Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.


New member
Sep 28, 2014
I'm looking for a game that I think came out about 2000 - 2005 ish
I remember a 2D side-scrolling plane game for kids on the PC and you controlled this little orange/yellow jet. You could left click to shoot things and I remember something about a blue jet...
There were these big boss type things at the end of the level and music playing in the background
My siblings know what I'm talking about as they have all played it too but cant remember the name.

The Ssn

New member
Sep 19, 2014
The Ssn said:
I search in many sites but i cant find it out. Hope you guys can do it.
This game is very similar to Blood Bowl: sport, bloody, players wear armors, but there're many differenences:
- It's a turn-based game.
- The goal is kill all opponents, you use keyboard to control your players damage opponent's players by throwing a ball. If a player take many hits, his armor will broken. I remember AI killed my players with single hit, a headshot..
- You can move your players, just throw a ball to kill.
That what i remember...
Can anyone..? :([/quote]

Repost my post, hope anyone can help me to find this game, one of my first childhood PC games ... :(


New member
Sep 21, 2014
llhmg said:
Christopher221B said:
I take it nobody is aware of the game I posted about in page 454? Basically, a FREE RPG game. Did not mention that. And just to add to that, it was on Windows, you had a choice between a man and a woman whose entire bodies would cover the screen (at least halfway through I guess). There were goblins of different levels. And primarily that teleportation unit/building in the main town, it was played on a Windows PC. The game looked partly 3D (top view, isometric).
I'll just put this here to tell you what it isn't (I've gone through vast amounts of games and such)
Inquisitor, NoX, Neverwinter Nights, Avernum (those sequels too), Dungeon Siege, Arcanum of Steamworks/Magick Obscura among others. So yes, I've searched a LOT. Any kind of help would be appreciated. I've added many more details in Page 454 too so ANY kind of site to search or any hint of a name would be much appreciated.
You have probably checked but since it is not on your check list - have you tried older diablo game?
Well. I guess my description narrows it too much. I'll do the searching. So here are the basic details. Can someone think of any game with at least one of these?
Teleportation, goblins, either male or female avatar.

I'm certain on the teleportation part. The teleportation was not done by any kind of spell etc, there were small structures to get into so as to teleport once you unlock the place. TELEPORTATION is key. :D


New member
Sep 28, 2014
I'm trying to remember the name of an old PC game (early to mid 90s). It was top down view and there was quite a few dungeons. The dungeon room was dark brown/red with a fire pit in it and you had to choose which door you'd go to next. If you picked the right one you went to another dungeon room almost the exact same but if you picked the wrong one you lost some life. I believe berries were a source of regaining strength... As far as I remember it was mostly non combat and all text input no mouse.

Louigi Verona

New member
Sep 28, 2014
I am trying to locate a weird game. I played it in 2000. I think it was a demo version, but I am not sure.

It was 2D platformer, view from the side. Levels were generated and different each time, it looked like a space station or some sort of technological setting. You could go anywhere you like, return to places you've been before.

You could choose various characters, one of them was a boy with a propeller on his head (I think). Some characters were useful, some not. This boy with a propeller could fly, but he had no weapons and was usually quickly killed.

After you die, the game would tell you smth along the lines of you not entertaining satan enough and will rank your performance by saying that in hell you will be this or that to satan. It was weird.

The game was weird, a little bit crazy, but fun. Also, I don't think it was popular or anything.


New member
May 2, 2010
A friend of mine was telling me about a game he remembers. He played it on PC some time in the early 2000s, and it may or may not have been new at the time. It was a simple shooter, at least partially set in a very simple black-and-white maze. Walking over a section of the floor would flip the maze upside down and make it colorful. You started with fists, and there was at least a pistol. It had a menacing horror theme and things would be chasing you. He remembers a survival aspect of constantly running from smiley faces, etc. Not DOOM, he's heard that a lot.

