Old Games you remember playing but can't remember the name of.

diablo rules

New member
Aug 14, 2014
Tash10102 said:
I had a game I have been trying desperately to figure out what it was. The only problem is I have so few details... google can't help. Maybe you guys can help me? I don't even know if the game was ever released or if I was playing a demo. I don't know what console it was on, I don't know names or anything. So this is what I have:

You played two boys...possibly brothers, you were tribal boys that ran through the forest (doing something).. can't recall what.

It was somewhere in the early to mid 2000s, I played the game when i was much younger at a Mcdonalds play console thingy.

This is driving me nuts, it was a pretty good game as far as I remember but oh my.. my memory is rough.

Please help!

I'm really leaning towards the console being a PlayStation also...

Tak: The Great Juju Challenge (2005)



New member
Jan 25, 2015
Now I'm looking for an atari 2600 game that was like Pac Man, but you had to eat the dots between horizontal lines (I think). The character was like a lil yellow mouth (teeth and all), and when you finished the stage, a toothbrush would come and brush it. Also, enemies would wander around in the horizontal lanes with dots, similar to th Asterix game.

The colors were black for the background, then blue or purple for the horizontal lines and dots.

diablo rules

New member
Aug 14, 2014
ChanKarik said:
Now I'm looking for an atari 2600 game that was like Pac Man, but you had to eat the dots between horizontal lines (I think). The character was like a lil yellow mouth (teeth and all), and when you finished the stage, a toothbrush would come and brush it. Also, enemies would wander around in the horizontal lanes with dots, similar to th Asterix game.

The colors were black for the background, then blue or purple for the horizontal lines and dots.
Jawbreaker (1982)


diablo rules

New member
Aug 14, 2014
effarem said:
Somehow can't seem to find this in any list:

The game was from a top-down perspective, akin to Diablo 2 / 3, as far as I remember. You start as a young boy in a fantasy-setting village, doing the typical RPG stuff such as slaying rats in cellars and so on. Some catastrophe (?) happens, and you have to sneak out of the village to the next town, a sort of steampunk-y industrial town ... from there on out my memory is blurred.

Although it was - as far as I remember - from the early 2000's, it had quite advanced graphics (unless my mind is tricking me), and wasn't very grim, although I do remember quite a mix of magic and steampunk stuff. I played the game on PC, but might have been released on other platforms.
TechnoMage - Return Of Eternity (2000)


diablo rules

New member
Aug 14, 2014
bman0922 said:
Ok this is going to be difficult to describe but here goes. There was a game I played when I was a kid and I think it was made in the late 90s. It was an single player game and it was a puzzle based game. You started the game off in a castle and it was during the medieval times. I'm pretty sure you were a wizard and I vaguely remember dragons helping out. I know this isn't much to go off of but I
can't figure the game out and I have been looking everywhere. Any help would be appreciated.
Dragon Lore - The Legend Begins (1994)



New member
Jan 25, 2015
diablo rules said:
ChanKarik said:
Hey! First post here! The games I need to know are:

- This old PC,kids windows game (maybe from 1996), in which you had to help a clown to save his animal friends, I think - it was mostly point-and-click and the stages were minigames of different variety. I can remember one in which you had to cross a river in a boat, avoiding lightning and logs. I believe the game was American, as in that very stage, somebody would yell to the clown: Beware! or Be careful!

- A (japanese, maybe) game for the PSOne or N64, which had a similar idea to Smash Bros. There would be 4 characters (that you could choose before the battle) that were made of few polygons, but had distinctive features and one of them looked like the "Buzz!" quiz game main character. (http://g-ecx.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/videogames/detail-page/buzz.qw.01.lg.jpg)

The four characters would then be pitched against each other in a square arena, with platforms, ladders and many items that they could grab and throw at others, like big red missiles and rocks, which made them explode away and off the arena, giving a point to the attacker.
2nd.- Try

Blood Lines (1999)


diablo rules said:
larperer said:
this itch i have for a game i played back on the early 2000's. it was a PC game, online i believe or idk how i got it but ok so i remember there was this town, and this girl was the main character (well for me) and she had to go around trying to get potions and things bc to complete her quest she needed to go through this huge brick wall that was scary and appeared to be like a dungeon. once in there SHE FOUGHT GIANT RATS AND SPIDERS and trolls and a bunch of creepy creatures, there were her items on the side, like the potions, her health meter, and a bunch of armor, like swords, and bunch of things she earned. if she got to the sorcerer, she could buy potions off of him and such. PLEASE IVE BEEN LOOKING FOR THIS GAME LIKE CRAZY. it was like 2d or so. you could hear her footsteps and had to use the arrows to move around. its a blur but i hope someone remembers !
Try your luck with

TibiaME (2003)

diablo rules said:
ChanKarik said:
Hey! First post here! The games I need to know are:

- This old PC,kids windows game (maybe from 1996), in which you had to help a clown to save his animal friends, I think - it was mostly point-and-click and the stages were minigames of different variety. I can remember one in which you had to cross a river in a boat, avoiding lightning and logs. I believe the game was American, as in that very stage, somebody would yell to the clown: Beware! or Be careful!

