Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Radu Giuglea

New member
May 3, 2011
Hello guys. I'm looking for a game i played many years ago(15 years ago?) :
- You play a top down ship which is in the center of the screen, that has inertia and limited supply of fuel(the fuel would replenish while near a planet) and start orbiting a planet.
- The purpose of the game was to conquer all other planets controlled by the computer.
- You would upgrade the planets as to give more resources(i think) and build ships that you could order to attack other planets or patrol your area of space.
- You could capture other planets using ships called marauders i think.
- You could also defend the planets by building sattelites (maximum 4 or 5)that attacked incoming ships.
- The game supported split screen mode.


New member
May 24, 2014
I played this game about 8 years ago. it was side view game. you could broke others people spines and use it as weapon. you could punch and kick. in one level you flew to moon. the people who attacked you were like punks. the game was similar to


Joel York

New member
May 24, 2014
I am looking for a game that I used to play on my Windows 95 PC?
It was played as the role of a mouse whose goal was to trap the cats in a 1x1 square which would turn into some cheese. It is not Rodent's Revenge from Microsoft's Entertainment Pack because you could go in and out of rooms from certain sides of the screen and the overall goal of the game was to save the girlfriend mouse.
Any suggestions would be great.


New member
May 24, 2014
hello to every one, years ago, i play a game in arcade, the ship have a round form and it's and his special ability was to jump from the land where it moves, the ship shoot to the vertical line, and its improvement was to add firing circles allowed in diagonal, depending on where they are they added to the nave, was a great game, and I can not find it anywhere, so ask for your help friends. thank you very much in advance!!!


New member
Jan 27, 2014
theman said:
This topic is awesome :)
Ah there was one not so popular game, which was on the PS1.
At the beginning there was something like a "movie-sequence" where the protagonist (a man in prison sentenced to death) can somehow escape through some unexplained magical powers into a complete different world. Where he has to fight some creepy monsters.
But the fighting was not the main part of the game, it was more the tricky puzzles (finding keys and equipments, etc.) to solve. I can still remember the guy you play: Long Hair, White and blue clothes.
And the "bad-guy" was the guardian. He was some sort of a daemon I think (red eyes, but always covered with sunglasses)
It was also a little bit like diablo, but not that dark and scary.
So.. I know a long description :)
Hope someone can help me :D
sorry for bad english
theman said:
This topic is awesome :)
Ah there was one not so popular game, which was on the PS1.
At the beginning there was something like a "movie-sequence" where the protagonist (a man in prison sentenced to death) can somehow escape through some unexplained magical powers into a complete different world. Where he has to fight some creepy monsters.
But the fighting was not the main part of the game, it was more the tricky puzzles (finding keys and equipments, etc.) to solve. I can still remember the guy you play: Long Hair, White and blue clothes.
And the "bad-guy" was the guardian. He was some sort of a daemon I think (red eyes, but always covered with sunglasses)
It was also a little bit like diablo, but not that dark and scary.
So.. I know a long description :)
Hope someone can help me :D
sorry for bad english
Can you describe the beginning a bit more? I might have one in mind.


New member
May 24, 2014
Hello. I am looking for two games i used to play about 6-7 years ago if i remember well. I remember them very vague but if someone has any slight idea i will really appreciate it.
First of them it was like this : You were starting in a sort of tree house and someone ( 50% sure it was a kid ) was telling you about somebody missing. After that you go searching for that someone in a space ship in a very weird environment, like a mountain or something. And i remember first trap you had to pass were some creatures, kind of like spiders. The game was 2D if i remember corectly.
The second one was about war. You could play on different maps( not sure if scenarios or campaigns ), and as different nations i believe. You were either given a starting army and that was it for the game, or in some of the scenarios there was help coming after an amount of time. You had to accomplish objectives. There were tanks( duh, obviously :d ), foot soldiers, multiple rocket launcher systems, motorcycles sometime, mines, some sort of bomb launchers which were triggered from the ground by assigning soldiers to them and many more features. The game was 2D.


New member
Apr 27, 2009
ok the game im trying to find is a flash game its a point and click adventure you play a either the devil of a demon on earth and you have to sole puzzles to get you powers back flight ,tail electric and fire i think anyone know this game ?


New member
Apr 27, 2009
ok the game im trying to find is a flash game its a point and click adventure you play a either the devil of a demon on earth and you have to sole puzzles to get you powers back flight ,tail electric and fire i think anyone know this game ?


New member
May 24, 2014
I remember playing this old computer game back in the 90s but the game could have been created much earlier. It was alongside Commander Keen and Oregon Trail if that helps. The setting was in a jungle and I believe what happens is your plane crashes and natives steal your girlfriend (not 100% sure). You play as a man in a kind of safari outfit. it was a text based game and you could also walk around and point and click on items too. I recall walking to the left and seeing an item that I always thought looked like a LOG but it was actually a SCROLL. And you would type in PICK UP SCROLL and your character would pick up the scroll. Also there was a VINE and you had to type in SWING ON VINE to cross over a large gap. I think also you might pick up a piece of meat. So once you've collected all the things you can collect you have no choice but to go back to the right and talk to the native villagers and for some reason they put you in JAIL and if I remember correctly the natives are boiling water and telling you they are going to cook you. Your character is now locked in a cell and the only other person in the room is a GUARD. You can speak to the guard and use items but I never figured out how to get past this part. I was only a little kid when I played this game and well I can't remember the name and it's bugging the crap outta me. Does anyone recall playing a game similar to this?


New member
Apr 9, 2008
wills_b said:
heffyhoof said:
I have two games I've been trying to remember for the past couple of days. They're both for the computer and were from around the year 2000; played them all the time as a kid. I'm also pretty sure they used some gimmicky magnifying glass accessory.

