Opinion's on sexuality


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Jun 25, 2009
If you really like a person, then go for it if you think you can make it happen.

I had a friend in school who's gay, but he didn't go focusing on that. He did his work in school if he felt like doing it, and was a good friend to all his peers. When he did show off his sexuallity (If you can consider what I say appropriate for that), it was mainly in just saying how hot a guy was.

Mookie_Magnus said:
I, for one, am one of those latter group of people. Omnisexuality, also known as Pansexuality, is the sexuality I most identify with, whenever I feel the need to apply a label.

And yes, it's a different orientation than Bisexuality... But enough about that. Who wants a hug?
I actually went and googled the definition of pansexuality...unfortunatly I got a wikipedia entry on it, but it did say it's different from Bisexuality (So I guess a yay for finding that correlation with your post?). I'm sure you have a definition on it, but again, I don't mind.
If you're a good person, then you're fine in my book. I don't see it as the main string holding up the puppet if you can get that weird metaphor.

In my respect, I have no desire to mate with anyone (Asexual if you wanna slap a label on me, although I dare you actually trying to physically slap a label on me). There doesn't need to be any more ME'S running around.

However, I would love a hug right now, but the Captcha is says "Itylese about"

Itylese about what!?!


May contain a lot of Irn Bru
Apr 11, 2011
zehydra said:
AnkaraTheFallen said:
Kaz Helberd said:
Being gay isn't natural, but it also isn't a 'terrible' thing... More or less it's an expression of your past experience, and what you have come to find appealing in a mate.
I know this is probably just bad word choice, but being gay is' 'natural' it happens in almost every other species as well. What I think you meant is it isn't normal (or is uncommon).

Sorry if it seems I'm just moaning about this but I've had a lot of people try to tell me being gay is some kind of defect and isn't natural/ is wrong, and other things along those lines, so it's starting to annoy me.
I'm not trying to be offensive here, and I realize I run the risk of being so when I say this, but I find it hard to acknowledge that homosexuality isn't a "defect". That is, homosexuality is a deviance from the understood biological norm, despite it occurring naturally (biological defects occur naturally throughout nature all the time).
Yes, but I feel that a defect is something that is harmful or bad in some way, and I don't think homosexuality is.
I understand that it is very open to how you are meaning it, but I just find it a bit hurtful when people say it is a defect since I always get the feeling they mean their is something wrong with me, though i do understand not everyone does mean this, but that is how it comes across to me.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
I dont see anyhting wrong with it, and have thought about dabbling in each, instead of keeping hetero. I like to think I made half an effort when I dated a hermaphrodite in a serious relationship. She was actually really cool.


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Dec 23, 2009
AnkaraTheFallen said:
zehydra said:
AnkaraTheFallen said:
Kaz Helberd said:
Being gay isn't natural, but it also isn't a 'terrible' thing... More or less it's an expression of your past experience, and what you have come to find appealing in a mate.
I know this is probably just bad word choice, but being gay is' 'natural' it happens in almost every other species as well. What I think you meant is it isn't normal (or is uncommon).

Sorry if it seems I'm just moaning about this but I've had a lot of people try to tell me being gay is some kind of defect and isn't natural/ is wrong, and other things along those lines, so it's starting to annoy me.
I'm not trying to be offensive here, and I realize I run the risk of being so when I say this, but I find it hard to acknowledge that homosexuality isn't a "defect". That is, homosexuality is a deviance from the understood biological norm, despite it occurring naturally (biological defects occur naturally throughout nature all the time).
Yes, but I feel that a defect is something that is harmful or bad in some way, and I don't think homosexuality is.
I understand that it is very open to how you are meaning it, but I just find it a bit hurtful when people say it is a defect since I always get the feeling they mean their is something wrong with me, though i do understand not everyone does mean this, but that is how it comes across to me.
Yeah defect tends to mean something is bad. Homosexuality on a small scale is beneficial if anything. People who call Homosexuality a defect might not necessarily see it as a bad thing, it's just a bad choice of words.


