Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Mar 21, 2014
diablo rules said:
Kuv said:
There was this game... You could move things with your mind i think. It was on the PS2. The main character wears glasses? You start the game in an asylum if i remember correctly. I used to love that game. But it always crashed on me. I want to know what this game is called. Also i think the main character was bald. Oh and you can be anyone you see, like transform, shapeshifting!
Second Sight (2004)



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Sep 26, 2014
Brain Tumor said:
conTrast said:
Looking for a super obscure playstation 1 game that was like Arena Brawl with powerups all over the level. It was 3d and only thing i remember from that game was that it had character named Kafka or Kaefka. I tried to find it but its impossible so i have hope at least one of you guys played it!
I was thinking maybe Destrega or Ergheiz?
Nop that was not it, you could play vs 4 players in the game if i remember correctly and camera was similar to Super Smash Bros, when you hit an enemy they were immune to damage for couple of seconds and i think only power ups enabled you to deal dmg and every character had their own special skill. Also i think there was like sci fi factory level. I have been trying to find the game for years but its impossible.

Jonah Chapman

New member
Sep 29, 2014
Ok I've got a good one. It's a old pc game from about 20 years ago. You play a pig I think and your in this old trailer park and you get weapons like eggs ect. This game is about as old as necrodome if that helps at all. I wish I could give more info but it was over 20 years ago. I just remembered I enjoyed playing it.

David Jenness

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Sep 26, 2014
Zen.Gamer said:
Zen.Gamer said:
Hi everybody.

I have now spent the last 8 hours looking for this game, which has been the culmination of an on and off again search for many a year. I don't remember much about the game as I only rented it at a video store near my friends house for one weekend in the late 90's early 2000's. All I can remember is that it was a fantasy based game, either in an action-adventure or RPG genre. I think it was released on the Playstation (though I could be wrong).

The only thing I can remember at all was parts of the character creation (You would think character creation on the PS1 would be easy to find), you had all the usual Macguffins such as name and gender but you also received cards (fortune cards maybe, maybe something to do with a horoscope), which the game gave to you randomly (apparently) and were able to choose your characters personality, such as happy or angry, these determined how your character responded when reading signs or talking to NPC's. The one that I remember choosing was silent (which basically meant that the only thing your character ever uttered was a somewhat passive aggressive ellipses).

I vaguely remember the art style being slightly cartoonish, and one of the first areas being a forest. However, memory is not a reliable witness and I would not stand by any of this in court.

Edit: Can't remember if the characters were 2D Sprites or 3D Meshes. The camera was a Isometric style.
I appreciate any help you can provide, even if it is just another clue that I can start tracking down.

I don't even know why I want to play this game again (As I played it for a day a long time ago). I think it is because I can still remember the tortured angst of the silent character, the amount of dark emotion when he replied "...".

A lot of the Ultima Games had that mechanic on the front of the game where you would talk to a fortune teller and that would help set your "Virtues" that would affect your character. I think it started with Ultima IV, but if it was isometric probably a later one.

You can check out the Ultima Series at Good Old Games and see if any of them might be a match: http://www.gog.com/game/ultima_7_complete
Hope this helps !


New member
Sep 24, 2014
David Jenness said:
Zen.Gamer said:
Zen.Gamer said:
Hi everybody.

I have now spent the last 8 hours looking for this game, which has been the culmination of an on and off again search for many a year. I don't remember much about the game as I only rented it at a video store near my friends house for one weekend in the late 90's early 2000's. All I can remember is that it was a fantasy based game, either in an action-adventure or RPG genre. I think it was released on the Playstation (though I could be wrong).

The only thing I can remember at all was parts of the character creation (You would think character creation on the PS1 would be easy to find), you had all the usual Macguffins such as name and gender but you also received cards (fortune cards maybe, maybe something to do with a horoscope), which the game gave to you randomly (apparently) and were able to choose your characters personality, such as happy or angry, these determined how your character responded when reading signs or talking to NPC's. The one that I remember choosing was silent (which basically meant that the only thing your character ever uttered was a somewhat passive aggressive ellipses).

I vaguely remember the art style being slightly cartoonish, and one of the first areas being a forest. However, memory is not a reliable witness and I would not stand by any of this in court.

Edit: Can't remember if the characters were 2D Sprites or 3D Meshes. The camera was a Isometric style.
I appreciate any help you can provide, even if it is just another clue that I can start tracking down.

