Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

Nicolas Dahm

New member
Sep 30, 2014
Hello all ! :)
I remember a game I played on Win 95/98. It was a left > right space shooter.
You had a little spaceship looking like a Nasa shuttle and you had to shoot lasers à ememies coming from the right.
As you killed enemies you had "buffs" that changed the type of lasers you shot.
It was a really simple game consisting in only 3 levels.
I remember that one levele was a cloudy purple environment where all the enemies where little purple red-eyed clouds.

Does any of you remember the name of this one ?

Thanks guys ^^

Brain Tumor

New member
Sep 4, 2014
PuzzleOV said:
Derrick Ellerbrock said:
PuzzleOV said:
I remember this one game, I believe it was for PC. You are a rabbit, and you collect carrots around this cuddly 3D platformer. I remember there were spike obstacles in-game. That's all I can think of. Thanks!
Jazz Jackrabbit? maybe Jazz Jackrabbit 2?
Nope, the one I'm talking about is 3D platformer.

EDIT: I think it was a white rabbit.

Bubsy 3D? Though he was an orange cat...


New member
Oct 1, 2014
Hi all.
I've followed this thread for a long time and now I want to try my luck with a random memory or four from my childhood.
All of these games were played in the later 1990s on the PC, perhaps very early 2000s.

1: First Game-
I had a demo of a game, and all I remember is the music (always stuck in my head), and it was a kind of top down, RTS clicky game, where you directed these little Yellow egg men around doing various tasks. Thats all I remember? I feel like the title had the letter Z at the start? Like Zorgs? or Zeggs? Or something? God this is difficult!

2: Second game-
A puzzle game apparently I remember it being inspired by the guy that made Tetris. You link up these spinnings metal shafts in order for connectings to be made elsewhere on the board. Jazzy music! Would really like to find this one. Never been able to.

3: Third game-
It was some kind of shooter from the perspective of an underwater submarine craft, that would fire at enemies. A lot of it was photographic real graphics, much in the way that Mortal Kombat characters were at the time. Kind of like a submarine shooter simulator. Really strange memory of this one.

4: Fourth game-
I remember a game where you played as like a TANK the whole time. In a word that felt barely populated, and would involve travelling around fighting with other tank like enemies. Its so annoying, because everytime I get the name come to my mind, I lose it again... I never can quite grab it in my memory. Its something like Red, or Earth, or perhaps thats nothing to do with it at all.

Hope you guys can help bring some memories back! :)

Barrett Reading

New member
Oct 1, 2014
Let's see if someone can help me out.
There was an old PC game that I played as a demo on AOL. Back when it was the actual AOL program, it had like a set of pre
Selected demos that you could download through them.
The game had an isometric perspective where you controlled people like an RTS or diablo. The demo had it where you were in this facility, and it was being invaded by aliens. And if you went and explored the facility or space station or whatever, you could find other people to help you that lived there. Most of them were all civilians, I think with maybe only one soldier. Like there was a cook you could find in a kitchen with a knife, and a mechanic with a monkey wrench. Even women with no weapons I think. And then they would follow you. And you had to practically get everybody and go down this elevator or teleport and then the aliens were teleporting in and you had to beat them back to close the their teleport which I think ended the demo.
I could swear it started with the letter A. And I thought the title had 2 words. Like Alien Apocalypse Or something, (not it by the way). Thanks for any help on this.

diablo rules

New member
Aug 14, 2014
Barrett Reading said:
Let's see if someone can help me out.
There was an old PC game that I played as a demo on AOL. Back when it was the actual AOL program, it had like a set of pre
Selected demos that you could download through them.
The game had an isometric perspective where you controlled people like an RTS or diablo. The demo had it where you were in this facility, and it was being invaded by aliens. And if you went and explored the facility or space station or whatever, you could find other people to help you that lived there. Most of them were all civilians, I think with maybe only one soldier. Like there was a cook you could find in a kitchen with a knife, and a mechanic with a monkey wrench. Even women with no weapons I think. And then they would follow you. And you had to practically get everybody and go down this elevator or teleport and then the aliens were teleporting in and you had to beat them back to close the their teleport which I think ended the demo.
I could swear it started with the letter A. And I thought the title had 2 words. Like Alien Apocalypse Or something, (not it by the way). Thanks for any help on this.
Enemy Infestation (1998)



New member
Oct 1, 2014
Please help me:
I remember playing an old top-down maze game. The layout was a town and you were controlling a (maybe red) car. The aim was to get to the exit point, in this game a gate. The trick wasn't in the actual maze, but there were barriers (like the ones seen in railroad passing) with different colours. You could only pass them, if you obtained the same coloured key by driving past a same coloured house. You could only hold one key at a time, driving past another house overwrote it. You could only move on the roads.
The controlling of the car was interesting, you could control it with the cursor keys directly, like pushing left made it go left, not turn left. Also, you had to push the direction key only once, then the car went on the road in that direction until you pushed anything, so you didn't have to hold down the button.
The early stages were normal, maybe summer time, the later, harder stages in winter (this is where I got stuck).
I played it more than 10 years ago, it was published in the Windows 98 era.
I am from Hungary, so there is a chance that this was released only in my country, I'm not sure if it was in English or Hungarian language.
I hope some of you can tell me which game was this, it would give me some nostalgic hours.


