Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Colleen Dougherty

New member
May 21, 2014
I'm looking for a game, or part of another game, that I believe was an old DOS game. I remember being shown the face(grayscale) of a perpetrator for a moment and then had to recreate the face(police-sketch-esque). I don't remember much more, but this is driving me crazy! I think there was also a sentence about what the criminal allegedly did. Also there were molester glasses to choose from. Please help!


New member
May 21, 2014
So im looking for the name of a game i played on ps1 or ps2 I think most likely ps1.
You started off with 2 monkey like creatures that your goal i think was to keep them alive and breed them They lived in a tree house like thing and there was a teleporter on the bottom level to bring you to a upper level The house/area was multi levered the first was like farming and a hut all the way to the left i believe The second level i think was just like trees and such.
Sorry for the vague details it was so long ago


New member
May 21, 2014
I do not remember the name of the game, but I think it was an RPG where characters had brown with a colorful helmet that had a spearhead. Was installed on Windows with a CD.
Sorry for my bad english.


New member
Apr 25, 2014
I'm looking for a game that involve different shapes with faces on them I remember one was a blue hexagon. The goal is to connect 3-4 of the heads by launching them upward to clear the level if you don't all of shaped faces turn into skulls. Lastly I remember it was a free downloadable game.


New member
May 21, 2014
I'm trying to remember the name of it, but I'm having trouble....
The following are the details I remember:
-Arena style fighting game play
-I distinctly remember three characters (A robot, man on a flying craft, and a raptor-alien)
-The robot has saws and is able to shoot them as well as create towers of them (which damage people who run into it)
-The man on the flying aircraft could shoot lasers, drop bombs and kamikaze attack.
-the raptor alien was able to spit poison, claw attack, and lay eggs that hatched small raptor alens

That's about all I remember. It's really bugging me Please help!
Update : The Raptor Would Lay eggs and those eggs would hatch into baby raptors that would attack the other player, i can get over the amazing design of that game, i hope this new info helps someone figure it out.
Update 2: I Can Confirm that its not crash bash the graphics were realistic, the Raptor was like something from Jurassic Park & the Robot was like something from Transformers, Gosh im Dying, thanks alot for helping, lets hope we can solve this.


New member
Jul 15, 2013
andymccormick said:
I'm trying to remember the name of it, but I'm having trouble....
The following are the details I remember:
-Arena style fighting game play
-I distinctly remember three characters (A robot, man on a flying craft, and a raptor-alien)
-The robot has saws and is able to shoot them as well as create towers of them (which damage people who run into it)
-The man on the flying aircraft could shoot lasers, drop bombs and kamikaze attack.
-the raptor alien was able to spit poison, claw attack, and lay eggs that hatched small raptor alens

That's about all I remember. It's really bugging me Please help!
Update : The Raptor Would Lay eggs and those eggs would hatch into baby raptors that would attack the other player, i can get over the amazing design of that game, i hope this new info helps someone figure it out.
Update 2: I Can Confirm that its not crash bash the graphics were realistic, the Raptor was like something from Jurassic Park & the Robot was like something from Transformers, Gosh im Dying, thanks alot for helping, lets hope we can solve this.
Unholy War ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptZyelAhKpc )


New member
May 20, 2014
earthwolfgirl said:
So im looking for the name of a game i played on ps1 or ps2 I think most likely ps1.
You started off with 2 monkey like creatures that your goal i think was to keep them alive and breed them They lived in a tree house like thing and there was a teleporter on the bottom level to bring you to a upper level The house/area was multi levered the first was like farming and a hut all the way to the left i believe The second level i think was just like trees and such.
Sorry for the vague details it was so long ago
Maybe Creatures?


New member
May 21, 2014

I'm looking for the name of a computer game which I played on Windows 95.

I played it in 1997 or 1998.

It was a 2D platforming game in which you played as a green dinosaur, or maybe a dragon.

The character would constantly be walking, and when you stepped on a certain square,, it would start jumping.

The levels worked the same as Mario's (1-1 ; 1-2 ; 2-1 etc).

There were bosses also, I recall one being an UFO.


