Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Oct 4, 2010
Delrh said:
Hey guys, this thread is amazing!

+894732 points for anyone who gets this one.

It was a PC game, quite old. Came out around the same time as Farcry I think, maybe earlier.

Anyway, you basically choose whether to be the commander or a solder. As the commander you have an overhead view of the map and choose people to promote and where they spawn.

The soldiers go out and fight and capture resources. Its not like army soldiers and commanders, more fansty I think.

All the fighting is between real people, not like command and conquer or anything like that.
Either Savage 1 or Savage 2


New member
May 7, 2012
trying to remember one
it was for ps1
turn based war strategy (much like ff tactics style but NOT)
different races/factions or could have been organic vs machine
multiple maps
hard to elaborate because it has been awhile since i played it


New member
Apr 14, 2012
Carlo Ponte said:
you guys can you pls help me. This is an educational game that i remember from somewhere around the cluefinder's era if that helps. Its where this family's ship is infested with sand and worms and you have to play all these grammar games from the family members to get a coin to use the vacuum and remove all the sand and worms. Does anyone remember??
Have you looked into JumpStart games? Another would be The Learning Company games, but I'd go for JumpStart first. Wikipedia has all (as far as I know) of their games in a list.


New member
May 7, 2012
Hey! I'm dying to find an old game I played with when I was a child... I can't remember its name or the point of the game... The only thing I remember that, there were many characters... maybe with big heads. I remember an Ant that could spread acid, and a soldier who said somethin like "anuuzi" when I choose him, a pink baby cart... Maybe the characters were unlockable when I picked up their coin or something like that... or when I killed one of that kind I got it unlocked. I don't know! I'm sure it was in the 90s or the early 2000s. Can you guys help me please? This is getting on my nerves! Thanks!


New member
May 7, 2012
Hey guys, I'm trying to figure out the name of this Arcade Cabinet game I played as a kid growing up. The cabinet was in a Sack N Save and it was a top down shooter, very raiden like but they had like 8- 12 characters/planes to choose from. every plane had a different pilot and different "super/overdrive" I specifically remember a ninja being one of the pilots and he would throw shurikens out of his plane. also there was a pilot that would do a flip with his plane as a super and drop bombs. its really bugging me i cant remember the name of the game! thanks in advance

Carlo Ponte'

New member
May 7, 2012
brookeellen4 said:
Carlo Ponte said:
you guys can you pls help me. This is an educational game that i remember from somewhere around the cluefinder's era if that helps. Its where this family's ship is infested with sand and worms and you have to play all these grammar games from the family members to get a coin to use the vacuum and remove all the sand and worms. Does anyone remember??
Have you looked into JumpStart games? Another would be The Learning Company games, but I'd go for JumpStart first. Wikipedia has all (as far as I know) of their games in a list.
haha thanks i'll check them out

Sophie-Marie Cm

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May 8, 2012
Hi! I used to play a game involving different coloured cubes on a grid that could be stacked and there were different kinds of cubes like osmosis and ghost and the idea was to group different coloured cubes as far as i can remember. I had downloaded a free trial on my computer and had played it in 3D but cannot remember the name or website I had initially found it on! This was about 4 years ago but no idea when the game was made! It was pretty much a puzzle game. Thanks!


New member
May 8, 2012
Okay, I've been trying to find a PS1 game for a while now that I played when I was probably 8. For some reason, I thought I remembered it being Croc: Legend of the Gobbos, but when I looked it up, it was missing the main character that I remembered. This game featured a character, a bad guy, that was tall and lanky, had spike hair, was completely blue, and ran super fast and that's how he killed you. Is this guy in Croc? Or does anyone thing they remember a game from this era that this might ring a bell to???