New member
Oct 1, 2014
Hi guys,

DOS game (I think) I played it in primary school in australia in about 1998. It was a kind of management game where you were an australian explorer who made expeditions into australia and you brought food and water and you could make money mining for gold and you could hunt game, but the game was just a big red square.

Sorry not much detail, thanks a lot for helping.

Koko Toto

New member
Oct 1, 2014
I been searching this game for ages now and no luck, I cant remember if it was on PC or PS1, but here is what I remember :

-pretty old, I think late late 90s or start of 2000.
-Turn based game
-you play a group of modern soldiers who use guns and rifles.
-you are stuck in a swamp at start i think.
-you fight large monsters like bee or wasps
-the view is from top like a strategy game but not too far, simimlir to commandos I belive

Thank you guys, hopefully someone will help :)


New member
Sep 24, 2014
Christopher221B said:
MurseMan said:
I have been looking online for on old game from somewhere in the early to mid 90's. It was a settler/colonization game where you had to grow your colony but ultimately you had to find gems or relics. There was tech you could upgrade that let you get different units all the way up to cannons and hot air balloons. it had seasons and if you had people outside in the winter they could get sick and die. Thanks
Freecol or one of the Civilization games. But since Civilization does not specifically have seasons, I'd say it's The Settlers. One of them at least. Here: check these: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Settlers

Now....can anyone answer my previous question? As well as the excruciatingly detailed description on Page 454?
Thanks for the reply but that is not the game. it was on a much smaller scale you only had like 10 or 20 people at a time. Thinking about it more I think the name had a number in it and this referred to the gems or relics that you had to find. To win I think you either had to find all the gems or wipe out the opponents.


New member
Sep 30, 2014
Brain Tumor said:
PuzzleOV said:
Derrick Ellerbrock said:
PuzzleOV said:
I remember this one game, I believe it was for PC. You are a rabbit, and you collect carrots around this cuddly 3D platformer. I remember there were spike obstacles in-game. That's all I can think of. Thanks!
Jazz Jackrabbit? maybe Jazz Jackrabbit 2?
Nope, the one I'm talking about is 3D platformer.

EDIT: I think it was a white rabbit.

Bubsy 3D? Though he was an orange cat...
Sadly, that's not the one. This one didn't have as much "freedom" meaning that you couldn't just run around as much, it was full of deep cliffs, I believe


New member
Jun 14, 2010
Koko Toto said:
I been searching this game for ages now and no luck, I cant remember if it was on PC or PS1, but here is what I remember :

-pretty old, I think late late 90s or start of 2000.
-Turn based game
-you play a group of modern soldiers who use guns and rifles.
-you are stuck in a swamp at start i think.
-you fight large monsters like bee or wasps
-the view is from top like a strategy game but not too far, simimlir to commandos I belive

Thank you guys, hopefully someone will help :)
Everything else Sounds like Jagged Alliance 2 : http://www.gog.com/game/jagged_alliance_2 but there is only one mission in the mines where you fight some giant bugs. Rest of the game is against normal humans.


New member
Sep 5, 2014
Zen.Gamer said:
Quietus said:
Quietus said:
Okay, so It's been so freaking long I can't hardly remember anything about this game.
From what I remember, it was on the PC. It was a side scrolling game sort of like Prince of Persia, set in middle ages. I remember that the main character goes to the sewers of the city, where he encounters puddles of slime on the ground, they's extend a tentacle of slime and attack the player (I believe he's armed with a dagger), and if you tried to jump over them, they'd extend to the roof, engulfing you, stay there for a moment, then sink back to the ground revealing a pile of your bones. Additionally, there were crushing ceiling traps, pitfalls, and other things... I think that the character's health is indicated with clovers? Also, a line at the end of the game sticks out in my head, where the villain says "Prepare to Die" and your character, snarky as he is says "Oh, prepare to die yourself."

These are the only details about this game I can remember.

*EDIT* I have been googling the hell out of this for three months. You guys are my last hope.
Dying. Halp!
The only thing I can think of is Dragon's Lair. I've never played it, but it fits some of your description.

