Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Jul 10, 2013
Hi all
I'm looking for long time a game (arcade game) from middle 80's (87-89)
You are a young tall boy with a sword, it's a 2D platform and it have levels:
in the first level you are walking and enemies coming from the two sides and you kill them with the sword It's a two platforms so you need to jump to the upper platform to kill them to.
in the second level you reach to the sea and from inside of a small boat fishes jumping upon you from the sea and you need to kill them with the sword.
in the 3rd level you reach the Pirate ship and you fight with the pirates - I couldn't never pass this level... :)

please help me find this game I'm looking for it just too long :)


New member
Sep 27, 2014
Hello everyone. There is a game I used to play I believe on the PS1

The few things i can remember though is that i was in an icy/frozen tundra area and my characters health would constantly chip down unless i did something about him being too cold. I remember i couldnt pause the game and that eventually my character froze to death. I believe it was an action/adventure game. If anyone could help me rediscover this game that would be incredibly appreciated. Thank you

Michael Korn

New member
Sep 19, 2014
talemascus said:
Hello everyone. There is a game I used to play I believe on the PS1

The few things i can remember though is that i was in an icy/frozen tundra area and my characters health would constantly chip down unless i did something about him being too cold. I remember i couldnt pause the game and that eventually my character froze to death. I believe it was an action/adventure game. If anyone could help me rediscover this game that would be incredibly appreciated. Thank you
The cold mechanic reminds me of Lost Planet, but that's too recent to be it :/


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Jun 9, 2013
conTrast said:
Looking for a super obscure playstation 1 game that was like Arena Brawl with powerups all over the level. It was 3d and only thing i remember from that game was that it had character named Kafka or Kaefka. I tried to find it but its impossible so i have hope at least one of you guys played it!
There is a character called Kefka in Final Fantasy 6, which is on the PS1 as well as other consoles of the time. I have no idea if you collect powerups over the levels as I have not played it myself. Sorry if this wasnt what you were looking for.


New member
Aug 22, 2014
talemascus said:
Hello everyone. There is a game I used to play I believe on the PS1

The few things i can remember though is that i was in an icy/frozen tundra area and my characters health would constantly chip down unless i did something about him being too cold. I remember i couldnt pause the game and that eventually my character froze to death. I believe it was an action/adventure game. If anyone could help me rediscover this game that would be incredibly appreciated. Thank you
The cold-dying mechanic at the beginning of the game reminded me of Overblood. Is more of a survival horror than an action adventure but it might fit the bill.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_E7_BhdBaA Have a look.


New member
Sep 2, 2014
I remember playing some kid of top down shooter on PC in which you control a yellow-green mech. Isometric controls, and no available upgrades. Most levels have bosses of some sort, and secondary weapons are pickups, and primary dual MGs. secondary weapons include seeker missiles and possibly land mines. some levels include silver mechs which shoot missiles at your enemies, which can be gigantic tank-like vehicles or non-mobile radar dishes or small tanks or other mechs. a specific cheat i remember is press "I" to go to the next level/planet. i think there were about six or eight planets, with a different objective every planet. i dont know if it was free or not, but i just cant remember the name for the life of me.


New member
Sep 24, 2014
Zen.Gamer said:
Hi everybody.

I have now spent the last 8 hours looking for this game, which has been the culmination of an on and off again search for many a year. I don't remember much about the game as I only rented it at a video store near my friends house for one weekend in the late 90's early 2000's. All I can remember is that it was a fantasy based game, either in an action-adventure or RPG genre. I think it was released on the Playstation (though I could be wrong).

The only thing I can remember at all was parts of the character creation (You would think character creation on the PS1 would be easy to find), you had all the usual Macguffins such as name and gender but you also received cards (fortune cards maybe, maybe something to do with a horoscope), which the game gave to you randomly (apparently) and were able to choose your characters personality, such as happy or angry, these determined how your character responded when reading signs or talking to NPC's. The one that I remember choosing was silent (which basically meant that the only thing your character ever uttered was a somewhat passive aggressive ellipses).

I vaguely remember the art style being slightly cartoonish, and one of the first areas being a forest. However, memory is not a reliable witness and I would not stand by any of this in court.

