Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
May 11, 2012
please help me!
when i was little i used to play one weird game. i played it on windows 95 or 98, i'm not sure. there were little green people that were coming out of something like tube or cave, not sure. then they dig ground and i had to make them get trough it to the finish, i guess. if i didn't dig fast enough, they just turned around and went away. that's all i can remember. I have been trying to remember the game's name for years now, but i just can't ! :D


New member
May 11, 2012

I'm looking for a PC-game I played about 6 years ago, but I think that the game is older. It was 2D and a side scrolling game. I think it was an adventure and jump'n'run game.

I played a little green monster. I really don't remember much of this game, but I can say that it was similar to the Game-Boy-Game Wendy: Every Witch Way.

Hope you can help me. :)


New member
Oct 13, 2009
seaside said:
please help me!
when i was little i used to play one weird game. i played it on windows 95 or 98, i'm not sure. there were little green people that were coming out of something like tube or cave, not sure. then they dig ground and i had to make them get trough it to the finish, i guess. if i didn't dig fast enough, they just turned around and went away. that's all i can remember. I have been trying to remember the game's name for years now, but i just can't ! :D
Must be Lemmings or one of its sequels.


New member
May 11, 2012
im looking for a P.C game and you play a knight looking for a princess, or maid. and you start off in this cave system where you come across these goblins and you shout' where is she you bastard' then you can just chop through them with your sword. and keep searching. im sure it was on a demo disc with a micro machine style game, and a starwars game. its f$%cking wrecking me


New member
May 11, 2012
Hi guys, I hope that you can help me.

I remember playing a PC point and click adventure game a while back, probably back when XP had just launched and I believe I played it on a Windows 2000 system. I can't remember much but you played as a duo of pirates. I don't remember much about one of the guys but the other one was a purple/pink type dinosaur/monster who wasn't too smart. I believe the goal of the game was to get the treasure off of the island you had found and at the end of the game you got a choice of whether to keep the treasure or give it to the people on the island as it is rightfully theirs. I remember there being someone who had something to do with music however I can't remember much more than that.

Please could you give me some assistance in remembering what this point and click adventure game was called?



New member
May 22, 2010
darkwingedrussia said:
yep , thats the game man , thanks sooo much. I'll try to find it somewhere,because i still have my old PSone and i really want to play this game again. Again thx so much
2dark4aura said:
Thank you very much. The game was Dune 2000.
No problem, glad I could help both of you.

Blobsy said:
I'm looking for the name of this very old PS1 game.

I don't remember much, but I do remember you were playing a robot, which could transform into a hovering vehicle. I think you could either play the game single or do co-op and maybe versus too, but I'm not sure about the last one.

The atmosphere was kind of dark and grim, and I remember a lot of smoke/fog. It kind of reminds me of the atmosphere you see in Batman games.

And that's about it, I hope you can help me.

Oh and also a second game.

It was a PC fighting game, featuring mecha robots. I think I had only a demo of that game. You could either do storymode or fight against your friends. I recall it the graphics were almost 3D-like, but definately 2D.
I'm not sure on the first one, but the second one sounds like One Must Fall: 2097. The first one /may/ be one of the Armored Core games, but it's a pretty rough guess.


Oct 24, 2009
Kayteg said:
There is this pc game I used to play like 10 years ago. It was a play writing/theater game.
You would write the play, make the stages and have the actors act out your play.
I can not for the life of me remember what it was called. I've wracked my brain and nothing.
Anyone else remember this game?
Megan Boehm said:
Kayteg is definitely looking for "The American Girls Premiere". Had (have) that game, distinctly remember the "all the world's a stage" bit.
Actually, I believe the game Kayteg is looking for is Opening Night, published by MECC. I cannot find what year the game originally came out, though I know it was compatible with Windows 3.1 and Windows 95, if that helps. Unfortunately, the MECC website no longer seems to exist.

I looked into this "American Girls Premiere" that you mentioned, Megan, and it looks like it is based off the Opening Night engine, which would explain why they are so similar.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
abw3721 said:
OK all, I've been trying to remember the name of a PC game I played when I was a kid. Here is what I can remember about it:

-Top down perspective, 2D, sprites

-Mercenary management sim/tactical combat. You had to recruit mercs, buy weapons, armor, and gear for missions. If you ran out of money you lost the game.

-The opening cinematic may have contained a visual pun/reference to Michael Jackson. (This game had a "zany" sense of humor.)

-During a dialogue with an NPC (a young kid), the NPC vomits profusely, accompanied by a very loud and gruesome vomit sound effect.

-There is a puzzle at one point involving a giant sentient venus fly trap.