That's not it. But it is the right kind of style. Sometimes I'm not certain if I'm just making this thing up. In which case I need to pursue game development... I can also say that it's not any of the Dark Castle games, thought those games kind of ring bells, too. Most gmae searches I've done bring up a whole bunch of point-and-click games like Kings Quest and Broken Sword, but from what I can recall, this was just a 2D "Cinematic Platformer"

I think the villain is the Earl or Duke or something... I can't remember the overarching plot.


New member
Oct 1, 2014
Hello, I'm looking for an old Japanese game I played in the late 90s/early 2000. My dad bring back that game from a business trip on a floppy disk.

You play as a girl with a hammer, fighting some evil/space/weird rabbits.
It was in 2D, a beat them all without scrolling, only on one screen and one background (the interior of a wood house, with a weird machine inside).
You needed to fight different waves, sometimes a boss with a special feature.
I think that there was a highscoring system, so you needed to kill the rabbit jumping on them without touching the ground to score a lot.

Unfortunately, the floppy disk is lost, and I'm looking for this game for several years now... But it's probably some kind of indie/amateur Japanese game so I don't really think I'll be able to find it...

But maybe with some luck one or some of you have heard/play this game ?

Thanks for your help!

Barrett Reading

New member
Oct 1, 2014
diablo rules said:
Barrett Reading said:
Let's see if someone can help me out.
There was an old PC game that I played as a demo on AOL. Back when it was the actual AOL program, it had like a set of pre
Selected demos that you could download through them.
The game had an isometric perspective where you controlled people like an RTS or diablo. The demo had it where you were in this facility, and it was being invaded by aliens. And if you went and explored the facility or space station or whatever, you could find other people to help you that lived there. Most of them were all civilians, I think with maybe only one soldier. Like there was a cook you could find in a kitchen with a knife, and a mechanic with a monkey wrench. Even women with no weapons I think. And then they would follow you. And you had to practically get everybody and go down this elevator or teleport and then the aliens were teleporting in and you had to beat them back to close the their teleport which I think ended the demo.
I could swear it started with the letter A. And I thought the title had 2 words. Like Alien Apocalypse Or something, (not it by the way). Thanks for any help on this.
Enemy Infestation (1998)


Holy crap, I think that's it. The video isnt the exact same part I played but that looks exactly like I remember, thanks.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
razgriz3 said:
Hello hello,
I believe both of the games I am thinking about were played on sega genesis. One of them you played as a ninja who had various abilities... including turning into stone to kill all enemies on the screen at the cost of one life. One of the levels you are traveling through slime and in the the boss is in the background and will target you if you stop for too long. There were also many large green vats throughout the game that you can break.
The other game was a sidescrolling (some vertical scrolling levels) mini-submarine game. Played it a lot in co-op mode. That is all know.
The first game sounds a lot like either Revenge of Shinobi or Shinobi 3. The slime level doesn't ring a bell but the ability to turn into stone and explode sounds exactly like a Shinobi power.

Drawing a blank on the sub game I'm afraid. Was the entire game underwater, or just certain levels?


New member
Oct 5, 2011
chumbo said:
This one is bugging me! It's a game on Playstation or maybe Sega. It was top-down, isometric, shooter. It was futuristic and i believe the first level was on some kind of spaceship. It was very bloody. One of the weapons was a high-rate-of-fire silenced weapon. I distinctly remember walking over dead bodies and it was one of the first games to leave bloody footsteps as you walked over them. Graphics were 2d isometric style. It was not point and click controls. Oh and it's NOT 77-Crusader: No Remorse.
Sounds like Loaded, which IIRC came out on Saturn and PS1, or Reloaded which I think was Playstation only.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
Johnny Denmer said:

I'm looking for a quite old video game for PC, I think it might of ran on DOS. It was a rail shooting game (players use mouse to aim and shoot at approaching enemies); also the levels itself were static, meaning, you don't move around the space, you just see a static level and enemies come from sides of the screen or from different areas of the static level.
Lethal Enforcers, perhaps?


New member
Oct 5, 2011
totallingnew said:
Hi all.
I've followed this thread for a long time and now I want to try my luck with a random memory or four from my childhood.
All of these games were played in the later 1990s on the PC, perhaps very early 2000s.

1: First Game-
I had a demo of a game, and all I remember is the music (always stuck in my head), and it was a kind of top down, RTS clicky game, where you directed these little Yellow egg men around doing various tasks. Thats all I remember? I feel like the title had the letter Z at the start? Like Zorgs? or Zeggs? Or something? God this is difficult!
This one could possibly be Zoombinis?

Number 4 rings a bell but I can't put my finger on the name, sorry.