New member
May 8, 2012
Okay, I've been trying to find a PS1 game for a while now that I played when I was probably 8. For some reason, I thought I remembered it being Croc: Legend of the Gobbos, but when I looked it up, it was missing the main character that I remembered. This game featured a character, a bad guy, that was tall and lanky, had spike hair, was completely blue, and ran super fast and that's how he killed you. Is this guy in Croc? Or does anyone thing they remember a game from this era that this might ring a bell to???


New member
May 9, 2012
I have one that is probably going to be pretty hard lol I remember playing it during the late 90's when I was a kid, a PS1 game as a matter of fact. I remember it as being a "cartoony" racing type game where you chose one of a few characters to race in a variety of worlds with vehicles like boats, space ships, and cars/trucks/semi's.

Each character's vehicle was in the same paint scheme as the person themselves as well.

Pretty vaugue description, but it's all I can remember :|



New member
Oct 30, 2008
Hi guy's. I am trying to find the name of a game from the late 80's early 90's on the PC (386 days iirc). The game was a side scrolling RPGesque game where 3 or 4 characters all ran along behind one another and only the front one could do anything and each one had a speciality and you could change between them. Also instead of leveling up as per normal your abilities/stats increased over time and your characters visibly aged up to a certain point and then your abilities/stats declined.
Sorry i cant give you more information but it was a LONG time ago :)


New member
Jul 4, 2011
there was a game for PC it was an RTS almost no building it was set in like roman times but when they were like conquering the middle east so it was mostly set in deserts


New member
May 9, 2012
I have been trying to think of the name of a very old PC game I used to play as a kid. I remember playing it around 2001-2002 but the game could have been even older. My memory is kind of vague but here it goes. You start the game as a human in some sort of military base (or ship?) and you walk up to this computer/chair thing that allows you to control a robot (kind of like Avatar). You can buy various components for your robot including armor, weapons and ammo, and other accessories if I remember correctly. There are various weapons but the few that keep standing out in my mind are a grenade launcher, a microwave gun, and an EMP (but there are more). I can only remember the first level, you basically walk or fly/hover around and kill other robots/drones. I do remember part of the first level's map included a sewer system you had to walk into. I know this is really vague but it has been bugging me for a long time. Thanks!


New member
May 9, 2012
bpayq2 said:
I have been trying to think of the name of a very old PC game I used to play as a kid. I remember playing it around 2001-2002 but the game could have been even older. My memory is kind of vague but here it goes. You start the game as a human in some sort of military base (or ship?) and you walk up to this computer/chair thing that allows you to control a robot (kind of like Avatar). You can buy various components for your robot including armor, weapons and ammo, and other accessories if I remember correctly. There are various weapons but the few that keep standing out in my mind are a grenade launcher, a microwave gun, and an EMP (but there are more). I can only remember the first level, you basically walk or fly/hover around and kill other robots/drones. I do remember part of the first level's map included a sewer system you had to walk into. I know this is really vague but it has been bugging me for a long time. Thanks!
Could it maybe be one of the MechWarrior games?


New member
May 9, 2012
I've been looking for this game for years now, I know this is a long shot but maybe someone knows :)

Basically game is for NES(or one of the copies), or at least that generation of consoles. I suspect it released during the 90s. It's side scrolling, and you control a small robot(which is moving on wheels), shooting enemies. I recall very nice music and colorful graphics including a level in space, level underwater, etc. I think I remember first boss being giant car.

Thanks in advance!


New member
Mar 1, 2009
muffinatorXII said:
there was a game for PC it was an RTS almost no building it was set in like roman times but when they were like conquering the middle east so it was mostly set in deserts
Rome: Total War?


New member
May 9, 2012
well hello, was thinking about this game for a few days now but i just can't remember it's name.
It's a game on the PSone, the cover of the game is an E.T. looking a like creature holding a bottle with green liquid in it. It's a 2d game where you run around and enter gates, where you have to complete a challenge. I also remember a moment where you run away from dogs , the character also makes these strange noises. And it's a game where you can save whenever you want.
This is all I can tell you about this game, if you think you know what it is , please reply to my post thx =)