Opinion's on sexuality


May contain a lot of Irn Bru
Apr 11, 2011
Magicmad5511 said:
A persons sexuality does not change the person. Its their choice. My philosophy, if you don't get up in my face I won't get up in yours.
It's not a choice, but I'm not getting in an argument about this again, all I know is all the evidence I've seen and my own experience tells me it isn't a choice. But the rest of your post I agree with, so long as it doesn't affect me, I don't particularly care.


Me, I'm Counting
Sep 24, 2008
AccursedTheory said:
febel said:
What's everyone's opinion on Asexuality? 'Cause I'm feeling a bit left out of the opening post.
I do have a problem with asexuals, mostly because 90% of them are liars/emos/have possible mental issues that they refuse to address.

Which isn't to say all of them (Or you) fall into the category at all, only that a ton of people flock to the word for the wrong reasons.
Hi. I'm somebody who has SPD (Schizoid Personality Disorder). I'm a complete "loner" in layman's terms, i do not seek human contact whatsoever and suffer anxiety attacks whenever i'm placed in stressful situations outside of my isolation and comfort zone. It's difficult for me to form friendships and relationships because of this, but also because i have zero genuine interest in doing so. I do not show much emotion towards people in communication and am genuinely very indifferent to a lot of the things said to me, whether it be praise or criticism. I am most comfortable by myself doing solitary activities. I do have friends, i have tried to make the effort, but i am nearly always uncomfortable when doing so. People with SPD tend to be sexually uninterested. This is because intimacy is very uncomfortable and difficult for us, both physically and mentally. Physically - it feels like an invasion of our 'personal space' and makes us grossly uncomfortable. Mentally because we are unable to properly emotionally connect with our partner and that can cause a lot of difficulties. Because we do not desire nor look for human contact, it also means we don't have the need for a partner because of the aforementioned. We just prefer to be on our own. This means people with SPD tend to be asexual because they are not interested in any sort of physical or emotional intimacy.

To cap this off, if we go by the "boys want to marry their mothers, girls want to marry their fathers" idea, i absolutely do not and never have respected my mother simply for her lack of intelligence and self-respect. This is reinforced by my father who calls her "darling" like one would call a spaniel to heel rather than a term of endearment. Neither my mother nor my father believe in 'love'. They also believe sex to be something to be ashamed of and i never had "the talk" with my father simply because they found it too embarrassing. If anything lewd came on the TV, it had to go off again because it made them uncomfortable. They have the mentality of 1950. To add on top of that, i have lot of dissonance with the male culture - i absolutely hate it. I hate the expectations of men and i hate the generally shallow, brusque and up-front nature of men, which is something my father reinforced. The other day my mother went on about me finding a partner, to which i said "It's really not important to me. I'm perfectly happy on my own and don't feel the need for a "partner" of any sort" to which she went on about how "men without partners turn into weirdos". Nice.

I haven't "decided" i'm an asexual yet. But given all of the above, and the fact i'm a 20 year old virgin who hasn't exactly bothered to look for a relationship of any description and no real interest in casual sex (honestly, i just don't see why having sex is a status symbol) it's not exactly looking like anything else right now. I urge you to reconsider your stance next time and be a little bit less inconsiderate. I took offense.

Electric Alpaca

What's on the menu?
May 2, 2011
As long as someone obeys the restrictions given to them by their lifestyle choice I have no problem at all.

Up to including marriage, but as soon as children get involved I personally think it is a hypocrisy; and concern myself for the child as it is impossible to achieve the same balance of a conventional relationship.

A preemptive strike: I expect many will fire at me about abusive households, single parenthoods , need for IVF even and so forth whilst forgetting that this shortfall can happen on homosexual adoption also.

Whilst I would like each of these undesirable elements to be rendered impossible for the upbringing of children - it isn't and thus keep my opinions to myself in the real world.


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
Gralian said:
AccursedTheory said:
febel said:
What's everyone's opinion on Asexuality? 'Cause I'm feeling a bit left out of the opening post.
I do have a problem with asexuals, mostly because 90% of them are liars/emos/have possible mental issues that they refuse to address.

Which isn't to say all of them (Or you) fall into the category at all, only that a ton of people flock to the word for the wrong reasons.
I'm sorry.

Didn't realize some people here didn't have a concept of what 'percent' means.

I'll explain: 90% is 9/10. As in, 9/10 people who claim to be asexual are full of shit (Of course, I have no idea if 90% is completely accurate, merely an estimation).

If you are part of the 1/10 people that genuinely, and truly, have absolutely no urge or care for sex, then all the power to you. I wasn't referring to you.


Me, I'm Counting
Sep 24, 2008
AccursedTheory said:
Gralian said:
AccursedTheory said:
febel said:
What's everyone's opinion on Asexuality? 'Cause I'm feeling a bit left out of the opening post.
I do have a problem with asexuals, mostly because 90% of them are liars/emos/have possible mental issues that they refuse to address.

Which isn't to say all of them (Or you) fall into the category at all, only that a ton of people flock to the word for the wrong reasons.
I'm sorry.

Didn't realize some people here didn't have a concept of what 'percent' means.

