I had to sign in to comment on this article, as it basically mirrors my entire thoughts on the game industry as a whole right now. that coupled with the blandness of reusing IP's over and over until they scream bloody murder, and the fact that publishers are addressing "piracy" in the most ridiculous ways, I can honestly say with 100% confidence that I have never been as disappointed with the game industry as I am right now.
(btw, Squareenix should be on that list as well, just saying.)
but my disappointment runs so deep, that for the first time in my life I am considering moving on from being a hardcore gamer. considering the amount of games I buy and love to play that should really say a lot to publishers, I have played games my whole life, ever since I can remember being alive, i can remember playing a video game. "magic" really describes what video games are capable of, but in its current form, the video game industry is just a Hollywood clone that rushes out games before they are truly done and work to their intended state, there is almost no "magic" in these games anymore.
oh, its because of euphoria, you say? well, games like minecraft have that magic. games like mass effect 2, sort of captured that magic, but was so dumbed down (opinion) that it just turned into a very nice movie. and i would definately consider mass effect 2 to be the game of the year, which imo, is SAD, considering how many design choices completely bothered me (side rant). fallout: new vegas, as well, almost has that magic, but because of how many stupid bugs and crashes i've delt with, any magic that was there has been sucked out with a vacuum. when i get a bug, or a crash, it dramatically affects the experience, nothing destroys IMMERSION faster then a stupid bug or crash (that forces me to reboot), and that is why we play games, for the immersion and experience.
certain movies can still have that magic, so really my point is its not a euphoria thing, its a QUALITY ISSUE. and it doesn't have to be a perfect game to be "magical" (minecraft is in ALPHA for crying out loud, and look at its popularity), it just needs to be designed by competent people who dont try to reach for the broadest audience possible (aka dumbing down).
yes, rant rant rant, blah blah blah, some people are completely happy with what they get, and thats fine. I'm not here to convince other people that they shouldn't be satisfied with the games they play. but from my experience, the game industry is headed down a steep slope with no signs of stopping. the whole "recession proof" thing went completely to their heads, as well as "addressing piracy", and completely forgot about what makes people satisfied when they buy their game, which in turn makes them COME BACK.
TL;DR - basically I'm a hardcore gamer looking for a new hobby to pass my time, simply because of how many disappointments there have been with the gaming industry. I'm getting really sick and tired of being treated like a criminal (piracy) who doesn't mind choking down several bugs and performance issues on release, which may or may not be addressed in future patches.
thanks for reading if you did.