OK all, I've been trying to remember the name of a PC game I played when I was a kid. Here is what I can remember about it:
-Top down perspective, 2D, sprites
-Mercenary management sim/tactical combat. You had to recruit mercs, buy weapons, armor, and gear for missions. If you ran out of money you lost the game.
-The opening cinematic may have contained a visual pun/reference to Michael Jackson. (This game had a "zany" sense of humor.)
-During a dialogue with an NPC (a young kid), the NPC vomits profusely, accompanied by a very loud and gruesome vomit sound effect.
-There is a puzzle at one point involving a giant sentient venus fly trap.
Is this just the fabrication of a tortured mind, or is it all too real? Bonus points for screenshots, links to e-bay auctions, etc.