- A (japanese, maybe) game for the PSOne or N64, which had a similar idea to Smash Bros. There would be 4 characters (that you could choose before the battle) that were made of few polygons, but had distinctive features and one of them looked like the "Buzz!" quiz game main character. (http://g-ecx.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/videogames/detail-page/buzz.qw.01.lg.jpg)

The four characters would then be pitched against each other in a square arena, with platforms, ladders and many items that they could grab and throw at others, like big red missiles and rocks, which made them explode away and off the arena, giving a point to the attacker.
2nd.- Try

Blood Lines (1999)

diablo rules said:
larperer said:
this itch i have for a game i played back on the early 2000's. it was a PC game, online i believe or idk how i got it but ok so i remember there was this town, and this girl was the main character (well for me) and she had to go around trying to get potions and things bc to complete her quest she needed to go through this huge brick wall that was scary and appeared to be like a dungeon. once in there SHE FOUGHT GIANT RATS AND SPIDERS and trolls and a bunch of creepy creatures, there were her items on the side, like the potions, her health meter, and a bunch of armor, like swords, and bunch of things she earned. if she got to the sorcerer, she could buy potions off of him and such. PLEASE IVE BEEN LOOKING FOR THIS GAME LIKE CRAZY. it was like 2d or so. you could hear her footsteps and had to use the arrows to move around. its a blur but i hope someone remembers !
Try your luck with

TibiaME (2003)


diablo rules

New member
Aug 14, 2014
ashleigh03 said:
I used to play a game when I was little, I've searched for it everywhere and I can't find anything!!
It was a Window PC game, around 1998-2002 maybe...
It was a game with hidden objects and the main character was a mouse who was possibly wearing clothes, cant really remember much from it but its really bugging me. I think it was a point and click game and I remember a water well and a witch, and the voices were quite echoey. I think the mouse had to find objects for other characters in the game to help them and so he could find something out? Please help me!
Tales From Paradise Park (1996)


it's a mole not a mouse though...


New member
Jan 25, 2015
diablo rules said:
ChanKarik said:
Now I'm looking for an atari 2600 game that was like Pac Man, but you had to eat the dots between horizontal lines (I think). The character was like a lil yellow mouth (teeth and all), and when you finished the stage, a toothbrush would come and brush it. Also, enemies would wander around in the horizontal lanes with dots, similar to th Asterix game.

The colors were black for the background, then blue or purple for the horizontal lines and dots.
Jawbreaker (1982)

Thanks a lot!


New member
Feb 3, 2015
diablo rules said:
effarem said:
Somehow can't seem to find this in any list:

The game was from a top-down perspective, akin to Diablo 2 / 3, as far as I remember. You start as a young boy in a fantasy-setting village, doing the typical RPG stuff such as slaying rats in cellars and so on. Some catastrophe (?) happens, and you have to sneak out of the village to the next town, a sort of steampunk-y industrial town ... from there on out my memory is blurred.

Although it was - as far as I remember - from the early 2000's, it had quite advanced graphics (unless my mind is tricking me), and wasn't very grim, although I do remember quite a mix of magic and steampunk stuff. I played the game on PC, but might have been released on other platforms.
TechnoMage - Return Of Eternity (2000)

Perfect, thanks! The visuals really were worse than I remembered.


New member
Dec 14, 2014
hey there, i'm looking for a game i played around 2002-2006. it was based around math and had different games inside of it, something with shooting meteors, another one with rope pulling, and i think when you did enough math you could go to some cinema to watch some sort of a movie but you could click on things to make different decisions. in that movie.



New member
Jan 29, 2015
Hi guys... I remember another game from mid 90s, perhaps '96 or '97. It was on windows PC. It's a small game, feels like a compliment game when I bought the PC. The game is like a strategy game with isometric view, the characters are robots, and if I remember correctly, the ground is hexagonal with different heights. I can't really remember the gameplay, but it's definitely turn-based. Like I said before, it's a small game, when you open it, it doesn't go full screen. Anyone can recall the title of this game?


Senior Member
Dec 21, 2014
Zep4 said:
I mistakenly got rid of a favorite motorcycle, truck, ATV game years ago. It was either ps2 or 3. Had different offroad tracks for motorcycles and trucks. Motorcycles would jump huge natural hills and gaps. Remember doing Superman trick where riders feet would be practically in your face. Loved this game! Have all the MX vs. Atv games but none are it. Think it came out just prior to PS3 coming out, so probably was ps2. Excellent graphics, but can't find the game on game lists I see online. How could this have been so good yet not on any lists?
Either "Pure" or "Fuel" maybe?


New member
Feb 4, 2015
K so this has been driving me nuts. Figured I'd ask here for help. I don't remember it much it was AGES ago so this little bit of information probably wont be helpful at all.

