Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Jul 10, 2012
Hey guys, I'm doing something rather ambitious.

There is a late 90's "100 demos" CD that had a bunch of cool demos on it (Blades of Exile, Tiger's Bane, Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries, ect). I don't remember the name of the CD, though, and there were a couple of games that I'm still looking for. Please help me out.

1) This game is a 3D game where you are playing as a hovering (spaceship?). There is a missile weapon and a gun weapon, iirc. You can either play first or third person. As you progress through the demo, there is a narrator/trainer over the radio giving you advice and directions. The demo is set in a training facility (lots of tunnels and boxy rooms), with the main enemies being turrets, iirc. However, as you progress the narrator gives the impression that there is a much darker threat outside. At the end of the training, you approach the narrator who is behind an elevated glass window, a creature breaks into his office and kills him. Then a giant, flesh colored flying monster breaks through the wall of the tunnel and attacks you. My memory is hazy but it had an inverse delta-wing (kinda like a flying manta ray). Then you had to run to a bunch of different terminals while being attacked by the monsters, and the demo ended when you entered a sewer. It was very scary (but cool).

2) Another game on the disk, was a turn-based 4x game. The game was 2d, top down, with tile sprites for each unit, resources, and land/water tiles. There was only one playable race (humans;with bulldozers as resource collectors and builders, infantry, planes, tanks, warships), but you could have up to 8 different players on a map (I always played each player myself, I'd roleplay to make it interesting playing myself; there was no AI). You started with one city, but there were a bunch of different cities on the map that you could capture with infantry. You collected resources by building on mine tiles with a bulldozer, and as you advanced you could build more advanced units. You could also edit the maps and then play on those.

3) An old-school Capture the Flag game, where there were different terrains and you played against a computer to capture a flag and return it to base with different players on your team vs. the AI team.

Thank you!


New member
Jul 10, 2012
Hey guys, I'm doing something rather ambitious.

There is a late 90's "100 demos" CD that had a bunch of cool demos on it (Blades of Exile, Tiger's Bane, Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries, ect). I don't remember the name of the CD, though, and there were a couple of games that I'm still looking for. Please help me out.

1) This game is a 3D game where you are playing as a hovering (spaceship?). There is a missile weapon and a gun weapon, iirc. You can either play first or third person. As you progress through the demo, there is a narrator/trainer over the radio giving you advice and directions. The demo is set in a training facility (lots of tunnels and boxy rooms), with the main enemies being turrets, iirc. However, as you progress the narrator gives the impression that there is a much darker threat outside. At the end of the training, you approach the narrator who is behind an elevated glass window, a creature breaks into his office and kills him. Then a giant, flesh colored flying monster breaks through the wall of the tunnel and attacks you. My memory is hazy but it had an inverse delta-wing (kinda like a flying manta ray). Then you had to run to a bunch of different terminals while being attacked by the monsters, and the demo ended when you entered a sewer. It was very scary (but cool).

2) Another game on the disk, was a turn-based 4x game. The game was 2d, top down, with tile sprites for each unit, resources, and land/water tiles. There was only one playable race (humans;with bulldozers as resource collectors and builders, infantry, planes, tanks, warships), but you could have up to 8 different players on a map (I always played each player myself, I'd roleplay to make it interesting playing myself; there was no AI). You started with one city, but there were a bunch of different cities on the map that you could capture with infantry. You collected resources by building on mine tiles with a bulldozer, and as you advanced you could build more advanced units. You could also edit the maps and then play on those.

3) An old-school Capture the Flag game, where there were different terrains and you played against a computer to capture a flag and return it to base with different players on your team vs. the AI team.

Thank you!


