Optimus Gets Mad in New Transformers Trailer


New member
Sep 11, 2007
God damn it am I sick of them tacking on "love" stories to these movies. People do great and amazing this for other reasons than "love".


New member
Jul 28, 2010
Intro Music: "We watched the Inception trailer again and again and again.

BAAM. BAAM. BAAM. We get it, it's supposed to be dramatic. But after a while the music was seriously getting painful to listen to.

Shia Labeouf: "WHERE IS SHE!!!!" Megan Fox? She got canned because she is awful. Oh, there's a new girl? Yeah, right behind you, bro.

I feel as though this movie would gain so much by removing Shia Labeouf, hell, that could have saved the entire franchise.

Robots taking over the planet: Eh, that could be pretty cool. Better than Revenge of the Fallen, I'm sure... I hope... Yeah, I hope...

Overall: I like how Movie Bob said it: Toy Cars + Toy Robots. They can "destroy" the Transformer series as much as they want, because in the end, that's all I see as being the worst causality. It wouldn't hurt if they tried to make a decent flick, though.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Didn't think it was that bad, but my attention sort of wandered off in like thirty seconds so I won't be seeing it.

Luke Cartner

New member
May 6, 2010
I have given up all hope that in the next few years any transformer movie about actual transformers (opposed to a snort nosed 20 something) will be release anytime soon.

This trailer indicates they still dont understand that in transformers the robots are the main characters not just vehicles for spectacle. While the humans are almost completely unimportant.
I mean if a bully wanted to crush an ants nest and you tried to stop him would any one ants struggles really be that interesting in the scheme of things?

Same thing here..
And in this one it looks like they are actually trying to shoe horn in a plot from clover fields rather than I dont know focus on the giant robots..

Space Jawa

New member
Feb 2, 2010
Luke Cartner said:
I mean if a bully wanted to crush an ants nest and you tried to stop him would any one ants struggles really be that interesting in the scheme of things?
If I were an ant, it might.

The Rockerfly

New member
Dec 31, 2008
Why are the explosions in Transformers like fireworks? I find it really off putting and why are they still using shia labeuf he is one of the worst actors I can think of. Even in wall street he was out of place and only serves to be a pain in everyone's arse

Devil's Due

New member
Sep 27, 2008
Echo136 said:
Its going to be another stupid military recruiting movie. I really have no interest.
I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. You may be in the wrong thread, bud.

As for the thread: I'm not really sure what I feel. Maybe the following expression best captures what I'm feeling about Transformers 3:

"Not sure if want..."


New member
May 28, 2008
I enjoyed the first film. Didn't really care for the second one much.

The third one will be alright, as long as Bay remembers that the movie is called "TRANSFORMERS" and not "Shia Lebouf and Friends: Starring Optimus Prime".

Just make it more about the robots, and less about the humans. And especially less about the love interests. Seriously, nobody went to the second movie to hear Lebouf and Fox compete to see who'd say "I love you" first. NOBODY!

Andy of Comix Inc

New member
Apr 2, 2010
Straying Bullet said:
I personally enjoyed both movies. I don't suffer from "Nostalgia" or whatever from the old cartoons. I also enjoyed the game "War for Cybertron". Love it!
Hmm. I never watched Transformers as a kid - it was before my time - and yet even though I enjoyed the first film (second film annoyed the hell out of me), I can still objectively stand back and realize... okay, this film series is pretty terrible.

Especially considering the material they have to work with, they have made very poor creative decisions. Most of them rhyming with "birected dy Blichael May."

Boris Goodenough

New member
Jul 15, 2009
The only issues I have had with the transformers movies is the MASSIVE amounts of time spent enduring the "romances" in the movies, and too few robot fights.

I want to see robot fights in Transformers, give it to meeeee!

And I am old enough to have seen the original series and the animated movie when first released.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
I dont think the internet will allow me to be exited for this, but i am one of the supprisingly large group of people who enjoyed the transformers films, having not grown up with the old transformers i found them very entertaining and personally i cant wait for the new one, Let the quote-flaming begin!
honestly i dont hate/blame you for that never having grown up with it you have nothing to be upset about i how ever do time for my small rant now

oh joy yet anouther movie based around killing my child hood and ugly ass robots thanks hollywood you basterds.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
That looks like, not to be negative or anything, the stupidest crap that I've ever seen.
If it was just stupid crap, then it might actually be enhoyable. As it is, they take themselves far too seriously, and spend too much time with romances and suspense. It'd be much more enjoyable if they spent all their time with unrealistic fights and enjoyable stupidity. :p

V TheSystem V

New member
Sep 11, 2009
Really enjoyed the first film, but after several viewings it bored me.

