watching that link you offered up right now, and I'm 96.7% sure this is the game I've been looking for. This is what I JUST posted...

Andruauruin said:
Okay. I am looking for an older game, but can't remember which system it was on. Perhaps the NES or the sega genesis.. maybe even the SNES, but I am extremely certain it was not a system that came after those ones. It had a fantasy medieval like setting. I don't remember too too much about the gameplay, but I remember you sailed around a world map, which kinda looked like a world map you would find in a NES final fantasy game. It had lots of islands and landmasses with jagged, blocky coastlines.

It also had enemies you fought that looked like the ogres (or trolls) from the NES FF1 (not ff1 with updated graphics for the ports). But I think I remember fighting packs of enemies larger then you would find in your normal FF game. It is kinda fuzzy, but I think you would see your whole army/crew trading blows with their whole army/crew and they were lined up or something; enemy on the top, and your party on the bottom..? I think you might have been able to recruit enemies, or caputure them to fight for you, or you could just have the same units as the enemy. I could be mistaken about this too, but maybe if you had 10 ogres, it would just show one ogre with a small 10 over top of it...?

One thing I remember the clearest was that you had to watch where you landed your ship because there were some insanely strong and large groups of enemies out there. I am not sure if it had random battles like an FF game, or if you could see the enemies on the map. I do believe damage was expressed as a number. I only played the game once for one day when I was around 14 years old and my buddy brought it over to my house. I think about it every now and then and I CRAVE it. I only had an hour or two to play it before he had to go home.

I remember it having a strange one word name that didn't mean anything to me. Every time i see the title "faxanadu", i think for a second "is that it?!?!", but then realized I researched that game before and that is not it. I think the title is only one words, but I have been wrong many times before about many different things. I think it started with an F or V or X or something like that. I've looked for it many times by scanning the names of every NES or genesis game on wikipedia, but i have still yet to ever find it...... I am pretty sure I didn't dream this game up...

I know I have given very little to go on, but the things are remember are so vague, thus so hard to put into words. If anyone has any guess or suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.

Well, thanks for reading.

I randomly registered and made a post in hopes of finding this game. After I am done I scroll up to see if I can help anyone else with their posts, and what do I find?? Possibly the game I have been searching for for years... Now I am off to ebay to see if I can get a copy of this gem. But first, I wanted to thank you, so thank you so much. Words cannot fully express how pleased I am right now. ha...Know anymore games like this? =) I know it is nothing like King's Bounty: The Conqueror's Quest, but I have been playing Blades of Vengeance for the sega genesis (another game from my childhood, but this one I still have). Ever play it? If not, then I say its worth checking out. And that is my tip of the day. Later and thanks again.



New member
Mar 2, 2014
Andruauruin said:
xgalacticninjax said:
xgalacticninjax said:
Heya all, fantastic thread! I've had a game stuck in my subconscious for a couple decades now, maybe you can help. I'm fairly certain it's a Sega Genesis game, and I seem to remember the main character is a young boy. I want to say it's a point and click adventure style kinda thing. I think I remember a treehouse in the back yard as one of the areas. The one detail that might help uncover it, is that during the loading screens there were these spinning orbs, and with the controller you could arrange them into circles and other shapes. This is the first example of something interactive during a load screen that I can think of. Any ideas? (I went through the entire wiki list of Genesis games with no luck)

Also something I thought I'd share: During my journey into the wiki Genesis list, I solved an equally long forgotten video game title. Watch this and tell me if it brings back some childhood memories. The music produced instant nostalgia.


Thanks for great thread, maybe I can help solve a couple...


My god... I think you had already found the game I've been searching years for... King's Bounty: The Conqueror's Quest... no wonder I could never find it, because I was WAY WAY off when it came to the title... I'm watching that link you offered up right now, and I'm 96.7% sure this is the game I've been looking for. This is what I JUST posted...

Andruauruin said:
Okay. I am looking for an older game, but can't remember which system it was on. Perhaps the NES or the sega genesis.. maybe even the SNES, but I am extremely certain it was not a system that came after those ones. It had a fantasy medieval like setting. I don't remember too too much about the gameplay, but I remember you sailed around a world map, which kinda looked like a world map you would find in a NES final fantasy game. It had lots of islands and landmasses with jagged, blocky coastlines.

It also had enemies you fought that looked like the ogres (or trolls) from the NES FF1 (not ff1 with updated graphics for the ports). But I think I remember fighting packs of enemies larger then you would find in your normal FF game. It is kinda fuzzy, but I think you would see your whole army/crew trading blows with their whole army/crew and they were lined up or something; enemy on the top, and your party on the bottom..? I think you might have been able to recruit enemies, or caputure them to fight for you, or you could just have the same units as the enemy. I could be mistaken about this too, but maybe if you had 10 ogres, it would just show one ogre with a small 10 over top of it...?