New member
May 22, 2014
FantasticPhoenix said:
Okay, i dearly loved this game and i desperately wish to know the name of it, that is why i made an account. I will make my description as detailed as memory suits. So around 8 years ago (I'm 15), my dad brought home a CD-Rom tote of 100 discs from staples, each with an educational game on it. Each disc was powder blue... doesn't really matter... Anyway, the main game i played was called something along the lines of "Kiki's adventure", or Mimi's, or something like that. Mimi, as I'll henceforth call her, was a little blue talking bird, on a mission to unlock a safe in her treehouse. There were 5 slots or so, and each slot had a series of stones on it. It needed to turned until the correct order of stones was there. I recall Mimi saying "Lapis lazuli", and "opal". She found a bit of the code in various areas, i believe. there was a cave area, where she would teach about stalagmites and stalagtites, and i think there were gnomes as well. I also recall an arctic area with penguins, but that's about it for areas. When she stepped out of her treehouse i think it led to the overworld, where you could click on things for a cute circumstantial animation. This is all i can remember about the game... however, there was another game in the set I would be interested in finding the name of. It was a math game. There was a professor or a mad scientist or something who wanted you to save these little technicolored, polka-dotted... blobs. They were on a conveyor belt with a hungry monster at the end and once you saved them the monster would say "I can feel my stomach sticking to itself!" and then sulk away. PLEASE, i would really appreciate help on this.
bump because desperation


New member
May 26, 2014
I played this one game around my early childhood, it could have been ps1 or dreamcast and even pc . . . (leaning towards ps1, though, it had solid graphics for its time, which also could have been pc I guess . . .)

Anyways . . .

-it was definitely an adventure/puzzle type of game
-it was 1st person pov
-I believe it was a point and click type of game

-there was one situation I vaguely remember in which I believe you are shopping or collecting some items around some type of circular room (which might or might not have been near water)

-it had a very fun yet creepy vibe (thinking back to it now anyway)
-I'm pretty sure I played it at school . . . I remember it being educational, or at least it felt like it (as I remember it)
-I think it involved following some other character (who may not have been human)

Any help is appreciated, I really want to get my hands on this game again.

EDIT: The situation I remembered involved some type of cart I believe, if that helps.


New member
May 26, 2014
there's a game where you fly the fighter jet or rocket ship and you get weapons, colors red yellow blue and green i believe and throughout the level you can also upgrade your weapons level....like the fire weapon would shoot out further and at the end of the level you would fight the boss, ive been trying to remember what this game was called for months now hopefully someone can help me out


New member
May 25, 2014
Hi there! and please Help!
So.. I played this game when I was young, before 13 years i think. I had it on floppy disk, I played it on my Atari computer. and I had joystick ( like this one http://2.bp.blogspot.com/--xDZgjayW0w/TV7hB6ouU0I/AAAAAAAAAFM/rqtX1OMkcOA/s320/spectravideo_quick_shot_318-102.jpg)

Game was about little boy and girl (i think one of them had sky blue hair and the other one (girl?) red long hair) they fighting and killing some creatures, i dont remember where but it was like wall of some castle but I'm not shure, they where jumping up and everytime they jump on new wall some creatures where there and they had to shoot them. on my floppy disk was written ''roland'' but that wasn't helpful for me



New member
May 26, 2014
I remember an old game that could have been on the 360, but I'm not sure. You get like infected or something with alien DNA, and throughout the game you can use guns and suppress it, or you can use your alien weapons and encourage until it eventually like takes over your whole body and you grow this weird armour over you, I just got reminded of it and have to remember what it was called, it had a really cheesy name, with like X in it or something. From my memory it was pretty bad, the colour green was quite common in the game and on the front cover, I remember some of the alien weapons being similar to the ones in games like prototype, like the claws.

Please help, It's driving me crazy.


New member
May 26, 2014
GrungeMonkey said:
I remember an old game that could have been on the 360, but I'm not sure. You get like infected or something with alien DNA, and throughout the game you can use guns and suppress it, or you can use your alien weapons and encourage until it eventually like takes over your whole body and you grow this weird armour over you, I just got reminded of it and have to remember what it was called, it had a really cheesy name, with like X in it or something. From my memory it was pretty bad, the colour green was quite common in the game and on the front cover, I remember some of the alien weapons being similar to the ones in games like prototype, like the claws.

Please help, It's driving me crazy.
That sounds a lot like The Darkness 1 and/or 2.