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Nov 17, 2009
x-machina said:
I just don't understand Bi-sexuals, I mean how can you not have a peference?
It's not quite that they don't have a preference at all, just that they could go either way; a bisexual can like one gender more than the other, but bisexuals are characterized by *any* willingness to be with either gender. A bisexual may, for example, not be willing to date a transgendered or intersexed person and still fall within that definition.

Being truly neutral about gender is called being "pansexual", which is the term I use to describe myself, coincidentally.

On-topic: As I just mentioned, I'm pansexual, so I don't really understand why anyone even has a preference to start with. Love is love, why complicate it by limiting yourself? What if your true love happened to be in the group of people you won't accept a relationship with?


New member
Oct 25, 2009
AnkaraTheFallen said:
zehydra said:
AnkaraTheFallen said:
Kaz Helberd said:
Being gay isn't natural, but it also isn't a 'terrible' thing... More or less it's an expression of your past experience, and what you have come to find appealing in a mate.
I know this is probably just bad word choice, but being gay is' 'natural' it happens in almost every other species as well. What I think you meant is it isn't normal (or is uncommon).

Sorry if it seems I'm just moaning about this but I've had a lot of people try to tell me being gay is some kind of defect and isn't natural/ is wrong, and other things along those lines, so it's starting to annoy me.
I'm not trying to be offensive here, and I realize I run the risk of being so when I say this, but I find it hard to acknowledge that homosexuality isn't a "defect". That is, homosexuality is a deviance from the understood biological norm, despite it occurring naturally (biological defects occur naturally throughout nature all the time).
Yes, but I feel that a defect is something that is harmful or bad in some way, and I don't think homosexuality is.
I understand that it is very open to how you are meaning it, but I just find it a bit hurtful when people say it is a defect since I always get the feeling they mean their is something wrong with me, though i do understand not everyone does mean this, but that is how it comes across to me.
I understand.


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Nov 5, 2009
Lesbian and proud.

Consenting adults can sleep with each other in whatever permutation they wish - women and men, men and men, women and women, anyone else, in 1s or 2s or an almighty gang bang if they want. It is nobody's business if you are not invited in to the bedroom/the kitchen/to swing from the chandeliers.

I would like it very much if the small-minded and pathetic would stop incessantly twitching their curtains and obsessing over what consenting adults do intimately together. They are just a pack of knicker-sniffing peeping toms and they just need to get the hell over it.


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Jul 17, 2010
arragonder said:
emeraldrafael said:
I dont see anyhting wrong with it, and have thought about dabbling in each, instead of keeping hetero. I like to think I made half an effort when I dated a hermaphrodite in a serious relationship. She was actually really cool.
half an effort? you lazy ass hole, go find a real man XD
I do have one, I just dont want to go the full effort of being wth him, cause he basically just needs the word and he's in bed waiting.

Dr Jones

Join the Bob Dylan Fangroup!
Jun 23, 2010
This is such a fucking unneccssary topic it's unbelievable. I dont see any fallacies with being homo- bi- or what ever sexual. I think that any religion that forbids a way of life is a shitty religion (well ofc if it is something like a life of rape, murder etc. that is ok to forbid in my book), religions like christianity and islam get a thumbs down from me cause of their views on how other people may live their lives.


New member
Apr 30, 2011
arragonder said:
paintman said:
I respect but will never understand exclusive sexuality. (I'm looking you straights, gays, and lesbians). While sexuality isn't easily controlled and has deep psychological roots. But it seems like bisexuality is more or less the happy medium between everything.
Most bisexuality is suppressed through strong social conditioning via the whole not being manly thing. So mostly only people 3 and over surface (Kinsey scale). Of course that's looking at it from a rather fragmented lense since our knowledge on the matter of sexuality is very very tiny. The first part is certainly true, a lot of sexuality is supressed due to extreme hetero-normative conditioning applied from birth (wittingly, or unwittingly) but what sexualities, etc. I have no idea.