Second film...enjoyed it when I saw it, but agree it was WAY WAY WAY too long, but thinking back on it, the film wasn't great.

Third film had better be better than the second one. If it is, then I will be happy.


New member
Jun 29, 2004
viciouspen said:
All I know is that it would be nice if the Transformers weren't secondary players in their own movie.

IPeople want an actual TRANSFORMERS movie, meaning, that the transformers are the stars of their own movie.

Track how many lines they have from the first movie till this one, bet you Sam's comic relief mom has more.
It's called Money. Bot time costs far more than showing a car or person. While i'd like see more interaction between them, I get why films are way they are. If you only get X amount of Bot screen time, then id rather majority of it be spent on them fighting it out than trying make the robot citizen cane. Plus it grounds the story to knock off some of the hard nerdy edges to make it collectively more relateable to most people before going full blast with the fantastic elements.

Also having an intergalactic robot war on our front lawns humans would just sit back and watch? Really? I highly doubt that much as I like this reimagining of If transformers appeared in the real world rather than a straight clone of G1 where humans reaction to cybertron's battle on earth for most part goes unnoticed and they rarely fight back.

Expecting no humans is highly unrealistic and pointless. I mean what's the point of a live action film if there's no humans ever in the shot. If there was going be an all robot story it would likely be better being animated or a CGI flick like the TMNT movie that came out a few years back.

On top of that there's always been tons of humans in transformers. Even G1 as their a major part of why the autobots win the great war since they weren't war machines like the decepticons. They were such a factor Megatron went back in time to prevent them from ever existing in beast wars. The only series without humans is beast machines. Every other series Humans were always present.

As for Prime being annoyed in the trailer, I think some of the quotes are intentionally ripped out of context to make the Trailer seem bleaker for the heroes. Prime likely was telling the lady she madea grave mistake because it was too late to stop whatever threat had begun before it happened. Not just because he was being bitter. His other quotes about the fight being humanity's is probably what he says before he and the autobots leave earth at the end of the film when Simmons is in the wheel chair from whatever battle damage he took over the course of the film. Prime wouldn't leave the earth high and dry in middle of a crap storm like this(even if we deserved it.), and given how much butt he's kicking in the trailer, you know he won't be sitting this fight out in the end. The autobots will be fighting off the decepticons forces with alittle help from a couple humans as they always do.


Vi Britannia
Aug 1, 2009
Hang on hang on hang on,
-So the Transformers are from the moon?
-The Washington memorial is a death robot beacon?
-The space race was in oder to find the transformers?
-If earth already knew about the TF's, why are they so surprised they show up in the first 2 movies?
-They let Bay near a film set again?

too many questions, too many holes, too many explosions. In the words of one of my favourite weird haired protagonists, "Not Interested".

Asuka Soryu

New member
Jun 11, 2010
This actually looks appealing. I mean, if they could just cut out the poor humour, get rid of Shia Lebouf and any romance and make this what it needs to be, Autobots and Decepticons smashing eachother with huge explosions, then I think it'd be a great popcorn flic.

Saddly, I worry they're gone to add some poor jokes and try to make the story revolve around Shia, once again. I don't care about the humans in a Transformer's movie. I care about the giant robots, I don't care about some kid going to college or his girlfriend problems.


Asuka Soryu

New member
Jun 11, 2010
themerrygambit said:
I'm sorry but that Blonde haired model has absolutely no place in this movie. This girl just can't compare to Megan Fox... Stupid Bay when will you learn your magnificent ego just makes you a Bag of douche.

Looks cool otherwise.
Megan Fox had no place in these movies. She was a waste of space character tossed in so they could have some crappy romance to draw more women into watching this.


New member
Jul 23, 2010
I thought it was just going to be transformers randomly blowing up Califonia. I'm very disapointed.

In all seriousness though, I have to say I liked the other 2. Yes, I liked them, sue me.