New member
May 20, 2014
Darkgoon said:
badrobot said:
I've scoured the internet and can't find the name of an old 90s computer game.
-I played it on a mac.
-The game was 2D, point and click from your point of view.
-At the beginning it said "Parental Guidance Suggested" and this guy in front of a chalkboard said "Alrighty then" when you started the game.
-The game started in a house.
-There was a monster in the attic
-If you turned off the light switch in the kitchen the cockroaches would kill you.
-After completing some tasks you could leave the house, but you couldn't cross the street.
- You could go into the forest, and there was a key which opened a treasure chest with a glowing light.

Is it possibile it was Alone in the Dark?
No, that's not it. But thanks anyway!


New member
May 21, 2014

I'm looking for a '80/'90 game

action/adventure game series ants were the enemy

The game has been released on a few different platforms



New member
May 21, 2014
Guys I'm kinda new to this forum and all and its looking good so far, although i came here in hope to find out a game that has been in the back of my mind for a VERY long time. I was hoping someone out there could be of assistance. Well to start off i know this game was a PS1 game and i Think it was around late 90s to 2000/1 if i can remember correctly. I also assume it was SCI FI genre and it was set in birds eye view which followed your character around as he walked. The main character you played as had white hair(male) i presume and had something on his arm which im not sure what but this thing was basically his weapon and it had i a lock on target system which essentially is used to fight off the enemy, i dont remeber excalty what the enemies were but i do believe there was a Yellow robot(looked like a bee kinda) who was like a boss type enemy and i also think that in the first level it was raining and i THINK their was tank I think, yes they should be a tank which you had to destory in the first level/ tutorial and im not sure but fire was in that mission too from what i can remember. Anyway guys i reallllllly hope you can help me remember and if you need anymore detail just try reply and i will try my best. Thankyou very much and hopefully i find out.


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
earthwolfgirl said:
So im looking for the name of a game i played on ps1 or ps2 I think most likely ps1.
You started off with 2 monkey like creatures that your goal i think was to keep them alive and breed them They lived in a tree house like thing and there was a teleporter on the bottom level to bring you to a upper level The house/area was multi levered the first was like farming and a hut all the way to the left i believe The second level i think was just like trees and such.
Sorry for the vague details it was so long ago
Was it Creaturez by chance? It's a game from the same people who made the original Catz and Dogz series of games. You can look it up on Wikipedia, sorry I can't post the link here, I'm typing this on my phone.


New member
May 21, 2014
I used to play this game in my kindergarten in like 2004, on Windows XP. It might be older.
I believe i was a ghost, and the story started with a happy amusement park. But in the night, an evil clown like dude who worked there became evil. I think he was named Belseblub or something.
It was a cliking game, you could walk around in the park in the night with thunder and rain etc. Please help, don't remember the name of the game myself :(. I have been wondering about this for weeks! PLEASE HELP ME GUYS!


New member
May 24, 2013
Hi there!
There were 3 games I used to play around 96 - 2000 when I was a kid that I've forgot how they're called.
First one is a submarine game. You controller a cartoonish yellow submarine with the arrow keys ( I think ) and you had to go from point a to b. The enemies were mostly fish but sometises enemy submarines ( colored blue) would appear. One thing I remember is that if you pressed space you could send a smaller submarine ( also yellow ) to pass through narrow spots.
Second one is a Dizzy game. It was a 16 bit looking sidescroller. I don't remember much about it, all I know is that you had a spray that could build a bridge and there was an overhead level in a mine involving minecarts and orcs.
The last one was a Timon and Pumbaa game ( more like a collection of minigames). I remember that one of the games was pinball and there was a game where you'd catch bugs.
If anyone knows how these games were called, please tell me.
Thank you!


