Opinion's on sexuality


New member
Nov 20, 2008
sexuality is an incredibly fascinating subject! thank god i've got all my fetishes or else i'd just be a boring straight dude.

Kasurami said:
Mookie_Magnus said:
And yes, it's a different orientation than Bisexuality...
Would you care to elaborate on that? I've had three different people explain omnisexuality to me and it doesn't come off as being anything more necessary than bisexuality. The concept that 'I can love everyone' implies a) transgender individuals are not considered to be either male or female and b) it's completely counter-productive. I see no reason for the term to exist when bisexuality is the exact same thing that's been accepted and examined for decades.
bisexuality implies the existence of a gender binary, which pansexuals categorically reject. there are many individuals who do not identify as either male or female, and pansexuality is inclusive of them.


Jabbering Fool
Mar 31, 2010
Nieroshai said:
Utrechet said:
My opinion is that everyone is free to choose what they want, as it is their opinion on the matter that... matters. Not ours.

Also, society isn't helping the topic by adding religion into the matter.
While I perfectly agree with your first point, you realize that religion inherently cannot believe any differently than it does unless you disprove the existence of their diety/ies? Also, as a Christian I believe all humanity to be equal and while homosexuality is a sin (one I am not exempt from) I also believe that there is not a human on the planet that has not sinned, and God measures all sins the same such as heterosexual lust. Before this turns into a debate about my beliefs, I was answering the OP and explaining that religion is anchored to whether or not the "supernatural" exists. If there is concrete proof found that God cannot exist, then religion will fade away and society will have every right to treat them like intolerant hicks.
Actually I decide they are irrelevant because they are so full of shit the whites of their eyes have turned brown. Anyone that cherry picks what they believe from something that is apparently the word of god is not worth listening to.

You do not seem to be of that credo but you must realise that the sort of people that are problematic to humanist/rationalists etc are using religion as a blunt force appeal to authority, not because they have any faith at all.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Dom Kebbell said:
Nieroshai said:
Utrechet said:
My opinion is that everyone is free to choose what they want, as it is their opinion on the matter that... matters. Not ours.

Also, society isn't helping the topic by adding religion into the matter.
While I perfectly agree with your first point, you realize that religion inherently cannot believe any differently than it does unless you disprove the existence of their diety/ies? Also, as a Christian I believe all humanity to be equal and while homosexuality is a sin (one I am not exempt from) I also believe that there is not a human on the planet that has not sinned, and God measures all sins the same such as heterosexual lust. Before this turns into a debate about my beliefs, I was answering the OP and explaining that religion is anchored to whether or not the "supernatural" exists. If there is concrete proof found that God cannot exist, then religion will fade away and society will have every right to treat them like intolerant hicks.
Actually I decide they are irrelevant because they are so full of shit the whites of their eyes have turned brown. Anyone that cherry picks what they believe from something that is apparently the word of god is not worth listening to.

You do not seem to be of that credo but you must realise that the sort of people that are problematic to humanist/rationalists etc are using religion as a blunt force appeal to authority, not because they have any faith at all.
To make claims like this, you assume that atheists are naturally more moral and innocent people. More blood has been shed in the name of land and progress and "societal perfection" than all the world's religions have ever slain. Even most of the Crusades were actually battles over land that had a religious flavor to encourage the troops.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
x-machina said:
I just don't understand Bi-sexuals, I mean how can you not have a peference?
See, it's kind of like ice cream. I like chocolate ice cream and I like vanilla ice cream. I also like a wide variety of other flavours, but that's besides the point right now. If presented with the choice between chocolate and vanilla ice cream, all things equal, I'll pick chocolate. However, if there is no chocolate ice cream and I'm offered vanilla, I will still be delighted at the prospect of ice cream.

Ofcourse, it also depends on how much there is of either. I may prefer vanilla if I find the quantity of chocolate on offer inadequate. Similarly, if the presentation of one makes it more pleasing to the eye, I may prefer that one regardless of other factors. The presentation is analogous to clothing and how one carries oneself whereas the quantity refers to physical characteristics. Or something.

Wait... using chocolate and vanilla might give the impression I'm talking about race rather than gender.

And sometimes ice cream is just poorly made and doesn't taste quite right. Or it's been defrosted and refrozen, so it gets those horrible little crystals in there.

You know what? Forget I said anything. This was a horrible analogy.


The Saucepan Man
Feb 13, 2010
A famous man once said: "Is the dick in you? No? Then shut the fuck up". I couldn't care less if you were humping your dog, as long as it is in your own damn backyard.