Edit: Can't remember if the characters were 2D Sprites or 3D Meshes. The camera was a Isometric style.

I appreciate any help you can provide, even if it is just another clue that I can start tracking down.

I don't even know why I want to play this game again (As I played it for a day a long time ago). I think it is because I can still remember the tortured angst of the silent character, the amount of dark emotion when he replied "...".


Pedro Finkler

New member
Sep 27, 2014
I used to play a game in PS1, a side scrolling one. You controlled a ship and had to shoot flying enemies, as usual. When you beagn a new game, you woould start at level A, after completing it, you had to choose between level B and C, on the end of every level there were two different level options. Depending on which level you chose, there you would be different pathways toward the final boss.
I remember that, in a particular level, the boss was some sort of snake that could throw blades at you.

diablo rules

New member
Aug 14, 2014
talemascus said:
Hello everyone. There is a game I used to play I believe on the PS1

The few things i can remember though is that i was in an icy/frozen tundra area and my characters health would constantly chip down unless i did something about him being too cold. I remember i couldnt pause the game and that eventually my character froze to death. I believe it was an action/adventure game. If anyone could help me rediscover this game that would be incredibly appreciated. Thank you
There is even a third game with the cold mechanics!

The Thing (2002)


for PS2 and you started at something like a tundra...but I'll check the PS1 games maybe Syphon Filter 2 or 007 Tomorrow Never Dies, etc


New member
Sep 27, 2014
diablo rules said:
talemascus said:
Hello everyone. There is a game I used to play I believe on the PS1

The few things i can remember though is that i was in an icy/frozen tundra area and my characters health would constantly chip down unless i did something about him being too cold. I remember i couldnt pause the game and that eventually my character froze to death. I believe it was an action/adventure game. If anyone could help me rediscover this game that would be incredibly appreciated. Thank you
There is even a third game with the cold mechanics!

The Thing (2002)


for PS2 and you started at something like a tundra...but I'll check the PS1 games maybe Syphon Filter 2 or 007 Tomorrow Never Dies, etc
Thanks for the suggestions I know I didn't really leave a whole lot to go off of. unfortunately is wasn't OverBlood, The Thing or Lost Planet. Thank you for the youtube links as well. I only remember one scene from the game and that is where my character died because he was too cold. I watched the whole Overblood lets play for that scene and didnt find it any landscapes that looked similar. I dont want to mislead anyone but whenever i try to hard to remember what it was i always think of crusaders of might and magic however I know for a fact it isn't that game. ( i must have played them at the same time) I appreciate all of your helps and suggestions.


New member
Sep 27, 2014
i'm looking for old strategy game, probably from around 1999 (i played demo somewhere around that year). There was some kind of a knight, maybe king, who has power to conjure up things, like defend towers (they could be placed only on special spots). He had his army, but i can't remember that they were bought by cash or mana (maybe mana, probably mana was the only material for everything). From his opponents, i remember only creatures in cages (dogs probably), they were throwing fireballs.
If anyone could help me i will be very happy.

Bob Weber

New member
Sep 27, 2014
I'm looking for a late 90s/early 2000s PC adventure game that was kind of a dystopian retrofuture. Similar to Bioshock or Fallout in artwork style. I don't remember much else about it. The one part I remember were CRTs with typewriters where you could enter/get information - kind of steampunk style.

Any guesses?

diablo rules

New member
Aug 14, 2014
Bob Weber said:
I'm looking for a late 90s/early 2000s PC adventure game that was kind of a dystopian retrofuture. Similar to Bioshock or Fallout in artwork style. I don't remember much else about it. The one part I remember were CRTs with typewriters where you could enter/get information - kind of steampunk style.

Any guesses?
Hard to guess with such clues, but try:

Nightlong (1998)



New member
Jul 15, 2013
Bob Weber said:
I'm looking for a late 90s/early 2000s PC adventure game that was kind of a dystopian retrofuture. Similar to Bioshock or Fallout in artwork style. I don't remember much else about it. The one part I remember were CRTs with typewriters where you could enter/get information - kind of steampunk style.