I'll explain: 90% is 9/10. As in, 9/10 people who claim to be asexual are full of shit (Of course, I have no idea if 90% is completely accurate, merely an estimation).

If you are part of the 1/10 people that genuinely, and truly, have absolutely no urge or care for sex, then all the power to you. I wasn't referring to you.
Ever hear of Pareto's Principle? It's the 80-20 rule; that 80% of something comes from 20% of something else. Now use it in conjunction with your claim.

According to wikipedia, "One commonly cited study placed the prevalence of asexuality at 1%.[8]".

So think about what you are saying. 90% of 1% are bullshitting. So you are, in effect, claiming that 0.1% are actually asexual. Unless of course you are claiming that it's more like 10% who "claim" to be asexual but it's only the 1% that genuinely are. Regardless, you are in no position whatsoever to make such a baseless claim yourself.

It's no different to people claiming that homosexuality is a choice, because it is an utterly baseless claim based on their own personal opinion.


New member
May 20, 2010
My opinion is that you kids think way too much about this when really its a trivial and perfunctory subject.

get over it. And get of my lawn whilst you're at it!! ;-)

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
I am yet to meet a straight women, they all seem to either say there bisexual or have kissed a girl (and I liked it, the taste of her cherry chapstick).

I think a lot of "bisexuals" are actually attention junkies. Girls/women need to realize straight = doing stuff with guys, that includes kissing. It doesn't mean "I will have sex with men but I can make out with other females".

I kind of had to come up with a radical point of view to sort of prevent a massive circle agreement of "no matter who you like your cool". It doesn't really lead to discussion.


New member
Apr 30, 2011
I respect but will never understand exclusive sexuality. (I'm looking you straights, gays, and lesbians). While sexuality isn't easily controlled and has deep psychological roots. But it seems like bisexuality is more or less the happy medium between everything.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Kaz Helberd said:
I think people are conditioned into their sexuality based on external (and in some RARE cases) internal stimuli.

Biologically the 'Default' orientation is 'straight' (hence the term "straight") but depending on how one was raised, who their parents are, and what they're exposed to, that can change.

Being gay isn't natural, but it also isn't a 'terrible' thing... More or less it's an expression of your past experience, and what you have come to find appealing in a mate.

Girls want to marry their fathers, and boys want to marry their mothers.

It can also be like "Goth" or "Nerd" or "Jock", what have you. Goths tend to gravitate toward other Goths, etc. once together, they sort of feed of each other, and become more exaggerated versions of themselves.

I believe homosexuality is no different.

(I don't mean to equate homosexuality to a fad, but merely conditional behavior)

What it does come down to is; Are you being true to yourself? Are you happy? Can you find someone else who shares your preferences and cares about you? Are they being true to themselves?

It's important not to lie to yourself, because you set yourself up for pain down the road... gay or straight.

Gays don't need to be treated like freaks or like they're hurting anyone. They need LOVE... just like EVERYONE ELSE!!

Remember, we're all just playing with the cards we're dealt.

We all one the same thing, To love and be loved. Who you love doesn't matter.


I apologize if I went on a tangent, but I find this subject and others like it fascinating.
wow, this is one of the stupidest things Ive seen on the site at all, but considering that it was made from a new account I have a feeling its just trolling but here is a link (warning, has animal wangs, apparently)


New member
Mar 24, 2009
So long ans you keep it to where it belongs, e.g. Talking about sex in places where people talk about sex. I don't really care. If your happy then you continue doing what makes you happy.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Randvek said:
zehydra said:
If heterosexuality is to mean that I am only sexually attracted to one sex, then I definitely fit that label.
Imagine all the world's females die. Not only that, but "homosexuality" becomes actively encouraged. It's everywhere, just like sex is now. You don't think 20 30 40 years in that you would question yourself even one little bit?

There's no shame in saying you would. Sex is situational. You've just never been in a situation that forced you to question yours and, if you really are as "one direction" as you think you are, such a situation might be very, very unrealistic. But I highly doubt impossible.
I seriously doubt I would ever become homosexual. I might desire to have sex with somebody and pretend they're female or something.

I think if all the world's females died, we'd have a MUCH more serious problem on our hands than just sexuality anyway. A lot of guys would probably kill themselves off knowing this.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
AnkaraTheFallen said:
Kaz Helberd said:
Being gay isn't natural, but it also isn't a 'terrible' thing... More or less it's an expression of your past experience, and what you have come to find appealing in a mate.
I know this is probably just bad word choice, but being gay is' 'natural' it happens in almost every other species as well. What I think you meant is it isn't normal (or is uncommon).

Sorry if it seems I'm just moaning about this but I've had a lot of people try to tell me being gay is some kind of defect and isn't natural/ is wrong, and other things along those lines, so it's starting to annoy me.
I'm not trying to be offensive here, and I realize I run the risk of being so when I say this, but I find it hard to acknowledge that homosexuality isn't a "defect". That is, homosexuality is a deviance from the understood biological norm, despite it occurring naturally (biological defects occur naturally throughout nature all the time).


New member
Jul 9, 2010
Just like the other thousand threads like this, It's their business, It doesn't affect me I really don't care