I don't even know why I want to play this game again (As I played it for a day a long time ago). I think it is because I can still remember the tortured angst of the silent character, the amount of dark emotion when he replied "...".

A lot of the Ultima Games had that mechanic on the front of the game where you would talk to a fortune teller and that would help set your "Virtues" that would affect your character. I think it started with Ultima IV, but if it was isometric probably a later one.

You can check out the Ultima Series at Good Old Games and see if any of them might be a match: http://www.gog.com/game/ultima_7_complete
Hope this helps !

Thanks for the help. However, whilst I do love the Ultima games, it is unfortunately not the one I'm looking for.


New member
Sep 28, 2014
I am trying to remember a game, but just can't seem to remember the name. I don't even remember many details to the game, it is an xbox game.

You played as a mage and your shawl would change colors as you obtained, or switched to, different elements. If anyone could figure this out I would be amazed because that's all the info I have. I can visualize the character and the changes but nothing else really.

diablo rules

New member
Aug 14, 2014
Jonah Chapman said:
Ok I've got a good one. It's a old pc game from about 20 years ago. You play a pig I think and your in this old trailer park and you get weapons like eggs ect. This game is about as old as necrodome if that helps at all. I wish I could give more info but it was over 20 years ago. I just remembered I enjoyed playing it.
Mutation Of J.B. (1996)


diablo rules

New member
Aug 14, 2014
KarateKidTwo said:
I am trying to remember a game, but just can't seem to remember the name. I don't even remember many details to the game, it is an xbox game.

You played as a mage and your shawl would change colors as you obtained, or switched to, different elements. If anyone could figure this out I would be amazed because that's all the info I have. I can visualize the character and the changes but nothing else really.
Nightcaster: Defeat The Darkness (2001)


diablo rules

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Aug 14, 2014
Farrukh Ali said:
there was a game which i remember starts in some kind of hospital surrounded by police we as a player have to get out of that building and we have mind powers in that game like we can pick up things and people by mind and there are alot of mind powers in that game. i really want to know the name of the game

Second Sight (2004)


Jonah Chapman

New member
Sep 29, 2014
Wow I didn't even realize they had a game like that diablo. I did find it looking through that link. Its called slob zone 3d really fun game I recommend you try it

diablo rules

New member
Aug 14, 2014
talemascus said:
talemascus said:
Hello everyone. There is a game I used to play I believe on the PS1

The few things i can remember though is that i was in an icy/frozen tundra area and my characters health would constantly chip down unless i did something about him being too cold. I remember i couldnt pause the game and that eventually my character froze to death. I believe it was an action/adventure game. If anyone could help me rediscover this game that would be incredibly appreciated. Thank you
Knock, knock..still there man? I think I found your game

Perfect Weapon (1996)


it should be, if not must be on PS2.


New member
Sep 21, 2014
Jake Devine said:
gamermole said:
Jake Devine said:
Im wondering if you can help me out im 16 so the game I was lookinh for is about 10 years old and im sure it was on the dreamcast sega and basically the campaign was where you was 2 people who where really small and had to vs big people, for example one of the missions was where you had to vs this chef anf he was try and hit you and another part I remember was where you where on a motorbike and you where trying to kill someone I think it was ona boat and you would grab a bar in front of your head and swing of the bike and it would hit the enemy I really cant remember the name for the lofe of me !
sounds like power stone?
it wasnt power store tge other one the people you vs were huge and there was a woman and a man I think it might be blade?? Nah its not blade
Are you sure its not power stone..... Sure you don't fight giants but it was on the dreamcast. You fight a chef and you fight on boats



New member
Sep 21, 2014
gamermole said:
I just had to register as this game has been in my mind since junior/primary school (90s) and probably unknown as it may have been a school game..... I think it was a maths game where a stick figure stood on a ledge and you typed in a number which I believe was the angle and you pressed enter to make him swing on a rope.... The angles you typed in decided whether you made it to the other ledge or not............. Out of all the games I've played this one has stuck with me the most it's odd.

If this helps I'm from the UK just in case it was a school only game

Any help anyone?

Update I found a video on YouTube of a game with a very similar look to the one I mentioned although the gameplay is totally different but it looked a lot like this one.