One thing I remember the clearest was that you had to watch where you landed your ship because there were some insanely strong and large groups of enemies out there. I am not sure if it had random battles like an FF game, or if you could see the enemies on the map. I do believe damage was expressed as a number. I only played the game once for one day when I was around 14 years old and my buddy brought it over to my house. I think about it every now and then and I CRAVE it. I only had an hour or two to play it before he had to go home.

I remember it having a strange one word name that didn't mean anything to me. Every time i see the title "faxanadu", i think for a second "is that it?!?!", but then realized I researched that game before and that is not it. I think the title is only one words, but I have been wrong many times before about many different things. I think it started with an F or V or X or something like that. I've looked for it many times by scanning the names of every NES or genesis game on wikipedia, but i have still yet to ever find it...... I am pretty sure I didn't dream this game up...

I know I have given very little to go on, but the things are remember are so vague, thus so hard to put into words. If anyone has any guess or suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.

Well, thanks for reading.

I randomly registered and made a post in hopes of finding this game. After I am done I scroll up to see if I can help anyone else with their posts, and what do I find?? Possibly the game I have been searching for for years... Now I am off to ebay to see if I can get a copy of this gem. But first, I wanted to thank you, so thank you so much. Words cannot fully express how pleased I am right now. ha...Know anymore games like this? =) I know it is nothing like King's Bounty: The Conqueror's Quest, but I have been playing Blades of Vengeance for the sega genesis (another game from my childhood, but this one I still have). Ever play it? If not, then I say its worth checking out. And that is my tip of the day. Later and thanks again.


Right on bro! I used to crack out on King's Bounty HARD. Stoked we both found our games, what a brilliant idea for a forum. I'll def try to check out Blades of Vengeance.


New member
Mar 25, 2014
I am looking for a tactical or squad based game, I think that it came with a package of a few other games, I remember something about an alien invasion, but the only thing I really remember is something about a tank that had been destroyed by tentacle growth and You could get something like another person for your party from it. I also remember that it came with some kind of RPG that had giant spider (like every other one out there) and some kind of golem, These were both demos as far as I remember. It wasn't X-Com or jagged alliance. I also had no luck searching for any keyword on Google. Sorry but that is all I have to go with, except maybe there was some kind of mecha in a facility on the back of the box if it was not a demo. I think that the game was also viewed isometrically, and part of the background sounds were screaming and stuff.
Edit: Also it was not Fallout Tactics but it looked close in art style to it and the new Shadow run


New member
Jul 15, 2013
Nibblewerfer said:
I am looking for a tactical or squad based game, I think that it came with a package of a few other games, I remember something about an alien invasion, but the only thing I really remember is something about a tank that had been destroyed by tentacle growth and You could get something like another person for your party from it. I also remember that it came with some kind of RPG that had giant spider (like every other one out there) and some kind of golem, These were both demos as far as I remember. It wasn't X-Com or jagged alliance. I also had no luck searching for any keyword on Google. Sorry but that is all I have to go with, except maybe there was some kind of mecha in a facility on the back of the box if it was not a demo. I think that the game was also viewed isometrically, and part of the background sounds were screaming and stuff.
Edit: Also it was not Fallout Tactics but it looked close in art style to it and the new Shadow run
Abomination: The Nemesis Project? ( http://www.giantbomb.com/abomination-the-nemesis-project/3030-1802/images/ )


New member
Mar 25, 2014
I don't know if anyone will be able to answer me but, there is a game that I played when I was younger.
I remember it involving a dinosaur, jumping up a tower onto platforms. I also remember something about having to pay to access a boss battle and more levels.
Does anyone have any info on this game? (I sometimes wonder if it was a dream and the game never even existed. XD)


New member
Mar 25, 2014
Hello everyone.

I've been looking for a pc game from about 2002.

I remember it was a first person view. The starting plot was in a plane and if I recall well, it got attacked by some terrosrists. I also remember that if you went to bathroom there was some couple having sex. They closed the door and said "occupied".

That's all I can recall. Any ideas?


New member
Mar 26, 2014
Hey guys, I have totally forgotten the names and many aspects of the games but one is where you are some kinda fishy thing moving around in straight lines trying to collect squares, alot of different weapons were available as pick-ups on the maps. There was cowboy,indian,space,haunted house and a "rollercoaster" theme and many more. It is in 3rd person view (3D) and multiplayer was available too if my memory is correct.

The other game is a weird game I don't remember much of but you run around and fight people with really random abilities and looks, and when you win over one of them you get their powers and look (I think). This one in 3rd person view too. (3D)

Anyone having any idea on what these games might be?