Ok so it?s an old ps1 game I think> and uh like you have to find different parts of this woman, or goddess or something. like I remember one of them was her eye/s and to get them there was like this kid that had them and you got transported to a different place that i think there was like rivers of blood and eyeballs?.

I remember you played as a dude and there was also a priestess? i think? and the priestess was possessed or something and could change into a completely different woman?


Senior Member
Dec 21, 2014
Monkeybiddness said:
K so this has been driving me nuts. Figured I'd ask here for help. I don't remember it much it was AGES ago so this little bit of information probably wont be helpful at all.

Ok so it?s an old ps1 game I think> and uh like you have to find different parts of this woman, or goddess or something. like I remember one of them was her eye/s and to get them there was like this kid that had them and you got transported to a different place that i think there was like rivers of blood and eyeballs?.

I remember you played as a dude and there was also a priestess? i think? and the priestess was possessed or something and could change into a completely different woman?
This kinda reminds me of "Grandia 2". Came out on several systems. Played it on the Dreamcast but don't remember too much.
Apart from, yeah, the possessed priestess and you having to find body parts of Valmar, some god of evil.


New member
Feb 4, 2015
Pixelhunter said:
Monkeybiddness said:
K so this has been driving me nuts. Figured I'd ask here for help. I don't remember it much it was AGES ago so this little bit of information probably wont be helpful at all.

Ok so it?s an old ps1 game I think> and uh like you have to find different parts of this woman, or goddess or something. like I remember one of them was her eye/s and to get them there was like this kid that had them and you got transported to a different place that i think there was like rivers of blood and eyeballs?.

I remember you played as a dude and there was also a priestess? i think? and the priestess was possessed or something and could change into a completely different woman?
This kinda reminds me of "Grandia 2". Came out on several systems. Played it on the Dreamcast but don't remember too much.
Apart from, yeah, the possessed priestess and you having to find body parts of Valmar, some god of evil.

YES OH MY GOD THAT IS THE ONE THANK YOU SO MUCH and I was wrong it wasn't the ps1 but ps2
I don't know why I didn't ask here sooner. It would've saved me a week of losing my mind.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
ZeroKylin said:
Okay... I can't remember the name of this game for the life of me... but I remember it was an old horror game for like the N64 or PS1 and it had a female protagonist, i wanna say she was a reporter of some sort... but the main part of the game you were being chased by a monster in some sort of house and I remember there was a part where you were in a bathroom and the monster was behind the curtains of the shower. And I want to say the main character was blonde. I don't Remember much because i was just a little kid and I never got past the beginning because I thought it was too scary x3 oh! and I'm pretty sure it was 3D...like the characters were 3D, not like actually popping at you xp
Could it have been Haunting Ground (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haunting_Ground)?


New member
Feb 2, 2015
SoulMan007 said:
ZeroKylin said:
Okay... I can't remember the name of this game for the life of me... but I remember it was an old horror game for like the N64 or PS1 and it had a female protagonist, i wanna say she was a reporter of some sort... but the main part of the game you were being chased by a monster in some sort of house and I remember there was a part where you were in a bathroom and the monster was behind the curtains of the shower. And I want to say the main character was blonde. I don't Remember much because i was just a little kid and I never got past the beginning because I thought it was too scary x3 oh! and I'm pretty sure it was 3D...like the characters were 3D, not like actually popping at you xp
Could it have been Haunting Ground (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haunting_Ground)?
Unfortunately no :c the game didn't really have that good of graphics xc
But OMG that game looks awesome :D so thanks! :D


New member
Feb 1, 2015
diablo rules said:
ashleigh03 said:
I used to play a game when I was little, I've searched for it everywhere and I can't find anything!!
It was a Window PC game, around 1998-2002 maybe...
It was a game with hidden objects and the main character was a mouse who was possibly wearing clothes, cant really remember much from it but its really bugging me. I think it was a point and click game and I remember a water well and a witch, and the voices were quite echoey. I think the mouse had to find objects for other characters in the game to help them and so he could find something out? Please help me!
Tales From Paradise Park (1996)


it's a mole not a mouse though...


New member
Feb 4, 2015
There was a game its from early 2000's you were a smiley i think and you walked around with a gun and you picked up power ups and killed bad guys it was similar to wolfenstein


New member
Feb 4, 2015
There was a game on the PS1 that you played as a dragon in the middle ages (walked upright and wore clothing). It was a point & click adventure puzzle game that was full of jokes and puns. You started off by building a "dishwasher" by combining a mop, a 3 way candle stick holder, and either 1 or 2 other things (one was like a wagon wheel or something like that). I believe the premise was that you were trying to save the princess that got kidnapped after climbing out of her window using bed sheets. There was another part where you had a dance off. There was a neon sign version of a PS1 controller on the wall. The puzzle was like Simon: there was a pattern of buttons that would appear and you had to memorize and repeat the pattern.