Edit: specified PC platform


New member
Sep 28, 2014
I'm trying to find a game I played in the 90's or early 2000's on PC. It was on the school computers, so it might be educational. The only thing I remember is that your character gets in a helicopter/plane, but a robot gets on the vehicle and uses a laser to try to cut open a hole into it. I think you had to do a puzzle or a sequence involving lights to stop the robot. There may have been other robots in the game as well.

Edit: After a lot of searching, it looks like this game is Mission: Control by Sherston. What I can remember matches perfectly to the following description on it's Amazon page:

A set of coloured lights can be used to deactivate the robot. Pupils need to devise a control program to ensure the lights are switched on and off in the correct order and for the correct duration.

Plus, that page also mentions a Hoverheli.

That one guy99

New member
Sep 28, 2014
Ello everybody.

This is my first post and hope this isn't a daunting question lol.

Been wanting to play a browser based game recently that I've placed back in the early 2000's to 2008. The characters and locations were similar to Starcraft. idk if it was a fan based game that branched off that or not. I also don't know if it shutdown. What I do know is the word "Nexus" or a word similar to that.

Essentially the description of the game: theme is dark blue and neon green outline. It had about 6-8 links on the left side on different locations you can go to (to the outside world, barracks, infirmary etc). It didn't have many pictures to it. You get xp by killing creatures, buy weapons, find a hidden locker in the world and find even better weapons. There was a leader board. There wasn't much to it, just a lot of imagination lol.

I'm thinking its as old as the other browser game Star kingdoms. Sadly nothing came up whenever I tried to search for similar games.

Any amount of assistance would be appreciated. Thank you :)


New member
Sep 28, 2014
Hey guys.

Been looking for this game forever. Maybe any of you can help out.
I remember playing this game as a little kid in miniclip games. In this game I had to control
a little robotic car, a "spy" car and drive around a city at night, get into positions and listen and record conversations
of assigned people and photograph their faces and not get caught. Unfortunately, that's all I remember, but it was a really fun spy game.

Any help would be much appreciated :)


New member
Mar 21, 2014
There was this game... You could move things with your mind i think. It was on the PS2. The main character wears glasses? You start the game in an asylum if i remember correctly. I used to love that game. But it always crashed on me. I want to know what this game is called. Also i think the main character was bald. Oh and you can be anyone you see, like transform, shapeshifting!


New member
Sep 28, 2014
Phew. Ok here we go:

Circa 1995-ish. Windows 95 I believe. Small windows game (played on desktop), space game. The large Space area was sorted in a grid format. You controlled a ship which had shields. As you increased the shields (bought or upgraded) you'd be surrounded by waving circles. Every time you crossed a grid line, your shield would "pop" and lose a layer.

Now, idea was to populate and supply resources to planets. You would be playing against other ships controlled by computer or players (TCP connection via dialup worked).

You could buy weapons, nukes, and more ships so if you lost yours, you would reincarnate with another.

Ring any bells? Super random game. Just remember it being simple and fun!



diablo rules

New member
Aug 14, 2014
Kuv said:
There was this game... You could move things with your mind i think. It was on the PS2. The main character wears glasses? You start the game in an asylum if i remember correctly. I used to love that game. But it always crashed on me. I want to know what this game is called. Also i think the main character was bald. Oh and you can be anyone you see, like transform, shapeshifting!
Second Sight (2004)



New member
Sep 27, 2014
talemascus said:
Hello everyone. There is a game I used to play I believe on the PS1

The few things i can remember though is that i was in an icy/frozen tundra area and my characters health would constantly chip down unless i did something about him being too cold. I remember i couldnt pause the game and that eventually my character froze to death. I believe it was an action/adventure game. If anyone could help me rediscover this game that would be incredibly appreciated. Thank you

Krysztian Izycki

New member
Sep 28, 2014
A very old game, possibly playstation 2 but, i'm pretty sure it was Playstation 1. The game had you flying around various maps in different countries destroying building and air plains and other such things, each mission changed the type of bomb you had to destroy places. The first mission from what I remember had you flying around a place that was mainly canals another mission had you destroying an Asian city with 'fire bombs'or something like that. In between each mission a blond haired women and man with dark hair and mustache would comment on what you done like talk show hosts or what the next mission would be. I remember the last mission had you fighting/ flying in a city that was upside down going against people called 'overlords'. During this mission the male who talks in between missions says something along the lines of 'all this upside down flying is confusing...' and then vomits into a bucket. I can't confidently say whether or not it was a third person but it definitely was not birds eye or side ways.