New member
Nov 11, 2010
i see it as nothing more than procreation. the notion that people find pleasure or entertainment in it is irrelevant. i pass no judgement on what type of person another person finds the most pleasurable either. to each thier own.


New member
Mar 20, 2010
I have no problem with anyone's sexuality as long as they don't hurt or abuse others in their attempts to express or satisfy their desires.

I'm pansexual, if anyone cares.

Rusty pumpkin

New member
Sep 25, 2009
I couldn't give a damn, I don't see why people feel it's an issue at all. Long as no one announces their sexuality and love life publicly or to me, homosexual, heterosexual, or bisexual, feel free to do whatever makes you happy.

let's rock

New member
Jun 15, 2011
I'm bisexual myself myself. So yah I see no problem in poeple being interested in the same sex. And those who do really need to learn to accept differences, because I am tired of having to hide relationships for fear of persucution (I live in the southern united states, the sterotypes are, more or less depending on specific regions, true) And as for laws on gay marrage, Why should the government be allowed to tell us who we can and can't marry? What happened to "free country"?


My shoes hurt
Dec 30, 2009
death to the queers!!

in all seriousness, there's nothing wrong with someone being homosexual, bi-sexual, or heterosexual. we are who we are, and unless we learn to get along, we're all gonna kill each other. :)


New member
Nov 15, 2009
I am a not gay, and don't like the idea of personally beening gay. That aside, people can do what they want. Just because I am not doesn't give me the right to impose on those who are. What I don'y like are gay pride parades. That's asinie. Great. Good for you, if I had a strait pride parade it would be "Hateful and homophobic." That's a double sandard, and if we really want equality then we need to noy make a big deal about somebody being openly gay, to congradulate or condem.


New member
Jun 2, 2008
lightningmagurn said:
I am a not gay, and don't like the idea of personally beening gay. That aside, people can do what they want. Just because I am not doesn't give me the right to impose on those who are. What I don'y like are gay pride parades. That's asinie. Great. Good for you, if I had a strait pride parade it would be "Hateful and homophobic." That's a double sandard, and if we really want equality then we need to noy make a big deal about somebody being openly gay, to congradulate or condem.
I'm trying to cut back on doing this, but... damn.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Why does there even need ot be opinions on it? Opinions on sexuality are kinda the big reason they are oppresed.


The Furry Gamer
Jun 29, 2010
I don't really care about Sex and who they like and such

im more focused on if there a Nice guy/girl or not.

Its All About Personality

but i really don't mind what 2 people do together.

Just because a Guy likes a Guy doesn't Make him a Deviant or a Monster. Just means he likes guy's nothing wrong with it


New member
May 5, 2010
With the exception of having sex with kids, I don't care what someone's sexuality is. I mean that in both the "Do what you want" sense and the "I really don't give a shit, stop talking to me about it" sense.


Jabbering Fool
Mar 31, 2010
Nieroshai said:
To make claims like this, you assume that atheists are naturally more moral and innocent people. More blood has been shed in the name of land and progress and "societal perfection" than all the world's religions have ever slain. Even most of the Crusades were actually battles over land that had a religious flavor to encourage the troops.
Actually, precisely, Most of the hate spewers are doing exactly the same thing. sorry if my point was unclear. They are only using religion to go "Look God says it's wrong, you can't disagree with that!" regardless of their personal beliefs on the existence or not of God.

Any time you have to justify an action with an appeal to authority it's clearly a big pile of balls.

Someone Depressing

New member
Jan 16, 2011
Four Words: None. Of. My. Business.

If two people of the same sex are in a relationship, none of my business. If a guy comes walking into highschool with a skirt and a brah on, none of my business.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
Drtfgf5 said:
What are you opinion on sexuality: Homosexual,Bi-sexual and straight.What are your opinions?
EDIT: I mean no offence in any way!
Do you want to give us specific questions or did you just want to provide a sounding board for any and every opinion we have on every variation?

Vitor Goncalves

New member
Mar 22, 2010
RatRace123 said:
People should be free to bang whoever they want without discrimination. You can't helping loving who you love and you shouldn't be punished for it.
Your avatar makes so much more sense with your answer. Guess he agrees with you 100%.
And so do I.


Positively Neutral!
Feb 18, 2011
Straight here. Could really care less about others' sexuality.

It DOES bother me however, when people spout ignorant crap about how it is evil/unnatural/a conscious choice/ whatever.