1) You were in a museum and had to go around looking for different clues to solve a mystery or something like that. You went to bunch of different themed exhibits and every new game changed which exhibits had the clues.

2) I can barely remember this game at all, the only thing I can think of was that it was an underwater game where you helped different fish and things like that.

If anyone can even tell me the name of the gimmicky accessory so I can use that to find the games myself, it'd be appreciated.

Now that I'm thinking about games, there was another old computer game that I remember (No magnifying glass). It was a really corny game that had you looking for gold that had disappeared at the beginning of the game. It was point and click and you picked up different items to use to solve puzzles. One thing I distinctly remember was some guy hiding in a oil barrel with a hole in it. You could poke his eye through the hole and he'd jump out.
Number 1 is almost certainly Museum Madness.


Number 2, not really enough to go on, but the best guess I can give you is James Pond.


Oh and I'm pretty sure the last one is Teen Agent, which has lost its copyright and is free via GOG.com (and yes it's legal).
Yeah, I'm sorry, I can't remember much about those two games, it's been over 12 years since I played those first two games. It wasn't Museum Madness or James Pond. The games I'm thinking of were about the year 2k and had more advanced graphics. The best thing I remember about them was that magnifying glass accessory that you plugged into the computer to play the games with. Thanks for trying though, didn't give you much to go on.

The third one was absolutely Teen Agent though so thanks a lot for that. DLd it and have beaten it twice already.

Ben Raiche

New member
May 25, 2014
i remember this one game i used to play with my cousin, but i cant find it.. In the game you would buy troops to attack a 2d castle that would slowly shoot arrows and drop blobs of water on troops that got close enough, I also remember that if you lost it would show a screen where the game swore and me and my cousin were always surprised at this.

Oxanna Aejiou

New member
May 25, 2014
This was a 3D quest set in Wild West town which I played in 98. You were trying to discover some mystery treasure or so and (probably) at one point become sheriff of the town. Once you completed your task for certain part time of the day would change and city would become morning/day/night. There was a saloon with 3 girls on top floor who you could talk with and give a ring to one of them. If you gave ring to a wrong girl you could also ask it back =) There was a pharmacist (?) with whom you could play checkers to get advice, harder mode better advice. You had to play cards to win a certain object (a Mayan mask?) and then certain bad guy would come into town and you had to shoot him in realtime. And that is where I got stuck.

Prashanth Reddy

New member
May 25, 2014
There's this gameboy game I remember playing which was kinda like pokemon except that you don't catch monsters but you call them using a mobile phone or something. I clearly remember that the protagonist falls through a tree hole in the beginning.


New member
May 25, 2014
ok here i go :

late 80 (maybe 90) dos game
the game elapsed in a house
the different rooms where the different levels
each room has ant enter and a way out
you have to sort flaying objects, jump, go around and eventually get out of the room
there where two rooms i remember , the first one was the kids bedrooms, there where toys trying to stop you, always in a fixed patterns. The other room was the basement, where you have one bat flaying in a fixed pat also.




New member
May 25, 2014
I remember playing this adventure/rpg on psx i believe.
You start in a town and have to kill some giant rat in it.
The second town i remember it was some kind of industrial look,
There was a mine in it and i remember a quest where you had to put some
Kind of potatoes in pipe leaks that where located in the town.

THe game was 2d from bird view like secrets of mana and alike.
The graphics were modest so i believe its ps1 but im not sure. Either psx or ps2.
You could only play one caracter, no multiple groups.
Was on english

PLease help me you guys and girls, this game is on my mind for weeks.
Darn nostalgia :( realy would like the name of the game.


New member
May 25, 2014
played this game back on the super nes , was pretty much a qix clone but it was not named qix. anyone happen to remember the name of it?


New member
Jul 15, 2013
rajiin said:
played this game back on the super nes , was pretty much a qix clone but it was not named qix. anyone happen to remember the name of it?
There are probably alot of Qix clones on SNES. But Cacoma Knight In Bizyland is one ( http://www.giantbomb.com/cacoma-knight-in-bizyland/3030-13972/images/ )


New member
Oct 30, 2007
Codrin909 said:
Hi there!
There were 3 games I used to play around 96 - 2000 when I was a kid that I've forgot how they're called.
First one is a submarine game. You controller a cartoonish yellow submarine with the arrow keys ( I think ) and you had to go from point a to b. The enemies were mostly fish but sometises enemy submarines ( colored blue) would appear. One thing I remember is that if you pressed space you could send a smaller submarine ( also yellow ) to pass through narrow spots.
Second one is a Dizzy game. It was a 16 bit looking sidescroller. I don't remember much about it, all I know is that you had a spray that could build a bridge and there was an overhead level in a mine involving minecarts and orcs.
The last one was a Timon and Pumbaa game ( more like a collection of minigames). I remember that one of the games was pinball and there was a game where you'd catch bugs.
If anyone knows how these games were called, please tell me.
Thank you!
The third one is definitely Timon and Pumbaa: Jungle Games. I played the hell out of that pinball game.


New member
May 25, 2014
Hi there!

When I was a kid (I guess it was around 1997) I played demo of an FPS game and I can't find it since. The game was taking place in some dark castle or smth like that and was really scary (at least for a little kid :p). I dont even remember if there were any guns or just a sword, but I do remember spells and drinking from a chalice.
The main event that I remembered from the demo was a pair of red eyes under the stairs that jumpscared making me die inside a little bit :D
I know that the info I gave may not be sufficient, but this is literally all I can remember and describe.

Please help :)