Tedford Chan

New member
Sep 29, 2014
Hi guys, I used to play this game on PSX, its a Japanese title game. All I could remember was that the game was in 3D and it was an action/adventure genre, the main character uses this toy hammer to hit things and theres always this little old man following him wherever he goes. If anyone remember the title please help, much appreciated!


New member
Feb 7, 2014
lukah1000 said:
lukah1000 said:
Alright... for about three years now I've been tracking down games and movies from my very, very early childhood years. I've successfully used my completely-terrible memory to find every single one.. excluding one, which has eluded me for the last year now. No matter what I search or where I go, I cannot find any information about it.

I believe it was on the PC, early 2000's or late 90's, I believe.
It was about a castle, except you build it. Slowly. I think the main focus was to continually amass more and more villagers as time went on, and you could assign them to different jobs, such as builder to make your castle grow faster, or fighter, to stand a better chance at the static-image monsters that would occasionally threaten your kingdom.
I believe that after you reached a certain amount of villagers, you were prompted to use a spell or potion of some description to teleport to another more difficult area, and if you put off doing that for too long, the gods would punish you (?)

I remember being able to choose different rulers at the start, which earned different bonuses, such as the Wizard being able to use potions more often, or the prince having more daily gold income.

On the potions, there was a shop you could access at any time, which had potions that would, say, turn Rats into Men to increase your population quickly at the cost of mana or some other resource. There were different tiers for these potions, and I remember that there were also other items or accessories in the shop.

Please... even if you aren't entirely sure about the game, at least give me a few pointers, or an idea, or even a game similar to this one -- I'm literally losing sleep off this because of how determined I am to find it. Thank you.

Rebump. It's been a while. Anyone care to help me out?


New member
Sep 28, 2014
Swim155 said:
scribblingface said:
I have a couple of games in mind, both for PC, both childrens'/educational games from the late 90's or early 00's.

1. You play as some sort of anthropomorphic animal (possibly rabbit?). The part I remember best is on a farm, there's an old fashioned train that you fill up with coal and water. There's also a frog that says 'to be or not to be' (or possibly some cheesy pun variation?) and then swims around on his back and sings a song. I think the farm was just one area of several which you could explore, and I think you went from one area to another by train. I know this is very vague, but it's all I can remember.

2. I could've sworn it was called 'the fazoolis go to the beach' or something similar, but I can't turn up anything in google. Anyway, there's this family (mom, dad, and two or three kids, I think), and you start by packing the car (putting various items like beach umbrella and lunch box into the trunk), then you get to the beach and you can explore and do various activities, like finding the correct shell to fit a hermit crab. Eventually the sun is setting, it gets a twilight look, and then it's time to go home.

I LOVED these games as a kid, so it'd be amazing if anyone could point me in the right direction. Thanks!
For No. 2 try 'A Day at the Beach With The Fuzzooly Family.' Its quite obscure but can be picked up on Amazon new for about $15.

YES, thank you so much!! Still hoping someone can help me with the first one, but I'm really glad to have found one of them at least, lol.

diablo rules

New member
Aug 14, 2014
hooplidoopler said:
I remember a game where you were led by a nerdy guy with ponytail and annoying voice. It was some sort of science lab setting. and he would say random things and his computer made stereotypical booping noises. From there you could build cars and trucks (planes? maybe not) by dragging parts and then going and testing them out in the field. It was my brothers game but it came off a disk and was from the early 2000's. It would be amazing if someone knew!
Very late, but found this

Invention Studio (1996)


it looks very close...