Is this just the fabrication of a tortured mind, or is it all too real? Bonus points for screenshots, links to e-bay auctions, etc.
This sounds like the First Jagged Alliance game. No you aren't crazy they did have aliens and mutant plants in them.


It's sequel Jagged Alliance 2 is a lot better though and has a bunch of really good mods.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
try_a_cohiba said:
Hello everybody,

I am searching for a reeeaaalllyyy old game. Hopefully you can help me anyways...
It was role play game in the late 80s, early 90s. I had it as 5 1/4 inch disc(s). It had an isometric view and the colors (ega graphcis; cga also available) where quite light yellow, beige. The setting was medieval.
In the beginning of the story you were a prisoner in a cell. Your figure was leaning against ethe table, with it's back to viewer. You could escape by moving a table. There was a mouse hole as well for some reason. Once outside you went to the south, south-east. After some time came a small stream/river with a bridge to the left. On that place where a tree as well. You could find an apple and a feather. If you went further to the left, there came some hills after a while...
It was no fluent graphics. Every scene hat it's own picture.

The box of the game had beige color as well.

I am looking for hours now and couldn't find it...

Thank's a lot for your help!
That could be Lure of the Temptress which you can get for free at GoG.com



New member
Dec 5, 2010
Blobsy said:
I'm looking for the name of this very old PS1 game.

I don't remember much, but I do remember you were playing a robot, which could transform into a hovering vehicle. I think you could either play the game single or do co-op and maybe versus too, but I'm not sure about the last one.

The atmosphere was kind of dark and grim, and I remember a lot of smoke/fog. It kind of reminds me of the atmosphere you see in Batman games.
This sounds a lot like Future Cop: LAPD to me.


New member
May 12, 2012
I dont know if anyone checks this thread anymore and i dont want to look through 50 pages of games to see if mine is there
But help would be appreciated
I remeber that it was a playstation 1 game you started out as a boy crashlanding an aircraft of some sort and you start out with a flashlight. A little walking and you run into some blob or ink monsters and past them you would find giant ones


New member
Mar 1, 2009
jermybacon said:
I dont know if anyone checks this thread anymore and i dont want to look through 50 pages of games to see if mine is there
But help would be appreciated
I remeber that it was a playstation 1 game you started out as a boy crashlanding an aircraft of some sort and you start out with a flashlight. A little walking and you run into some blob or ink monsters and past them you would find giant ones
That could be Heart of Darkness.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
Machipai said:
I really need help with this one, 'cause I've been searching for it for years:

- It's a 2D game from PS1 (I've only played the demo)
- It looks kinda cartoonish, just like Monkey Island 3
- I think the characters are british
- I remember something about the plague, a hair salon, some dude picking up dead people, some hags asking for coins
- Point and click adventure

Does any of you have a clue?
Probably Discworld or Discworld 2.

Olli Majaluoma said:
I remember i have played a game where two wizards are trying to get to a door. It is played with two players (or with one wizard at the time. Cant remember) there are keyesandit is lika a puzzle game. about 10 years old?
You don't mean Spy vs Spy, do you...?

lansid said:
Please... for the LOVE of god... help me with this one.

It was a game I played at an Arcade, (late 80's early 90's) had a 3/4 overhead view.
Setting was futuristic
I "think" it could be two player
Player characters had flat tops (or buzzcut hair?) and wore sunglasses.
Enemies were robots.
Players had an upgradable ray gun that could have wide beam rays, ect?

One of the coolest shooters I have ever played, and I'll be damned if I can't remember the name of the game.

Please help?

Thank you in advance.
Forgotten Worlds?

muffinatorXII said:
there was a game for PC it was an RTS almost no building it was set in like roman times but when they were like conquering the middle east so it was mostly set in deserts

Nazulu said:
I'm trying to find a game on the Sega Megdrive (Genesis). You played as a toy soldier who uses a key to kill his enemy's. The first level you fight a TV, all the other levels were just in a home enviroment like on book shelves and around a bath tub. That's all I can remember.
This one is definitely Clockwork Knight 2 on the Sega Saturn. The TV was the end boss from the first game, to ensure continuity he appears in a much-weakened state at the beginning of the sequel.


New member
May 2, 2012
Batou667 said:
Machipai said:
I really need help with this one, 'cause I've been searching for it for years:

- It's a 2D game from PS1 (I've only played the demo)
- It looks kinda cartoonish, just like Monkey Island 3
- I think the characters are british
- I remember something about the plague, a hair salon, some dude picking up dead people, some hags asking for coins
- Point and click adventure

Does any of you have a clue?
Probably Discworld or Discworld 2.