OP: my take on the subject is that the concept of sexuality should be burned at the god damn stake, just torch that ***** up. the concept of sexuality as it is applied today is damaging to sexuality, putting people in all these categories and shit, no, fuck it all, there's none of that BS, there's only relationships between people with/without sex, that's as far as the concept needs to go.
I can agree with that. However as long as the idea exists in peoples mind that sex is the inherent reason they are not attracted to someone, then the idea of "ew gay love" will sill exist. I agreed that sexuality cannot be classified as easily as we try to though.


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Jul 30, 2008
Mookie_Magnus said:
Aku_San said:
I'm straight, personally. As for everyone else: it's not my concern. If you want to be gay, be gay. It's your life, it's your right to choose.
Ugh... That's the thing. No one chooses to be gay, and no one chooses to be straight. It's all unconscious and against our will.

Do you honestly believe that people would choose to be gay, when so much of the world hates us?
I never bought into the "we never choose to be gay" argument. It doesn't make sense. It's stating that ones sexual preference is against our will. I, personally, chose to be straight because I don't find men attractive, physically and emotionally so. I could just as easily found men attractive. And don't buy into the media bullshit that states that the world hates you. There is a lot of acceptance for gays. Yeah, you'll find people that wish you harm. You may have even been tormented, yourself (though I really hope you weren't). It's horrible, but for those people, there are a lot more like myself that accepts gays, I have come to find (and this is coming from a conservative southern Christian from the south).


I miss my old avatar
Jan 29, 2010
omega 616 said:
I am yet to meet a straight women, they all seem to either say there bisexual or have kissed a girl (and I liked it, the taste of her cherry chapstick).
.....I see what you did there

I think a lot of "bisexuals" are actually attention junkies. Girls/women need to realize straight = doing stuff with guys, that includes kissing. It doesn't mean "I will have sex with men but I can make out with other females".

I kind of had to come up with a radical point of view to sort of prevent a massive circle agreement of "no matter who you like your cool". It doesn't really lead to discussion.
I think what you're thinking of is the Stereotypical (and often times stereotyped well) College Co-Ed; the girl who "just wants to explore everything" and thinks just because she'll make out with a girl she's Bisexual, therefore more desirable to guys.


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Jul 16, 2010
bahumat42 said:
febel said:
What's everyone's opinion on Asexuality? 'Cause I'm feeling a bit left out of the opening post.
bear hug pic

You guys are alright by me.

Anyway on topic, live and let live, only rule is NO means NO. The number of times gay men just do not back off i astounding. Theres perseverance and then theres being unrealistic. Hate when people assume they can " turn " me. Its like im not allowed to be who I am :/

(this also pertains to the "everyones a little gay" bs, which constantly gets spouted)
I accept and appreciate the bear now pleae let me down...can't...breath...


New member
Sep 7, 2009
Do whatever you want is my opinion. I don't care if you are gay, straight, hell even like animals. I'm straight so, I know thats not gonna change.


New member
Sep 11, 2010
Sexuality's a cool topic. The fact that some of us measure people's worth by it is not cool, however.

RatRace123 said:
People should be free to bang whoever they want without discrimination. You can't helping loving who you love and you shouldn't be punished for it.
Underage people included? Just out of curiosity.
Mar 28, 2011
You are what you are.
Personally, i'm a bisexual male but more inclined towards women. (I have a girlfriend of five years.)
Gay and straight usually aren't a choice as it's been proven that there's a gene for homosexuality.
I'd say bisexuality is becoming more and more common and acceptable as most of my friends happen to be bi.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
The escapist is a very pro-gay website, many of our members are in fact gay. I'm pretty sure homophobic comments are an offence here and anyone who speaks against the gay community will be shouted down, rightly so.