New member
May 26, 2014
If someone could tell me what is this game called, i'll be forever grateful.
I remember playing it when i was 4-5 years old (i'm 18 now), maybe even earlier. I played it on this console: http://www.consolegames.ro/forum/attachments/f16-console-retro/26154d1245189730-poate-stiti-voi-consolepirate_terminator8.jpg
And the only thing i can remember about the game is that it's side-scroller/action (you don't have to defeat all enemies to move forward) and you can shoot (not from a gun or anything like that, more like shooting balls of some kind). I'm not sure about melee, but i think you can jump on enemies. I don't remember the first level, but the second one is that you are in some kind of a boat or a submarine (it doesn't look much like real boats or submarines, there are some fantasy characteristics), weather is nice, blue sky... And you keep going forward killing enemies etc. Then, at one point of the level (i think after a checkpoint), it starts raining, everything gets so dark, you can hear the thunder, waves are bigger as well (i think), more enemies... If i remember correctly, there are checkpoints in levels.
i know this isn't much to go on, but that's all i can remember...


New member
May 26, 2014

I remember some details from one game - but can't remember name of it:

1. GTA type
2. Game starts in older times but after half of the game - main character goes to jail. After some years he goes out and everything is changed - it's new age.
3. I remember that in the game was auto garages.(they was horrible - that's why i remember them). There was some missions, which required these garages
4. In the new ages map there was lots of trails. I think I remember them because there was hard mission with them.

Maybe someone know this game? Sorry for my cloudy english.


New member
May 26, 2014
Hi there,

I was hoping I could get some assistance with finding some games.

I remember when I was really young I played two games on a friends psone. The first one was a fighting game and the only thing I remember was a male character who had a mechanical leg that could shoot off rockets. The intro video for the game had him reading a book and possibly had a cat with him. The second game was a ninja fighting game with large open arenas and the only arena I can remember was one that seemed similar to stone henge if that helps.


New member
May 26, 2014
jrod908 said:
there's a game where you fly the fighter jet or rocket ship and you get weapons, colors red yellow blue and green i believe and throughout the level you can also upgrade your weapons level....like the fire weapon would shoot out further and at the end of the level you would fight the boss, ive been trying to remember what this game was called for months now hopefully someone can help me out
Was it a 2d shooter like Tyrian or 3D shooter?


New member
May 26, 2014
Prashanth Reddy said:
There's this gameboy game I remember playing which was kinda like pokemon except that you don't catch monsters but you call them using a mobile phone or something. I clearly remember that the protagonist falls through a tree hole in the beginning.
Magi nation. Characters summon monsters from rings. Main character falls into a pit/cave in the beginning could be it. Or it could be dragon warrior monster or possibly anything from the Shin megami Tensei game franchise Do you have any more details on it?


New member
May 26, 2014
I'm looking for a PS2 game in which the main character wears a helmet with two or three glowing blue stripes. He may or may not have a scarf and I remember that the scenario was pretty dark most of the time. It was either a hack 'n' slash or a third-person shooter. I know it's vague but that's pretty much all I remember and I wanted to try it again and see what it is like


New member
Jun 1, 2009
arthurpprado said:
I'm looking for a PS2 game in which the main character wears a helmet with two or three glowing blue stripes. He may or may not have a scarf and I remember that the scenario was pretty dark most of the time. It was either a hack 'n' slash or a third-person shooter. I know it's vague but that's pretty much all I remember and I wanted to try it again and see what it is like
I believe the game in question is called "Shinobi".


New member
Oct 11, 2010
I remember playing a game, I think about 13-16 years ago, I think on an apple computer but it could have been a pc, and you played as a dinosaur equipped with a gun, and you had to shoot other dinosaurs. There were powerups, and it was a completely open world but I think you had an arrow at the top telling you which way you were supposed to be going. It was defnitely in 3D. I don't know what the overal objective was if you had one at all. I think when you spawned into the level there was a big dinosaur in the distance coming towards you... I hardly remember it at all but I know it was real!

Txomin Straub

New member
May 26, 2014
Hi i am looking for an old game i played, it was like Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project.

I played it around 15 years ago.

I remember that there was a jungle level and a level where you could read the name of the game i think. And i remember a level in a jungle i think where you can push an cage or something to get up to the next level. I asked at so many sites and i hope you can help me.

Txomin Straub

New member
May 26, 2014
Hi i am looking for an old game i played, it was like Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project.

I played it around 15 years ago.

I remember that there was a jungle level and a level where you could read the name of the game i think. And i remember a level in a jungle i think where you can push an cage or something to get up to the next level. I asked at so many sites and i hope you can help me.