Any guesses?
Plancescape: Torment? ( http://www.giantbomb.com/planescape-torment/3030-2235/images/ )

Gorky 17 ( http://zenux.ru/media/screenshots/gorky17__07-06-2010-04-35-54.jpg )

Septerra Core? ( http://www.giantbomb.com/septerra-core-legacy-of-the-creator/3030-1156/images/ )


New member
Feb 26, 2014
R.N.R said:

I remember there was a PC game that I used to play, possibly 1990's release. It looks similar to Baldur's gate, however isn't that. It was a strategy game, the only other thing that I can remember is that there was a character that was a Pegasus. Please help I really loved this game
It might have been on a graphics card, and the one i remember was a demo on another game. I was young at the time so don't remember much
Found it, it is Disciples 2

diablo rules

New member
Aug 14, 2014
stormyverve2583 said:
I remember playing some kid of top down shooter on PC in which you control a yellow-green mech. Isometric controls, and no available upgrades. Most levels have bosses of some sort, and secondary weapons are pickups, and primary dual MGs. secondary weapons include seeker missiles and possibly land mines. some levels include silver mechs which shoot missiles at your enemies, which can be gigantic tank-like vehicles or non-mobile radar dishes or small tanks or other mechs. a specific cheat i remember is press "I" to go to the next level/planet. i think there were about six or eight planets, with a different objective every planet. i dont know if it was free or not, but i just cant remember the name for the life of me.

Outbound (1999)



New member
Sep 28, 2014
I have a couple of games in mind, both for PC, both childrens'/educational games from the late 90's or early 00's.

1. You play as some sort of anthropomorphic animal (possibly rabbit?). The part I remember best is on a farm, there's an old fashioned train that you fill up with coal and water. There's also a frog that says 'to be or not to be' (or possibly some cheesy pun variation?) and then swims around on his back and sings a song. I think the farm was just one area of several which you could explore, and I think you went from one area to another by train. I know this is very vague, but it's all I can remember.

2. I could've sworn it was called 'the fazoolis go to the beach' or something similar, but I can't turn up anything in google. Anyway, there's this family (mom, dad, and two or three kids, I think), and you start by packing the car (putting various items like beach umbrella and lunch box into the trunk), then you get to the beach and you can explore and do various activities, like finding the correct shell to fit a hermit crab. Eventually the sun is setting, it gets a twilight look, and then it's time to go home.

I LOVED these games as a kid, so it'd be amazing if anyone could point me in the right direction. Thanks!

Farrukh Ali

New member
Sep 28, 2014
there was a game which i remember starts in some kind of hospital surrounded by police we as a player have to get out of that building and we have mind powers in that game like we can pick up things and people by mind and there are alot of mind powers in that game. i really want to know the name of the game


New member
Sep 28, 2014
I'm looking for a minigame where player was flying some kind of bug (a beetle maybe?) and were trying to avoid incoming motorcycles. They were riding faster and faster so it was getting harder over time. The longer you stayed alive the better was your result. There were several types of motorbikes coming to hit you, I remember choppers and superbikes. The steering was by mouse only.
Any guesses?


New member
Jun 9, 2013
scribblingface said:
I have a couple of games in mind, both for PC, both childrens'/educational games from the late 90's or early 00's.

1. You play as some sort of anthropomorphic animal (possibly rabbit?). The part I remember best is on a farm, there's an old fashioned train that you fill up with coal and water. There's also a frog that says 'to be or not to be' (or possibly some cheesy pun variation?) and then swims around on his back and sings a song. I think the farm was just one area of several which you could explore, and I think you went from one area to another by train. I know this is very vague, but it's all I can remember.

2. I could've sworn it was called 'the fazoolis go to the beach' or something similar, but I can't turn up anything in google. Anyway, there's this family (mom, dad, and two or three kids, I think), and you start by packing the car (putting various items like beach umbrella and lunch box into the trunk), then you get to the beach and you can explore and do various activities, like finding the correct shell to fit a hermit crab. Eventually the sun is setting, it gets a twilight look, and then it's time to go home.

I LOVED these games as a kid, so it'd be amazing if anyone could point me in the right direction. Thanks!
For No. 2 try 'A Day at the Beach With The Fuzzooly Family.' Its quite obscure but can be picked up on Amazon new for about $15.