New member
Sep 29, 2014
Hello hello,
I believe both of the games I am thinking about were played on sega genesis. One of them you played as a ninja who had various abilities... including turning into stone to kill all enemies on the screen at the cost of one life. One of the levels you are traveling through slime and in the the boss is in the background and will target you if you stop for too long. There were also many large green vats throughout the game that you can break.
The other game was a sidescrolling (some vertical scrolling levels) mini-submarine game. Played it a lot in co-op mode. That is all know.


New member
Sep 27, 2014
diablo rules said:
talemascus said:
talemascus said:
Hello everyone. There is a game I used to play I believe on the PS1

The few things i can remember though is that i was in an icy/frozen tundra area and my characters health would constantly chip down unless i did something about him being too cold. I remember i couldnt pause the game and that eventually my character froze to death. I believe it was an action/adventure game. If anyone could help me rediscover this game that would be incredibly appreciated. Thank you
Knock, knock..still there man? I think I found your game

Perfect Weapon (1996)


it should be, if not must be on PS2.
Thank you very much. I gave you very little to go off of and you found it. Man I didn't remember this game sounding so terrible. oh Nostalgia glasses haha. Have an awesome one!

Bob Weber

New member
Sep 27, 2014
diablo rules said:
Bob Weber said:
I'm looking for a late 90s/early 2000s PC adventure game that was kind of a dystopian retrofuture. Similar to Bioshock or Fallout in artwork style. I don't remember much else about it. The one part I remember were CRTs with typewriters where you could enter/get information - kind of steampunk style.

Any guesses?
Hard to guess with such clues, but try:

Nightlong (1998)

Doomgriever said:
Plancescape: Torment? ( http://www.giantbomb.com/planescape-torment/3030-2235/images/ )

Gorky 17 ( http://zenux.ru/media/screenshots/gorky17__07-06-2010-04-35-54.jpg )

Septerra Core? ( http://www.giantbomb.com/septerra-core-legacy-of-the-creator/3030-1156/images/ )
Unfortunately no. None of those 4. Thanks for the attempt.

Wish I had more to go on. I think it was first person, very artsy and a little comic. Seems like it was almost kind of a puzzle game, but I really don't remember much more. Have some images in my head and might know the name if I ran across it.

Think more Brazil or Max Headroom.


New member
Sep 30, 2014
This one is bugging me! It's a game on Playstation or maybe Sega. It was top-down, isometric, shooter. It was futuristic and i believe the first level was on some kind of spaceship. It was very bloody. One of the weapons was a high-rate-of-fire silenced weapon. I distinctly remember walking over dead bodies and it was one of the first games to leave bloody footsteps as you walked over them. Graphics were 2d isometric style. It was not point and click controls. Oh and it's NOT 77-Crusader: No Remorse.


New member
Sep 28, 2014
There's a game I played when long ago that I can't remember the name.

It was a mythologic Point-and-click Windows game, maybe from 1995~1996. You play as a man, 3rd person view, and in the beginning you had to board in a ship. The ship then travels on the sea, and there's a part that you have to pass between 2 mountains. If you just do nothing and try to pass between, the 2 mountains crush you. You are supposed to throw a piece of bread in the sea, so a seagull that is flying nearby goes there to eat and be crushed by the mountains... and then you can sail in safety. After that, I think your ship hits a rock and then sinks. You wake up in an island, and there are some trails you can follow. I can't remember quite well what comes next, but I remember there is a cyclops that wants you to bring him grapes, and there's a place that you have to jump over a bull (some sort of bullfighting?).

If someone recognizes this game and remember the name, please let me know :)

Derrick Ellerbrock

New member
Sep 30, 2014
Okay I've been after this one for years now, I didn't see any mention of it while going through a couple pages on here.

It was def a ps1 game, you controlled a robot that kind of reminded me of Walle but you shot guns and missiles. It was in third person. Sorry I can't really remember all the details but that should be enough for someone to recognize what I am talking about.

diablo rules

New member
Aug 14, 2014
chumbo said:
This one is bugging me! It's a game on Playstation or maybe Sega. It was top-down, isometric, shooter. It was futuristic and i believe the first level was on some kind of spaceship. It was very bloody. One of the weapons was a high-rate-of-fire silenced weapon. I distinctly remember walking over dead bodies and it was one of the first games to leave bloody footsteps as you walked over them. Graphics were 2d isometric style. It was not point and click controls. Oh and it's NOT 77-Crusader: No Remorse.
Project Overkill (1996)


for PSX