Olli Majaluoma said:
I remember i have played a game where two wizards are trying to get to a door. It is played with two players (or with one wizard at the time. Cant remember) there are keyesandit is lika a puzzle game. about 10 years old?
You don't mean Spy vs Spy, do you...?

lansid said:
Please... for the LOVE of god... help me with this one.

It was a game I played at an Arcade, (late 80's early 90's) had a 3/4 overhead view.
Setting was futuristic
I "think" it could be two player
Player characters had flat tops (or buzzcut hair?) and wore sunglasses.
Enemies were robots.
Players had an upgradable ray gun that could have wide beam rays, ect?

One of the coolest shooters I have ever played, and I'll be damned if I can't remember the name of the game.

Please help?

Thank you in advance.
Forgotten Worlds?

muffinatorXII said:
there was a game for PC it was an RTS almost no building it was set in like roman times but when they were like conquering the middle east so it was mostly set in deserts

Nazulu said:
I'm trying to find a game on the Sega Megdrive (Genesis). You played as a toy soldier who uses a key to kill his enemy's. The first level you fight a TV, all the other levels were just in a home enviroment like on book shelves and around a bath tub. That's all I can remember.
This one is definitely Clockwork Knight 2 on the Sega Saturn. The TV was the end boss from the first game, to ensure continuity he appears in a much-weakened state at the beginning of the sequel.

YES, it was Discworld 2, thank you so much <3

Crash Lance

New member
May 12, 2012
Greetings everyone.

I am trying to remember a game I used to have for Windows and I haven't had any luck yet. I can't recall the title, publisher, or developer but I am certain it was for the Windows operating system. It's probably from the 1990's (I can't remember the exact year, unfortunately) and it was sort of like an action-RPG.

I remember that I liked it a lot (probably because I was 7 or 8 years old at the time). It was an isometric game so the player looked at it from a 3/4 view. It was a medieval hack-and-slash game where you could recruit different members into your party of 4 heroes by speaking to them.

Another thing that I remember is that the cover had four different persons on it. One was a swordsman wearing a blue outfit, another was a wizard that had a staff and looked a bit similar to Gandalf the Grey (from the Lord of the Rings series), one was an axeman that I think had a large beard and was wearing red and/or brown armor, and one was an archer that was wearing green colored clothes/armor.

The four heroes were looking straight at the person holding the box and had their weapons raised and looked like they were ready to fight. Above them was the title of the game which I can't remember. Unless I'm mistaken, the ESRB rating was Kids-to-Adults (or K-A, for short). I know that this rating doesn't exist anymore but this game was from the 1990's decade so it's possible that it was K-A.

Another thing I remember is that when you wanted the party of 4 characters to move, you clicked on a point on the field and four blue-colored arrows would appear on the point and go down to the center of where you clicked. The game kind of looked like Age of Empires but I am 99% sure that it wasn't AOE.

Additionally, I am almost certain that this game wasn't Master of Magic or any of the games in the Age of Wonders series. I have been looking all over GameFAQs and the rest of the internet but I haven't found it yet. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


New member
Oct 13, 2009
Crash Lance said:
I remember that I liked it a lot (probably because I was 7 or 8 years old at the time). It was an isometric game so the player looked at it from a 3/4 view. It was a medieval hack-and-slash game where you could recruit different members into your party of 4 heroes by speaking to them.
I'm gonna go with Hexplore. A little obscure, but fun, with hilariously awful voice acting.

Crash Lance

New member
May 12, 2012
Coldie said:
Crash Lance said:
I remember that I liked it a lot (probably because I was 7 or 8 years old at the time). It was an isometric game so the player looked at it from a 3/4 view. It was a medieval hack-and-slash game where you could recruit different members into your party of 4 heroes by speaking to them.
I'm gonna go with Hexplore. A little obscure, but fun, with hilariously awful voice acting.
Yes! That is exactly correct. Hexplore is the game I was looking for. I looked it up on GameFAQs and the cover art is precisely the one I remember. Thank you so much, Coldie.

I can't believe that I couldn't remember a title as simple as Hexplore. Equally as unbelievable is how fast someone gave me the correct response.

I must thank you again, Coldie. I am looking forward to playing this game again in order to hear this hilariously awful voice acting you mentioned. That is something else that I do not recall from my experience playing the game.

Some links for the game Hexplore (it's actually rated E for Everyone, by the way):



Soul-Demon 78

New member
May 12, 2012
Hay heres one for you i played a game were your in a house and you pick your class i belive theres 8 and you go outside and theres a man with a kart selling stuff and you can go in the sewers to kill basic enemy's and theres a wizard by a portal to north east i played it like 6 years ago what is it called?????? its for PSP