New member
May 21, 2014
Snakelike game where you draw lines from point to point until you block off a percentage of the screen I remember playing it on a stand up maybe 25 years ago


New member
May 22, 2014
Okay, i dearly loved this game and i desperately wish to know the name of it, that is why i made an account. I will make my description as detailed as memory suits. So around 8 years ago (I'm 15), my dad brought home a CD-Rom tote of 100 discs from staples, each with an educational game on it. Each disc was powder blue... doesn't really matter... Anyway, the main game i played was called something along the lines of "Kiki's adventure", or Mimi's, or something like that. Mimi, as I'll henceforth call her, was a little blue talking bird, on a mission to unlock a safe in her treehouse. There were 5 slots or so, and each slot had a series of stones on it. It needed to turned until the correct order of stones was there. I recall Mimi saying "Lapis lazuli", and "opal". She found a bit of the code in various areas, i believe. there was a cave area, where she would teach about stalagmites and stalagtites, and i think there were gnomes as well. I also recall an arctic area with penguins, but that's about it for areas. When she stepped out of her treehouse i think it led to the overworld, where you could click on things for a cute circumstantial animation. This is all i can remember about the game... however, there was another game in the set I would be interested in finding the name of. It was a math game. There was a professor or a mad scientist or something who wanted you to save these little technicolored, polka-dotted... blobs. They were on a conveyor belt with a hungry monster at the end and once you saved them the monster would say "I can feel my stomach sticking to itself!" and then sulk away. PLEASE, i would really appreciate help on this.


New member
May 22, 2014
Okay, i dearly loved this game and i desperately wish to know the name of it, that is why i made an account. I will make my description as detailed as memory suits. So around 8 years ago (I'm 15), my dad brought home a CD-Rom tote of 100 discs from staples, each with an educational game on it. Each disc was powder blue... doesn't really matter... Anyway, the main game i played was called something along the lines of "Kiki's adventure", or Mimi's, or something like that. Mimi, as I'll henceforth call her, was a little blue talking bird, on a mission to unlock a safe in her treehouse. There were 5 slots or so, and each slot had a series of stones on it. It needed to turned until the correct order of stones was there. I recall Mimi saying "Lapis lazuli", and "opal". She found a bit of the code in various areas, i believe. there was a cave area, where she would teach about stalagmites and stalagtites, and i think there were gnomes as well. I also recall an arctic area with penguins, but that's about it for areas. When she stepped out of her treehouse i think it led to the overworld, where you could click on things for a cute circumstantial animation. This is all i can remember about the game... however, there was another game in the set I would be interested in finding the name of. It was a math game. There was a professor or a mad scientist or something who wanted you to save these little technicolored, polka-dotted... blobs. They were on a conveyor belt with a hungry monster at the end and once you saved them the monster would say "I can feel my stomach sticking to itself!" and then sulk away. PLEASE, i would really appreciate help on this.


New member
May 22, 2014
hey guys, i've been trying to recall the name of this game but its so hard, and finally found this forum and this specific thread hoping somebody might have played and recall the title

its a psx or playstation one game, where we started of with 2 pair of couples (first is a standard male and female, and the next couple is a little girl and an old man with sort of taekwondo fighting style using mainly kicks as his arms are inside the pants' pocket most of the time) the thing i remembered most is that the character selection is using passport with their faces on it.

most of the time the game is about action fighting sort of, its not side scrolling, so preferably called 2.5D? and we can break boxes to gain weapons like machine guns, or grabbing chairs to smash it to an opponent. The only thing i could recall the most is the scene where they fight in an elevator where enemies are coming from the top of it, and the elevator is going to a kind of garden

really sorry if it couldnt describe so much, because im playing it when im still elementary grade or so

thankyou very much for those who are willing to reply, cheers


New member
May 22, 2014
an addition to my previous post, after searching through the thread, i've found this guy with the username "boriseto" is searching the same title with me

so an additional info which might help is

it has 2 different story modes, the first couple is a male and a blonde female, the second couple is a white haired guy using only kicks to fight and a little girl which uses broom to fight

they both started at the same starting point, which is a cabin inside a luxury ship


New member
Oct 13, 2009
Codrin909 said:
Hi there!
There were 3 games I used to play around 96 - 2000 when I was a kid that I've forgot how they're called.
First one is a submarine game. You controller a cartoonish yellow submarine with the arrow keys ( I think ) and you had to go from point a to b. The enemies were mostly fish but sometises enemy submarines ( colored blue) would appear. One thing I remember is that if you pressed space you could send a smaller submarine ( also yellow ) to pass through narrow spots.
The first one could be In Search of Dr. Riptide.